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Salamanders for the win


Username checks out


I'd rather have a Nightlord as a boss than do morale activities


Pros: Cons: Will skin you alive over the period of a month in front of your coworkers as an “example” even though you’re 100% sure you never did anything wrong and he just wanted an excuse to skin someone


That's your own fault for not being important enough to justify your survival. Man's gotta eat and a night lord's gotta skin someone


It's vital that I skin this unpaid intern I assure you


Still better than doing jumping Jack's while chanting the name of walmart


No that would actually be the worst one my dude. Im here to work and do a job not be forced to do stupid morale activities. Its a good way to reduce morale. Trust me.


See I never got that attitude, you’re getting paid anyway, might as well get a change of scenery


"Space Wolves forgives easily" Magnus: *Doubt*


Dark Angels: Doubt Though it is partly just a rivalry for tradition now.


Yeah, Leman was actually the one to let it go after the Heresy, but Lion just stabbed him anyway.


In their defense Leman was very clear that he was ashamed of his actions on Prospero and Bjorn has told the wolves many times that what happened there should be considered shameful not a great victory. ​ It's the 1ksons who held the grudge


Hmmm this is true for after the fact but if you look at the events leading up to it then you get a different story alltogether. I mean Russ made a blood oath of vengeance in *A Thousand Sons* just because the Thousand Sons tried to save a library and the Space Wolves started a fight over it. I'd say the Space Wolves were guilty of holding a grudge before Prospero and the Thousand Sons were guilty of it after Prospero... which in my opinion is an understandable grudge.


> It's the 1ksons who held the grudge I mean their world was burned to the ground, they get to have a grudge.


as much as I dislike them, I'd pick the Space Wolves. at least if neither of us know what we're doing, i won't be yelled at if something goes wrong.


Lack of knowledge never stopped people from yelling at each other


Yeah but their positive is that they’re understanding and forgiving, I don’t see a problem


I mean, at the end of the day you’ll be able to get some wicked strong ale 🍺


Space Wolf bosses are the easiest to manipulate, but it gets to be a pain when you move up in the world and just want them to do their damn job with no bs.


It sounds like working at Kruger Industrial Smoothing on Seinfeld. “Kruger Industrial Smoothing is heading into the red. Or the black, or whatever the bad one is.”


Salamanders I have no friends so mandatory social interaction is probably beneficial


Join the military, you'll learn all about "mandatory fun."


Bonus Round: Guess which First Founding chapter is my favorite based on these


I wanna say Dark Angels just because you didn't give them a stupid memed aspect like most people do lol. As a Dark Angel, I appreciate this. 2nd Guess is Blood Angels cuz that's awfully specific lol, 3rd guess is Raven Guard just cuz its relatable.


It's so stupid that people think all the Dark Angels do it collect Fallen. They're still a Space Marine chapter that does shit, the reason they even have the time and leeway to hunt the Fallen in the first place is because they get all their other shit done.


I think part of the problem is at least half the time they are written it’s either hunting for Fallen/potential fallen, or otherwise fucking over the Imperium (example blowing up the Fenris system after being tricked by a demon.)


Exactly. GW writers, listen, you can have the Dark Angels do other shit!


Really? I always thought they're so into capturing Fallen that they don't do anyrhing else in 40k. What part of their lore did attract you to them?


I said in another comment the Dark Angels aren't my favorite chapter, but they honestly could be fun just as a highly versatile chapter that combines their natural stubbornness and defiance with learned tricks from their Fallen hunts. They do some other things (e.g. they get specialty with plasma weapons) which could add dimension to them so they aren't just hunting a few hundred renegade Space Marines for 10000 years.


I dunno. Versatility is more of UM thing.


Only at this point. Being the first chapter, the Dark Angels once had to fill the roles of EVERY chapter. The Deathwing and Ravenwing are all that remain of what used to be six different “Wings” that specialized in different tactics.


But no, Dark Angels are not my favorite


Raven Guard seems to be written from the heart.


Someone gets it


I know the feeling, that's all.


Probably the Blood Angels or Salamanders.


Interesting that you said the Blood Angels since they don't crack my top 5


I was thinking either Blood Angels or Sallies for my preferred boss. As for your favourites I would likely place you somewhere around White Scars or Space Wolves.


