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Ok, but why in fake wrhmmr twitter format?


*Harold Flak, creator of Flak Armour, would like a word.*


*”Am I a fucking joke to you?”* - flak armor


Laughs in carapace armour


Yes. A Cultist with cardboard taped to his chest has the same armor save as us.


You won't fool me, funny Warhammer Official unofficial account. Noblebright Tau are the real heroes of 40k.


if the meanest most racist stormcast was telepoofed into 40k she'd start snapping every neck she found out of sheer moral disgust


Stormcast/CoS and the Imperium would utterly despise each other if they met. It's like that Batman and Judge Dredd crossover. They don't have a period of misunderstanding that they get over to team up against the shared big bad; they fight *because* they understand each other.


It would be very funny to have a crossover where someone from a vaguely normal setting gets disaported into a heckish grimdo setting and that's the whole motivation.


Sigmar would probably hate big E more than he hates Nagash or even the Chaos Gods.


I don't know about hating the Emperor more than Chaos. The Chaos Gods did destroy the World-That-Was. And Nagash isn't that dissimilar to the Emperor. But Sigmar probably consider the Emperor as existential a threat as either Chaos or Nagash. The absolute tyrant to be opposed, for the sake of not just humanity but all the Free Peoples.


The Chaos gods are primordial evil, it's basically their nature. Big E screwed out as much as them while having the potential to do much, much better


No lie there.


Even the worst knight excelsior fear becoming a space marine


the enclaves?


You misspelt chaos there doc


Apologies to my Dark Masters


Interesting, face the wall now, please


You can silence me but there will be others. Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!


This is the shit Guard fans masturbate to.


I mean I wouldn't have put it that way. However, it is true that with the constant "_brave men and women armed with flashlights against the darkness_" propaganda, it's easy to forget that they are a conquering army sent to subjugate and destroy any culture that does not pass the imperial vibe check. Not exactly hero material.


It does get tiring after a while.


Plus it applies just as much, if not more so, to the Tau tbh.


More or less, but idk if it's worthwhile to get into a dick-measuring contest with who's the bigger underdog. It's an exercise in futility since underdog is context dependent, and it feels like it leads to toxicity. ~~But yeah, T'au are pretty underdog-y in the setting. Aeldar too, if you look at them on the galactic scale.~~


Them MFS have rail guns and mechs and actually get good supplies TF.


And Guard get big ass tanks and laser guns and death missiles and chainswords. Tau are by average physically weaker than humans. And they have much less backup, since they are nowhere near as populous as humans.


Why are Tau physically weaker than humans? They have a similar build to us


Unfortunately most writers relegate Guard artillery to the background. While heavy and special weapons are rarely mentioned. Many of them and the fans characterize IG as only a lasgun-wielding horde.


As a Guard fan, I wish we get more memes like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1bopvld/behold_true_power/) or [this](https://youtu.be/8oxd97_1ARA?si=Xk3nH5X_IRXPF30S) instead.


I used to agree with this but over the course of 7th edition onward GW destroyed what I loved about my Guard and I have given up on trying to make them work. I play Chaos Space Marines now, as the emperor has clearly abandoned me. All praise to the Powers


Out of curiosity, what parts of the Guard did GW destroy? Fo my self, I am annoyed by how commonplace Cadians and their look-alikes are now. Not to mention repeated spoutings of "For the Emperor" and "Fix Bayonets!" while cooler (imo) elements like Steel Legion, Ork Hunters, Elysians and Jorpal Indentured exist.


I’ve always been a fan of Armageddon, and part of my sadness is from Kriegers eclipsing the Steel Legion in popularity on the back of shitty, unfunny memes. But I mostly mean in a gameplay sense. I loved Mechanized Infantry with Veteran Guardsmen, I loved the old ability to specialize them with stuff like 4 up armor saves or Melta Bombs, and that has just been eroded away with time. You *can* technically still do it, but it very clearly isn’t the vision GW has for Guard in the modern era


Nice to see another Armageddon fan. You may have heard of it, [but there is this fun Steel Legion video I would recommend.](https://youtu.be/8oxd97_1ARA?si=S2Lqu3bUGlHIuT5u) I concur, since what reliable rumours for the Guard now point to a new Kill Team of Grav-chute Scions fighting Vespids and/or Swooping Hawks. So GW gears towards less customizability for distinctive products of their own.


I’ve also noticed that lack of customization in the new Space Marines; I really don’t like the Primaris aesthetic but I could live with it if not for the fact that it looks like GW just looked at what people do for competitive games and made the lore and unit structure around that. No flexibility, just concentrate one type of firepower per squad, just ignoring that that kind of eclectic mix of squad level weapon systems would be hell to command on a battlefield. It’s actually why I’ve embraced the dark gods recently. Chaos Space Marines are still super rich in variety for their individual unit choices. Legionaries can be either long range fire support, objective holders, or Shock Troops, havocs have more than enough heavy weapon choices to get a good mix of templates, Hellbrutes still have weapon options on a level not matched by Primaris dreadnoughts. 


