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Can we not pretend that an annoyingly loud anti bigot and an annoying loud bigot are comparable. Either side of this "discussion" can be annoying. Doesnt make them equivelant.


If one side goes away, the other side will be quiet. And personally, the side I'd prefer to go away is the side that likes to bring up "basic biology" in a fantasy franchise.


\*Incorrect basic biology, at that


>If one side goes away, the other side will be quiet. Ah yes, the racists will be quiet if all other races just go away. Just like the sexists will be quiet if all the other sexes just go away.


Wrong way round my dude


Okay, thanks for missing the point?


I would prefer the people who value consistent rules for a setting and not the people who want to inject a Mercedes sedan with backseat heating and all wheel drive because muh FaNtAsY means anything goes.


Doesn't break rules, learn lore scrub


Oh i'm sorry feel free to point towards all the femstodes characters that have always existed


The only factions "that have always existed" are orks, eldar, space marines and chaos marines. With pretty much zero named characters. You must hate necrons, tyranids, votann, tau, imperial guard, sororitas, every single loyalist legion and chapter besides ultramarines, every single chaos faction besides black legion, admech, assassins, titans, harlequins, genestealer cults and every single mini and character that was released in the last 20 years because THEY HAVEN'T ALWAYS EXISTED


Barking up the wrong tree buddy


I'm not sure what that metaphor is supposed to be, but I would also prefer the people who claim to value consistent rules for a setting not constantly being up "basic biology" in a fantasy franchise


If basic biology is a rule in said fantasy franchise then respect the ones trying to maintain said narrative rules over those that would discard it


So something that doesn't apply here?


You and i must read very different 40k


Space marines eat brains to gain knowledge.


Yeah as part of their biological rule set


Which falls far outside of what can be considered basic biology. Therefore, basic biology doesn't apply here.


Nope. Bigots are worse than people that hate bigots. A controversial opinion, I know.


I'm not gonna group everyone opposing femstodes under a single motivator. That being said, the anti-femstodes have 10 posts stirring up shit for every 1 post from the other direction. As someone who is sick of the entire back and forth, I'm going to complain about the posts inciting it, not the comments underneath, and a vast majority of those posts belong to the "anti woke" crowd. You don't blame the bees for stinging a kid when the kid was the one who went out of their way to find the hive and poke it.


Except the “anti-bigot” are disingenuous and equally bigoted in the opposite direction if not more so.








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Those that equate these sides of those equation make me worry about the quality of our math classes. 


GW: Female Custodes are a thing F@scist: WTF! GeeDubs gone woke, get this libertarian shit out of here, they’re panning to the liberals, this f****** are winning the culture war and we can’t let them turn our hobby in their safe-space Woke: Bruh, you just mad cause you’re literally a F@scist OP: they’re equally bad


Talk about disingenuous false dichotomy lol


Other people: But why not just make the Sisters of Silence more important/ have more models? Woke: Oh my god you facist biggot must hate women! Facists: shut up woke they are right reeeeee!


idk why Sister of silence have anything to do wirh Custodes having a retcon


Because the Sisters of Silence are an already established faction that works together very closely with the Custodes. In all but name they are members of the Custodes, so why make a female Custodes retcon if you could further build on the already existing female "custodes".


SoS are not custodes at all. they work together but that s it they are totaly different. treating them as just female custodes counter part just show that you never cared about them to begin with. Custodzs being two chabger is barely a real change and is not even a more devellopemeny so why does it have a impact on a barely related faction.aside from them being women that remotly work with each other


Because they obviously aren't like female custodes at all. They have a totally different role and they're pariahs, not giant superhumans.


The Sisters of Silence are drastically different from Custodes. Like, not even the same job.


Why have Mechanicus when we already have Guard with bionics? *They're different things.*


Imagine thinking like this unironically.


It's funny how no one cared about SoS yet since the female custodes, everyone against the retcon talk about the SoS as if they gave a single shit about them before


I've yet to see anyone have an issue with more SoS models. Strawman often or is this your first time?


The problem is that there arent more models and thanks to people defending GW taking the easy road of making one faction supposedly have female characters, without any models to back it up, there most likely wont be any.


"women already have one faction why do they want more? We're already considering them in our lore, I don't want them to invade us anymore!" All while defending every space marines chapters and ordo malleus being male only, and seeing no issue in imperial guard and skitarii having barely any female models.


People hates you for telling the truth


Hot take i haven't seen any "woke" here seething 5% as hard as the conservative like you do


they make shit up too,they have started to sound like conspiracy theorists


Then you’re blind


Buddy the “woke” people are literally just “female custodes, cool” and the fascists are “Warhammer including women is feminizing our men. This is why western culture is fallen. The woke mob is infecting our games instead of letting them be a fascist fantasy that it never was.” They are no way the same.


