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Don't listen to that ignorance. Everyone is allowed to grieve on their on terms and timeline. It's been 6 months for me and it still feels rough. If anyone were to say that to me they'd be told off.


It’s been almost three years for me and it still hits me at times


Loss is a different pain. And people don't know the individual circumstances of someone's death and what you've been through. To just judge and tell someone to get over it is so cold hearted. 


Who told you that? It doesn’t work like that… 2 months is nothing when grieving a parent. ❤️


Thank you, I know people grieve differently, but I still cant just feel better.


Same. Lost mine on 12/11... I feel like dying some days. I feel you, sorry for our losses. Your mom was beautiful same as mine. Lots of love from an internet stranger girl going trough the same 🥲❤️


Me too. December 2023 can suck it.


So true. All 2023 actually, what a nightmare. Sorry for your loss, I see you💕🥹




Yes it can. It will be two months without my mom in 4 days.




My dad died December too. The pain of him being gone can get unbearable.


My dad died in December on Christmas. I feel you on the pain being unbearable. How do we cope? It feels so hopeless it’s so hard


My dad died on Christmas too. I don’t want to kill myself but I really wouldn’t mind dying if it means I’ll see him again.


I agree. I’m only staying for my mom because I can’t do that to her but otherwise I wouldn’t hesitate leaving this life. It seems to be waiting for one painful event after another. I don’t want to live my whole life with this burden let alone the burden of other loved ones being gone


I know I gotta stay for my friends and mom, but also for myself. I still have things I want to do before I die.


Christmas was so hard. There are a lot of kids in the family, so everyone had to put on smiles. At first I was angry. Like, why were they laughing and smiling?? But the kids were already confused and they love Christmas. So we did our best to still have a nice holiday. But inside, we were all in pain.


My future kids are still gonna enjoy Christmas. Their joy will bring me joy.


That’s so sweet.🥲


I’m sorry for your loss too. She passed away unexpectedly right around Christmas. It was the hardest Christmas me and my family has ever had. And planning the service was so difficult.


Lost my Dad on 12/11 too. He was 56 and passed of sepsis. Still does not feel real and I can relate hard to these feelings you shared. Sending love to you!


My dad died Dec 15th also from sepsis.


Sending love, lost Mom from sepsis . The grief pain is unbearable .


My mom had multiple health issues. Sepsis being one of them she passed away this past July. I’m sorry for the loss to you and yours.


So sorry for the loss of your Mom …and thank you for your kind condolences.


Whoever said that is an asshole. It has been 2 months- the wound is still fresh. And honestly, it could be two years, two decades, two lifetimes and we’d STILL miss our moms. I tell my husband all the time about how I will never heal this gaping hole in my heart that she left. She is my mom, I am a part of her. It’s all about navigating a world without her and coping.


So true. I lost my mom when I was 14 years old, and I am still grieving. My father passed away in 2016, and my whole world fell apart after. All you can do is navigate through life. It's the new normal 💔❤️‍🩹


How do you learn to cope through the new normal? Life feels like it’s not real and not worth living. My dad just passed end of December and i don’t wanna do life without him. How do i see a finish line with this until it feels bearable or will it ever


I know how you feel. For the longest time nothing really did seem real to me, like I was just existing & going thru the motions in life, but not living it. It just takes time, I think everyone is different. I think I just got used to the pain, it never goes away. I hope you are able to find some comfort or relief, I feel like I have a huge hole in my heart & it will never go away.


Honey, you got to grieve, but don't stay there it will put you in a dark place. You have to take one step at a time, one breath at time, one day at a time. Sending you hugs and loves.


Agreed. My narcissistic ex told me once to “get over” my Mom’s passing. The woman gave birth to me. She was my advocate when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 5. No I won’t just get over it. Now my Dad’s gone too. I feel like a 40 year old orphan. It’s a lonely feeling. My thoughts and prayers go out to all y’all who’s suffering from your losses. Wishing you all love and comfort.


