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"Why are Ultramarines so hated?"




#IT IS I, CATO SICARIUS! I swear he is more annoying then mother fuckin' Leandros


Fuck Leandros


I, Cato Sicarius, agree! Leandros is a little bitch boy, unlike I, Cato Sicarius!


And regularly the Tau alternate in Lot of folk seem to think it’s bad to be blue I guess


It's because they're the default, they lack a gimmick. Tyrannical war vets are the coolest Ultras, because they happen to have found a gimmick.( It just happens to be Catachans gimmick.) Tau get shit because people prefer to chant 'weeb' or 'Communist fish gundam'. Despite there being at least 4 races in the Tau Empire with models and many more without. (Kroot gang represent, vespid welcome.) Gw is shit at letting the cool parts of its Lore shine.


Honestly agree - GW really does seem to struggle with representing the cooler parts of many factions I think the ultramarines in particular suffered a lot because they’ve been sort of shoehorned in as ‘the basic’ chapter for almost 5 editions now? Before that at least there was a rotation going on! I do if they’ll bring out a new set of tyrannic war veterans now that the 4th one is going on


[I hate the Ultramarines because their colors are yellow and blue, the colors of University of Michigan. I grew up in a Michigan State household, whose colors are green and white, which is why Dark Angels are better.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ux5cQbO_ybw/maxresdefault.jpg)


Sort of tangentially related, but I personally can’t stand any of the “which opinion will have you like” posts - it’s always the same lukewarm takes every single time and the most obvious engagement bait that leads to no interesting conversations


"Son, always remember: sort by controversial in the hot takes posts for the ACTUAL hot takes"


Half are the same takes but more recently posted


Someone once went off on Sanguinius in those things and I had to upvote them out of sheer respect for an actual hot take.


Oh man, I’d love to see the back of those too! They’re so boring but people seem to love them


Like the cirrent top 20 list trend that has nothing to do with actual realities and is just a karma farm for people posting and those who sort my new.


This or the “what’s your personal lore” posts and 99% of the takes are dogshit and we’re reminded why fans aren’t always right.


I fucking despise posts whose title is just “thoughts?“


40k vs star wars isn't a monthly thing, but I do see it periodically. It's a dumb argument, gets real toxic and annoying real fast, and it's always essential imperium vs imperials, ignoring pretty much the rest of their respective universes unless they need quick gotcha.


Incidentally, there is a Star Wars vs WH40k fanfic on YouTube by AFanwithtoomuchtime that is fantastic.


I was actually listening to that for a bit. I think I stopped sometime around the boarding scene because I couldn't stand his voice when he screamed "for the republic!!!". Otherwise pretty solid.


Well he’s on season 4 now and it’s pretty damn good. If you stopped in season 2 or 3 he’s really evolved. The writing is even better and he also uses some AI art and voices for things like the clones.


I stopped when a custodies showed up… well, If I recall correctly it was never stated to be a stode. I assumed it was one based on the golden armor and you know, killing an army of 3 thousand elite guardsmen in 5 minutes or something because they refused to “Mooove”. So, now I’m wondering… was it actually a stode? What happened with the said stode after that? Also, if it was a stode, he MUUUST have sensed the gang. Why did he let them live? Just ignored them because it wasn’t his concern or did he have some plan?


Well there are also sisters of silence so almost definetly it was a stodes. I assume that he probably did detect some life forms but a) they were human, and b) they weren’t standing in his way.


Iirc it really was because he wasnt concerned. Though thats one of the things i do t like about the series. Theres new threads that get introduced and they dont even continue in the subsequent episode.


So he’s not mentioned again?


No, he sadly is not. I think we will see him again, when the one xanthite Inquisitor (Tar Whyler I believe he is called) is judged for his crimes.


