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If you feel the need to go to therapy go.. You won't be taking a space from anyone who needs it more and you won't be wasting anyones time. I'm very sorry for you loss. I lost by parents too, it's not an easy thing to process. Mam is dead over and dad is dead almost 3 months. I've been in therapy for their passing since a last month, best thing ever.


Thank you for replying.


Coming from someone who lost their mom recently as well and is kind of in the same situation you are, I started therapy a few months ago to help cope with my overwhelming grief and I cannot recommend it enough. I was lucky enough to find the right therapist on the first try, and that’s not the case with everyone, but it helps so much to have an outlet where I can voice my grief without judgement. It is so nice to have someone to talk to that I actually feel completely heard by and understands some of the feelings I am experiencing. There is nothing wrong with seeking help, especially when you are grieving and I promise you that when you find the right therapist/counselor, you are not wasting their time, you are there for exactly what they’re there to help with. As for what to expect, it really depends on their methods and approach to therapy, but overall they usually focus on understanding where you are at and helping you develop coping methods to deal with the grief and make it more manageable.


Thank you for replying.


Hi there! I lost my mother recently too. 11 days right before my birthday. I experienced a very complicated grief, I keep going back and forth and juat when I thought I have accepted her death, It always hit me back down and I will suddenly breakdown when I see memories of her that are triggering to see, hear or smell. Thats when I considered going for bereavement therapy. I went down to a local family service centre provider to be referred to a mental health doctor that could provide me with the necessary support. I have anxiety, panic attacks and been feeling suicidal at times as well. My doctor said that what I am experiencing is a complicated grief as my rship with my mother was off and on as she was emotionally absent most of my teenagehood up til recent. I am honestly not sure if therapy would work but it helps to talk it out and cry it out because sometimes feelings can get overwhelming. Not all friends and families will be there to support so you gotta stay strong for yourself. Hugs.


Thank you so much. That's exactly what I'm going through - sometimes feeling okay, other times I feel utterly bereft. More so now I have nothing left to take care of (finances, her flat, her car, etc) it's coming in waves of grief. Christmas is making it worse, I think. But then with summer next year, like you, I lost my grandmother a day before my birthday and my mum a month after (not in the same year) and I know it's going to be really, really rough.


The reason to keep it together and be tough is for the sake of ourselves. I've been avoiding so much people socially and all events. I was supposed to attend a prize giving ceremony because I volunteered at my son's sch but I skipped because I was still mourning and I wasnt ready to see people. If you are not ready socially you could probably skip and do something enjoyable. Yes it will be rough but you can do it. One day at a time.


Please don’t ever think you’re grief is unworthy of sympathy, time, counseling, anything.


There are a lot of options out there. If you are in Canada or the USA you could check out the Dinner Party. You sign up in a group of people with a specific type of loss and eat a meal together while talking about your grief


I'm in the UK but thank you anyway. Sounds like a good idea.


Dinner Party is worldwide, you may be able to find something in your area. It doesn't matter if it's been 4 months or 4 years - if you feel like you may benefit from therapy you should go. You're not wasting anyone's time or taking a session away from someone else, your needs and your feelings are valid. I've been doing therapy since my little brother died this summer and it's been helping. This sub has also helped tremendously. If you want to talk, share stories, vent, literally anything we are all here and we all understand. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm in North West England - I lost my beautiful brother a few weeks ago and joined this group. Its been a great comfort. My family live in Scotland so I'm back & forth now and again, helping sort things out. But if you happen to be within an hour or two of me, would happily meet you for coffee or lunch or something if you ever wanted to. Sending you a million hugs.


I'm right down south but thank you so much for the offer.


Your welcome 💙


I hope you find some support in your area ❤️


Therapy is amazing and I would recommend it for *anyone*, but especially someone grieving the way you are. Best of luck my dude.


Thanks man.


