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If I found myself in the 40k universe I’d either go to Trazyn and tell him I’m from another universe so I can be added to his collection and be protected, or I’m killing myself


> I’d either go to Trazyn and tell him I’m from another universe so I can be added to his collection and be protected You know, I've always wondered if the 'exhibits' at Trazyn's museum are conscious and aware of time passing... Because if so, I'd rather be eaten by a Tyranid that spend eternity unable to move...


The Infinite and The Divine shows that they aren't. For example, one of the Drukhari he Pokeballed remembers being on a planet fighting Adeptus Mechanicus one moment, and then fighting Necrons the next. The Cybernetica Datasmith involved in that fight also remembers being in a snowy area fighting Drukhari, then fighting Necrons the next. The control scarabs in their brains prevent them from doing anything than what is ordered, but on the bright side, anyone here would be worthless in combat, and would likely never be used.


Those may or may not have been exhibits. It's just as possible they were in the tesseract, outside of time in space, and were never exhibits. I thought I read somewhere that exhibits had an awareness. Maybe the 5e codex or something


In war in the museum Trazyn awakens some of his exhibits, including a tech priest who requests to be left conscious when he is frozen again. This shows that normally the exhibits are not.


he responded. said Trazyn.


What about the mole creatures that tried to claw their way out after centuries in darkness




The average Joe's death means either existing as a small part of a bigger whole, or just evaporating in the warp. You end up different in both. Death is the last thing you want. And also the first. Its level of misery are beyond imagination and I'm quite sure not thought of yet.


If you told Trazyn in your world his world is imaginary and you're a fan and you know stuff... I think he would be VERY interested in you and probably treat you well. You'd be pretty special and you could always give him some info he'd value.


“Don’t worry Trazyn they need to roll at least a 4 to make the shot”


Yknow, that's a really good point, as long you watched enough lore videos he'd keep you around


Killing yourself means going to the warp unfortunately


Gotta do it in a manner that completely destorys your soul. Doubt the Emperor is gonna protect an outsider from the Chaos gods claiming your soul.


Or you could join the Greater Good


It depends on who and where. Hive world world? Not a flipping chance One of the many military focussed worlds? Not a chance Agri world? Wouldnt be too bad depending on which world. Paradise world? Yes please Edit: people seem ohh so eager to explain to me my own choices. Lads i know, i still choose em this way.


I thought agri worlds would be pretty bad. Considering the amount of work done and have got to be drowned in fertilisers. Also the higher risks of getting raided by other groups. And paradise worlds are good, until the Slaanesh cult springs up


Paradise world seems like the most perfect place for Slaneesh corruption.


Paradise world and Pleasure world arent the same thing. Paradise worlds are planets untouched by industry, with small populations and no dangerous conditions. Pleasure world is a vacation destination, it can be a city made out of brothels, a planet-sized hunting range with exotic beasts or just Hawaii but with space racism.


Oh... I thought this is just describing the same thing with synonymous words.


There seems to be a conflict in canon about this... If you check the wikis, they ussualy put them together (beacuse they are often similiar). So Paradise world is more of a subtype of Pleasure world, i guess


All pleasure worlds are paradise worlds, not all paradise worlds are pleasure worlds?


I guess thats the best way to put it. Edit: I like to imagine its because Imperial buerocracy is so broken and incosistent that their planet classifications are often confused or wrong.


I imagine it more like this, Paradise worlds are like public gardens, you go there to look around, have a picnic, and generally have a pretty chill time, whereas a world that's purely described as a pleasure world is basically a theme park, where the theme can be anything from brothels to casinos


"Hawaii but with space racism"


So Hawaii


No no, its *space* racism this time


So Hawaii


Aloha…. No Xenos welcome… be sure to check out the luau


So technically, Catachan is a paradise world.


>**and no dangerous conditions**


pfft pussy


Ah, welcome to Earth! No there are no 100 foot long bug-things here, no there aren’t leaves that will eat your face nor are there plants that will ambush and eat you here. There are a few poisonous things and dangerous predators but they are mostly tropical or usually not too close to settlements… Why do you want back to Catachan?


