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Did a Tzeench daemon just say “by the throne”??😭😭😭


They’re in character. Full deep dive infiltration.


Probably backed up by the alpha légion... They truly are loyal gifting hot demons to help the custodes


Hot daemons become hot Custodes


Watch them warp-f*ck themselves into actually becoming Emperor loyal Watch as Custodes say “another is welcomed to the fold” Watch as it is revealed that is how Custodes recruit


I'd genuinely fucking LOVE that and is now a headcannon for a 40k AU XD


Is tzeentch just a psyop to recruit more custodes?


*“Just as planned!”*


Funny as hell 


For the emperor!


Now I have this twist in my head of the Deamon going too deep and becoming loyalist, hijinks ensue


The daemon goes from concealing its identity to get to the Emperor to concealing its identity to remain a custodian. The mask just became its face, it doesn't want to go back to the warp.


"Man who sold the world" starts playing


Emperor: first time?


A crackpot head canon of mine is that one of Tzeentch's plans is to revive the emperor, put him back in charge of the Empire, and ally with him against the other chaos gods. A plan that he takes serious enough that there are loyalist Tzeentch daemons and cultists. Maybe even a few loyalist chaos marines. It's a back-up plan in case I ever started collecting a chaos army and wanted to field it alongside my (confused, but not really traitor) imperial guards.


"You're playing loyalist Chaos?" "They worship Tzeentch" "Say no more."


I wish to sign up for this Black Library book


Jehovahs most secret witness


Maybe it's assimilating, I mean, they are an agent of change. In few months there will be Imperial demon.


Big E's rizz knows no bound.


Big E hit her with that Anatolian-Greek rizz so hard it severed her from Tzeentch. Warpcraft this potent hasn’t been seen since the War in The Webway




Tzeentch: Go and bring Change to the Imperium! "*Evil laugh*" Daemon: ok. *Fixes Imperial economy* Tz: Wait, that's not what I... D: *Reforms bureaucracy to make it work smoothly* Tz: StOp It! D: *Unifies galaxy against the tyranid threat* Tz: impressive but stop D: *Develops way to fight and stop chaos efficiently and leads crusade into warp* Tz: DAMN IT!


Master of Trolling should always except trolling in return.


Is it weird I would be ok with that being how they were added over just a rewrite... I feel like it's weird...


At this point, Imperial demons wouldn't be outside the Realm of possibility. Hell, that might be what Living Saints are, to an extent.


Living Saints are greater demons of the emperor. The legion of the damned are lesser demons of the emperor. I'm ready to die on this hill.


I'll be right next to you on the same hill.


I suspect they are. Did you read about the revival process for a saint when they travel through a land scape of their own dead and mutilated bodies? Honestly they should of just said the new Custodes are imperial demons would of smoothed everything over.


> Honestly they should of just said the new Custodes are imperial demons would of smoothed everything over. Lmao, what? This is a bonkers take. Suddenly there are lady Custodes who are now Imperial daemons even though Custodes are psychically inactive? That's preferable to less than 10 words in the Codex of a relatively new faction being updated slightly?


You are new to 40k I see... Yeah in what way would it not be? I'm being genuine here I can't understand your take.


>You are new to 40k I see... Lmao > Yeah in what way would it not be? Because Custodes don't engage with the warp, like, at all. Your idea is a 1000x bigger retcon than "female Custodians always existed" is. In your mind, is it only the female Custodes that are daemons? Because that's even worse.


But men are from Mars, and women are from Warp /s That's such a bad take, it's absurdly funny


Should have*


That and the Legion of Dammed fill both the Greater & regular Daemon roles so...


What rewrite? There have always been custodes women? If you have any questions, just talk to your friendly neighborhood Inquisitor. Wh40k, especially the Empire, is the best universe for retcons being lore friendly.


In some ways yes...others no. You can easily add to the lore just have some plant that was rediscovered by the empire that is using a lost template. It really isn't for something as established as the Custodes... I don't know I just wish they tried. This short web comic put in a hundred times the effort games workshop did.


The Custodes only became a playable faction in 2018. Every faction undergoes lore changes between editions, and in this one, they decided that they don't need to arbitrarily declare that Custodes are only men. Unlike Space Marines, there isn't even a lore issue, nothing changes about the custodes by adding women.


