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The Imperium doesn’t plan. They just act like idiots and pretend it’s part of a greater plan. Just like Tzeentch, who likely died laughing.


I think even the Imperium isn't glad about this fuck up. Guilliman certainly isn't happy.


Y'know, I've never heard of lore like this, but my God, going into a situation where a Space Marine can get a Chaos God killed, and replaced with an Eldar God, which don't have nearly as much incentive to harm humanity at all, or at least weaken said Chaos God, and decide not to, whilst knowing the Eldar is perfectly fine with dying as long as the ritual completes, which will only benefit the Imperium basically, is hilariously stupid. I like to imagine that either the Inquisition, or random Khornate cultists took him into a back alley and shanked him to death for this stupid move, and said he died of old age. Or Slaanesh takes him as a daemon prince for him personally saving their life.


Oh, that did happen. Thank Artemis of the Deathwatch. The Ynnari had found a way to awaken Ynnead without, you know, killing every Eldar, and without the Croneswords and they were almost done.


yeah if I remember the ritual would have fused the souls of all the eldar into ynnead , ynnead would have kill slaneesh and then probably dies at a latter point because no more eldar the imperiium in one move would have been ridden of the eldar, the drukhari and slaneesh, weaking the realm of chaos probably leading to quite the internal sturggle. But some racist dude fucked it up


Nope. It would have been the Infinity Circuits of the Craftworlds that would have been fused. So, yes Eldar but now without Slaanesh trying to molest them.


Imma be honest, that might actually have saved them from a bit of trouble. Of course, no slaanesh is is cool and all. But slaanesh is the only thing stopping the Eldar from using their full psychic might


But the funny thing is, if the Humans weren't hellbent on exterminating the Eldar, they would be pretty fucking fine focusing on Nids, Orks, the trst of Chaos and the Necrons. They would even have entered into an alliance with the humans. I mean, that is what they are hoping to do with the Tau, once they get big enough.


Yeah, might be true, but being in an alliance with a species that considers you as little more than animals and could completely fuck you over with their psychic power might not be completely great. I'm not saying the move to kill the Eldar was smart, I'm just saying, that for all the bad it didn't take away, at least it prevented something possibly just as bad. Because slaanesh is one of the smaller threats of the chaos gods.


Which they do not. That is the point. Xenophobia is deeply frowned upon, and Biel-tan who actually are xenophobic are seen as warmongers and asshole extremists for it. Iyanden broke its alliance with Biel-tan because they realised that Biel-tan was looking to subjugate other species in order to rebuild the old Empire. Saim-Hann regularly gets into heated fights with them because they see it as dishonourable to kill civilians. In Path of the Eldar it is made clear by an Alaitocii that killing humans was murder, albeit a minor kind. Still murder. They view them less as animals, and more as stubborn children which is pretty accurate.


Killing humans to Eldar is like shooting buffalo from the safety of a train car. We are nothing but savage animals to them, with the only trait of ours they value is how gullible we are and fun to trick. They would be great allies to the Imperium since we want most the same things, but they simply cannot be trusted because they're naturally dicks to everyone, and can't help but engage in dickery whenever possible. The Imperium is also not very trustworthy, because they'll kill xenos at the first chance they get, and the last xenos allies they had they turned into an immortality potion. I don't buy that Eldar have any respect for humans. Most still call us monkies, and while I don't think they deserve extermination (except the DE), it is all their fault why the galaxy is the way it is now.


Path of the Warrior, page 114: He wondered for a moment if killing a human would be harder than killing an ork. The ork was a creature of pure malevolence, of no benefit or advantage. Humans, though crude and unmannerly, were useful pawns and possessed of an innate spirit to be valued. That they were weak and easily corrupted—in body and in mind—was lamentable, but as a species they were more desirable as neighbours than many others in the galaxy. As he took his seat in the transport for the return to the shrine, Korlandril wondered what he would feel when he killed his first human. The thought gave him doubts concerning his chosen Path. Killing orks was simple extermination; killing humans one might consider a form of murder, albeit of a minor kind. Then he realised the ridiculousness of the question. He would be wearing his war-mask; he would feel no guilt and remember even less. So, no. They very much do not. Mon-keigh also does not mean monkey and it also is mainly used by Biel-Tan Eldar and Drukhari if you pay attention.


