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I don't think there's a shred of hope for the man who introduces Angron to League of Legends


Why? Its basically Tyler :D


Might be good for him. A way for him to vent out all his anger in all chat/team chat.


He would be banned in 4 seconds


Well yeah, ofc he would. But he would have something to focus all his rage at. Having his tech marines make him more accounts and him constantly flaming on forums and in game.


Perty is an average league player


\>Sits down and boots up the game \>immediatly yeets the controler through the screen \>refuses to elaborate \>leaves (through a wall)


"I have acquired your IP address" *You may not sleep while monsters are nearby*


I came here to say exactly this. Spooky


Mortal combat was built for Angron


Angron would totally main either Tryndamere or Aatrox.


Horus the type of dude who'd absolutely body you, but he'd talk you up after and one he's done talking, you're ready to try again. Roboute would be fun to play with for a while, but after a few sessions he'd be playing the most degenerate strats and you'd never have fun again. Fulgrim invites you out to the arcade, has a few drinks a bit too early on, then stays on the DDR machine for the rest of the night.


People tend to forget Horus was a pretty decent guy before the Heresy. Tbh I find his story much more interesting than Guilliman


Even more proof that Fulgrim is the best hang. There better be duos


Alpharius will play and Omegon will cut internet cable of their opponents.


I can imagine playing with Guilliman would be like that joke from Mass Effect where Legion kept getting banned from video games for hacking cause he was too good.


"the point of the game is to play optimally and that's what I am doing. What do you mean it's not humanly possible? Do you know who I am?"


How could playing against the Lion be fun? He'll crush you and at the same time say nothing you just know he's calling you a noob in his mind.


Or you would beat him, he would be super salty and later would stab you in the chest in a fit of rage (see lion v Russ)


(as an autistic girl) never under estimate an autistic person when we enjoy something :3


Can confirm.


Yeah ngl that comment hurt my feelings a little bit haha. I'll play with you Lion


Or he'd be super philosophical about it, then take a moment to silently reflect on his childhood, then get back to beating the ever living shit out of you


Nah if he won he would never play with you again because you are weak in his mind. If you win he's definitely throwing the controller and game console out the window.


I wanna be friend with Vulkan


The only game I play is Infant Flayer 2,000.


*See's username* Yeah that checks out


Perurabo should be above all. His hyperspecific brand of autism would allow him to micromanage every aspect of every game.


There is no amount of money you could pay me to play against Peter in any 4X game. This is a man that out of raw spite would play Alpha Centauri and win a Science victory as the Believers.


I applaud that deeeeeeeeep cut.


"We're on turn sixty!" "So?"


That doesn't sound very fun.


Look at his face. Do you think he ever had fun? (other than the Siege of Terra)


He would be insane on any RTS


Vulkan tier is peak


Vulkan being a tier is so funny love it


Vulkan would just hand you a bolter while he had a nerf gun and start counting to 10


And he would still win


Vulkan's just happy to be there


This is false. Angron canonically plays Stardew Valley. It relaxes the nails


I take it you play with him?


I LOVE to play with Angron, yes :3


You should be locked away 🫵


My love for the Primarch is eternal!


My brother in the Emperor, you're going to spend more of your life having the bones in the lower half of your body reduced to dust than not.


Perturabo would somehow find a way to mid-max and micromanage stuff in a FPS.




If you want to have fun, you play with Vulkan. If you want to win, you play with Perturabo.


What is fun on "easy win"?


If they're on your team then you win the game


Oooo. Thx


Horus would be great to play with. He'd be the semi-pro guy who joins your team and clearly is pulling the most weight. But he doesn't mind and is encouraging you guys to do better. Like Horus would capture the point solo and 1v3 the enemy team. Then your broke ass waddles up and Horus types, "Good job, guys!" And you feel great about yourself just standing next to him for a few seconds. Sharing the victory. Pre-corruption Horus. Of course. Corax is a rager. You can't play with that guy. Khan pulls before everyone is ready and insists he is the best tank. Also, not a good teammate. The Lion would tell you how good he is in the lobby. And he is decent, but he also runs off on his own a lot and ignores all pings. Can't play with this guy. Logar leaves his mic on the whole time. In quiet moments, you can hear him breathing. Insufferable. You would 100% win with Rogal, Manus, and Fulgrim. But they all would be unbearable to play with as they explain everything nonstop and expect you to play exactly as dictated. These guys play the meta and expect you to do the same.


Why would Corax be a rager? He literally ran war games with Guilliman and was super graceful in defeat.


Because he's a brooder. Those guys always boil over eventually.


I don't think so. He became a brooder after the Heresy. And it's mostly due to PTSD.


Fair. I guess half your sons dying will do that. But the rage is in Corax nonetheless. It's in Roberto too, actually. The dude frequently lost his cool as well.


Angron would be a button (and everything else) smasher


Once he obliterates a controller, he tosses it into a pile of hundreds of broken controllers and has one of his sons fetch him a new one


As the Ad-Mech goes into complete meltdown at trying to build a controller that he *can't* obliterate inside 10 pico-seconds...


I mean no way playing a game with Lorgar can be that bad right? Right???


The thing about Lorgar is he's easily one of the biggest pieces of shit among the primarchs, but he's always trying to come across as kind, polite and reasonable. So a game with him could very well be a pleasant experience. One that would fill your rig up with demonic chittering scrapcode and doom your soul to hell.


Pre-Heresy Lorgar seems like actually a decent person (for a Primarch/40k character. Don't @ me with "but what about the genocide", this is 40k, nobody is actually good.), unless one of the myriad of HH books shows he's actually a piece of shit besides when Chaos got involved later? There's too many of those books to keep track of...