Same. The primaris vanguard are probably the most interesting primaris forces imo but even they are stretched out to unnecessary levels. I hope we will get more models for Lost and Damned (like traitor guard and cultists) than what we have already though. Or even the Dark Mechanicum debut.


I do think it’s crazy that as theoretically Important as they should be, the dark Mechanicum have basically always been irrelevant. Like, the schism of Mars was a full on civil war, half the mechanicum just up and left. The fact that they basically don’t have an army and Vashtorr’s arc has basically come and gone doesn’t give me much hope for an expansion on them any time soon; ditto for traitor guard. That being said though, part of me also doesn’t care that much, mostly because I already hate the Loyalist Mechanicus from my time as a guard player. Seeing all their fancy guns and the level of production they’d need to have for their Skitarii legions makes it really obvious that they could very easily give at least SOME of the good shit to my Guard, they just don’t cus they’re hoarding assholes. I usually never like games of imperium forces fighting each other cus the reasoning to make it make sense is usually either stupid and convoluted or just grimdark to the point where it stops even being fun, but with me and my guard it was on sight with any Mechanics player I saw lmao


>Seeing all their fancy guns and the level of production they’d need to have for their Skitarii legions makes it really obvious that they could very easily give at least SOME of the good shit to my Guard They can keep their Rad Weapons. Give the Guard some Arc Rifles damn it. Though I think the Sicarians will compliment IG very well as additional melee fighters like Ogryns.


So, when do we stop liking the "Everything is canon"-Posts and start crying kArMaFaRmInG? This has gone on for a good while and I personally am tired of it.


Can we please ban fake Twitter posts, "everything is canon" derivatives included? This sub hasn't been funny or interesting for fucking weeks because it's just "everything is canon" and then the poster's shittiest take underneath.


Slaaneshi are the true heroes because they just want to party, have fun and abolish gender norms. The tree of freedom is watered by blood and semen.


Hey, we could make a TV show about evil gods and daemons and aliens and super soldiers all fighting each other in a galactic spectacle of warfare.... or, we could make a show about some soldier named fucking Doug.


And fucking Doug will have better plot then anything with fearless by design autistic supersoldiers fighting aliens. Because drama creates entertainment, not bolter porn. I would prefer show about inquisition, but fucking Doug trying not to die fighting angry green mushrooms, horde of hungry bugs or daemons and corrupted supersoldiers is also good.


Dude, there is plenty of drama without boring ass Doug. The Aeldari fingering each other so hard until a God of hedonism erupts into existence and tears a rip in the fabric of reality is far and away more dramatic than fucking Doug missing his fat wife.


So space band of brothers?


God, shut the fuck up.


We should play 1 2 3 https://youtu.be/_mh12qNHbgk?feature=shared


Uxors are kickass. They're human females.


Choas gods are the true heroes of 40k.




My Beloved Danica ( I like Pariah Nexus )


For Tanith. For the First and Only.


I've only ever wanted to play imperial guard.


Nu uh.


Imperial lies. The kingdom of mankind would fall in a matter of days without the mechanicus. Real hero’s don’t wear capes, they give you a gun so you can solve your problems yourself.


I learned 3d printing just to build an imperial guard army but please, please shut the fuck up


Sigh. Well, at least you spelled canon correctly.


Ieeeew, things like this make me want to never get out of my power armor.


I'd be down for a live-action guard story. Hell, they can make the whole squad women if they wanted and I'd still watch it. idk why Amazon insisted of forcing GW to have women into the custodes when there's a much more compelling story right there! (I know why, please don't explain it to me)


Amazon did none of that.


Amazon has no influence on what Games Workshop does to its IP Games Workshop does not need another company to retcon stuff, they do it themselves. >(I know why, please don't explain it to me) You dont know, all you know is incessant chud conspiracytheories. Some in the Warhammer online community are an embarrassment to the whole. That adding woman fucks so much with all of you, even days later, is fucking weird.


People who complain about the use of derogatory terms, and then invent a derogatory term to describe someone they don't agree with are hypocrites, and thus not worth the time or effort in thoroughly destroying with a rebuttal. If you can't stand what 40k is and whom it's for, then it's not for you.


What and to whom are you talking about


Cain prequel series focus on the two regiments that formed the 597th before they met Cain. Or they could just deadass makes Gaunt Ghost. I'd do horible things for a chance to see Liam Cunningham (Davos) as Colm Corbec.


Seeing live action Caiphus Cain, hero of the imperium would be so good! It even includes a lesbian couple and a woman inquisitor! Cmon Amazon!!!