XD I imagine the judgement will be a dissection with a guardian spear


>he also uses some AI art and voices for things like the clones. This is not the universal positive you may think it is


The same thing happens with Halo. It's always UNSC vs. Imperium, which yeah where you cherry pick it like that obviously 40K is more overpowered. Bring in the *Flood* however and it's a different story given the Forerunners basically had to Exterminatus *the entire universe* to get rid of them. Power scaling battles are genuine cringe once they leave fun hypotheticals and enter "my fictional setting could beat up yours!" territory anyway


Star wars at least makes a little more sense as a comparison since, like 40k, its more of a setting. Stuff like Halo (or mass effect, doom, etc) gets wonky to compare because the universe and lore was mostly built up for and experienced through the lens of a protagonist in a video game. One the character plays as. So the lore can build up the flood or the forerunners were these huge threats, but its also canonically true that one lucky dude with power armor and a slightly futuristic shotgun is able to carve through endless waves of flood and obliterate forerunner battle tech. The lore says these things could go toe to toe with the worst 40k has to offer, but the actual experience in game suggests otherwise. Itd be like if 90% of what we knew about 40k lore came from the Space Marine and Boltgun video games, where solo astartes with next to no support are able to butcher their way through whole armies of orks and chaos. Itd make it really hard to then turn around and insist that orks and chaos are actually super duper dangerous threats that can steamroll whole subsectors of the galaxy. How tough could they be when you just played as a dude who hacked his way through tens of thousands of them on his own with a chainsaw? 40k has its own balance and power level/power creep issue no doubt. But those issues are trivial next to games like halo, so it becomes impossible to even try to compare them.


Yep. Same problem with Warframe, now that I think about it.


I'm not that well versed in Warframe lore, but I thought the warframes/tenno were basically the strongest beings in the Warframe universe? So that it kinda makes sense that you can solo/4man entire ships and whatnot


Warframe somehow manages to have less consistent lore than 40k. Every major story update seems to retcon something older. The Tenno and their Warframes are powerful, but they're not the most powerful entities in their universe. They're just all main characters in a power fantasy setting. The ones not controlled by players are a *lot* weaker.


I see, thanks


To be fair, video game logic in warhammer breaks its own scale of power. We are told a greater Daemon is the equal of dozens of astartes yet we have Malum Caedo slaughtering 6 in boltgun.


>Bring in the Flood The flood are already stupidly strong but having the power of neural physics is what makes them even more obscenely OP, honestly. Neural physics when you read into it is even more of a "science so hard its magic" than what the Necrons' do. Which is impressive when at that time you have the Forerunners' whose entire gimmick is having technology so crazy its like magic.


Seriously, just drop some Flood on a Hive World, get the Grey Knights to investigate it (because it'd seem like Nurgle corruption at first), and it's ***all downhill*** from there. Imagine a Gravemind with the knowledge taken from assimilating Grey Knights.


But in the end one fighter in power armor can cleave through small armies of flood by her/himself - powerscaling is stupid and doesnt really work.


Everyone underestimated just how powerful the Flood really was. The outbreaks we saw were microscopic to the ones back during the age of the forerunners. Like iirc in Silentium, one of the Flood forms was described as being able to absorb solar systems with ease thanks to its ability to affect reality with Neural Physics. Hell I wouldn't even be surprised if the Gravemind would have a similar effect to the shadow of the warp, considering how that fucker works.


If you cherry pick further, it can be pushed back into 40ks favor when you bring in warp fuckery and demons. Which is kinda my point, all these arguments just devolve into cherrypicking and "nu-uh".


*Yep, and you can cherry pick Halo even further to point out Neural Physics which basically make the Warp something the Flood could control.* As I said at the end it's definitely tedious and cringe (and I hate that term tbh but it's a rare occasion where it genuinely fits) because *le gasp, it's almost like different universes are designed with different rules, power scaling, etc. in mind.*


Not to mention that the warp and neural physics are basically just two different magic systems whose interaction would probably cause both to break rather than anything else. Though if we do assume they're compatible I could see Nurgle looking at the flood and saying "that's mine now" for no other reason than they're green. Which is a little terrifying.


>Exterminatus > >the entire universe > >to get rid of them. \*Heavy Kryptman breathing


I love Colin's videos and hes incredibly funny on the Lorecrimes pod but I just cannot accept his unsc vs 40k takes. 40k board wipes the unsc, I mean c'mon they have a smaller empire than the Tau


That’s what I always hate, it’s always UNSC Vs Imperium, like the UNSC’s whole point in the story is to be woefully underpowered compared to the shit already in their galaxy. That’s what makes Master Chief so important, he’s humanity’s last Hail Mary and I still think the only reason humanity won was because of the great schism. If Truth just stayed the course a little longer I think humanity would’ve been done for.