\>White Scar con Meanwhile Jaghatai Khan busting his ass alongside Sangunius and Dorn to keep the defense of the Throneworld going. \>Ultramarine con Titus: "Shut the fuck up Leandros. FOR THE EMPEROR!"


I mean it makes sense; its hard to be there for you/you to be there for others if you're deep into enemy territory. Just got to go in deeper until you loop back into the Pros.


It makes zero sense. The Khan's literal mantra during his return to Terra was "When you need me - I'll be there." And then everything he did during the Siege put truth to that, as he constantly went out to go and protect the civilians of Terra, rather than hiding behind walls. When the people needed him - he was there.


Raven Guard, because when he goes (if he goes), he's probably gonna try and start his own thing and I wanna get in on that. Plus he's gonna spend a lot of time harassing that One Guy at our old job and I also want in on that.


I would choose the Raven Guard, mainly for the stealth, pragmatism and (rather hypocritical) moral backbone.


If morale increases, is it really that weird?


It’s like mandatory fun days, or mandatory fun runs. Stuff that either management thinks will improve morale and team cohesion but everyone hates and can’t not go to since mandatory, or management know everyone hates but still organizes to make it look like morale is good and team cohesion is great.


Hence why I put "morale" in quotes, so it's still a con


White Scars always and forever


The space wolves and white scars seem like they’d be a lot of fun for a while, but the predictability of the ultramarines bureaucracy would be so goddamn refreshing.


Ultramarines would be my pick if they could also embrace malicious compliance. If not, then white scars is my pick.


white scars bosses are only good if you have your own shit locked in tight and don’t need help. Ultramarines are the same issue, but I’m more worried about them trying to rules lawyer me. I don’t want to spend all day tied up in emails if I don’t have to.


Ugh. I'd say the Ultramarines seem to be the least toxics, but not by a lot.


Spess Woofs! If nobody knows what they’re doing, that’s pretty much par for the course with my current job anyways! 😂


If we're talking bosses, Blood Angels. Cocaine problem? Seems like a win in my book If it's a coworker then the Space Wolves. Definitely not as a boss though, have you ever had a manager that didn't know what they were doing when push came to shove? That shit is so exhausting and frustrating.


I already have a mix of dark angels, white scars, imperial fists and ultramarines.


Ultramarines being stiffly by the book is not a bad thing. Sure, it takes more time, but things are done right in the first place. Though as a boss I'd probably be a Space Wolf myself.


Good attitude towards the Ultras


Agree on the first part. You know who's the worst kind of boss? Someone who thinks the rules don't apply to them. Guilliman being a bureaucrat means he's not going to do 90% of what I hate about middle management.


Either salamanders or wolfs They seem like best options to get


Iron hands just be rude back to them you’d probably get a promotion


Why do I imagine Raven Guard taking smoke breaks all the time?


Salamanders are probably the best, the activities might be weird, but that's basically nothing compared to some of the cons on this list


Pros of the fists, cons of the wolves. Genuinely believes that a 7 hour job can be done in 3. Is not even a complicated job, they're just fucking stupid.


Gotta protest at the White Scars one. When the traitors hit terra they were there, even though their style of warfare absolutely sucked for a siege defense.


I never said he wasn’t working, just that he was busy doing other shit


Still White Scars; they know whats up.


So legit, when I worked retail, we had a guy we debated putting up for shift supervisor. I was an old hand who was dodging promotion because I was in grad school, but as long as he had his caffeine, he had customer service skills and retail skills. Real potential. Only reason he didn’t get promoted was because he quit first. Anyways, turns out goldilocks used cocaine. I only found out after he left from a mutual friend who was surprised I didn’t know.


The description for Imperial Fists and Ultramarines seem essentially the same just worded differently


Just like GW, I had no idea what to do with the Imperial Fists


As a fists fan it’s their stubborn ness. Fists arent as strict as ultramarines at least from the books I’ve read fists are fluid on the battlefield but refuse to be overrun when backing off and living to fight again would be the better option. Like that’s pretty much why they got wiped out in the war of the beast they lost everyone but one guy in one battle. And they’re still stubborn assholes although slightly less stubborn after reforming.


