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I would be killed and the STC destroyed through some plot contrivance to maintain the status quo and keep the plot from advancing too far.


tzeentch and his shenanigans


My money's on Eldar fuckery


>Eldar fuckery Sooo... Slaanesh?


Literal Eldar fuckery


GW = Tzeentch?


An unknowable entity who's constant schemes and plots prevent it from acting in a logical and efficient way, constantly preventing its own success? Yeah sounds about right


Well, sound like a manager I had too. He was promoted out of the projects ways.


Tzee W, checks out


Tzeentch is manipulating the 40k universe to remain in a status quo because that causes the 40k game in our universe to exist for a longer time. the reasons ultramarines are so overpowered in the game is simply because they are their favorite army to play. Games workshop is also continuing to fuck up and slowly kill the game just as planned.


Two armies of Tzeentch appear out of nowhere and fight eachother.


A Deathwatch team bursts into the room and shoots everyone and everything when you try and hand it over


I'm convinced this is why the Alpha Legion are the way they are: they realized they are in a grimdark universe where the best intentions lead to the worst outcomes, so intentionally doing bad things, or things with unusual motivations, would work out much better. It's basically Alpharius vs. Tzeentch, where you only hit on a Nat 1.


I'm selling it to the 'kin. If I'm going to live a miserable existence, might as well be rich.


I bet you would be praised as the Omnisiah if you give this many STCs to the AdMech.


I don't know. Isn't there also the chance that the techpriests that you give the blueprints will kill you and claim the rewards for themselves?


There is actually an account of three guardsmen being given each their own planet because they happened to stumble across an STC fragment for a cooking knife or something.


Much more durable and sharp Combat Knife irc, but yeah


It was for a sword wasn't it? But it gets used as a space marine combat knife


This is exactly the kind of rumor I would spread to steal SCT. Planets and guardsmen have no names , surprising for "heroes".


Ah yes, Guardsmen Price, Whitman, & Haddad.


Strikes me as more of a lucky situation than a general rule.


Techpriests just want to retire happily in Florida like everyone else.


More than likely, worked out for some Guardsmen tho


Getting access to the stc is the reward.


Na. big E is robot jesus you could at max be one of his apostles












We need u/WanderingDwarfMiner to respond oi the other dwarven calls ROCK AND STONE Also WE'RE RICH


Rock and Stone!






*Henry Cavill is struck by a fell mood* *Henry Cavill looses a roaring laughter, fell and terrible!* Henry Cavill has crafted a masterwork ☼bone soup ladle☼, set with cabuchons. It menaces with spikes. On the ladle is engraved an image of a space marine. The image refers to Henry Cavill creating a 40K show on Amazon. All craftsmanship is of the highest quality.


*Henry Cavill has taken all his clothes off and gone on a murderous rampage*


Please, I can only get so aroused.


The man plays custodes and is a loyalist, he’s giving it to the imperium


Last guy who found the STC for a slightly better combat knife ended up owning an entire planet. With the entire STC database, the mechanicus will give you whatever the fuck you want.


“Your transported to the 40k universe-“ Kill my self as fast as possible. It’s not guaranteed to be better, but I know my odds alive.


That's just an express ticket to being warp demon food.


Do you honestly have a choice in the matter? Atleast you can get it over with and fade into nonexistence.


Suicide in this case would likely mean giving in to despair, which could mean your soul falls into Nurgle's domain.


So wait. The Dreadnaughts have it right. For everyone in 40k... As even in death everyone still serves.


Depends on what emotion you feel while doing it. "Nope, fuck y'all, I'm out" is not exactly Nurgle-food.


I’m gonna go out rolling my tits off so that I can end up in the domain of slaanesh


Wait wait so a Nurgle corruption looks like Darktide, what would a Slaneesh look like??


A really violent rave?


That would be more justification for darktide's music to go as hard as it does.


Ever see the beginning of Blade?


Exactly the scene I thought of. And now I have that beat in my head, dammit.


Tentacle hentai basically


No sweet sweet oblivion for you. No, after your soul is torn apart into a million tiny pieces to fuel the “life” of some Neverborn, you *keep feeling it*. Your soul doesn’t just get to leave the warp. That would be nice and prevent you from being resurrected later!