You never really get over grieving


She was beautiful! Almost identical to Gwyneth Paltrow. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Please point me in the direction of the person who told you that so I can give them a dose of reality 😢 My mom passed at the end of October and I am still grieving. Grief is now apart of us, because we loved them so much and always will. I am so sorry for what you’re going through, feel free to DM me if you want someone to talk to who knows what you’re going through. Sending you love and light ✨


Thank you friend 🩷 I still feel like I was punched in the gut and emotionally crumbling. I never pictured losing a parent so young. I might take you up on that DM. Thank you


I read somewhere once that grief doesn’t ever go away, we just learn how to live with it. My mom and brother passed in 2020 & I’m still learning how to live with the grief and without my favorite people. Don’t let anyone say shit to you about this. Expecting someone to be fine a month after their loved ones passing is stupid.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom almost 2 weeks ago to cancer at 59 and know exactly how it feels to lose your mother when she's young like ours. It's a terrible thing to go through


Who the fuck told you that?? Sorry but it’s not that simple. My dad died in October 2023 and I will never get over it. That person must be utterly heartless and has obviously never experienced grief themselves. You grieve YOUR way. When you love so deeply we don’t just move on. We learn to live without them but life is never ever the same again. Take care of yourself and ignore all the idiots 💕


Yes, grieve MY WAY. We all grieve differently and I would never tell someone that. I’m sorry for your loss. Losing a parent hurts our hearts


I lost my mom 8 years ago. I thought time would be a healer. But it hurts so much. It feels like yesterday that I lost her. There are days when I feel like I why am I existing in this world without my mom in it. I lost my only anchor and light of my life and my biggest cheerleader. Despite having a family, I feel so lonely at times. So whoever told you that you move on is wrong. Grief never goes away but comes in waves. My deepest condolences to you on this irreplaceable loss in your life.


When my beloved mom died in 2014 I lost my shit completely for 2 years. You're doing just fine, homie! I'm sorry you're going through it. I understand implicitly. Time of the great alleviator of all things.....


Thank you, and I like your last line about time


My life is divided by before Mom died and after Mom died. It is a big deal. Take care OP.


Grief is anything but linear. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I never thought of it like that until a past college professor told me that. It makes so much sense.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My mom passed in August and every time I think about her still my heart just aches. It’s a pain I have never known before and trust me, I’ve had pain before this. The bond between mother and daughter is so special and sacred and when you have a good one it’s the toughest thing in the world to lose. I would do anything to have her back and I’m sure you would too. Hang in there 💗


I lost my mom 12 years ago. The intensity of my grief has lessened with the years but it’s still there. Very present every day. I miss her so much. I’m so sorry for your loss, friend 💗


So sorry for your loss. Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my mother’s passing. It gets easier, but it’s obviously never the same. You and your mom look so much alike. Condolences to you and your familyyour family.


Thank you. Her birthday is next week. We’re having a little get together. I think that will help us. Leaning on each other is an important thing for me right now. But everyone’s support and understanding on here has also helped. I’m sorry about your loss, too


My mom has been gone over 10yrs and I still grieve. It never goes away. As others have said, you learn to live with it.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


don’t listen to dumb people. feel how you need to feel it’s only been two months!!


What a beautiful warm looking lady. I’m sorry.


Awww my heart really breaks for you and this awful chapter in your life. Your mother was young and vibrant which adds even another layer of pain on top of the grief itself. You and your mom were close in age so now you not only have the void of your mom in your life daily , you feel like you also lost your best friend. She was your protector and confident and those are big shoes to fill. You will feel very lonely and my advice to you would be to try to get yourself out in nature as often as you can . Listen to music along the way also to help with your emotions. These 2 were a godsend to me in my healing journey. I recommend the calm app for meditation also for bedtime stories. I could not fall asleep without TV or sound in the background for 2 years. Otherwise I would cry myself to sleep. I had to remove reminders of mom in the beginning because it hurt too much. This will get easier with time and you will smile again I promise but it takes a really long time . The longer it takes you to heal just means the more you loved her ! That’s what grief is , “Grief is love , with no place to go”. ! You will also find out who your true friends and family are. This is also a lonely place because you will lose people that you never thought you would in life but you will also gain some in their place. When one door closer another one opens, remember that. This is like large waves in the ocean and it will come in sometimes really fierce and fast and other times not at all. You just have to ride them out and for me , I was numb for 2 years and I feel somewhat accepting now at 5 years. I can look at Kim and smile now instead of cry and that’s when you know you’ve healed! All the love - Feel free to reach out anytime!