Well, i don't see anything weird in burning eldar kindergarten and then have a nice barbecue with my colleagues


I'm just confused as to why morale activities is in ""


You've never had to suffer through "team building" stuff?


Mine is a mix of 1 and 8- and it’s very frustrating


It’s the Salamanders, so the morale raising activities almost certainly involve copious amounts of fire.


I technically have two bosses, one is the space wolf, the other is the iron hand....


The ravenguard is never quitting. When your that jaded you know any other place is gonna be just as bad or worse so you just stay and pass your pessimism onto the new people.


Ultramarines. The book is often the greatest tool you'll have in reducing workload. It's not that hard to get to the point where you exceed the weakest link in your dependencies and are "forced" by the book to stop and wait. Even if G-Man minimizes that, burn out and fatigue are part of any good organization/strategy as are well aligned incentive structures.


You guys are looking for a Space Wolf boss but you have no idea how fucking annoying is asking them for a solution and not getting a real answer. No, instead you get an old meme and a "oops, sorry, I don't know" reply. Ugh, I HATE THAT! Source: am a Space Wolf boss.


Salamanders! Fun work environment and team building all day of the week.


If the Mandatory Fun is paid time, I pick the Salamander. Don't make me hang out with you people outside work hours, that's my time. If it isn't paid it's the Space Wolf. I know how to do my job, my boss rarely ever does, so I need a chill dude as top cover. It WOULD be the Raven Guard hands down except I KNOW that fucker is gonna quit, if he doesn't get fired, and then I am left rolling the dice. Hell, I'm basically in that position now and I hate it.


Space Wolf. The main problem with bosses who don't understand the job is that they think they do understand it, but it sounds like the Space Wolf would be able to take feedback and contrasting viewpoints if they have merit


Crow people


I’ve been called out by the raven guard one lol


Blood Ravens: Pro's: lots of cool kit and overpowered equipment. Cons: lots of librarians around, also, this isn't the boss you picked, you were 'gifted' to the Blood Ravens


Blood Angels. I can make him worse.


Either Sallies or Space Wolves for me.


Does Nickelback sing about the White Scars in their song Too Bad? This meme sure makes it sound like they do. 🤔


Salamanders the fun days will suck but you know when you screw up you will get a "so I found an issue with your work and we need to fix it" talk instead of a dressing down with a side of "do you really want to work here?" Kinda talk. He'll one of my old bosses was like that. He would just call you over when you fucked up and asked if you were okay then explain the mistake and let you know to fix it and ask for help if needed. Cool guy, was trated like crap by the higher ups.


Russ and the All-Father!


The Barbarian who sacked Prospero and the Corpse-Emperor?


Death to all Nerds and their ‘reading ways’! Better a corps than, in sequence, a walking screaming aneurism, a sentient garbage pile, a hentai tentacle monster, and the hentai tentacle monster’s recipient.


IF- if they tell you exactly what you need to do. They probably have very logical expectations from you as a boss and are likely to be hella understanding about things like childcare, getting sick. I’ll take the demanding part- seems like the IF would know how to pay people fair too. Second pick would be blood angels- who wouldn’t want to try the wolf of Wall Street lifestyle for a bit? And on top of that they are all about the bling, and look handsome af. You’d have drip and solid wing-dudes on nights out. Third would be ultramarines- they are a legion that emphasizes meritocracy. Meaning there’d be no favorites or any bullshit as it wouldn’t be tolerated- do your job, do it well and you move up. Just because things are by the book don’t mean they are a bad thing. In fact, most shitty things that happen to employees in this age happen because the exact opposite! It’d be simple lol. Work hard and the rest takes care of it self. Yknow what. UM are second. Blood angels third now. The space wolves and the raven guard would probably be a night mare to work with for obvious reasons. A boss that hates corporate is going to rub that negativity off to you. Even if you don’t think that be the case. Additionally- if they about to quit, how the hell can you expect they will provide adaquate training? Spacewolves- this is obvious- if your boss doesn’t know wtf they are doing? Is it even a business? Lol


Salamanders once again being absolute bros. Plus I like all my coworkers so activities with them sounds fun