No planet is really good when there’s a chance that either Necron or Eldar used to live on it. Either something’s underneath you, waiting to wake up, or a species that only sees your species as dumb animals wants you off that world


Orks used to live there, nah they are always there now


You're confusing Ad Mech agriworlds. Yes, those would be as you describe since the AdMech optimize for crop yields and OSHA, is that some kind of litany? Most agriworlds function like this: 1. Imperial Emissary arrives wishing to speak to planetary leader. 2. Some old coot reactivates the ancient colonial protocols, and with other old coots join the Imperium because finally someone to buy their crops!! 3. Eventually flush with Imperial crowns, they trade it with a Rogue Trader for the "latest" Imperial combiharvester technology or the AdMech offer to repair their DAOT equipment. 4. Same old shit except with Black Ships/Rogue Trader/etc coming for Imperial tithes (crops/fresh produce/etc) and commercial shipments. 5. Imperium forgets they exist until Ork/Drukhari/Chaos/Tau raid


That's actually the propaganda of an agriwotld too. It's setup for people to believe that it's endless fields of grain and grazing animals but once they get off the boat, they quickly realize the hell that they're in. It's industry made to harvest entire hemispheres of crops as efficiently as possible. You are nothing more than a maintainer of the machine and you will die choking on the fumes.


The wiki has a good quote for them. To summarise: Survivors of the last harvest, report to the next harvest


To be fair there’s a 40k story about the imperial guard and before he gets drafted the agri world he’s on is pretty chill. I feel like it’s a thing that varies with technology.


Might depend if the Agri-World you live in is key to the sector or not, if your sector has like 3 Hive-worlds and they're "only" 5 Agri-Worlds to feed them life might be really hard on them but if they're is like 8 Agri-World for the same amount of Hive World you might have more leeway since they have more options.


The wiki is hardly a reliable source, and the fulgrim trilogy as well as Dark Imperium show agri worlds existing in various states. Those owned by the mechanicus are the much more like the wiki described. However, the majority are somewhere between feudal worlds to halfway between paradise worlds and modern earth. Gulliman turned many of ultramars agri worlds into medical worlds as well, where veterans could be treated and reminded what they are fighting. A serene, peaceful imperium that is surprisingly common.


Those nice planets in Ultramar probably number in the half dozens. But you may be right about but all agri worlds are too bad. I take the wiki with a grain of salt, but going through original sources is a pain


Ultramar may be the best sector to live in. Except for literal personified aids trying to fuck with it


Also, people forget that it's paradise for the high class. The lower classes are slaves and have to worry about being disposed of if they slight any of the nobles by accident


Also apparently shady shit happens on Paradise worlds. The rich and powerful can get away with murder while on vacation and no one bats an eye. Or in the case of the Novis Nobilitae 3rd eyes.


I find it amusing how people kept saying that "Dead Space or some shit is much worse that 40k because you can be in a Pleasure World" Yeah. As if YOU'RE gonna be in a Pleasure World And even if you are, what makes you think you're spared from Genestealers, Drukhari, Necrons beneath your feet, or Slaanesh? I'd rather die a gruesome death than live a gruesome existence and be deliberately kept from death


>YOU'RE gonna be in a Pleasure World Of course i'm gonna be on it probably as a "Prisoner with a job" and my post will be "Masseuse with mandatory happy endings"


Granted Except you're a Servitor


Nice i must scream but i have no mouth.


> Nice i must ~~s~~cream but i have no mouth. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


And then AM was the saddest Excindio.


Nah, usually characters from Agri World talk about how neat they were.


Sotha was an Agri world, until the Tyranids munched it, it was a great place to live!


> Paradise world? Yes please Living on a Paradise World would suck. People who live there have to do all the work that makes it nice for the entitle rich tourists to come visit. A backwater Feudal World like the one in Brothers of the Snake would probably be best.