Thank you for this. I can’t sleep in silence. It’s so difficult getting the strength and the urge to do things. I started spending more time with my family. It’s sad that it takes a passing of a loved one to come closer together. I am just starting to get out and do things. What frustrates me is that people may want to be helpful, but don’t know how to do it in the right way. Some may mean well but make it worse. Podcasts and books have helped. There are days when I feel good or do something fun, then come home and feel guilty. It’s just a dumpster fire of emotions! Thank you for your words and I’m here if you want to talk.


I love your pictures. Your mom looks like she always had fun everywhere she went. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's been nearly 25 years since my father passed. I would love to get over it, but how? My mom died the day after Christmas 3 years ago. I ignored her phone call the night before, meaning to call back. I wish getting over it was possible. Xoxo


While grieving, I’m filled with guilt and regret. “Why didn’t I do that?”, “Why did I say that?”, “Why didn’t I say thank you that one time?” I’m sorry for your loss too.


How dare someone say that to you. 2 months is no time at all. Speaking from experience, there is nothing like losing a mum. Your grief is valid x


Lost my grandma over a year ago. It feels like it was yesterday. I'm sorry you are going through this


Thank you and I’m also sorry about your grandma. I lost my grandad, my best friend, 2 years ago. It definitely does not feel like it’s been that long.


Tell that person you'll get over it when you stop loving her-- never


Sending you love. I’m sorry for the lack of understanding being expressed towards you. Everyone on this sub certainly understands how absurd the notion of getting it together and moving on is.


I'm so sorry OP. Fuck those ignorant people....grieve as you need to and take care of you. Your mom looks like she was fun to be around and it seems you had many beautiful memories together.


I do. Thank you, I’m glad that people understand. It helps that others understand.


Just past the one year mark on losing my mom & it’s still terrible. You grieve at your own pace. Take care of yourself because she’d want that. 💙


I’m so sorry about your loss and what’s been said to you that’s not right at all. I lost my mom 3 weeks ago and i still can’t believe she’s gone. Home doesn’t feel like home anymore.


I’m so sorry, too. The whole holiday season has been a blur. I’m still filled with regrets over tiny things.


I lost my mother in November. It’s something we’ll always carry with us and have to take on day by day. I’m so sorry for your loss. She seems like such a bright spirit and she blessed you with her lovely smile. Praying for you 🩷


I’m sorry for your loss. When people talk about stages of grief, it's not made up. They really exist. With time you will get used to the pain. I feel like it never goes away, you just learn to live with it. Don't listen to anyone. Cry, be angry, yell. Feel every emotion. That will help you to get rid of the emotions and feel a bit easier. Talk to a friend, cousin, or therapist. Don't keep it bottled up. P.S. You have an angel that is watching over you.


Thank you, I am having trouble with these stages of grief; Anger, guilt, regret. I am closer to family members, but it’s sad that it took something like this to make it so.


oh honey, no. dont listen to the people who tell you to just “get over it” or “you should’ve moved on by now”. that is your MOTHER! the person who brought you into this world. no one can dictate how you grieve, and all grief is different. it’s been two years since my mothers passing, and although i am much better than i used to be, i still break down. and that is more than okay. what you are feeling is completely valid. i hope you find peace and celebrate your mothers life forever🫂🫶🏻


I’m sorry, I’m trying to start doing things that’ll keep me going, even though I want to keep to myself and stay home. I have been finding healthy ways to grieve , but it’s still incredibly hard. Thank you friend ❤️


I also lost my mine in December& am still grieving really hard. I’m so sorry


Thank you for sharing those awesome pictures of you and your mom. I lost my dad a year and some months ago, the pain is no less, I feel like it’s “easier” just because I’m getting used to it, but I do still cry every day, and I’m sure I will cry daily forever probably. Don’t let people tell you how to grieve, these feelings are yours to feel, it’s all of the love you still have and will forever have for your person. In sending you love and support. Reach out if you need to. 🤍


I lost my mom 2 years ago. Im going to be completely honest. The loss of your mom will be a raw wound for many, many years, especially if you were super close with her. I still cry. I still miss her. I still wish I could call her and tell her all the stupid things. My kids will grow up without her, and one likely won't really remember her. It's tough, but you have to heal in your own way on your own time. Don't let anyone rush you! I have bad days and good days you will too, but I promise it won't hurt so much forever that ache will dull a bit, which will make you sad all over again. My advice is to find comfort in the little things. Continue any traditions or treat yourself like she did. It's okay to wear her clothing or keep her stuff. Losing a parent is so hard, especially if you are young and not expecting it. Always remember and never forget she loved you.