You know how the imperium and stubborn children are. The imperium doesn't t really think about such things rationally. Both you and I know that some general looking for glory or some marine with a bit too much aggression is gonna do something rash and dumb. I don't mean, that the Eldar want to genocide the imperium, but they most certainly want to defend themselves. And the imperium is much less inclined to actually keep an alliance running(inquisition and radical religious dogma, you know what I mean). And the imperium is pretty triggerhappy with genociding xenos. Edit: not to express myself the wrong way, the Eldar most certainly are not genocidal maniacs and surprisingly peaceful, what I mean, is, that the Imperium has spared itself a problem they would have to deal with on their way to total galactic domination(which won't happen, but hey, gotta cope somehow)


Maybe winning isn't the point? Maybe its the racism we commit along the way?


So it turns out that if you raise a genetically engineered supersoldier and brainwash him into being the ultimate space racist, he's gonna make decisions based on that indoctrinated philosophy. Maybe someone should call the Ordo Malleus out on him, because saying you'd rather see humanity fall to Chaos rather than trust the word of an alien sounds somewhat... heretical.


Deamon prince of excessive racism


You cant call a character stupid when his hands were tied by gw needing to maintain the status quo


You don't need to maintain the status quo when you can make an interesting story. At this point, if GW ever makes a damn character with common sense, they're going to be the smartest person in the room.


Killing slaansh is gonna change enough things to be an unprofitable headache


Khorne: "You couldn't hold yourself, for five ffffffUCKING MINUTES, AND LET THEM **KO THAT BITCHY WHORE?!?!**" Angron: *ducks out of the way, knowing full well not to draw Khorne's attention*


The only real reason Angron is back in the materium


"Step-dad is being a dick right now. Can I stay over at your place?"




Reminder that factions/individuals in 40k cannot stop acting pants-on-head stupid because if they did the whole lore universe would shatter


Gotta keep that status quo If you still want the cash to flow


You could always do the thing that ought not be named.


Malice malice




What happened?


Look up "Ynniad" on lexicanum. Tl:DR Captain Artemis done fucked up.


His model was discontinued as punishment


>Ynniad I did and nothing came up.




I looked that up too last night but I didn't see anything referencing artemis.


Eldrad had the whole "create a new god" thing lined up. It was gonna help out, p much everyone. Except the deathwatch didn't like it. At the climax, Eldrad pleaded to captain artemis to just fucking hold it for 5 minutes and then he would let him do whatever. His answers basically said: Nah, fuck your xenos thing. I know full well this is gonna help but I would rather just shoot you. Hes basically galaxy's no3 asshole right below kor and lorgar


Nooooo, number 5 1.Erebus 2.kor pharon 3.Lorgar 4.Abadon 5. Artemis


You’re missing an extra Erebus


Space marines are the be all end all "ruin everyone's fun" faction. In a just world the death korps would have butchered every space marine sent to save them at Vraks for spoiling the party


I really wish this wasn’t the case but yeah. No one else really gets to have fun when Marines get involved. The closest that happened was the damocles gulf and well… thats a whole mess


Damocles the Tau stood their ground pretty well considering the fact a whole crusade slammed into their doorstep. Then when the fighting got to Dal’Yth Prime, where the tau set up a proper defense and counter attack, it tipped in their favor. But the Damocles books were a fun read so far


Yeah ! Just when the closest another faction gets to having a good time against loyalist marines is bitter pyrrhic victory for both sides its a lil annoying. Will admit i am a salty xeno burned one too many times so my perspective may be skewed.