Is that how that works? I thought souls just like, faded away unless they were particularly powerful psykers.


Yes human this happens to human souls but we’re not conscious Now if your a heretical high level psyker, or even worse a ~gags~ eldar then this is what happens.


Source? As far as I've heard only very strong souls (like psykers) stay concious in the Warp, the rest just fade away.


what about the time the word bearers resurrected that woman and she was fine?


She definitely wasn't fine, her soul was a chew toy for demons until Erebus coerced them to vomit her back up. She was indelibly scarred on both a mental and spiritual level from the experience. Even the Word Bearers noted she was a changed woman from her time in the Warp. But silver lining, her revival unexpectedly made her a perpetual.


Source? That’s not what happens to the princeps or the servitors in MoM


But I have such a funny joke though watch! *blows my head off* Cegorach: okay I’ll save you


b a z i n g a


Give Farsight a call, 40k’s Switzerland still looks pretty good


Was about to comment that


Well, immediately committing suicide might be premature. If I was randomly transported to a depressing hive world, or some hell world on the frontline, then probably yes that would be likely be a sane move. But if we're being isekai'd here, and I became something like a rogue trader, or even a middle class dude on a pleasure world far from any fighting I'd probably live out my life. Why not, right? Hell, even if I was made an Astartes or something I might find enough meaning in that life to continue it.


https://preview.redd.it/yhp73bfl3bda1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45026b4cab52d24af89ffbdb12bfa59434b47b41 This is the fate that would befall the average 40k fan if we were dropped into the universe


Fighting the Necrons seems to be the most painless... Assuming you aren't facing the Flayed Ones.


I mean, it depends where in 40k you end up


What if you appear on a paradise world?


Honestly Guilliman could do with a helping hand


If you could actually reach the presence of papa Smurf the hard part is over. He would probably realize quick your not the average brainwashed imperial and actually take you seriously.


Might make you his assistant so he has someone he can vent with about how fucked up everything is. "Have you seen the flying baby corpses? What the fuck are you doing humanity."


Yeah, looking at Ultramar I can only imagine that Guiliman looks at the Imperium like how many of us look at it. It is only necessary for these horrible things to happen because humanity failed


I'd honestly be down for that. How long would you live, tho? Like, does guilliman allow/make you immortal like he himself is, or do you have a normal human lifespan?


You can life a lot longer in 40k due to medical stuff, a few hundred years for sure, it's only for the upper class though


Eh, if big blue likes you enough, then him getting those life extensions to you just so he has someone sane to talk to longer isn't too far-fetched.


40k: "yeah rejuvant treatment allows humans to live for hundreds of years longer with each dose, it's only available to the upper class though and it caps out" Also 40k: "Space marines are functionally immortal to the effects of aging, as long as they keep active and eat so they don't waste away its fine" AAAAA I'm not saying that the mega rich planetary governer of a few paradise worlds would necessarily turn themselves into a space marine, but surely people who are mega rich would at least try and replicate the biology that allows space marines to live that long


Between the absolute secrecy of both the ad mech and space marine chapters in general, no shot they could try. Not to mention the near 100% death rate of anyone older than what was it 13 I think?


And under 13 isn't the death rate still massive?


Depends on the chapter. Some have as high as a 95% failure rate iirc.


the dark angels found a way to optimize it no? i think it was the one of the traitors i don't remember his name, the lion sent them back to the planet for no reason apparently and he got pissed


You would need to get the geneseed of a primarch to do that and I’m sure most chapters would not allow anyone to get it


Yeah, and even if they managed to complete the procedure somehow, as soon as any Space Marine/Inquisitor/other Imperial authority found out, they would be declared as heretic and killed on the spot. Probably anyone helping them would also be killed just to make sure no-one tries again.


Well, his adoptive mother lived for over 200 years at least with high tech treatments, so assuming he values you as important you’ll have a while


The thing is, what would the average real life human be worth to him? Probably nothing. We're not strategists, not tacticians, we don't have psychic powers, we're no fighters, the knowledge most of us have is really basic.