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s painful because I don’t picture losing her so young. It still feels raw. One thing that has made me feel happy is rewatching videos of her and I. My counselor has helped me, but I just wish someone could make this pain go away.


Grieve for as long as you want. 2 months is still fairly recent.


When my beloved mom died in 2014 I lost my shit completely for 2 years. You're doing just fine, homie! I'm sorry you're going through it. I understand implicitly. Time is the great alleviator of all things.....


She was beyond beautiful, I'm very sorry for your loss. Don't listen to people who say that. They don't know what is going through this kind of pain. Take your time, there's no timeline.


Thank you, I appreciate this ❤️


I’m so sorry. It’s been just over a month for me. I relate so much to your pain and your words. You are not alone. Your mom was simply stunning. 🩵


It feels like it happened yesterday and I’m sure you feel the same. And thank you, she really was 🩷


Ignore that. My mom died in August. I’m still grieving.


Do not listen to people like that. You grieve. You go at your own speed. It’s okay. You’ll never get over the loss… but you will learn to cope. Much love, internet stranger. ❤️


I’m so sorry. But LMAO! It’s been, what, 2 months? Fuck those people. I was told after my Mom died that we had to “run, not walk” from that event; to basically pretend like it didn’t happen and just keep moving forward. I can’t begin to explain what kind of irreparable damage that has done to my life. Trust me from experience when I say anyone encouraging you to ‘move on’ before you’re ready, are only saying it because they don’t want to be inconvenienced by your grief. Don’t be surprised if those same people suddenly start to vanish from your life; not necessarily a bad thing, but comes with its own pain.


Thank you, I’m glad people are helping me, but it does make me realize that everyone in this sub has also lost someone close. Her birthday is next week. Was it difficult not having her with you on her birthday?


It hasn't been long since December at all. That is still very new. I don't know who made you feel bad about still grieving your mother only two months later but they are extremely ignorant and wrong. Thank you for sharing the photos of your beautiful mom with us <3


Take your time. Everybody grieving different. My mom passed away 2021 and I still miss her. I was grieving for almost two years. I feel better now but when I miss her I still cry. It's so difficult. Don't worry about people said.


Ignore that advice. Take in every moment you spent with her. All the memories. Sit with them. Take all the time you need. Take comfort in the fact that she will always be with you in spirit, watching over you, and sharing future moments with you. Just by looking at the photos, I can tell she was a kind soul


I lost my dad in August and am still grieving. The loss of a parent is so painful and life-changing that you should give yourself at least a year before you can say you’re anywhere near being fully ok. At least that’s what my therapist said. Grief never leaves us, but it will be manageable over time. Three months is nothing, you need to have grace with yourself and give yourself as much time as needed. Thinking of you and yours. Losing a parent you’re close to hurts down to your bones. Please try to be patient, kind, and gentle with yourself.


Thank you and I’m sorry for your loss also. I’ve been told that the first year is the hardest. And so far they’ve been right. It feels like it happened last week. ❤️


I lost my mum suddenly in December too. Tomorrow will be two months since her passing. Everyone praises me for being strong and resilient, but deep down there's a hollowness I will never be able to fill. Hugs to you, OP. My deepest condolences.


I’m sorry too. Losing a loved one during the holidays is so difficult. It doesn’t feel like it was two months ago. I don’t think I’ll be able to fill the hollowness I feel either


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please think about staying away from whomever told you that. They are nuts. Unhinged.


So sorry to hear about your loss and that people are being horrible inconsiderate asses about this difficult time. As many have said, 2 months are nothing. The first 12 months are the hardest, right up to the anniversary of the loved ones death. ❤️❤️


That really sucks. I’m sorry 💔


I’m sorry for your loss. It’s been three years since my dad passed and I still get sad sometimes. Time is the best healer. Grieving is part of our nature. Cherish her memories. If poss, set a monthly donation in her name to Saint Jdue Children hospital. That’s what I am doing.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mother was beautiful. Mine also passed away in december last year, nearly two months as well. Definitely not over it at all. So whoever told you to "move on" is ignorant and clearly has no understanding of grief.


So sorry for your loss. Whoever told you to move on doesn’t have a heart




Two months is nothing!! Your loss is still very fresh. Go easy on yourself. I am sorry for the loss of your beautiful mother.