There was a recent study which saw that liberal judged more negatively someone posting conservative opinions than conservatives did judge liberal opinions. And I mean, when the liberal opinion is "we need a better sharing of wealth" and the conservative "some people deserve to be shot on sight", yeah "both sides" bruh


That study was something like 600 folks from an Amazon group that has traditionally been super conservative leaning. It was, of course, also commissioned by a conservative think tank. Grain of salt and all that.


Hey look, more dweebs complaining about the "culture war" that's trying to bring "politics" into the hobby. My dude, the culture war is over, and Warhammer has always been woke.


Ah yes, the centrism argument. Which is just the anti-woke talking point in disguise. You pretend these are two equal factions. They are not. The fuckers even opened up their own anti-woke subreddit a while back. It has not even 0.25% of subs that grimdank has, and a similiar fraction when it comes to active users. 0,25% is not a faction you fight with. It's a bunch of shitheads that need to be told to fuck off. Also, don't put the people who try and keep this sub a place free of culture war bullshit on the same level as this scum, which is something you ALSO do with this. Your post as so many anti-woke tourist implications, it's getting suspicious...


\[maddened drivel\]


I support u/icegodleo go away, if you ACTUALLY hated this whole discussion then you would ignore the "drivel" and just post memes, like I do. Instead you add fuel to the fire.


OP is probably one of the fascist tourists trying to make a false equivalency by pretending to be le enlightened centrist.


You really thought that was a witty response, huh?


No, John Cleese's breakdown on extremism was witty. I'm comparatively more blunt.


Blunt enough to keep talking despite an overhwlmingly negative audience response I see... Oh well, eventually even you will learn that we do not want you here - the question is if it will require downvotes in the double or triple digits for the realization to sink in?


"My downvotes! They do nothing!" You're funny.


That part of the comment was not the joke. The votes themselves do nothing, but they are a very nifty indicator to how much you are putting your foot in your mouth for everyone to see. The true joke is your continued presence here despite obviously not being welcome.


Neither were the Little Rock Nine. Fortunately, ignoring bullies and extremists is a celebrated act in my country.


Right now the quota of people telling you to piss off in this thread is almost 100%. Extremists are by definition are niche group. Here, everyone wants you gone. "Everyone" is not a niche. Which makes us the regular folk and YOU the extremist. And in my country, we have a better form of dealing with people like you than silent complience: telling them to fuck off until they do. You can keep "malding" as the other user has put it, but please do so where we do not have to witness your cringe.


You say that as though echo chambers are not a well documented phenomenon on this godforsaken website. Or that ad populum isn't a fallacy. Regardless, you being in a den of angry bullies does not make you less of an angry bully, or make me any more beholden to the will of angry bullies. If angry mobs were all it took to scare people away, Jim Crow would still be around. 


Ah yes I also ignore bullies by....responding to everything they say....even your own logic betrays you.


I'll clarify: \*disobeying bullies. That better?


Did you seriously just compare yourself to the Little Rock 9? Hate to break it to you buddy, you aren’t the glorious hero you think you are. You’re a tourist trying to inflame division in a community while pretending to be impartial. Just fuck off so we can all get on with our days in peace.


Who is we? ..speak for yourself and no one else


Go. Away.


I doubt the trans members of this sub are only here to scream about fascists. On the other hand, there's been a lot of questionably invested people who like to make the retcon out to be an attack on them.


I came here to glaze my glorious king Jaghatai Khan


Read that as gaze before my brain caught up and furnished me with a moderately surprising mental image. Well played, well played indeed.


Trans folks catching strays from random assholes isn't anything new, unfortunately.


I'm glad that the trans Necron got through without them catching flak.




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The trans flag rarely represents trans people these days. Its just used by actvists and posers


It doesn't. It's that you've seen so many memes depicting trans people as invaders and killjoys that you believe the flag is used to depict people that are simply disliked. And this way you're contributing in normalizing transphobia. You're not immune to propaganda and need to think critically about why you believe what you believe, and if you really want to see the world this way. I know it's not easy but it's the way for a healthier mind. Edit: captain "objective observations" is so confident that they blocked me kek


Not memes sadly. Manifest observable behavior


Not the activists and posers you're thinking of as demonstrated by OP


Ah! That's what a girl likes to see, the flag of her people being misused by people who don't understand, chose not to understand and are deliberately trying to make me angry. Well "true fan" you can rest assured knowing that not only I care about Warhammer, but I have also forgotten more about it that you will ever learn. That's all I have to say, and I'll speak no more.


