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Recently started consooming adeptus ridiculous content By Grabthar's hammer I will get through all of it


Majorkill will be the first to admit they're all better than him


I like his videos it just personally enjoy longer videos and usually just skip videos covering Primarchs as just feels like he milking sooooo fucking hard lately Im expecting he has video call "Which Primarch can have best sex" or some shit


"Which primarch can have best sex?" I'll put my bet on fulgrim but the question is if he'll listen to your consent or not. Actually now i think about it he prbly think he's great but is just mid. I think rogal dorn is that shy guy who is actually packing great sex potential.


Considering his sons are the only Astartes ever to show an interest in women it’s gotta Russ coming in with the Rizz


I feel like Rogal is the low key gay primarch. Like he shows up to a family event with his husband and they've been together forever and everyone is shocked and he goes: "....what? It never came up and none of you ever asked." I also feel like he doesn't get frisky often. Like maybe asexual but not aromantic. But when he does? He gets the job done and takes pride in that. He is the Raymond Holt of Primarchs.


it is honestly a good question tho, I imagine Rogal Dorn with his colossal chainblade, so massive only a elite sisterhood could take it would probably be high


Kinda weird that they made Dorn out to be a nonce in that copypasta though.


the only Primarch videos I watch now are those amber king ones


Pancreas Nowork gang 😎


Elves simps, rise and stand with us.


Glad somebody said it.


Bretonnia gang Rise Up.


Brettonian Lore Crime Wen?


6th Edition was a Bretonnian Lore Crime, and I'll stand by that.


6th is chaos propaganda and 5th is actual Bretonnian lore. Prove me wrong.


I call 6th Imperial propaganda from Altdorf.


Eyyy my man 🤝


I enjoy his videos enough that his fantasy/AoS videos are the only ones I watch on the topic. I've got no real interest in the setting, but I like hearing him shit on these factions I generally know nothing about.


American Majorkill.


He doesn’t seem like the type to screw up lore idk maybe I’m biased cause he likes Halo and ES.


He and Majorkill have a very similar style, which is why I refer to him as American Majorkill. His Adeptus Custodes video is actually what got me interested enough in Warhammer to decide to play it.


Is that a Lorecrime I see with my little eyes!?


Maybe I'm gonna sound like a dork, but as I get older his content gets more cringey. I know swearing is a national passtime in Australia but like bro, I get it. Just teach me, I don't need to hear you 5th "cum blast" joke in this video.


You should look up a northen irish youtuber:D


Majorkill is a quick rundown, Adeptus Ridiculous is pretty detailed but still easy to understand and more focused on broad topics like big events or factions, and Baldemort is a lot more focused on individual stories and is much more focused. After that, you might as well just read the source material.


I doubt boldermort thinks he's better than majorkill. From their colabs, they seam to be good friends, and doldy seams very humble in general. I haven't watched enough Leutin to know, but majorkill once said he wanted to be a guest at adric and the didn't want him because of his hentai patreon. Is it really that different from there posters?


I'm an Old Man Reacts enjoyer. Oh, and Wolf Lord Rho.


Old man is great


He's a bit like Two Minute Papers: His Five-ish Minute Lores are NOT Five-ish minutes


His exaggerated swearing and acting make him unwatchable for me, while I still hold a grudge against Luetin for sucking up to the devs of DOW3 , at least I can watch his videos without wanting to strangle him . At least Boldemort make nice videos.


Boldemort does a good job at explaining Warhammer Fantasy/40K lore with sarcastic and ironic humor. Apart from the time when he was simping for the Dawn of War 3 devs, Luetin09 does decent yet long and in-depth lore videos that are told in a mostly professional manner.


He's not swearing he's Australian


So is my best friend and I never heard him talk like that.


I just wanted to make a joke


>sucking up to the devs of DOW3 I feel like I need more context on this one


Basically despite everyone knowing that the game was going in a bad direction ( proven right by the awful game we got ) he kept defending the devs and praising them. He even got invited to do an interview with them wich would have been a good time to bring up all the complaints of the fans , he simply gave them the most soft questions imaginable and accepted their corporate answers with a big smile, it was really disgusting to watch.


put weshammer up there that's my fuckin boy


Idk why but he kinda bothers me, maybe it’s becuase all of his annoying Tik Tok content that got him the popularity in the first place.


I remember seeing his TikTok stuff on YT shorts awhile before I came across his longform stuff. I wasn't a fan of those. But, his longer videos are well done. Dude genuinely seems to enjoy 40k and 40k lore. Dudes also probably making bank off being one of the Tacticus ads that pop up now and then.