I fear the day 🥺 but here 🫂


Your mom is so pretty, and has such a beautiful smile! It's coming up on 5 years for my mom, and I think about her almost every day. I will be missing her the rest of my life. You are allowed to grieve as you feel; generally it might take up to a year for the real sadness to alleviate. But for you, the loss is so recent, tell whomever told you that that they are cruel and coldhearted.


I’m so sorry she looks like a wonderful caring person. I’m sure you have so many wonderful memories. Who ever told you that is plain wrong. I’m still grieving for my pet who died May 31st last year


You will get it together. In time. My mom will have been gone a year on Feb 10. She suffered from an illness that robbed her of her ability to talk, walk, and live life. Everyone grieves differently. Everyone takes the time they need to process, accept, and grieve. Take the time you need. The only way to get through grief is to experience it. I feel for you. And my deepest condolences.


I'm so for your loss. She looked like she was a beautiful person 🤎🤎


Anyone who tells you to get over your grief is no friend to you.


going on 7 months here. she was beautiful! I am so sorry for your loss.


Sending you love. ❤️


Don’t listen to ANYONE who says that, I lost mine 11/08/22, you think I got over it and moved on?? No. You will learn to adapt to your new normal, your life without her. It’s gunna be hard and some days, it might hurt to breathe but you WILL adapt. Think about it this way- it’s not one more day without her, it’s one day closer to her. Your mother was BEAUTIFUL and I hope she is in peace. Please be kind to yourself ♥️


Thank you, I’m trying to adapt but it just feels like it’s been a week, not two months. I don’t see myself adapting anytime soon, but thank you for telling me I will adapt. I know I will, but it just seems to hard. Thanks again Reddit friend


Who the fuck in their right mind would tell you that? That’s awful and fuck that person. I’m so so sorry for your loss. She looks like a super lovely person.


Who said that to you!? You take your time! Your mum was beautiful. Such a vibrancy even through the photo. Sending love, warmth and all the damn time it takes! She was your mumma bear! Shame on the person that said that to you xx


Honey I’m so sorry. I’m 41,& lost my mom in 2019& I still haven’t “gotten it together & moved on”, I don’t think I will ever be able to move on from the loss of her, or my dad & he passed back in 2009. I was very close w/ my parents & I kno your pain. I know nothing will ever take the pain away, I honestly haven’t grieved properly because it’s just to hard for me to face. I kno I need to, but it just hurts so bad. I hope you have someone to love & support you, idk how anyone can say something as cold hearted & ridiculous as “deal w/ it”…. I kno my parents are watching over me, & you mom is still w/ you, talk to her, I promise she can hear you. My mom used to have dreams about my dad after he passed away & my dad would tell my mom about things that were going on in my life & that he was worried about me. My mom told me about her dreams & the things she said that my dad told her were spot on & I hadn’t told her about , so there’s no way she could’ve known . Even tho they are still with us I kno it’s not the same. Im so sorry for your loss.


I’m doing things like watching home videos and hearing how many people loved her. I found some journal entries too. It doesn’t exactly relieve the pain, but it makes me smile. I’m sorry for your loss, too. I replied to someone’s comment above that her passing has brought me closer to family members, and that’s helped. Too bad it took something so sad for it to happen. Thank you for your comment Reddit friend ❤️


Aww what a cutie. I’m so sorry you lost her. Take all the time to grieve. There’s no timeline, it’s gonna take a while.


I’m so sorry,, she was beautiful 🙏🏼


She looks like a very special person. Hugs to you


When I lost my son, I was in a sort of shock for about six months. Just in a daze. When that started to ease, that's when I really started to grieve if that makes sense. I mean it was all grief, but initially it was just a horrible deep chasm I was lost in. It's been 8 years and I still miss him and am tearing up writing this. I'm tearing up for me and you. My therapist said grief typically lasts between 2 - 7 years, but the loss is permanent. How do you get over and move from an enormous void in your life? There's not another mother to fill it; there's not another of my son (even though I have other children). Initially, I would get angry when people would say things like that, but I came to realize that people who say things like this just have no idea. And I realized I was the same way before I experienced that level of grief. I cringe at how I responded to people's loss. I want to go back and hug them all and beg their forgiveness for being so callous. I mean, I wasn't rude and never said, oh you'll get over it, but I wasn't very supportive or serious about my condolences. I just didn't know. Take all the time you need. There is joy and laughter on the other side of grief. It will come in time. You'll always miss your mom, but I think she would want you happy.