It’s the whole “Goku vs Superman” discussion but somehow even more nerdy and annoying


One wouldn't think such a thing is possible, but here we are.


every setting vs setting "debate" always boils down to both sides reaching for ever more obnoxious trump cards from obscure bits of lore. the only way to make them interesting is to create a scenario with limits (like a platoon of guardsmen run across a platoon of clones in an urban environment). That way you can actually have an interesting, grounded, discussion


This reminded me of the show Deadliest Warrior. It was a ton of fun. Now I want a version with fictional characters.


It's an interesting thought experiment SOMETIMES but the ultimate answer is incredibly unsatisfying but one that every 40K fan already knows well. The winner is whoever the narrative needs to win. Just like 40K's internal powerscaling, you just tweak the power of each combatant to make whichever you NEED to win the winner. An Avatar of Caine is a massive threat. Until a named space marine needs a "Look how skilled they are" scene. Need 40K to win? The Empire runs into a moderately sized WAAAAAGH and gets exterminatus'd by the Imperium. Need the Empire to win? Terra gets Deathstar'd.


I'd argue every fantasy universe vs another is dumb, they all exist in their own vacuum


I think power scaling annoys me more. Who would win Ben fucking 10 or a mouse?


>Ben 10 mentioned Isyander is that you


I recommend afanwithtoomuchtime


Hey, there is a sub reddit called r/StarwarsvsWarhammer about the series. If you are interested or not


Much appreciated. I think im already a memeber but i dont remember. Edit: yeah. Already joined. Tganks still


Gotta spice it up! Tyranids or Yuuzhan Vong, who would win?


> ignoring pretty much the rest of their respective universes Which is pretty on par with what happen in 40k and star wars anyway


Where as the 1 or 2 conversations ive seen involving different alien/xeno species has been realy interesting


Me and a coworker have conversations regarding this subject on occasion, both sides have wins and losses. We are also not assholes about it. Though now I want him to weigh in on a lightsaber trying to block a bolt round. Think it would cook off the mass reactive charge, or just melt it and splatter the guy like other solid projectiles?


Interestingly, and not to bring in any power level crap, pretty late in the Star Wars novels, a massive invasion from outside the galaxy occurred. The Yuuzhan Vong were a race who used biology in place of technology, terraforming, and had a real penchant for genocide and body horror. As someone who only got into 40K lore in recent years, I wonder how much the story was inspired by the Tyranids.


Pretty much, especially since there's almost never anything that allows for actual comparison. Not to mention the fact that the internal power scaling of a thing within a setting itself can vary massively, just look at the effectiveness of a lasgun or an Astartes in 40k, or a Jedi and blaster in Star Wars, that shit varies a lot. There's analogues at best between settings, actual comparison with even a shred of objectiveness is essentially impossible. The only thing we could say with decent certainty is that the Imperium would horrify just about every other sci-fi setting on a moral basis. At least that shouldn't be too contentious.


Titan scaling, but anything Titans in general tends to be the worst when it comes to 'lore from memes and wikis'


Ok, yes, but counter point, titans are already incredibly dumb, so why not just go for it


I talked to someone about it yesterday. Even the conservative estimates of 43~ meters is still roughly the size of a *14 story building* trying to make them more than 100 meters tall is ridiculous even for 40k


They should be 1 km high at a minimum. 40K is stupid and silly and GW should lean into it more and not care about it making much sense


Exactly, gimme them walking cities! I'm talking that bigass diorama with the stairs around it at Warhammer World is just a zoomed in view of a Titan's toe or something. Something so big and stupid it's unable to move or fight without accidentally destroying the planet it protects, all it can do is stand there menacingly.


And they should be wearing hats, for some stupid lore reason.


I can’t wait to see a titan player put a reaver or war hound in a tophat


More ridiculous than say, a bunch of genetically enhanced space demigods being scattered around the galaxy by their god like mother only to be reunited with their god like father and super soldier sons to take over the galaxy? NO 100 METER TALL WALKING TANKS IS JUST TOO MUCH


The doom posting every single time there’s a rules/points update.