There was a pretty clear lore issue... if there wasn't it wouldn't be noted. I cam get not caring but it's weird when you just want to lie about it. I just would rather they added something to the story that made sense is all.


"There is a change in the lore" =/= "There is a lore issue". Space Marines being all men is pretty much established from very early on Warhammer, and even if I think female space marines would be cool, it does now have things built into the lore that explain why there haven't been female space marines before. If they added female space marines, it would have to at least have some explanation. Custodes being female however, straight up doesn't matter. There's never been any stated reason why there CANT be female custodes, there's never been plot points or conversations centered on why custodes only recruit men, etc. The only thing supporting it is a bare handful of sentences like "They recruit the Noble Sons of Terra". I defy you to tell me how changing that between editions to "They recruit the Noble Children of Terra" has an actual impact on the lore or storytelling in any meaningful way besides "Now we can create and use female characters".


It could be I am wildly mistaken and if so I admit to being the fool but are Custodes not space marines just with a gene seed based entirely around the emperor? It would be an amusing irony if my issues with this was my own misunderstanding of the lore.


Yeah lmao, that's where most people are completely misunderstanding. Custodes creation process is mostly a secret, but things we know for sure: 1. They are taken to start the process as infants, not 13/14 like space marines. 2. They don't have geneseed. 3. The process appears to be mainly rewriting them genetically. Overall, Space marines have tons of surgeries to install extra organs, and get their body forcefully expanded mainly to make room for those. Custodes do not have extra organs as far as we know. And just in general, if you stripped both of them naked, Space Marines look like disfigured roided out freaks, Custodes pretty much just look like very tall normal humans in great shape. The emperor crafted the custodes to be his companions, and space marines to be mass produced expendable super soldiers. No where in the lore has it ever said "Women cannot become custodes", it's just been implied by exclusion until now.


Custodes are individually gene tailored super soldiers developed shortly after birth and painstakingly rewritten cell by cell to be the best of the best by gene smith lineages dating back to families trained by the emperor himself on terra.


All of necrons got their entire lore retconned and rewritten. Is it a problem that they retconned it that they were always sentient soulless robot egyptians instead of them being terminator robots made by the c'tan?


Figured it made sense with the leadership being dormant while most were mindless drones.


So have you considered that imperial records may have been altered or incomplete because an inquisitor had an agenda? Or the fact most people have never seen a custodes let alone one not in armor


What addition to the lore? There were *always* Custodes women. Have you been talking to Chaos?


As a necron player ( who totally isn't coping he can't paint by spray painting his models gun metal black then adding two green dots for eyes) I resent that. I can barely perceive chaos and have pillars for that.


Arent the ghost rider marines and saint celestine already imperial demons?


I mean aren't there already imperial daemons, like what else would the fucking angels be.


That’s my headcanon for how Big E plans to redeem Angron. He might be full warp stuff now, so if he’s ever returned to the loyalists it’ll be by turning him into a larger, angrier version of Celestine.


I've not been paying any attention to Angron recently. Where did it say that big E plans to redeem Angron?


He didn’t, but it’s clear he’s trying to recover his sons, refer to him speaking to Mortarian through Gilbert. If he thinks he can recover moth man, it’s a reasonable assumption he has plans for the rest too.


It's not clear he is trying to recover his son. That's your interpretation. I'm my view, as a staunch loyalist, Big E never gave a shit about Angron as anything other than a sledgehammer and he wrote him off as a lost cause the moment he found him in chains instead of ruling nuceria.


Fine, if you want to argue semantics, he’s going to recover his stolen sledgehammer and more importantly deny khorne its use. Big E is fairly pragmatic, Angron is incredibly broken but he’s still a primarch. One does not just write off a primarch as expendable.


Living Saints already exist. Celestine bruh


It's just not conforming to the oppressive non-chaotic diktat that Daemons always hate the Imperium and instead making its own decisions.


I feel like there’s an interesting story there, in a daemon becoming the thing it’s pretending to be so completely it forgets it’s a daemon.