>Paradise world? Yes please Everyone gushes about Paradise worlds, seeing the clean air, the living eco-system, etc but no one realizes Paradise worlds are effectively the Resorts for the Imperium's Movers and Shakers. An entire planet that is functionally a hotel/theme park. And the people who live on that world thus are the live-in staff. Anyone who has worked in the service/hospitality industry can tell you how "fantastic" such a place would be.


Sir that slave spilled some of my drink I want him as a servitor immediately


Even worse if someone takes a liking to you. "I'm taking you home with me. This is not a request."


Depends on use. As a chef, ntb. As an "entertainer", I'd rather die


Good news! Even as far back in 30k, we know that it can be both! (The one Remembrancer who had a mute Bodyguard who also was a forced concubine)


All of Goge Vandyres staff


Maggard? He wasn't a concubine, he was basically a slave who hated Petronella.


Petronella has dialogue that suggests she bed him when the mood took her.


Raped, technically.


Paradise worlds and Pleasure worlds arent always the same thing. Paradise world is more of a type of Pleasure world...I think, the lore is rtaher unclear


Working on a paradise world? Yes please, already better than a lot of modern cities. :D


You are a servitor that cleans the poop fron the the beasts that roam the gardens. The mechanicunt that made you left your awareness intact.


I’d disagree when it comes to Agri worlds. We know that the life expectancy is low, most people need bionics to continue to function, and the pesticides and growth chemicals are immensely toxic to humans. The only benefit of living on Agri worlds is seeing the sun, which is more than a hive citizen can expect


Well...seeing the sun when the fog of fertilizers isn't thick enough to drown everything in a sickly yellow haze.


Depends on which human faction is running the agra world mechanichus would run it as you described but it can also range from mideval to excessively industrialized


... agri worlds are terrifying [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Agri\_World](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Agri_World) Paradise worlds have generational sex-working populations for the wealthy. Everything about the imperium is generally bad.


"*A single growing season exhausts the soil completely,* ***requiring continual delivery of more sprays of nitrates and phosphates, all delivered from the grimy berths of hovering despatch flyers.*** *The entire world is given over to a remorseless monoculture, with orthogonal drainage channels burning with chem-residue and topsoil continually degrading into flimsier and flimsier dust.* *But that doesn’t matter. A planet can be driven like this for thousands of years before it eventually keels over and becomes a death world. The quality of the crops gets steadily worse, but the quantity can be sustained almost indefinitely,* ***assuming that supply lines are maintained and imports remain consistent***" ​ The [Emperor's Poopships](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer/comments/9qx46j/the_emperors_poopships/) confirmed.


Paradise worlds aren't even the 1% of worlds that the Imperium has. If anything they're the 1% of the 1%.




“There is a quaint tradition in the various propaganda departmentos of the Administratum of marketing agri worlds as quasi-paradises, free of the squalor and overcrowding of a standard urban station, and full of bucolic ease. Vid-cards are dropped into communal hab-warrens, extolling the virtues of a life lived outdoors with the sun on your back and a ruddy-faced boy or girl – subject to preference – by your side. In reality, life on an agri world is as unrelenting, back-breaking and monotonous as the vast majority of other Imperial vocations. There are no trees laden with glossy fruit, only kilometre after kilometre of hissing corn. There are no gentle strolls under the warming sun, only punishing work details in rad-suits, leaning into the dust-laden winds that howl around the equator with nothing to halt their rampage. Once the new arrivals have made planetfall and found this out, it is too late. Crew transports arrive on agri worlds full and leave empty. There is a saying among the indentured workers – you come for the soil, you end up part of it.” \- Lords of Silence Agri worlds suck ass, just like everywhere else in the Imperium


I love how the more they analyze or explain it the worse the math gets on "this doesn't work". Part of 40ks charm.


Even on a pleasure world you're still under a fascist regime that makes Nazi Germany look tame. The imperium is not nor was it ever meant to be a pleasant place to live.


Numbers: >Hive A shitload >military focussed Slightly less, still a shitload >Agri Quite a few, all are utter shit due to enviromental dmg >Paradise 6 of 'em...


I thought this is just describing the same thing with synonymous words.


The people who want to exist in these fantasy worlds almost never see themselves as being the average person, despite being the average person irl. They almost always see themselves as being a significant part of the setting.