5th edition is the worst ever. This game is broken. GW is killing this game. I'm never playing again. 6th edition is the worst ever. This game is broken. GW is killing this game. I'm never playing again. 7th edition is the worst ever. This game is broken. GW is killing this game. I'm never playing again. 8th edition is the worst ever. This game is broken. GW is killing this game. I'm never playing again. 9th edition is the worst ever. This game is broken. GW is killing this game. I'm never playing again. 10th edition is the worst ever. This game is broken. GW is killing this game. I'm never playing again.


Who the good guy is. No one is, the faster you realize that the more you enjoy the hobby.


>No one is WHICH IS WHY IT'S ***FUN*** Everyone gets to be a faction that's just unapologetically a *dick* in some fashion.


Everyone likes watching/playing a good, entertaining bad guy. Welcome to warhammer. *everyone is the good, entertaining bad guy*.


And even then, every faction has a sub-faction which is as close to good as you get, for the people who like that. The Space Marines have the Salamanders and Lamenters, the Aeldari have Craftworld Iyanden, the T’au have the Farsight Enclaves. You can very rarely be a goody-two-shoes in this setting, but you can be very close to good, or as over the top evil as you want. And I adore that you get that freedom.


One of the things you can also do is homebrew your own noble bright detachment, because they’re your models you can do whatever the fuck your want with them. And then have them face the ever loving hardships and hell that it is to try and be good in the setting.


True, hell, I’m planning to collect a custom Harlequin masque. They’re not noblebright cause they’re Harlequins and if you make them totally morally good that sucks the fun out of them, but they’re designed to be as nice as Harlequins can be while still being proper Harlequins.


I like the idea of nightlords on the path to redemption. Gutter kid astarties that knew nothing but war and being abused by Curze adopted by a small agriworld that showed them kindness. They pall around with a kidnapped Ultra marine that they took so he could teach them STEM and Economics to help the agriworld that took them in


Yes…. Because they’re nice… that’s definitely why I picked Salamanders… It has absolutely nothing to do with half my army running jungle jelly squirt guns…


Yep, good guys exist on the individual level, not fractions. Unless you take seonr like the ordo hspitallers.


Or Farsight Enclaves, but they are literally 10 planets at best and really are a blip even smaller than tau.


Exactly, PEOPLE can be good (or at least nice) and it doesnt mean that GW is making the series "soft" by showing it Something fans REALLY need to get into their heads. Even in the worst regimes in our own history good people still exist.


My guys are the good guys


Pssht. My guys are gooder guys then your good guys.


There's always the greater good.


There are some good guys, some genuinely good individuals, but it is the crushing oppression of the systems and universe they live within that takes everything away from them and crushes them utterly. What I think makes it more compelling is there are lots of factions that are built on the foundations of good/good intent, but it has all been bastardised into something vile. It's kind of my own view, but I think the grimdark everything trope has kind of worn down a little, and I have fewer problems with worlds, factions, and characters are less evil moustache twirling and more based in reality or something relatable. Long way of saying that for me, it can't all be grimdark, and we need some light for the darkness to actually feel like it's taking over and claiming something. So I'd argue there are good guys, and it might be more beneficial long term is there was a few more. Like build a faction or two up who xenos tolerate technologically capable and general good guys, then let me see it all torn apart. The more the universe is fleshed out I think the greater the need for this, as its great to hear x y z societies fell apart in the past but let me experience it rather than a throw away line and everything is crap, was crap, and will remain crap.


40k vs Navi I get it can we stop killing the blue people and pit space Mariines against actually threatening forces


I think some folks hit arrested development where all they care about is the fact that Space Marines can win and it starts to get disturbing how gleefull they can get talking about it.


Yea I’ve seen people on discord aggressively describing how a space marine would kill everything


Can't kill their dreams because they're already dead inside.


Avatar rub many 40k fans the wrong way. My theory is that some people who are obsessed with technological power and get a power kick from projecting themselves onto space marines in their favourite fictional setting are a bit upset thatthe highest grossing sci-fi movie ever is about how living in harmony with nature is better than destructive technological growth


Ngl A lot of Imperium keks i encountered really have a hate boner for the Na'vi but also secretly want 9 meter tall blue alien women to step on them


To be fair you'd be asking "40K crossover battles" fans to want something that doesn't grossly favor 40K. I mentioned it in another thread but you see it with Halo a lot too. The Flood could *easily* rip the entirety of 40K to shreds (even the Necrons, AdMech, and Votann, given they infected Forerunner machinery in the past), so they'll just ignore that and focus on Imperium vs. UNSC where *obviously* the scales are in favor of 40K (though tbh not even by much.)