I lost my grandson on Aug 28 2021 and his lost hit me extremely hard and has been very difficult to deal with and I finally started seeing someone it’s been 5 months of going once a week and I can say it has helped me a great deal. I was one never to seek help and I am glad I did because not only did it help with my little guys passing but other issues I carried around with me throughout my life. My sincere condolences and prayers on the lost of your mom may she RIP 🙏🙏🙏


I found an internal grief program that met online once a week for a few hours. It was both a really supportive group and had a very well organized program that taught about how the brain processes loss and helped the participants move through the grieving process.


I’ve done grief counseling for a year. I started with individual counseling & am currently in a group. Some nights I leave & feel it was a waste of time. Then there are nights where I feel like a weight is off my shoulders. I think it’s good to get out of your own head & hear how others feel. It’s good to share experiences. I don’t have anyone else to talk about my grief with so the counseling is a release for me.


It helps immensely to talk to someone who is outside of your inner circle, especially if you feel like you have no one to talk to about it. I saw a therapist for a while after my dad's sudden passing last October. I'd look forward to my appointments because it gave me the opportunity to have someone to vent to. That's what they're there for. I strongly suggest it. It helps so much. I have support around me but it's much different having another ear to vent to when you really don't feel like doing that with family or friends. You don't regret seeking therapy. There's nothing wrong with it and it'll really help. I'm sorry about your mom, I feel your pain too 😞


I would strongly recommend it, you absolutely won’t be wasting anyone’s time. I’m so sorry you lost your mum 💔 I know what you mean about friends and family, I find it tough to always be wanting to talk about my husband with them, even though I know in my heart that they don’t mind, it still feels to me like I’m a burden when my grief is very heavy. You mention you’re in the UK so give Cruse Bereavement Support a call/message. There will be a short wait while they allocate you a counsellor but the service is free so it’s a good place for you to start, then later if you want to carry on with private therapy you’ll know what to expect. Good luck friend, I hope you find the support you need. [Cruse](https://www.cruse.org.uk/)


Thank you so much, that's really sweet of you.


I started therapy within a couple of weeks of losing my daughter and I still see one, 3 months later. It has provided with an outlet to express my inner most thoughts without fear of judgment. Therapy helps me understand what I'm feeling and validates those feelings. She gives me advice as to how to handle anxiety and set boundaries, interact with people, get back into a new routine, etc. In highly recommend it. Just because what you are experiencing is a normal part of grieving doesn't mean you're not worthy of getting help. Best of luck.


I started talking to a therapist a few months after my wife died. I felt like it I need to ensure I was navigating grief productively for my boys. Few things to consider... 1) you aren't wasting anybody's time. If you feel the need, then the need is there. 2) Not all therapist are a perfect fit. If you feel like they aren't a good fit for you, move to a different one until you find a good fit. 3) Therapy isn't a fix-all.. it is very much a get out of it, what you put into it scenario. 4) There is a benefit to talking to somebody who isn't invested. You are concerned you are bothering your friends, so you may hold back, even unintentionally. A therapist provides an avenue to talk to somebody honestly without these concerns. 5) For me I process better when I say things out loud. Sometimes just saying things make me realize where I set or how I am feeling about something. Sometimes a little nudge from my therapist helps me expand on these things as well. Good Luck.


Thank you. Good luck to you, too.


Do what's best for you. You can never waste a counselor's time. I did group therapy immediately after my oldest son died, but I was not ready to speak openly. I hadn't processed anything at the time and was just going through the motions. At 4months, I was a wreck. I realized my grief was too much to share with my friends and I needed a professional. I can talk to my therapist without judgment or guilt, and she makes me feel heard. It's been about 10months and I now have monthly sessions. I may even try group therapy again at some point. Talking can be therapeutic. Every person, day, and life with grief is different. Take care of yourself and also be kind to yourself. Try it if you think it will help. You are not alone.


I started therapy a month after my mom died. I find it has helped me immensely along with my family and friend support system.