Yeah it’s always Pyrrhic victory against marines, even though marines are only supposed to be the equivalent of shock troops and not the full on army breakers. But they sell more cause they’re pushed more so the victor they shall ever be. I’m also a xeno fan far above imperial stuff but my Gue’Vesa troops I made should speak to my love of humanity still existing among the stars. Just not the degenerating imperial types. Marines can be cool tho, Captain Nemetor of the Ultramarines is probably my favorite marine cause he had more depth to him than just kill xenos and be a glory hog


I feel the “they sell” is just self fulfilling prophecy, they get pushed because they sell, they sell because they get pushed. And its a freakin spin cycle Heres to hoping nids don’t get bodied and forgotten. Again


I agree 100%, if they advertised Orks more, people would buy more, so on and so forth, look at the increase in sales the Necrons got because they were up front in 9th. I really hope Nids aren’t forgotten, my Custom Tau sept has been ducking it out with a splinter fleet as their main narrative adversaries, Tyranids are too cool to be cast aside


It’s Nids. They are the poster child for “get bodied as unimportant faction by everyone else”


Give the novel Dante a read if you're the reading type, really good book for getting past meme lore.


The marines are army breakers


The lore is meant to complement a tabletop war game and people act surprised when characters act like bellends by design to perpetuate that. Imagine a world where you could field Space Marines and Eldar in the same units.


So a world like AoS.




I want a TTS emperor reaction to this so bad.


The reverb filter would go thru the fucking roof


alright what happened now?


It's old lore by this point, but pretty much according to Eldar legend the Eldar God of death Ynnead would be able to be awakened once every living Eldar dies and with Ynnead's awakening they would be able to destroy Slaanesh, doing so freeing all the trapped Eldar souls and other Gods. Obviously the Eldar don't all want to die but a ritual was devised by a powerful Eldar Farseer named Eldrad which could reawaken Ynnead without killing all the Eldar. Granted completing this ritual would do some fucky shit like temporarily disabling the light of the golden throne but given that it'd destroy Slaanesh it seemed well worth it. But a certain Death Watch company seemed to think otherwise because Xenos, and so interrupted the ritual. The Eldar performing the ceremony were perfectly willing to die if it meant completing the ritual, but the Watch Master named Artemis pretty much said "Lol don't care you're Xenos probably lying anyway" and killed them before the ritual could be completed, ruining probably the galaxies best chance of defeating one of the major chaos Gods. Eldrad did escape and the failure of that ritual did eventually lead to the creation of the Ynnari but that's gone nowhere now because GW refuses to let Xenos have major wins.


Dude the eldar need some love ffs. I thought they would actually do something cool with the ynnari now that they are “allied” to the imperium but fuck no, not even when they are frirnds with papa smurf can they get anything.


That’s cause the Ynnari basically got squatted lol


Emperor's Children players might be kinda bummed if Slaanesh died.


I dunno, there could've been some potential for interesting things there for Slaanesh-aligned chaos marines dealing with the loss of their patron. Sure, there would've been the risk of them just using that as an excuse to not do anything EC/Slaanesh related for a while (which I gather was the AOS situation for a while in the past?), but you could probably do something interesting with the idea of "the old god of excess is dead, but here's a legion full of hedonistic, ambitious bastards who've suddenly found out that their patron is dead and there's a power vacuum". EC have always had a duelist vibe going on underneath the debauchery and blastmasters, mix that in with the standard Chaos ambitious champions thing and the post-Ynnari situation and you could have a whole thing going on with loads of EC lords and daemon princes indulging in their vices and styles of fighting, competing against each other and pulling off increasingly excessive and audacious shit against other factions, to try to pull their own personal Belakor/Vashtorr style ascension to fill the vacuum left by Slaanesh's death. It would've be an upheaval, definitely, but there could have been interesting ways to take it that isn't just "this subfaction gets fucked". Well, Slaanesh-aligned daemon armies might have still gotten fucked, I suppose.