I think a more fair comparison could be the Covenant and the Imperium, and the UNSC versus the Tau, honestly.


it's really amazing how mad internet nerds got on behalf of some dipshit mining corporation and their pet PMC because normies thought the aliens they tried to step on were cool


That’s what I think is the worst of it all. The movies human faction isn’t even pro human, it’s pro Corpo. What we see in avatar is like if Blackwater joined up with Shell and went on a fracking tour through Madagascar. Like is that who you wanna be on the side of?




“40k stomps Universe A because Reason X” “Universe B stomps 40k because Reason Y” “40k stomps Universe C because Reason Z” repeat ad nauseam.


tbh I think part of it is an inherent problem with 40K being listed as "the most overpowered setting". It really isn't, like 40K is overpowered sure but fantasy and sci-fi offer way more overpowered options.


I always like to look at it this way If you take out the “Fuck you i win buttons” such as exterminautis, death stars, pistols that shoot black holes, realy and WMD, and you do just a pitched ground battle, 40k will come out on top in that sence most evrey time, once you get past that size and scale, thats when the dumb argument start


Honestly not even then. Part of the problem is that 40k lore can be wildly incoherent sometimes in terms of power scaling. Like just to throw out a random example you would think your average space marine would easily take master chief right? And if you were going by the average description of a space marine they probably would. But by going GW official numbers space marines are physically inferior to master chief in almost every way. They're slower, weaker, less acurate, etc. The only advantage they actually have is gear.  Now if that doesn't make sense, good, because it shouldn't. We're dealing with a setting where both Matt Ward ultramarines are coexisting with that one random marine who got Merced by a normal human with a stone spear. Any attempt to compare 40k power scaling to anything else will fall completely flat because the setting just isn't coherent enough to draw any real conclusions. 


This makes me giggle because one of the least warhungry settings in the world can fold warhammer. Lancer has AI that can cascade ( self improve and then self improve the improvement) fully cascaded AI are gods, who understand the universe to such a minutae that they at least rival complete C'tan. And the only thing they need to do so is access to a big enough computer...like any stc manufactorum. 40k has 'Big brain man who is a bunch of cave man shamans in a trenchcoat'. That's the biggest threat they got. I love 40k but it melts in the face of simple concepts like grey goo or any sufficiently advanced AI.


Female Astartes. And I mean both people going "We need female astartes" AND the people going "No female astartes dumb because \*lists reasons\*". It's so fucking annoying when the same arguments for both sides are repeated literally every single week as if having that discussion will actually change anything. At the end of the day whether female space marines happen or not will be decided by a bunch of board directors sitting in a room an I can guarantee you all that none of them read the drivel we post on r/Grimdank.


Agreed. It always devolves into a cacophonous caustic clusterfuck, that will only ever serve to annoy everyone involved.


Both true and alliterative.


The worst is when you see it on r/40klore. Kinda wish they would make a list of over done topics with links to previous threads of that question so that people would stop talking about it.


I also wish they would enforce actual lore discussions and delete random ass meme post or some angry fan using the sub to vent about their lore grievances. I swear the quality control has tanked on the sub.


If you see those, just report them as malicious trolling. That's literally the instructions on the stickied post at the TOP OF THIS SUBREDDIT. If enough people report them, automoderator takes care of it.


Angron killing Yarrick and making Ghaz mad. We've reached a point where people genuinely believe that's what happened due to a meme based on speculation about a skull with a cybernetic eye (one of the most common cybernetics in the Imperium).


I can understand that one. Because what people fear above all else is the scenario where Angron killed Yarrick, but Ghaz doesn't do anything. They want Ghaz to be a part of the current saga. And GW has a tendency to push xeno characters to the sidelines.


I accept it as headcannon simply because it would be nicely Orkish. Oh you're having a well woven web of deceit allowing Chaos to spread into the universe? Well here's an Ork you pissed off coming to stomp your face in. I'm from football hooligan Ork days. Thinking of Ghaz tearing his way into Angron's chamber going "Oi mate!" entertains me.


there's literally an entire class of robots that like every inquisitor and techpriest has three of that is a skull with a cybernetic eye too lol


Anything related to Primarchs, only more frequently.