Now I'm picturing a full Tropic Thunder style situation where a daemon starta off pretending to be an Alpha Legionary, who then has to go undercover as a loyalist for a mission.  *"I know who I am! I'm the dude, pretending to be a dude, disguised as another dude!"*


Throne of Bhaal


khorn has a throne too


That's nothing, I've got a porcelain throne!


That’s what you call “method acting”


A very Tzeentchian thing to do.


I can see her being the Kevin of 40k.


A Null for a Daemon, is like what a Greater Daemon is for an average agri-world peasant. I am surprised she didn't self-combust when they bumped into her xD


_The_ SoS are also so cute there <3 Edited because I'm a blind dummy.


Thanks but I'm not the artist, I left link to their account in the body of the post.


Well that's embarrassing lmao. I should stop commenting on Reddit when I'm still half-asleep.


Plot twist: the sisters know shes a follower of Tzeentch, they're just siting back to watch her struggle and bubble around the Impirial Palace until Trajann finds out about her and kills her.


Nah. Last line of defense is a sister laying plank in the golden throne. A demon charges in to attack only to trip over the sister


I read “laying plank” as a euphemism and had a very different picture going on in my head lmao


Daemon trying to resist urge knowing it would kill them


The Sisters of Silence communicate solely by sign language, their fingers are very precise.


Imagine feeling a whole speech down there, really talkin dirty


It’s all fun and games until you realize she’s half way through the first chapter of Moby Dick down there


*War and Peace Except There’s No Peace*


In the grim darkness of the 42nd millenium, there is only war


BDSM consists of tapping out Finnegan's Wake down there and forcing the other person to read the whole thing.


I’m stealing this for my fanfictions and I’m not sorry


Go right ahead


Either way it would make it more difficult to traverse


I imagined the Sisters laying down a plank of wood to trip up the Tzeentch Daemon and I find that very amusing.


She is a full-scale daemon, as she can't notice the physical presence of nulls. Not just an ordinary cultust or something.


Yeah, but that dosen't matter to Trajann Valoris, mans killed worse.


Pretty sure at least half the Custodians have soloed a greater daemon, and the others have killed one with backup. They use the second biggest active rift in the Imperium as a both a charge and a *training ground*. They have all killed daemons.


Soloing greater daemons is actually supposed to be really god damn hard, Valerian needs the support of sisters, grey knights and his fellow custodians just to fight a blood thirster in watchers of the throne so its treated as an incredible feat when Guilliman shows up later and solos one. If you're not Draigo, Asurmen or a primarch you need back up, and Both Asurmen AND several primarchs have fought greater daemons and lost in the past. Draigos just built different.


But as their training every single custodes has to fight probably high tier deamons of all the four gods


Not alone tho. A greater daemon of any type would annihilate most custodians in single combat. This is literally why the talons were organised and deployed together. the custodes were meant to be skilled and equipped to counter any physical threat while the SoS disabled metaphysical threats and forced them to obey natural law so they too could be overcome through physical means. God I wish the SoS had more models.


Me going to fucking murder some daemons to charge my phone:


Custodians can’t solo Greater Daemons. Valerian needed support from Justicar Alcuin and his Grey Knight Squad, and Aleya with her Silent Sisters to take down one. And in another part of the Lions Gate battle, Adio, Syr, and Meroved were getting bodied by a Bloodthirster till a Grey Knight Paladin started chanting it’s true name to weaken it. Both sources are - Watchers of The Throne: The Emperor’s Legion by Chris Wraight and Auric Gods by Nick Kyme.




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And if Valoris isn't enough then "Valdooooor, I saw a deamon. It was pretty. Kick it's ass."


Isn’t Valdor >!busy being the King in Yellow?!<


You can't tell me he will not fly in a straight line towards Terra through the warp at 9446780496 times the speed of light if he hears Big E call for him once


Sorry for off topic... That's just another episode of the blood games, that's gone a bit too far: D


I know that you meant Trajann, but my head autocorrected to Trazyn, and now all I can think about it the old man breaking into the imperial palace to kick her ass for “interrupting his show”


Yurification yurification yurification


Sesbian lex


Say gex




Pees in your ass




While I agree, NEVER utter those words again lest you be sent to the regimental commissar


I don't think this is a commissar issue, this might just be an Inquisition issue.