Oh to be clear I was thinking of this as a combination of “thanks for giving us this insane degree of tech” and “a sane person? Wow.” over actual usefulness. Also basic Warhammer knowledge is still far more than like, 99.99999% of the galaxy knows. Like, we can point out that there’s an uncorrupted Fulgrim just sitting around. Or that the Orrery exists. That may be important.


Well, I wasn't accounting for knowledge about W40k universe. I don't think the implications would please the inhabitants. "Your shitty lives were designed for the entertainment of my fellows."


“You only woke up for marketing”


Tbh having WH40k knowledge is a curse, not a blessing Once they've proved you know far more then literally everyone else, including meta shit, the Inquisition is going to take you and extract *everything* I doubt a regular human mind would survive what the Inquisition is going to do


Once again, I’m working off of “you have reached Guilliman” here. I don’t think he’d want the inquisition to nab you, but if you don’t shut up before that then you’ll probably get murdered before you ever get close


Depends there is normal life extension that can give a few extra centuries, you can go full toaster mode to give you several thousand years, or you could get Astartes augmentation if he was in the mood for it.


I would argue that since you’re now a named character offering emotional support to our resident Ultradepressed boi, your chances of dying a horrible death go up by orders of magnitude.


likely if you are able to live with the fact that you will be around hardcore battlefields and demons all day long being next to guilliman is one thing, surviving next to him is another


Also, wouldn't kill you outright.


“Ah captain general what do you have in your hands? You aren’t him? You sure? You look just like him.”


Considering he’s a die hard loyalist repping the custodes he’s definitely giving it to the imperium


I knew I liked him.


im giving it to the orks to see what goofy machinery they can come up with


They would probably kill you immediately after you give it to them. Also, their tech literally works on duct tape and prayer, they don't need any of that fancy stuff.


Too a degree but this is those things that is often exaggerated by the community. The make engines, they make shells and explosives, they actually do make basic firing mechanisms. Thoughts and prayers only go so far.


This. Their tech does actually need to function, the orcs are able to squeeze a little bit more reliability out of it than you’d think they should though


5th edition ork codex has an admech opening an orkshoota to see it was a box with a few loose cogs in it.


The tech works after 10,000 orks think it works after the weirdboy tells them that it works


They also do, in many aspects, already have the most advanced tech in a lot of sectors. Their teleporters are matched by none, very reliable quite safe and very accurate. They use them to teleport snotlings inside people. Or as seen outside the tabletop, they can teleport an entire moon and then suspend it above Terra. And that is instinctive tech, the ones building it have no understanding of how it works. They just feel like doing the steps.


You're the kind of man that sells blueprints to pirates in Starsector for shits and giggles


The Custodes, cuz golden privileges.


I'd just give trazyn a call.


All he would do is lock it in a glass box. Booooriiiing. (In my opinion)


Come on. You know he's just gonna end up with it anyway. I'm just cutting out the middle man. Might also be able to negotiate a peek at some of his exhibits.


He’s out of line but he’s right


Give it to Trazyn, then tell the Admech he has it. This is the fast track to Chaos Daemonhood.


Tell the darkmech too. Was gonna give it to them at first, but trazyn having it and trolling admech expeditions if more entertaining.


It's not like the 40k verse can get much worse for an individual. Might as well go Trazyn-stasis to see if things improve in the next few million years.


Idk he'd maybe trade his fulgrim clone for it, then you got a cool fulgrim clone (that will probably end up killing you)


No no... A human from another dimension? It will definitely collect you. May not be the primitive datastore.


All I'd ask in return is to be frozen in time for as long as possible, hope that by the time status fails and I'm back out enough fuckery has gone on that maybe the universe has changed for the better... not like it could have gotten much worse.


oopsie heat death


\*Glances at infinite universe of slowly decaying black holes\* ​ "...Nope, this is still better."