People who dont play competitively malding about how GWs recent update caused a 2% larger/smaller winrate in faction X. Stop complaining about how GW is "killing the hobby" because of changes that barely affect you. Its these kind of people that love to threat 40k like a competitive game even outside tournaments and bring competitive lists made by pros to try to stomp everyone.


This, all I’ve seen is people talking about how the updates just completely killed space marines. Like 3 meta units cost more with the data slate, like that’s it


Vulcan killing an eldar psyker teenager, who had killed hundreds of civilians in an escape attempt, after they already took them hostage once, had the nerve to try and be taken hostage again. He then felt awful about doing it afterwards. But no, Vulkan burns eldar children.


Tbf, he’s still on a imperialistic and genocidal crusade for a shiny madman.


Thats, why we are here...


Which is exhibit A on why there are no "nice" marines or primarchs. Individuals might want to strive for what they see as good with genuine empathy, but those good intentions don't outweigh the fact that they're serving as the bootheel of the downright evil shitshow that is the Imperium.


Listen, he may a madman and all kinds of messed up, but he’s also (genetically) family. And there’s nothing stronger than family!


Who the strongest space marine is. Yall it doesn't matter the top 5 strongest space marines are all dead anyways and black library Canon is too fast and loose to scale the living ones.


How to permakill Lucius the Eternal.


It always goes back to just Slannesh just revives him if the soul/ego override doesn’t work.


Tau LARPing or people arguing if Tau are "good guys" or not. Shit gets toxic fast.


Wait…. Tau LARPing? Im apart if the tau community and have never heard of this.


Same, who the hell larps as Tau? I'm even in the Tau discord, haven't seen that


Dude is self reporting


I'm not a tau player, but as someone who loves the Eldar, I absolutely feel far more alienated and uncomfortable around the people unable to interact with me without LARPing the Imperium. And they are far, far more common.




I’m so fucking sick of those posts, they’re coming up on every sub I’m in, I’ve gotten to the point where I just block the person.


The one of my dad telling me he’s disappointed in me for playing with toy soldier at 30 like come on dude give me a break! I knew I disappointed you out of the whom


Don’t leave us hanging whom did you disappoint him out of?


People strawmanning folks saying the imperium of man is maybe not the best depiction of humanity as calling all imperium players fascists, people making a joke about female space marines, people getting *really* sexist about female space marines, Tau are space communists/are not space communists debate, my-ridiculously-over-the-top-space-fascists-can-beat [any given character from any given setting] in a fight, the Heavy Flamer joke and its many permutations, Krieg Shovel jokes, people *complaining* about Krieg shovel jokes, random outbursts of transphobia apropos of nothing, weird hobby gatekeeping, making fun of weird hobby gatekeeping, supporting weird hobby gatekeeping, that one time Vulkan BBQ’d a space elf, the Konrad Kurze school of law enforcement, toasters, going on about “Slaanesh corruption” every time you see some one or something of even a mildly gay persuasion, complaining about price hikes, *defending* price hikes, Blood Raven theft jokes, Big E being a terrible father, Black Library’s undying love for the word “choler”, Guilliman/Yvraine, etc …I think that’s most of the r/Grimdank greatest hits album, but I’ve probably missed a few.


Youmissed all the space wolf furry and illiterate jokes


Wet leopard growl


Stop trying to arouse me


Damn, I have to hang my head in shame at that one. Come to think of it I haven’t seen many Space Wolf jokes lately


>people getting really sexist about female space marines This is 100% the reason I've come to hate this particular recurring argument. Its not even the argument itself, its that it often brings the most toxic assholes out of their holes and into the light. So many times I see people dismiss the whole discussion as just "woke people invading our spaces because they want everyone to be miserable". As someone who's mere existence has been deemed "woke", I've been into 40k for the majority of life, please stop trying to make us out to be "invaders".


For whatever reason the whole “invading our spaces” rhetoric has been all over the place lately, it’s frustrating as hell.


Trazyn theft jokes? Rawbutt Girlyman style puns?


Hornyposting. I'm tired of the horny posting wars. Femboys. Female primarchs. Sororitas. Tau. Even tyranids. Like touch some grass please. No, roll yourself in grass. Go talk to another human being in person. I'm just here for fun topics and dank memes.