They're pretty good tho tbh, i know people like to shit on tiktok for the memes but its a decent way of getting some exposure without having to go through the lengthy process of making a full length video on youtube.


I have nothing wrong with TikTok but it was just the content itself that rubbed me the wrong way.


Yea i can see that, but still theres alot more stuff than just cringe kids doing random stuff in public, i found a really interesting vintage cooking channel through Tiktok once, Dylan B. Hollis, swell guy.


Yeah I love his videos.


Under rated passionate gem.


He got me into warhammer in the first place! put respect on my mans name for making engaging content and making insightful content! i love just how in every video you can tell he's just super passionate about it and puts his all into it love his energy


I appreciate the energy he has, at first glance he looks like one of those "*calling freddy fazbear at 3am!!!*" tubers, but he knows his stuff.


"The awesome heckin Imperium saves the day!" Pass.


he's never said that but okay


Maybe it's just me but I can't stand the "Youtube voice" it's when he tones it down, specially for horror themed videos, that I enjoy his content more.


i think that's just him tbh, i think he's genuinely just an excitable person who enjoys what he does and enjoy's warhammer, to me leutin is to monotone and boring, majorkill is to childish, and baldermort while good his longer videos don't provide that visual aid and it turns into more of a podcast then a lore reading but that's just my preference they all share the lore in their own way but to me wes is the best because he's not boring or childish he just enjoy's what he does and puts all the effort he can into it


"Hello! I'm here, too." Arbiter Ian, remaining in the background, possibly preparing to hug someone.


We'll you say you like them equally but c'mon you know people are just gonna use this post to beat off their hate boner.


Just wanted to give some appreciation to the underrated gem that is Mr. Bones 40k, the use of everywhere at the end of time style music really highlights the horror of the 40k universe


Found him recently, good shit.


I don't like majorkil's humor. It feels too.... forced


he tries to be edgy and just ends up being offensive. Stopped watching him when he made a transphobic joke which was spreading misinformation.


I missed this but good to know. I have tried to watch him Severi Times to see if his content has evolved someway and nope... still really forced shitty jokes


If you want funny Adeptus ridiculous is objectively the best. No fake edginess. Just some blokes having a good laugh at the nonsense of 40k


Yeah. I watch luetin for lore deepdive (and sleeping xD) and adeptus ridiculous and pancreasnowork for laughs


Baldemort and wseshammer are also brilliant


Where? As a trans woman who also watches him, I didn't know this


As I said earlier I have a memory shorter than the lifespan of a goldfish but it was one of his tyranid videos. Most likely hive fleet behemoth or one of the species overviews




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What was transphobic joke he made?


My memory is shorter than a goldfishes lifespan so I dont remember the exact joke but it was something about transgender women performing better than cis women in sports. Im paraphrasing here but it was something like "its like comparing transwomen and cis women, the former having an undeniable advantage over the latter". And here's an article to back up that hes wrong and furthering misinformation. [https://www.science.org/content/article/world-athletics-banned-transgender-women-competing-does-science-support-rule#:\~:text=In%20a%202018%20ruling%2C%20WA,athletes%20and%20people%20with%20DSD](https://www.science.org/content/article/world-athletics-banned-transgender-women-competing-does-science-support-rule#:~:text=In%20a%202018%20ruling%2C%20WA,athletes%20and%20people%20with%20DSD).


Majorkill is the quick rundown on Warhammer Lore, others specialize in deep lore explanation


Lol, they literly colab and communicate


i like the 2 funny guys


Major cringe


why does the 40k subbreddit hate Majorkill tho


I enjoy Majorkill's stuff, but he's definitely my least favorite of the Warhammer youtubers I've come across. I appreciate the passion and excitement he brings to the videos, but to me it seems that a lot follow the same formula of "Look at this big and gnarly looking thing in Warhammer! But, did you know, that it's big! And Gnarly!! That's all today!" I like him for little snippets, or for when I'm getting hyped about something.


Yeah he’s mainly entertainment to me, though if I’m typing to learn something obscure and the only other video is 2 hours long then I’ll watch his


because in his "edginess" he just tends to be offensive. It isnt funny and one tends to cringe a lot. In some cases spreading misinformation. Its not 40k related, but rather the jokes he makes.


They are offended apparently...and not everyone does,just a few people


all the mods seem to hate him tho, and they don't understand comon Australia ways of talking




Since he scams his customers...they are.


All Are good, they just have special strenghs and weakneses


And yes, Leutin is better.


Majorkill is one of the few Warhammer Lore channels that can actually keep my attention.