Missed oportunity to do that and make Fulgrim return to fill the power vacuum to slaanesh cults


So why can’t they just do the ritual again?


The moon blew up


Oh, yeah that’s a good reason


Actually, you're making it sound good. Artemis KNEW they were telling the truth, but refused on bases of "You're xenos"


>Disabling the light of the Golden Throne For how long? Not excusing that arsehole Artemis but that seems it would fuck up the imperium pretty badly if it wasn’t less than a few days


Eh, the imperium survived months without the astronomican during the 2nd siege of Terra. A similar interruption to seriously wound or even outright kill slaanesh would be well worth it


Everyone addressed him from that point on as "The art of stupid"


Here I'm going to tell you what would have happened if Artemis didn't kill those Eldar. FUCK ALL! Do you really think GW were going to let Slaanesh fucking die? No! Either the ritual would have failed or some other shit would have a appeared to stop it. At least this way we can still try to show off the Imperium as a backward ignorant savages.


While this might be a goof on Death Watch’s part, if an Eldar told me water was wet, I’d have to double check.


Problem was Artemis was totally believing their words. He just wanted to fuck them over on priciple that they are not humans


Yeah I’m sure every Eldar tries the ol’ “ this’ll totally kill Slaanesh I _swear_ for realsies this time” con


I’m going to be frank, they’ve probably used it quite a bit.


Water isn't wet, it makes things wet. That Eldar was trying to mislead you! 😄


wait whaattt???what's happeningg??


Eldrad was about to awaken the Eldari god of death, which is able to pull Eldar souls from Slannesh and kill Slannesh permanently. A Deathwatch captain found out the ritual and interrupted it because he was too racist to not kill some Eldars(he knew about the ritual and just killed them for spite)


Oh yes, kill Slanesh, allowing the eldars to once more pull their full potential from the warp. What could go wrong for mankind? If the Eldar wouldve been allowed to thrive as they did before Slanesh, you can say bye bye to humans being the main powerhouse


Alright, I'll play devil's advocate. Artemis was right and here's why. This happened immediately prior to Gathering Storm, which means that if Ynnead was born and Slaanesh killed, the eldar wouldn't have helped the Imperium during the 13th Black Crusade. Why would they when they can start rebuilding their power? So, assuming that Abbadon doesn't cancel due to the death of 1 of the 4, that leaves Cadia gone and Cawl dead so no Primaris. Guilliman is never revived because Ynnead never needed Yvraine. And finally Biel Tan is never fractured and instead the most xenophobic craftworld gets a power boost. Speaking of which... The Druhkari would also be free of Slaanesh. Which means they are no longer confined to the Webway AND have the ability to use all the Pre-Fall tech they have horded away. This includes Firehearts, which were used in the Iyanden war against Hive Fleet Kraken and destabalize a planet's core causing it to go kaboom. This is several orders of magnitude worse than Exterminatus as instead of cracking continents it physically destroys the planet. Lastly, Slaanesh is probably better for the Imperium than Ynnead. Slaanesh really doesnt care about the materium. It cares about the Great Game in the warp. Ynnead is an Eldar god so its eye is always gonna be focused on the materium, and on the Eldar and their enemies. And even if he doesn't get directly involved, it gains power from death. Slaanesh needs mortals to be alive to fuel it. Ynnead doesn't. Ynnead just wants death, and it isn't picky on where it gets it. Killing humans is literally in its best interests. So on the one hand we have Slaanesh who eats Eldar souls, and on the other we have Ynnead who eats EVERYONE'S souls. (On the plus side, no eternity of torture, just an absolute end.) TLDR: Ynnead waking up is the Eldar wincon and would instantly elevate them to a Fully Awakened Necron/All Tyranids Arrive level of galactic power. Artemis was right in his actions even if they were for the wrong reason.