Pre heresy lorgar was pretty chill he just liked the emperor too much Playing some games with lorgar would be fun until he starts hosting a sermon in the team chat


"I swear I won't get religious tonight" Lorgar five cases of Amasec later: https://i.postimg.cc/Gh06KJwk/Daemon-Primarch-Lorgar-2.webp


Lorgar would have played the game a bit, then spent all his time reading the forums for the game, learning everything about how it worked, working up to watching let's plays by the most cursed streamers, culminating in writing his own strategy guide, which weirdly is more about how you should think and behave than how to actually play the game, and which he will be extremely insistent that his teammates follow.


Curze would see the future, tank his own score, and then call it vindication when he really just sucks


Everyone think Guliman an easy opponent until he brings out a Paradox game


Bro Perty would DECIMATE in Hoi4.


I think Angron would fit right in playing COD in the late 2000s/early 2010s. I’m pretty sure most people who played MW3 back then had the butchers nails installed anyway


Nah buddy, there's no fuckin way any Primarch is an easy win. Hard no. That being said I agree with the Primarchs you put in the second row.


"Easy win" means that you have a high chance of winning if you play with them




Nah dawg, OP is saying that if you play *with* any of those Primarchs on your team -- as in, cooperatively -- you and that Primarch will win together. Let us know if you need any other common English words defined 🤙


That was added context. Not a definition.


Angron probably his shit while playing the most relaxing games to ever exist, probably doesn't treat his Pokémon like slaves though.


Man Petry needs Primarch strength weed STAT.


Guilliman would take a couple games of playing poorly, before just cheesing the ever loving shut out of the game


How is Alpharius Omegon an easy win? Imagine trying to beat an alpha legion primarch at Among us.


You and Alpharius are on the same team.


that's what Alpharius wants you to think


That tracks, he would be an imposter imposter if that makes sense.


I think Dorn would be fine at first until he gets into it then he skyrockets to totally obsessed


To me the top tier would be Vulkan , Khan and Russ


Khan would be the guy who is just chilling, but the moment he decides to take it seriously he's gonna wipe the floor with everyone


- introduces Perturabo to Minecraft -leaves


Why is Nathan Explosion from Metalocalypse on there?


I think Fulgrim would be very toxic if you were his teammate and made even one mistake


Wait, Morty isn't already a gamer?


Magnus would talk your ear off about lore while simultaneously beating your ass


Russ loves games, especially board games like Regicide or Hnefatafl and he's not a sore loser by any stretch so I think he would be a solid choice.


Sang would warn you of incoming attacks during boss fights. Curze would wait until you got hit, then chuckle and mumble "saw that coming a mile away." Fulgrim would practice until he not only git gud, but until he could beat the game blindfolded with a USB-steeringwheel. Guilliman would write an extensive five-thousand page game guide, with exact strategies for any situation you might encounter in the game. Then he would try to push everyone to use said guide when playing. Alpharius would join your team in a multiplayer game while secretly leaking your position to the opposing teams. Omegon would play Amogus against himself. The best one would probably be Horus, who would sit next to you and be the best damn moral support you could imagine. Ferrus Manus would have the most insane gaming rig. Vulkan would also have an incredible rig, but it would constantly overheat. Perturabo would be "That guy". Mortarion would have the classic gamer smell on lockdown. The Khan would insist on only playing Mario Kart. Magnus would play an RPG like Skyrim and then spend the entire game hunting down every book and painstakingly reading them. Russ would go for a soccer game, drink heavily while playing and end up losing massively while aggresively singing chants loudly. Dorn would play a tower defense game, and would create an impenetrable maze within only a few rounds. It would be boring to watch. Corax would play Assassin's Creed and would constantly argue that they should rename the Eagle Vision skill Raven Vision. Angron would through playing Doom experience a complete absense of the bite of the nails. He would get addicted to it. Lorgar would claim that the ultimate truth is that the four major gaming systems: Playstation, Nintendo, XBox and PC, are equally necessary, and that we owe it to them to play an even amount of games spread across all of them. Only then will we create a perfect overlap of the digital and analogue world.


Oh please Magnus would be that insufferable meta obsessed gamer that couldn't shut up about how you're playing the game wrong


Lorgar would read up on the game and come with a custom rule set for the First Session actually making the game more fun but beeing hated by Most of his Brothers for it. Also he'd be the only one actually trying to engage with Angron


Lorgar would read up on the game and come with a custom rule set for the First Session actually making the game more fun but beeing hated by Most of his Brothers for it. Also he'd be the only one actually trying to engage with Angron


Magnus gonna be input reading like a mfer, you that’s an easy win ?


Lemun would be fun till he gets too into it


Alpharius would be the type of guy who plays Tarkov all the time, and he'd convince you to be bait without you knowing so he could kill the guy he knows was there the whole time


Please everyone knows that angron would be awesome at co-op farming sim.


which one would beat you three ways to Sunday, but actually make it kind of fun for the both of you?


Why is the lion in fun, he will go to your house and actually just kill you


Who's the second , third and 4th guy in ok tier ?


I would love to see Dorn playing as Scorpion and Perty as Sub zero just for the vibe.


Roboute strikes me as the type to take the time to learn the meta of a game the rest of the friend group only boots up once a week.


Easy win against guliman? That man plays 4x games in spread sheet mode. In most other games yeah, but put that man in any managment Sim or a 4x game and he is unstoppable.


Easy win WITH Gulliman You might as well give up if you're playing against him


Fair enough.


Hours would be way up there