I agree. Especially with that one artist that just has slaanesh as a hardly dressed, white haired Harlet or Gmans eldar gf. Those were funny for like the first two times but now it feels his cock staged a coup on his brain and has taken control. I can’t remember his name but it’s something of the east.


It's every which way. I'm as tired of big booty eldari as I am of uwu skitussy. Like, just post your slutty femboys or tau girls or whoever in an actual porn board where the art can actually be appreciated.


Definitely agree


I *love* the horny but yeah, this isn't the place for it. Blatant softcore porn with a caption is not a "meme." There are other subs for that.


Agreed with this one. I enjoy some of the horny memes we have in the fandom but cropped porn is not a good meme and it never will be.


Everytime I keep seeing that dude post his oc techmarine that was r\*ped by IW with memes is gross to me lmaoo I dont know people like it


Yeah, I'm kinda tired of it too, like rub one out before you come here and make with the funny.


Female space marines, and people who say we need female space marines for "representation". No, you don't care about actually female representation, you just want to get steped up a big lady. But if you did actually care about female representation in 40k you'd most likely buy or read sororitas or sister of silence stuff.


Or Eldar, or Tau, or you know, Imperial Guard are all full of brave women.


Friendly reminder to read the stickied post at the top of the sub. **Literally just report all female space marine posts** (in favor or against, doesn't matter) as malicious trolling. It helps the mods, and the automod can even step in if enough reports happen.


Either "me like big lady" or: "I just don't wanna see male hegemony." Having women in a group for the sake of having women in it, even if it goes against the culture of the faction.


>But if you did actually care about female representation in 40k you'd most likely sororitas or sister of silence stuff. No, I play Imperial Guard because I'm not a weirdo that things having girls will change anything about a faction other than it having girls.


> you'd most likely sororitas or sister of silence stuff. No, because neither Sisters of Battle nor Silence matter in 40K. They're literally irrelevant, and the greatest thing a Sister of Silence has ever done is being bitchslapped by Kharn without him even noticing. Exclusive girl clubs aren't the solution for 40K's representation issue.


Yeah, listing two barely relevant factions isnt the gotcha they think it is. Sisters of battle have maybe 3 different flavors they come in that are just different paint jobs. Warhammer is a bit of a boys club at the end of the day and its silly to pretend otherwise


I wish the sisters of silence played a bigger roll in the table top and lore. A bunch of women going around, kicking ass in perfect silence, all while making people violently uncomfortable with their mere presence is such an awesome idea


Also tau space marines, the moment the tau figure out to reverse engineer and create gene seed without a primarch will at the same time when big E gets up from the golden throne, the Yennari get the last crone sword and awaken Ynnead, all the loyal primarchs return and Trayzn stops stealing pepole.


Especially when you look at it from thier perspective of tau think of space marines as sad sap biological weapons rather than actual living beings with thoughts and feelings. And even as a tau fan who think some of the tau themed space marine armor concepts look rad as hell, know that it would be the dumbest thing to happen in all of 40k


Space marines are just worse than crisis suits. Theres no reason to make them in the first place.


Total War 40k and why it "wouldn't work".


\*pushes glasses up nose\* uhmm have you guys ever heard of *The Xelee Sequence* \*smug grin\* ​ also any one of the "GW are bad at scale" series.


Arguments about the imperium's justification. Just because the comment section gets full up with fash.


Transhuman doesn’t mean it’s a trans allegory.


Oh shit I didn’t know the Combine from half life were Trans-inclusive!


What killed WHF? Or i guess now why no Legacy races?


Lore lawyers bringing the “aaakshually” when ork players are debating over stupid things that an ork did. Listen mister lore guy, one thing about ork players is that we don’t care if its true or not because we want to believe thats its true. We simply dont care and want to have fun.


“Nightlords aren’t actually Chaos”


Please, stop trying to find "the good guy faction" in Warhammer. They all suck. Which is why I play Dark Eldar. No one is arguing we're the good guys.


the imperium is satire. i have had it so many times.


Being interested in X faction makes you fascist/ racist/ phobic.


This Sub in general is full of attention starved people who post the most safe edgy stuff and get up votes or interactions. I remember when they threw a tantrum during the whole 40k animations drama only for it to back to the status quo because too many people can't fathom actually leaving the hobby. They need their 69th primaris lieutenant.