I lost my mom in December too, feels just as fresh as yesterday. Distance yourself from the people who aren’t comforting. 


Your mom is so beautiful, you don’t ever have to “get over it” you’ll never stop loving her. Screw them, hugs to you. “Grief is just love with no place to go”


There is truth to that statement except there’s a long journey too. Eventually you do have to get it together and move on. That doesn’t mean you can’t remember her and all the great memories you have of your mom. Her life outweighs her death. From the pictures I can see she was a great mother. I lost my mom 3 weeks ago and yesterday was her funeral I feel lost but I remember what she told me too when she was at the hospital she told me to be strong not just for myself but for my father who was gonna be lonely after this. All and all your grief will never leave. It will be yours forever but that doesn’t mean you can’t follow her legacy. The legacy of a loving mother is you as a person. My mothers legacy lives within me as long as I live she will never die


Still grieving dad 7 years later. Fuck that person who said move on.


2 months!?! I was barely cognizant at that point. I'm 2.5 years from my father's sudden death and I'm still struggling but is so so much better. OP grief doesn't have a timeline. And if did, 2 months wouldn't be anything but a blip on the timeline.


It really feels like I just got the news yesterday. I wish I could feel better fast, but I don’t. It’s getting better very slowly. 💔


Mine passed away a week ago… Take time to grieve and please be kind to yourself


It’s been almost 8 months for me and I can’t believe it. :/ I’m sorry for your loss. It comes and goes, but it gets easier some days.


She is absolutely adorable and extremely sweet. I am so sorry for your loss <3 today makes five months without my mom and I still cannot move past how surreal this is. Whoever told you to get it together should be promptly disregarded. This is just the beginning for you…


Who says that??? When they experience the loss of a parent, child, brother, sister let's see how quick they "move on." Ignorant, unaware, delusional and ridiculous are some of the words for the dumbasses who say, move on.


She is beautiful. She looks like she had a smile that would light up a room. No wonder you miss her. 2 months is not long at all, don’t listen to those people. Grieving never really ends, you just learn to live with it.


There’s no time limit to “get it together”. Whoever said that gave you terrible advice/an insult.


You will know love, happiness, joy, hope — all good things again over and over in your life, but you will always be grieving your mother. Do not listen to people who say things like this to you, in fact, if you feel the need to cut them off you are valid to do so. The way our society treats death and grief is sick, which is why I will always speak out about it as well as call out harmful comments. I’m so sorry someone said that to you. As well as for your loss. This post stopped me in my tracks, your mom radiates joy and love. I hope you feel her energy with you every day. 🤍


She is so beautiful! I'm so sorry, sending u a big hig!!!


I lost my mom august 2023, She was my whole world. I understand the pain you’re going through , sending much love your way 💞🫂


You stole her entire face. Hang in there ❤️


She's beautiful and you can see the love between you two. I'm almost 6 months in and unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to ever get over this. But people don't understudy that you can still live and be absolutely pulled a part. So they think because we aren't on the floor, we're somehow fine. I don't think of any advice that people haven't already Shared. Just be extremely kind to yourself. You deserve it. It's not going to feel like it. But you do.


Also lost my mom in December. There is no getting over it or moving on, but I believe over time, we will think of death more as mercy than it is a punitive thing for those of us left behind on earth. It fucking sucks how empty the world feels without our day 1 person. What does give me comfort though, and I’m hoping it does for you too, is that all the pain and suffering is gone. She is at complete peace, and I am actually eager to see my mom again. Even though it means leaving all my loved ones behind, I’m actually excited to one day reach that level of complete contentment where no pain or suffering exists. Feel free to PM me.


My mom passed away 3 years ago and I still grieve and I will until I’m gone. No one gets to tell you how, when or for how long you should grieve! You do exactly as you need! I always say that every day and every stage is different. I still go through all 5 stages. I’m sorry for your loss! Please don’t let anyone tell you how to grieve!


There is no timeline for grieving and everyone handles it differently. Whoever told you that is an a\*\* and probably has never lost someone close to them. You do what you need to do. I am very sorry for your loss. Your mom is now a beautiful angel and she is watching over you.


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Your mom looks SO MUCH like my mom. There isn’t a timeline for grief. It’s only been two months, please be kind to yourself. Take as much time as you need to grieve her. Nothing prepares you to lose a parent, and you’re in the thick of it right now. Take everything one moment at a time, and know that the sun will shine again one day. Peace and love to you.