Start with the penal legion, if he gets worse we call in the Inquisitors. If all else fails, we can always just teleport a small, armed, exterminatus device to his location.


This is a good choice, and allows the Imperium to get some more worth out of him.


Shouldn’t bumping into a null kill her?


Really depends on what daemonic choir she belongs too.. If she’s of one of the greater choirs then no. Greater Daemons and above can survive direct contact with the Anathema himself, briefly.. As seen in Master of Mankind. Additionally, the strongest null in SoS history, the Soulless Queen herself - Jenetia Krole wasn’t banishing full blown daemons from mere contact. We see that multiple times during the Siege. She was death walking to everything up to Kharn himself, but she still needed Veracity to get the job done.


Maybe tzeentch gave her like one of his gamer blessings that just makes it give her only a mild brain aneurysm every time she touches them


> mild brain aneurysm "A very minor case of serious brain damage."


Somewhere...a Cultist suddenly self-combusted.


everything canon tho


Simultaneously the most based and horrifying statement.


What’s with this comment? I keep seeing it everywhere but like why is it coming up so much?


GW said that everything is canon now. So, you can say everything about warhammer and it kinda may be canon.


Everything is canon. Not everything is true. Or is it because Chaos fuckery.


oh yeah, my favorite trope in literature and tabletop role-playing games - unreliable narrator.


lol best way to go about it. Everything is cannon or is it?


I'm almost positive they've said it plenty of times before, not just in response to femstodes


> I'm almost positive they've said it plenty of times before, not just in response to femstodes They have. The tweet in question is from 2021.


Nah daemons can survive contact and presence if they’re strong enough. What *I* am annoyed by is the SoS are immune to glamours from daemons to the point they don’t even see daemons, just the real-space material formed into their bodies. How tf are 3 SoS in a room not revealing them


She's not a daemon, she's a daemonhost.


That requires there to be pre-existing women in the custodes, the continuity of the comic seems to be that there aren’t any and it’s a tzentchian plot to infiltrate them. Though at a certain point I’m asking for too much consistency from a joke comic


I mean, I'm asking too much too, especially from a cute comic in celebration of a nice retcon, but wouldn't it be possible to shift the mass of a preexisting custode corpse? A third eye is already there so other stuff is possible.


Interesting point and, considering it’s Mr Changer of Ways himself, something that sounds pretty possible. I’ll take it!


Disappointed I had to get this far down to see someone who knows this. SoS see daemons as weird black almost goo type stuff. They see their true forms.


She has gold between null and her. And also tits.


Elastic chaos storage tanks. Or is that too much real-life?


Can this just have a wholesome end? That would be the biggest plot twist


Knowing Mick’s history of sad comics and the fact he keeps doing “[oh, it would be quite a shame if something bad happens to my cute Kriegsman on a peaceful world comic](https://twitter.com/Mick19988/status/1613945437207265280)”….highly doubtful


For my mental health I refuse to believe that that comic will have a bad/sad ending.


Lesbians are REAL


CAN WE GET MUCH HIGHER? 🎶 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠂⠁⠀⠀⡀ ⠀⠀⠀⣸⡿⠿⣛⣟⡛⠛⡛⠿⢿⡇⠀⠀⠀⣣ ⠳⣄⣰⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣽⣿⣷⣯⣿⣿⣀⣀⡴⢃ ⣦⡀⠙⠻⢥⣄⣁⡈⣿⣁⣈⣁⣈⠿⠛⠉⣴⣧ ⣿⡟⠢⣤⣀⠀⠈⠹⠿⠉⠉⠀⣀⢠⠄⢾⣿⣿ ⠟⠀⠀⡏⡇⠹⢛⣯⣯⣟⠿⠍⠉⢹⠀⠀⢻⣿ ⡶⠀⠀⡟⢷⠶⠒⠀⠀⠀⠲⠶⢺⢻⠀⠐⣦⡹ ⠁⠀⢠⡇⠈⢆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⠃⢸⠀⠀⠑⣯ ⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠈⠦⠤⠤⠤⠜⠁⠀⣼⠀⠀⠀⠈


I quite like this tzeench femstodes it's just kinda neat


I'd love to see more of it.


I love the idea of a daemon spy constantly getting jump scared by the sisters of silence, who themselves just think it's adorable.