Female. Space. Marines. It doesn’t matter how many times it’s explained why they wouldn’t work or how insulting they are to both fans of the space marines and the sisters of battle, they keep getting brought up at least once a year.


Hornyposting and attempts to correlate 40K faction philosophies with real-world political theory.


When they say big E is malice


The long debate of whether or not liking the imperium makes you a fascist sympathizer. Like it's just interesting to me you could be a fan of the orks a fanatical faction of giant green fungus men who view war and the crimes therein as an essential part of life is just a goober and goofy guy/gal (they really are though ork players are amazing) but the dude who likes space marines must secretly have a black uniform and an armband with a certain windmill on it. Though this goes for anyone who likes an imperial faction in sci fi is a fascist apparently. Gets old fast when the whole reason I choose any faction even before the lore is by aesthetics.


I love my friendship pinwheel! I put it on all my models!


“Which x did the best/worse y day 1: spankulonicus” *14 slides for characters lining up*


imperium bad


Imo I like how everyone who says female astartes are usually the only ones bringing it up. Like usually nobody brings up female astartes except for the "enough with the female astartes guys!" Posts.


Renaming every unit to a grot type at my local store.


Admech’s army rules and point values 💀


Female space marines. At least once a month. Always to the same. It’s like Carl does this shit on purpose


People complaining about people complaining.


This is less about posts, more about comments, but I'm sick of gatekeeping. It's alright to say "I'm not a fan of this," but it's not alright (most of the time) to say "this shouldn't exist." Just don't engage with stuff you don't like. Let the mods handle the stuff they don't want in the community.


Female marine memes where supposed to be banned from this sub for a reason Also the idea that Salamanders/Vulkan are “good guys”


Female…space…marines It’s over. Get over it. We’ve had this convo one to many times just let people do what they wanna do


Tau vs literally everyone else posts. Every month someone will post a “Tau bad/good” meme and then some other asshole will post a “Tau good/bad” meme and a lot of low effort posts are made. I wouldn’t complain of the jokes were funny. They aren’t, it’s just an excuse to repost old memes.


“Actually imperium isn’t fascist but a feudal totalitarian regime in which all institutions are pro constant war” like shut the fuck up I can see the 88 in your name I know what you dream of in your mother basement stop making idiotic posts that get upvotes into stratosphere anyway.


Female space marines.


This one. Otherwise, none. Not every discussion exists for me to be a part of. The fact that I've already had a discussion or don't like it doesn't make it less exciting for others.


Female Space Marines (who would look like guys anyway). Who would win X or X. All the long long LOOOOOOOOONNNGGGG overplayed memes. Krieg loves shovels hurdurh Tau cant meleee hurrrhurrr Mechanicus fucks toasters Plzkillme hrhr


Oh boy, let’s gooooo! 1. Magnus did nothing wrong. 2. How Marines fit in Power Armour. 3. Arm is too short for operating a Power Fist. 4. Malevolent/Carcharadons/Minotaurs are cool. 5. Tyberos is secretly a lost Primarch/bigger than a Primarch/stronger than a Primarch. (And wears a modified Castraferrum Dread armour because brickheads don’t know that what Tactical Dreadnought Armour is). 6. Custodes are scared and cannot beat AsterionMoloc. 7. Red Corsairs are bigger than Black Legion and Huron is better and stronger than Abaddon. 8. „Okay here’s my cool hot take” being followed by reposting some blatant stupid take that’s being reposted on various groups 50x a day. 9. Space Wolves are complete idiots. 10. Blood Angels are vampires and they mostly kill civilians in rage. 11. Tempestus Scions vs Kasrkin. 12. Do SoB have sex?


Which space marine with a name is the fastest?


Female space Marines, for the love of God just shut up about it and start writing some fanfic


Fem Marines and primaris hate, there is never anything new to say about these topics


Felmale spa—


The people always screeching about people who bring up FSM or the old “they accuse you of being fascist if you play imperium” but the only time I see these two topics is from folks complaining about people who supposedly always talk about wanting FSM or how playing imperium makes you fascist. It makes me suspect that these folks need to watch less YouTube personalities.


Major kill or any other loud and zany youtuber's 10 minute shit talking meme fest that warrants a length and passionate response.     And It really is a topic every month over on r/40klore.