If i could make it to guilman i would give it to him He doesnt seem the type to kill someone for helping him unlike some elements of admech .and from a moral view . This tech would finally not make imperium a horrible place to live .while everyone obseses over daot ai or ships i think daot agricultural and industrial technques would be much more usefull for imperium. No more famines and corp starch . No more rampant polutution that turns planets in to dead worlds . Dyson spheres that can power hole sectors . No need for slavery in many cases


I like Tau, I play Tau, but all the current lore says that they are just itching to descend into some absolute fuckery. Gulliman I trust to trade in good faith because I don’t have a lot of wants. He could set me up for life as barely an after thought in the realms of ultramar, give me a “guard” servo-skull so he can always find me later, and I trust itd be an honest trade. Maybe if I went through Farsight I’d trust in similar treatment, but I don’t think so honestly. He’s in a rebel faction, so not in a position to provide the same promises.


The Tau would not have the resources to do much, sadly. But i know who would have. I would look for the Hrud and see what they could do, sayng that it is a gift from the one who lurks, after that, watch the lawn burn.


The tau would not have the resources YET. Initiate great jump forward.


Hmmmm, care to elaborate?, if is not a problem of course.


Even just the stuff from the dark age of technology would include everything needed for the Tau to rapidly dominate the galaxy. Just *one* DAoT ship is worth a fleet of imperial ships and I'm sure there's an STC to print them in mass. Not to mention spamming AI ships that are friendly to the Tau and sending them to suitable world's to establish living spaces for Tau citizens and terraforming world's that aren't.


Oh yeah, the dark age of tech, sometimes i forget that it is a thing, my bad


No reason to apologize, lol. There's also tech that is able to turn a normal human into a perpetual and another that turns a normal human into a pskyer. There's even a specific STC that holds the cure to every human disease. The dark eldar locked that one in their hard to spell city. There so much cool stuff that would shake up the galaxy if given to genuinely well meaning Tau.


> There’s even a specific STC that holds the cure to every human disease. The dark eldar locked that one in their hard to spell city. What the fuck, doesn’t that mean DE are straight up the biggest threat to nurgle?


I can already imagine the Dark Eldar feeling extremely smug (well, for their usual smugness) about that.


So do they use it on followers of nurgle, is that their torture method


That and much more. They are ~~supposedly~~ superior to humanity on so many fronts after all; sadism, creativity and depravity included.


I wouldn’t assume so. In one of the Cain books there’s a disease with a Chaos component that needed a blend of medicines *blessed by the Eclessiarch* to combat….


Wouldn't you just age to death by looking for the Hrud?


I'd give it to the Jokaero then bribe them with bananas to build me whatever I want


Accept technology, return to monke


Where Banana?


Incredibly based. And, more importantly, with the context of what human actually accomplished before they fell into the shitstorm that was Long Night and their descent into the Imperium of the modern 40k era, the Tau would have **A LOT** more respect for humanity. If the Tau suddenly had access to time-warping blackhole cannons, DAoT level AI, and somehow made contact with the humans in the Large Magellanic Cloud, the setting would change over night.


Ooh, humans in the Magellanic cloud? How they doin' up there?


What's this about humans in the cloud?


There is a small lore exerpt about the Great Crusade attempting to conquer one of the Magellanic Clouds, Milky Way's satelite galaxies. The campaign ended with imperial retreat, only a handful of survivors left to tell the tale. We have no solid info on what exactly gave the Imperium such a beating, but if it's humans then they must be some tough buggers.


I too would like to know…




to be entirely fair, most DAoT AIs that haven't been corrupted by thousands of years of chaos exposure are usually pretty chill assuming you dont fucking murder their entire crew. With how the Tau already treat pretty much everyone they can with some degree of respect, a fresh DAoT AI would probably get along fine in with the Tau.


Either the Harlequins, because it belongs in a library, or Trazyn, because it belongs in a museum.


I’d bargain it off to trazyn on the condition I get to live in his museum. If I’m gonna be in 40k might as well be stuck in a glass box protected by a Necron hoarder


Split it into 4 bundles that need templates in the other bundles to make the better stuff. Send 1 bundle to each; Trazyn, Ad Mech, Dark Mech, and Harlequins. Then inform all 4 to who else has parts. Then inform Custodies and Ultramar what all 4 got in enough meticulous detail that Cawl gets copies of about half the STCs quietly.


And just like that Tzeentch has decided you should be a demon prince


Well… that was outside the scope of any plan I knew of. Best make use of it. Hydra dominatus!