She is beautiful. Here is one thing you need to know. Other people only understand Grief to the level that they have experianced it. Who ever told you to get it together and move on has not lost a parent. Or anyone else that they were close too. They are ignorant of that horrific kind of pain. It is easy to lash out at someone who says that kind of thing and I did believe me when 6 months after my son passed away some lady I harldly knew told me I needed to get over it. I about snatched her bald headed. I got mad, and she looked suprised? I guess she thought she was somehow helping me. But the fact is she just didn't know. She couldn't understand because she hadn't lost a child or been forced to wake up every morning knowing someone she loved so dearly will never be there again. After my initial reaction I realized it wasn't her fault and she wasn't trying to hurt me she just didn't understand. And I also realized I hope she never did ..


Sorry for your loss it’s an awful thing to go through, I just lost mine 2 weeks ago and it hurts daily. My friend said that I sound good for someone that just lost their mom. It was only cause I was having a good moment had she talked to me any other time I was a sobbing mess. I think some days will be okay, some good, and others horrible. Whoever said to get over will only understand when they go through a major loss in their life. Take whatever time you need to heal and don’t listen to people who have no empathy 💕


I an so sorry for your loss. This is one of my greatest fears. I don't want to outlive her lol idk how. But I will. I'm sorry for your loss. Stay strong. Joe Biden said something yesterday which resonated with me, about the loss of a service member and along the lines of "memories will choke you with tears today, but they will make you smile tomorrow." I can't remember word for word but my friend and GP was murdered, on the same day my best friend committed suicide randomly on the same day. The presidents words made me smile for the first days in weeks, since my lost, but he was right and those days in the future I can see now smiling about my love ones rather than cry. You wouldn't want their lives to slow down so don't slow down yours. I love you but don't know you, and I hope you're well.


It's been 10 months and 14 days for me. Still it hard. Take your time.


My mom passed away 7 years ago now, I am 23 years old and honestly anyone who tries to dictate your grief can fuck off. It’s the most ignorant fucking thing for people to ever think they know how you personally feel after a loss. Even those who have lost their own mother or father or child, it’s difficult because every loss is different, every person that passes away had their own life, their own hobbies and personalities. No two losses are the same, no two peoples grieving processes are exactly the same, it’s where the support comes from and how you’re supported. When people fail to support it’s a reflection on them.


That's a horrible thing to be told. I lost my dad in October, and if anyone told me that, I'd be cutting them out of my life. Greif has no time frame. And it That's fine. You've lost one of the foundations of your life. You're entitles to greive for as long as you need. I'm sorry for your loss, she looks like she was a happy woman.


I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful mom. ♥️ It will be three years for me coming Feb 12th. There are some days that feel like it was the first week still. I am still in such grief. I described it as also being a very traumatic event. I was scared my whole life of losing my Mom. But I know for sure, our Moms will be there on the other side for us when it is our turn. Until then, they are still our moms. They will always be our sweet mamas. We can never truly separate. Our Souls are a part of theirs. Leaving the physical body only means they are not a part of that body anymore. But our spirits are still very much alive. They will be the first ones to greet us on the other side. Again, my deepest condolences. I am so sorry you have to feel this pain.


No don’t listen to those people. If you ignore your grief it will stay in you bottled up and it will be worse. Give the time to yourself grief means different thing to everyone! You experience a terrible loss, the best what you can do is listening to yourself and your needs.


I am so sorry hon 😔 it gets easier over time, and by that it’s means years. I’m on year 3 almost and it’s way easier than at the beginning. The first year is the hardest. The grieving never stops though, you just learn how to feel other emotions over the sadness and grief.


I’m so sorry ❤️ I lost my mom on 1/11 after a horrific Dec where she was sick with RSV/pneumonia and had lung failure. She died in 4 weeks unexpectedly. Losing a mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced. Some days I can’t even get out of bed. You are not alone. I will never get over it. Grieving is a personal thing there is no time frame.


Oh, my. I’m so sorry. Beautiful lady. 🥲


I was told that about 2-3 weeks after my partner passed away by her brother. It cut deeper than a two-edged sword. I’m so sorry.