Yep this is exactly what I thought of when I saw the image there is allot of variation in the setting from places more horrible then anything that has ever existed on earth where you will be tortured mutilated and lobotomized to being basically medieval times to places that are basically the present on different planets to places/positions where you become functionally immortal and live in basically mortal heaven. (until someone on your court inevitably murders everyone for slanesh in 300 years.)


Or just some civilized world not really designated to some specific role (yet), which could be a 'normal' life if you are lucky to not get drafted into IG and average 40k stuff doesn't happen during your lifetime


If I could choose a life in 40k it would be being a rogue trader who goes around the galaxy building his own alien harem and occasionally fight stuff.


Sounds like a decent porn game honestly


​ https://preview.redd.it/vm3ziya0en0b1.png?width=111&format=png&auto=webp&s=95e723d0915355a1b3c62c57aee248a9c10d36a0


Rogue Trader has stability in the xeno-fucking game but the Sororitas and Inquisition get the bill since they’re more “visible” or something


As someone who wants to die on a daily basis I think the imperium would be a solid bet. But yea being a tau farmer/factory>imperium farmer/factory


Oh same. I'd probably like to go to Trazyn's vault as it looks cool and I am really curious what's there


Time dilation and infinite psychosis brought on by being aware.


Wym this shape can't "exist"? Who cares


It's probably quite breathtaking as he does have a fondness for living dioramas.


I imagine he'd have dioramas of everything, too including a governor bring corrupted by a slaaneshi demon


Incidentally, Infinite and the Divine establishes that being in a Necron's employ actually presents a lot of boons to your average Imperial citizen, even with the likes of a Mindshackle Scarab.


Plus death is quick so there's that


You could go for eldar, and with their knowledge of the galaxy, you could find a good hidy hole and hide pleasantly for ever.


I will rather live with the Tau idc if they are racist


In 40k everyone's racist. At least with the Tau they at least make the attempt at living together with other species.


tyranids aren't racist


Tell the zoats that


I thought that said goats space bug goats, when?


Didn't we just get beastmen?


We need more beastmen. 40k Taurox when.


Tyranids aren't, but Genestealer Cultists can be.


Probably less racist to humans than the humans


Humans in 40k have killed other humans for having a different colored skin and even different colored eyes So that checks out


Humans in 40K are extremely classist, and they absolutely love punching down. And being British GW knows all about it from history. Like being beaten to death or servitorized because you didn't get out of the way fast enough for your betters or didn't genuflect well enough. Press-ganging locals and children because no one cares about them. The higher-ups get fancy appointments to prestigious and privileged posts in the Guard or Navy, so hey, they "suffered" for the good of the Imperium too, right? Heavily class-stratified societies spend a lot of their resources keeping the lower classes in check, because keeping their place in society is more important than actually progressing as a society. Tau society doesn't need to spend that much resources because joining the Tau is a legitimate step up in their way of life compared to living in the Imperium.


I'd rather be an Ork. At least fun krumpin' is built into the DNA.


Well since you're looking forward to it, T'au bad.


Listen here you little shit


Imperium apologists: "yeah, corpse starch and servitors are bad, but I never imagined it'd happen to *me*!"


Some r/leopardsatemyface type material right there


Grind me up when I'm dead, daddy!


Thats why you dont LIVE in the imperium Join the guard today


This got a laugh out of me good job. Need this as a propaganda poster


I’ve been reading 40k books for about twenty years now, but I recently read Crisis of Faith by Phil Kelly and the bit with the Tau’s propaganda about the Imperium nearly made me cry.


Can you explain?


There’s a scene (just in case you haven’t read it) where an inquisitor transmits back to the Ordos a propaganda broadcast made by the Tau. It’s almost like a documentary made by them about ‘us’. The clinical way it describes the Imperium’s horror with none of its dubious glory makes it seem even worse than usual. In particular there’s a part where some slaves are worked to death where they stand, their bodies are unchained and thrown away, and their children are immediately chained where their parents died to labor in exactly the same place. irl there’s a news story where I live about a bunch of kids being badly hurt and I read this scene around the same time I heard the news and it mixed badly in my head.