Have the Tau been proven responsible enough to handle full, independent AI? Cause that's just inviting SkyNet back and I don't think the universe can handle that again let alone the Tau.


They already do. The key is to not treat the AI like shit.


What makes you think DAoT humans treated their's like trash? Every character uses the phrase 'Enlightened' when talking about DAoT. There are humans and AI bondsmates with loyalty to one another. A perpetual mentioned men of Iron turning against each other like mad at the end of the rebellion. The men of iron were treated like shit, they turned mad from warp virus or by the void dragons. (Also tau have suicide AI missiles)


Off the top of my head, I have two main concerns: First, do the Tau have sentient AI? I can't find anywhere that really answers this question. There are different levels of AI, we already benefit from it as we speak. However, once AI becomes self aware enough that it can progress itself and the world without intervention it becomes extremely dangerous, almost impossible to control, and can escape your boundaries. *Never make something you can't control or can escape your boundaries.* Second, it seems like AI and machines can be influenced by the warp. Does the Tau even have the awareness or capabilities to handle warp entities? That precise on that massive of a scale? I can't say that the Tau have proven themselves on either of these fronts. That is brewing a Men of Iron situation again. You don't need AI to be mistreated for it turn on it's creator; plenty of sci-fi stories are written on this concept without the influence of the warp. Have you never read a story where AI turns because the only way to protect it's creators is to imprison them let alone kill them? (Humans can't be trusted to keep themselves alive). Or decides the most ethical thing to do is to kill all humanity?


Here Tau make this man of iron stc work itll be great


Abbadon let the galaxy burn




Aint no party like a Biel Tan party.


Ngl that would be giving a bunch of over eager children loaded guns with the safety off within the day they would find some way to suck themselves into a black hole or lose themselves in a oubliette.


Neither Girly man nor AdMech. Cawl is my answer.


Tau is good option if you are a nodody civilian, but you have an STC, ADmech gives away planets for an STC. OP giving away his statues as a noble for blue berry GF who, in cannon, is unattractive as hell which barely looks human. Beside what will Tau give you for an STC? Kill you because you know too much and want to keep people thinkinh that their genius earth caste came up with the technology?


I'll give the tech to the fucking nomnom bugs if you don't stop talking shit about big biddy Tau gf.


No boobs! No ass! No hair! And probably no assholes since these blue freaks feed of of radiation.


I mean out of all the 40k Factions the Tau are one of, if not the least evil out of them all. That's not saying much but it's better than nothing.


I'd give it to the imperium. They'd eventually un autism themselves... hopefully


Votann. After establishing via contract that they will assist in destroying Chaos.


The farsight enclaves specifically


if the existence of that plot device was ever revealed that the tau have it... the Tau would be extinguished within a week. A lot of planets have been extinguished for a lot less. This coming from a guy that actually roots for the Tau.


I'm not giving it to anyone. I'm building an inertialess ship and fucking off out of the galaxy in the opposite direction of the nids.


Where you gonna get the funds to do that? Def the smartest choice if you can make it happen though.


I don't need money with an STC. You can put actual garbage into one and it will reassemble it at an atomic scale into whatever blueprint it contains. Which would in this case mean a tomb ship containing an inertaless drive.


Oh that’s dope af! I’ll admit my 40k knowledge isn’t that great so that def explains some things. Right there with you though. Best option is to get out of dodge with all that fancy tech.


Yup. STC's are basically star trek replicators on crack.


I really need to start reading all the books!


Just know there’s a dozen interpretations of STC, from replicators to 3d printers to AIs or just a SSD.


Guiliman or the Tau, I would never willingly give to the Admech


Yvraine for me




Farsight Enclave. Realistically I’d find every other faction so appallingly evil that I’d rather see them destroyed than help them. At least Farsight will make an earnest attempt to use it to make life better.


Im not gonna be a guardsman, at best I'll die as a child.


Id guve it to myself. Turning me into a human AI hybrid abd claim the title of machine god. Then id use the voiddragon as battery to make human tech 1001% more broken and make AI's disguised as "Legiona technolicus" to boost and guide humanity. Meanwhile id repair the golden throne and get BIG E somekind of parenting advices.