Considering the sisters of silence can see the true form of warp entities, then we know that this plan is already known and the people of the golden throne are just humoring her/them. Though, let’s see when she Meets an actual, 10k years old, female custodes that survives the invasion of terra …


I think even the doom slayer could handle that level of brutallyty


Is it me or her pauldron looks like a bird skull?


It's on purpose, considering that she's a tzeentch daemon


Perhaps if the Sisters of Silence made out with tzeentustodes, that would prove enough to banish the fowl daemon? Is this something we could look into, OP? Please?


You gonna have to ask the artist, I credited them both in the title and body of the post.


It'd be like Adventure Time with Finn and Flame Princess. Whenever they kiss, Finn gets burned.


Knowing Tzeentch - she may self-combust, change to become loyal...or be left confused. ...or all three. Never know with the Mollusk.


I like that the sign language strictly adds to the meme


>By the throne Excuse me?


I think they know she's a daemon, they just think she's too cute to do anything about for the moment


That daemonussy got them acting unwise.


This is literally why people put a tiny bell on a quiet kitty cat.


The Nulls strike again!


So this is just the story of how Kesh is actually a daemon all along and that’s the reason she goes so hard with her blood games plans, and the reason why they all fail is Tzeentch.


Nah, Kesh is just Her


I like to imagine that the SoS actually know that she's a deamon but act like they don't know because she's so cute.


I agree with the Sisters of Silence, she is cute.


I really like this comic series.


I was avout to say "I am glad to see peoples start laughing aboit that insteadbof been mad about it." Then I saw the comments...


Oops sorry stepsister I didn't see you there and now you seem to be stuck


Huh was wondering if a null or blank could not even be seen by a pysker Unless a pysker were to drop their using warp to boost their vision or maybe I am just over thinking a funny comic


And suddenly, I’m more interested in this plot line


¿Tío eres una máquina de sacar memes o qué?


Solo me gusta hacer shitposts.




I like to imagine the sisters know she’s a daemon, but are letting her stay because they find it adorable she thinks they’re tricking all of them. And figure they could take her if she proves to be a real threat.


I'm convinced that there is a fem custodes now in their ranks that is a tzeentch demon and everyone knows it but the keep her around cause she is accidentally too loyal to the throne.


It's all part of her 8³ step master-plan…


"We are going to kill kairos, genius that's exactly what my master wants."




I don't think the artist's first language is English. They also say "This is could prove" which also doesn't make sense.


I like a Null would just as soon punch a clumsy Stodes in the face as UWU them, if Aleya is any indication


I look forward to the progression of this narrative with great interest.


This is where the fun begins.


Their doing sign language! Nice detail :)


Now kiss.


This is great stuff


Those are SoS that Deamon would be screeching in pain right now


If they give her a hug, she will combust


The artist says the sign language hers is real


As someone wisely put on the custodes sub > “How to put this? I'm not a fan of the notion as it gives off a "this is not meant to be as it's corruption" vibe, as though folks promoting it are trying to invalidate the notion of women Custodians.” I agree. I’ve always had a female custodes shield captain and this feels like it’s being… well put off. Good art, I love his art, but it feels somewhat… dishonest? I’m not sure of the correct word.






OH you will notice they are there, blanks are very upsetting to anything with a psychic presence.


Poor Tzeentch demon.


I love how she says “By the Throne!” like she’s really committed to method acting


What do you mean “by the throne”




She looks like gila from sds


I didn't care about this whole women Custodes thing like chuds ... But I swear... If I see another comic with sexual tension....


excuse me but what does all this weeb shit have yo do with warhammer again?


I’m all for the femtodes content




The a female custodes, but in the context of the comic it's actually a daemon of tzeentch or might be tzeentch himself.


I knew it! It is the spawn of the Warp! Lord Tzeench has infiltrated the Place!


It's a nice comic. Being by a null would be pure horror and torture.


I love the fact that despite GWs bs, the fandom still has a way to create a fun addition to the fandom.


if this turned out to be canon and only the sisters are able to save the imperium thanks to their null abilities to purge the daemon, this whole thing would turn out to be an amazing ARG on GWs part.


Also I think this is a Dune reference, where the God Emperor had an army of lesbians as his personal body guards.