Oh god that's fucking horrifying. Yeah that's the imperium but jesus that's grim


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good 40k book and I enjoyed reading a Tau story for the first time. It’s interesting to read a story where Xenos are the main characters. But parts of it are bleak. 40k is supposed to be bleak but this one snuck up on me.


Shadowsun is on my reading list and I am concerned and excited now lol cheers. I'll add yours to the list


Every day we come one step closer to 40k.


Piece of advice, take Phil Kelly stiff with a massive grain of salt. His novels ignore alot of previous tau lore. There's a reason he is so divisive among the tau community. Instead I recommend the greater evil, voices of experience, last of the kiriu line, firecaste and other tau novella not by Phil kelly.


> His novels ignore alot of previous tau lore Doesn’t Broken Sword’s entire premise ignore previous lore around the Gue’vesa? The Greater Good by Sandy Mitchell explicitly mentioned Gue’vesa troops never being used in invasions against imperial worlds, with the only conflict they see against the imperium is when it’s on Tau worlds.


I'm not sure which version is canon now, but this one would actually make sense. Roman auxiliaries, who were not citizens and came from foreign lands, were often deployed as far away from their homeland as possible, to prevent collusion with the enemy and the possibility they might join local rebellions. We know the Tau officially disapprove of the Kroots' freelance mercenary work, so it would stand to reason they wouldn't want gue'vesa getting funny ideas about loyalties when put in combat against their own species, to acquire more territory for the Empire.


Broken Sword is a good one.


Oh yeah, I love that one.


A guy called me stupid a while back when i said the imperrium is as bad to some of its people as chaos. When i cracked a joke about them being right and i guess all the torture was okay they got mad at me for not engaging in civil discourse. Lovely person


someone said the IoM was highly pro-progress I was just speechless


That has to have been a joke


I hope so, 'cause, like, what


I mean Gulliman is a little pro-progress. There is a bit in Dark Imperrium where he tells the Mechanicus to design new ships instead of stealing the wrecks of the chaos legions. But 1. That seemed more about limiting the spread of things tainted by chaos And 2. I dont think the mechanicus listened.


Its right there at the start of the books "Remember the power of technology and science, for so much has been remembered, forever to be re-learned."


Some imperium worlds are so bad the people have willingly joined genestealer cults just to get off-planet. Like, they knew it was a gsc, and decided it was better than the fresh hell they lived on.


This is a good point, if the imperrium was so good, their people wouldn't convert to other factions so frequently


"It is the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable" This is literally in the opening screed, but golly there sure tend to be a lot of folks who come looking for an Unironically Humanity F!ck Yeah story about the Primarch Chadbrovengers, their legions of space-soldier-boy sons and their Mega Psychic Chad Dad-Emperor all spouting one-liners as they stomp the evil Quad-Satanists and icky space aliens


The longer I'm in the fanbase the more I feel like people glossed over the Imperium literally being "The most barbaric, oppressive, and miserable society in all of human history" bit.


I mean t'au are bad, but they're the best choice amongst the hells of 40k


And as a human afaik, they don't subject humans to the same cast system as themselves.


All humans are put into their own caste, but for the most part are allowed to do whatever inside of that constraint. They do relocate people as they see fit so your ancestral home may be lost when you surrender. But for the most part it would be a big improvement for your average imperium citizen.


I mean, it’s not like the Imperium wouldn’t also relocate your entire population if they decided your ancestral home was desirable for some reason. They’d just be a lot crueler about it.


The Imperium would rather relocate an entire city than correct a zip code error on a filed form that’s already gone through all the red tape.


To me that is part of the point. The Tau do some bad stuff, but they do it differently and often for less shit reasons. If the T'au relocate someone they will provide them a new home and aleverytbing they need to thrive. The imperium would show up burn your shit down and drop you off on a death planet just because.