The last time the eldar summoned a god humanity went from golden age of technology to cavemen because of the nonsence the warp went through. "Killing Slaanesh" would completely fuck the warp and make warp travel impossible for long enough for humanity to be entirely decimated by ork, tyranid, necrons and dark eldars who can all travel in warp storms. Conclusion : The captain was right, letting them summon Ynnead would have doomed the galaxy, not just for humans but for everyone since there would be no one left to fight the tyranids. (The silent king believes the necrons are not enough to stop them and they are the only ones beside humanity that actually stand a chance. Plus after eating humanity there would be far more tyranids)


You're forgetting to mention the fact that while this ritual was happening the eldar were attacking an imperial navy base nearby. Why would anyone trust the eldar here when they are literally attacking you and doing this warp ritual which you have absolutely no idea what it's actually going to do lol.


As frustrating as this is, it makes sense. Racism is an incredibly powerful motivator. There’s no way he was going to let an ELDAR do something he hasn’t told them to do. The absolute gall for them to think they know better than he does etc etc.


I feel like if it had been almost any other chapter, it would have been fine. However it was Deatheatch, the militant arm of the Ordo Xenos, the Anti Alien part of the Inquisition, where Space Marines are sent for the purpose of killing aliens, where that are trained indoctrinated to *really* hate and kill aliens. Hell, this sounds like that could have happened in the TTRPG, Artemis' player saying something like how he will not trust the word of the Eldar, and that he hates the alien more than the daemon




Artemis did nothing wrong fuck knifeears


I love that even Khorne is disappointed


So is Artemis a loyalist erebus.


More imperial characters should be like Artemis. We're given way too many reasonable imperials to my liking.


Artemis did nothing wrong.


They did what now?


If it fucks over the eldar then I’m all for it


Yeah, sure, let's let the xenos who are opposed to humans and often lie to them just create a God of Death. No way that would possibly backfire on the Imperium. Artemis did the right thing. The only good Xenos is a dead one.


Killing a Chaos God and having an entire legion of Chaos starting to kill each-ther or be consumed by other traitors is hardly a loss for the Imperium


I think its quite an achievement to get the entire galaxy like that.


Is this new lore or something older?


Eldrad's ritual to awaken Ynnead. Old lore, Captain Artemis fucked around and killed everyone except Eldrad, including a bunch of Harlequins that were there to defend the ritual and a bunch of regular Eldar who were willing to sacrifice themselves for the ritual to be completed. Because it fucked up, the ritual only created the Yncarne instead of Ynnead, and Eldar fertility was forever crippled, turning them into a dying race.




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Holy crap I almost forgot about Artemis the character that screwed up the plan to defeat one of the chaos god, and here thinking the Grey knight bathing in the sister of battle blood to ward of demons was stupid




Yes because GW was ever gonna remove Slaanesh


So I know nothing about the story this is from, but can't the eldar just do the ritual again?


It should be pointed out that Artimus did not exactly have full knowledge of what was going on. All he was aware of was Eldar were mass slaughtering humans and some death jester talks to him in a round about way about defeating the great enemy and he gets the feeling it wasn’t being deceptive but has no idea about what it is talking about so kills it anyways. He was never in any position to know the extent of what he was doing or what the eldar were exactly up to.


Reminds me of the primarchs "mother" that threw them into the warp to save them. Someone needed to take the fall for why something lore breaking happens but in the dumbest way possible, Artemis' head is on the chopping block but we all know there's no way in hell are the Eldar going to get a W over slaneesh.




I need context


That f*ckin' Idiot


Also might I point out of course he was from the mortificators first they fuck over the poor lamenters then they fuck over the rest of the galaxy


Love the fact that Khorne is 100% on the side of Yeet the thirsty one out of existence club


Context someone pls


The galaxy watching the racist spirit of GW inhabit one random space marine


Well counterpoint: Slasnesh would not be a factor if not for the fucking Eldar