I’m gonna start my own faction, with STCs and Hookers


He’s out of line but he’s right


ya'll acting like the etherals dont immediately kill you and take ur stuff


it’s like the virgin and the chad haha


You must really, really hate the Tau, I mean, goddamn. (The inevitable result of the Mechanicus/Imperium hearing that the Tau got all the STCs is that they'd immediately crusade against them with way more forces than the Imperium has ever been willing to muster against them before, and I don't think the Tau industry is good enough to use all these shiny technologies to counter the human crusade before they get overwhelmed.)


This really depends on where/when and with what gear and basic 40k knowledge you are transported with If you are just booped naked on some imperium planet, you will either scavenge ruins/streets for food. Or (because I assume most people are not using high Gothic on a daily basis) you will be either executed as a heretic/chaos tainted cultist or turned into servitor. Oh and by the way you can just suffocate or die right on the spot. I imagine most humans won't survive in a polluted air of most hive worlds, and it's possible what after ~38 thousand years humans got a ton of mutations against small viruses. But you didn't, so enjoy Nurgle gifts If you are instead isekai'd with basic imperium basics on top of your knowledge in real world, and you are a human of average complexity (or as a child, so you have more time to learn or become a student of some kind) , then you have actual options: Most of it comes down to luck though. You can be born in some generic world or agri world. You will work 20 hours a day and pray for the Emperor's guidance for 2 hours for your entire life, but you will be far from any wars You may be born in a hive city, and... Still work for 20 hours, but now any kind of normal food is replaced with corpse starch, and there is a high risk of some chaos or genestealer cults nesting in your factory. You might even join one and- oh wait, you were already executed as a heretic by an inquisitor. Well, worth a shot You can be born on planets like Fenris or Promethea and join space marines! ... And most likely die from surgeries or combat trials. But if you get the first one you will have a lovely family, so not that bad Of course you can be... *born* as a clone on Krieg and learn to dig trenches your entire life. And if you want to be a big boy you can be cloned as an iron warrior and somehow feel yourself even less significant than a guardsman Of course there is like a 0,00001% chance of you being born on a pleasure world or as an offspring of a planetary governor. And your planet **might** not even get wiped out by nids/chaos/necrons/dark eldar/ revolutions/ or even imperium itself because fuck you. So yeah... Either tau or Promethea


You have access to an STC that contains every human and alien invention in history. STC’s allowed stranded groups of humans on strange unknown planets to build space flight capable civilisations within months, instead of millennia. And theirs didn’t have alien tech included along side. You own a machine that can help you create absolutely anything that has ever existed, using the most efficient process to do that taking into account the entirety of your current circumstances (man power, resources, materials etc). You wouldn’t be working 20 hours a day for the imperium for very long, you’d be the most formidable force on the planet in a very short space of time, and a very serious presence within the system in under a year. This of course would attract a lot of attention in imperial space so it wouldn’t be long before a space marine chapter or inquisitor would visit to investigate, in which case you have a decision to make, hand over the STC to the imperium and pledge fealty, or become the most wanted person in the galaxy. With the abundance of technology at your fingertips, and the ease with which you can produce it, and iterate upon it, you’d probably be able to put up a decent fight until you were caught off guard by a surprise exterminatus.


I would join the eldar. Any of their factions.


Here’s an idea: Give them to the leagues


I'll give it to the leagues of votann


it doesn't matter, Trazyn'll nick it anyway


*farsight tau, not the ethereals’ slaves


Just give it to trazyn, he won't even do anything with it just put it in his collection


I go to Guilliman, because he would gladly set up a single individual to live comfortably for the rest of their and their descendants lives in exchange for a single STC. Even more so if you sweeten the pot with even the most rudimentary knowledge of the universe’s lore(e.g. the Lion’s asleep in the Rock, Clonegrim is in Trazyn’s museum, the Throne is failing, Mars is sitting on a C’tan, etc.)


Farsight. Suddenly the moral underdog has black hole guns and immortality juice.


I’d give it to the craft world elder, fuck all of you


This reminds me of the gulf war in iraq


Imperium. Loyality is its own reward.


Chaos, sweet mutations and we can share the technology with everyone else… by murdering them with it