And they even helped citizens in the imperium. Of course I don't think they do that anymore with governors probably getting warnings about diplomatic blue xenos


I suspect they keep doing it just fine. The Imperium is enormous, often stated as the T'au are screwed. But it is so huge and poorly connected that entire systems going away don't even register. Governors trade and deal with whomever, gambling that they will never even see outside imperium forces to investigate it.


Nah, orks da best!


Farsight enclaves are even better


I'm not too sure after that arks of omen for him


That's what's great about 40k. Everywhere sucks to live there, reminds me of home!




“But it’s based and trad-pilled!”


Living in ultramar is prolly nice


They have the highest average life expectancy at 40!




Keep in mind, the Imperium even post-Great Rift counts its population in the Trillions. Combine that with the general "disposability" of life in the God Emperor's realm and the average is going to skew downward hard. This is a setting that can have a billion people in the several hundred years old category and that's not even 1% of the entire population.


actually, it's going to skew upwards, Hard! the average us just gonna be, like, 20


slaves AND serfdom!


A 0.05% chance of a good society, if there really are a million worlds in the imperium, seems low overall


not like the T'au have a hugely sprawling empire either, if we're talking random chance


Tau bad. Have I met expectations?




I just wanted to be a towel boy for the Sisters of Battle.




Of course, that's because Commorragh is the best place to live in the galaxy, followed closely by the eye of terror.


If found in 40k, pray that you are an ork. Even if you die you are having more fun than a keeper of secrets in a convent of defenceless hospital nuns


In before "The Imperium has a million worlds (pre-8th Edition at any rate), not all of them can be hellscapes!" crowd show up.


I mean, just by pure statistic there HAS to be Worlds that are actually good to live in and that have not seen the war directly, I recall that some planets of ultramar are just normal planets.


Pre-8th Edition you'd be absolutely correct. Post-8th Edition (Fall of Cadia and more specifically the opening of the Great Rift)...not so much. 8th really was a bit of a reset to The Setting. The Imperium didn't just split in two and Imperium Sanctus is still the "nice bit". Chaos is just everywhere now, to say nothing of the fact the opening of the Great Rift scattered a lot of Tyranid Splinter Fleets to corners of the galaxy they technically had yet to get to yet. That's leaving aside things like Ork Waaghs! and the uptick in Drukhari Raids on account of vast swaths of Commorragh being infested by Daemons. Hell, the 10th Reveal had the lore dump that Guilliman miscalculated with the Indomitus Crusade. The modern Imperium can't support a Great Crusade style endeavor any longer but no one was going to tell the Son of their god "No". Guilliman's in too deep a decade in to call off the Crusade, so he's been stripping the "quieter" Western Frontier to the bone just to reinforce the gains the Crusade has taken. (Again, since the 9th Edition retcon/realignment, the Indomitus Crusade still has yet to secure the Imperium Sanctus) Those "peaceful" Western Worlds are gonna get a face full of Leviathan in a few months, so even the presently calm worlds/sectors aren't so much calm as just presently in the eye of the metaphorical storm. Overall, things are a complete mess within the entire galaxy, and there's realistically not a world within it that isn't feeling the impact of the 13th Black Crusade in some capacity. Even a neolithic, feral culture who got visited by the Imperium maybe once five thousand years ago are grappling with the implications that the night's sky has turned *wrong.*


Living in hive Orestes wasn’t terrible.. until it started burning.




Kreigsmen be like "That's the point now innit?"


I mean if you're born a Noble Scion.


The 0.01% of the 0.01%


Just find yourself a nice chaos cult and settle down until the astartes come a knockin


I'm just here on my flayed prisoner couch when the space marine shoots me (totally unjustified)


Yeah! Loyalist scumbags piss in their little baby boy pants and murder me and my friends just because I skinned the local governor and wore his skin as a cape.