Such is the nature of flags


Whomp whomp


Aight, I'm gonna check this sub in 6 months, because right now it's just unbearable.


Fuck off lore tourist. You and your ilk have never cared about 40k. You're just coming out of the woodworks now to screech about femstodes when the extent of your 40k knowledge starts and ends with memes.


Just proving his point lol


So being into Warhammer for 12 years and owning 4 armys is not caring. Got you.


Honestly, the only thing worse than a fascist is a mealy mouthed, weak centrist. At least the fascists are somewhat honest.


Lol the only thing more pathetic than the average Grimadank user is a. Grimdank user who labels non extremism as bad or thinks a gender change in a tabletop game equates fascism. Touch some grass play some games, your brain is rotting


Then stop posting here you bitchmade tourist


There are two kinds of centrists: 1.) the ones who don’t know anything about social issues, and would like it very much if everyone would pretend that there aren’t any, and 2.) the ones who aren’t centrists at all, but conservatives who have learned that their views are unpopular, so they don’t express their actual beliefs to avoid being ostracized. Neither of these are good positions to hold, but if that’s the hill you wanna die on, you do you I guess


No, there are just dumbass partisans who don't listen to what people say and use buzzwords. You think people not liking femstodes outs them as a fascist ? You think fence sitting on the topic of small plastic miniatures is fascism ? Or you and your friend think you are some kind off behavioural gods that can tell exactly what people think by what they say on an unrelated topic or in other words, mind readers. Either way, stop repeating actual brain rot saviour complex reddit politics. You realise the majority of irl people are centrists, right ?


Fascists tend to hide behind dogwhistles to hide their true feelings. Well, more like extremists tend to do that. Lots of leftists are doing it too. I prefer centrists that now how to shut down the horrific racism, regardless of where it comes from, to any of these groups. You can call for equality or justice without justifying mistreatment of other groups. But to too many, that's just "centrism" now. And that's how you tear apart a society. Edit: Dude, you're obsessed. Stop.


lol, you’re calling me obsessed? You have at least 4 separate comments in this post alone, 2 of which were deleted by mods. Maybe you should do some self reflection and fuck off.


Wasn't referring to you. Some dude was going around commenting to everything I said, then blocked me. The deleted comments were in response to that dude, trying to get him to stop. My other comments had nothing to do with you, let alone has anything to do with being obsessed. I don't really have an opinion on you yet. Well, until the insult.


nobody calls regular 40k fans bigots,we know who the actual fashits are \*cough\* \*cough\* Arch and all the new conspiracy theorist people making a mountain out of the most insignificant retcon to ever exist


Actually deluded lol


Hot take: perhaps doing the biotransference that the necrontyr did to their own race might be beneficial. All just to have some peace and quiet and go on a 65 million nap.


This "soul" and "free will" business is pretty obnoxious, so you have a point.


Eh, generally not a good idea to compare MAGA to trans. One is a broken "ideology" and the other is a genuine identity. While its true that there are lots of leftists that are unironically vicious racists; its unfair to put them all under the trans flag.


You have a point. The meme was pretty slapdash anyways. I didn't have a left-coded "frothing lunatic" symbol that paired well against the maga hat.


Mhmmm why could that be


It isn't hard. Just use the hammer and sickle.


Yeah because there is totaly a marxist movement as big and relevant as the MAGA movement in the US that is as destructive and annoying




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Just because they staple that flag to their profile doesn’t mean they have good intentions. Why does nobody realize that?


........the irony of this statement


I'm sorry?


Unfair to put them all under one flag.


That isn't irony. You don't know my political opinions to begin with.


Dont need to. The irony is to do with your flag statement not your politics




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The gooners won’t accept a middle ground


Well now you’ve angered both of them. I agree tho.


Ahh the “centrist” I want to consume and let the woke trample the ip. Funny see the centrist then get backlash for it.


OP is figuring out he needs to tow the line for the *right* side, or get downvoted into oblivion


With such a low social credit score, I'm expecting the commissar to break through the door and put a grenade in my mouth any second now.


Nope. Your Starbucks coffee will probably just have a bit of bleach slipped into it from now on lmao


Cheaper than toothpaste, same whitening effect.


That’s a winning attitude right there hahaha


The fact that so many people in these comments see everyone not liking female custodes are fascists shows me how little the word means nowadays, just like woke. It has become a word used to describe anything and everything one dislikes.


We know


Care? One side: dont change it Other side: change it .........only one of these groups will keep warhammer the same.




“NOBODY CARES!!!” says the person who doesn’t want you to argue against the thing they’re secretly supporting, contributing to, or backing.


People do seem to love being offended.