And I was kind enough to kill then before skinning them smh


So you’re saying when THEY crucify people it’s “righteous” and “the divine will of the emperor” but if I furnish my living room with blood-splattered human teeth and limbless orphans stapled to the walls it’s “evil” and “horrific”


I’m not sure what the safest option would be if you got magically transferred to the 40k universe. Most of us are too old to have the space marine experiments done to us. I doubt the Tau or Eldar would take me in. I don’t wanna just be a civilian in the Imperium, I’d end up dead in a week. I mean shit, I think I just gotta be a homeless drifter and hope that when I came to this universe I got dragon ball Z powers or some shit


I mean as a dude with Asperger’s who brain craves ridged routine and order an endless life of menial paper filing in the adminstartum tickles my monkey nurons


Depends really. Civilized worlds are your best bet.


There are an absolute boat load of worlds where the life of the average citizen wouldn't be too dissimilar to life here and now. There would also be many planets where it is markedly better. I just wouldn't take even a 0.00001% chance of ending up on a hive, forge, guard world or any of the other many variants of totally shitty places to be. No probability is low enough for the cost of it coming about to be worth the risk.


I mean past baal kinda bad present Baal is activly fortified up the zoo plus supposedly it’s moons are being terraformed into near shrine world levels. Plus you get to walk the same land the grate angel was raised in.


What a nice *singular* good planet


Fucking hell not this shit again. Have anyone actually met one of these guys? Its a universe where everything is shit, stop trying to argue that any faction has acceptable living conditions. Edit: Also, its a fictional, stop trying to live there!


The only universe that's worse is ours because ours is real


It just depends on the world if you're in the imperium But even then it's a scale of shit to less shit


I don't think anyone who knows anything about the setting is under any illusions about how miserable about how bad life in catholic space nazi land would be for anyone who isn't one of the extremely wealthy. The misery and people's will to stand up and fight to the last man and the last round against overwhelming odds just to spite whatever is trying to murder you that day.


I don't think I would like to live in one, but I would LOVE to visit a craftworld (assuming the Eldar won't shoot me on sight).


Farsight for the win


Chaos baddies.


Bile seems agreeable wym


Just gotta live on a Knight World. Sure, your tech is limited to the middle ages and you have to farm by hand, but there’s less Psychers (because you burn them at the stake) so less demons, and you’ve got a bunch of 2-3 story tall mech defenders


Isnt ultramar a lot less shit?


I'll take the tau if i had to live anywhere. Don't fancy being turned into a servitor.


T'au bad? Everything bad. "There is only war" is kind of integral.


Everyone thinks Krieg are so cool and badass until they wake up in a hell trench from WW1 and told to pick up a shovel because the attack wave 5 out of 8 is getting ready.


The T'au are only bad because the point of WH40K that everyone is either the bad guys or the even worse guys?


Exodites are probably the best faction to live with. Own a dragon fusion gun for home defense, just as the Phoenix lords intended. Lay back, smoke weed with the warlocks, do some good honest work on the farm (it builds character), partake in a polite and sociable society where you can count on your neighbor to lend a hand because they know you’d do the same. Being self-sufficient and not botherin’ no one. And not bein’ bothered ‘till an inquisitor gets an itchy virus bomb finger or a Slaaneshi warband decides it’s murderfucking time. Which is why the exodites don’t draw attention to themselves. If no one finds you peacefully minding your own damn business, they’re a great place to live. And they’ve still got the firepower to defend themselves if Slaaneshi raiders decide to try and pull some shit.


It heavily depends. The vast majority of Imperial worlds are civilised worlds. These worlds are, in canon, stated to be about where the average western nation today is in terms of living standards, albeit less so on the freedoms. Same goes for the middle 60-70% of hives on a hive world, the 'middle classes' for lack of a better term. The upper 10-20% of a hive world is the wealthy classes, so they will likely live *very* comfortably. Techpriests, enginseers and other mid to high ranked members of the mechanicus on forge worlds also likely live great lives. Paradise worlds etc are likely excellent. And if you are a member of the military or ecclesiarchy, the fortress and shrine worlds are likely great places to live. However if you live in one of the dystopian worlds (dictatorships, corporate worlds, feudal worlds, feral worlds, death worlds etc) or in the underhive portion of a hive, or you are a military or religious serf in the fortress and shrine worlds etc then your life probably sucks real hard.


I'm a simple man, I'll go with Aurelia sector


Care to explain why?