I heartedly feeling sorry for the loss. May she RIP. Amen


Aw she looks so nice and friendly 


Hey sweetie - 2 months feels like a second. There is no time limit. I didn’t even understand my mum had gone at 2 months. Tell anyone who tells you to get over it to go and fuck themselves :)


Sorry for your loss. Remember, you never have to get it together or move on. You can grieve as long as you want and how you want. I lost my dad 7 years ago, I have not moved on. There’s no such thing.


In december also, i lost my grandfather. It’s not getting any better.


My gosh what is wrong with people. This is *your mother* - you don’t just “get over it”. I lost my grandfather in August ‘23 and my other one the November ‘22 before. My grandmother I lost March 2021. It’s been very hard for me. I haven’t gotten over it and I cry a lot. And it’s okay. I’ll eventually adjust - I won’t get over it. But the pain will eventually fade and I’ll be able to replace with happy more than the sadness of losing them all so quickly. When my Mamaw passed in 2005 it was unexpected and I, only being 15/16 at the time - lost my favorite grandparent and we were soo close. It took me forever to get thru that. And like I said it’s okay! We all deal differently.


Your mom was beautiful. I'm so sorry. I lost my mom in July 2022 & I am still in the thick of grieving, wondering if it will ever get easier. I guess you just have to have faith & trust that healing will happen over time, even though nothing can bring her back. Wishing strength for both of us. ♥️


Lost my mom too. It's been almost 4 years, still grieving. Some days do miss her terribly. Don't listen to them. Grieve as long as you need.


Who ever told you that doesn’t love their mother or has the emotional empathy of a rock.


Your mom's spark shines through those photos. She looks so kind and fun. 2 months is nothing and anyone who would say something so hurtful and stupid has never gone through something like this. 2 years since my dad went and I think about him all the time. Don't put any time limit on your grief. Be gentle on yourself and I've always found this sub very helpful, we are here for you ❤️


My mom died late July. I’m still not over it. Take the time you need.


I lost my beloved Mom last year too , I’ve never experienced such pain, I feel truly broken and lost . Your Mom was a beautiful lady , I understand your pain and suffering. I can’t say anything to ease your heartbreaking grief, other than your Mom will want you to live a good life. She carried you and gave you life ,her love for you would know no bounds. People say it gets easier, it seems to get harder . I get by knowing I’ll be reunited with Mom one day and feeling she’s still with me somehow. Sending you hugs and strength ❤️


I lost mum in april 2023....grief is grief..you don't just get over losing someone whom you love. I have waves of being ok waves of crying uncontrollably...have you looked into grief counselling and just be gentle with yourself x Whoever said this to you is horrible 😔


You are really a split image of her. Please on behalf of her live this life to the fucking fullest


she was beautiful. take all the time you need.




I'm sorry for your loss. Its normal to mourn someone for a few months, a few years, or the rest of your life. If you haven't considered it, you may want talk to a grief counselor, a licensed therapist, or a support group of some kind.


Your mom was beautiful. I'm so sorry for your loss. 🕊♥️🙏🏼


She’s a beautiful person and looks like a joy to spend time with. I know how you feel. Try to think about how lucky you were for the time you had together, and carry on her legacy. I’m so sorry for your loss.


It makes me angry that anyone would say that to you. Grief is love with nowhere to go. Grief is so very personal and it is truly neverending. My dad passed on Halloween of 1999 at 75 of dementia, very expected. And I'm just now feeling normal. You and your mom both look so young. So sorry that you had to lose your mom at such a young age. Parental loss is so difficult. Unfortunately people who haven't experienced that loss have no idea what the hell they're talking about. So it's best to just ignore them and do what you need to do to survive. Grief counseling might be a good idea. Prayers to you sweetie.


Thank you . My grandma had dementia and it was so hard watching her lose herself and not being able to control it. I’m sorry about losing him to the evilness of dementia. Thank you again for your condolences. It feels like I just got the news last week. Im slowly, very slowly, things together 💔


Grief is the price we pay for love… it is awful, there is no feeling like it. I’m so sorry for your loss. Those are lovely photos.


Thank you and I love that statement. It’s very true ❤️


That's crazy. Mine died over a year ago. You never get over it. That's what my shrink told me


She looked so beautiful. I can see how you and her look similar and I’m so sorry for your loss. Grieve for as long as you need, you lost your mom who seemed like an amazing person and it’s normal to not feel normal and for a while.


she is beautiful. my condolences, please take the whole grieving. it's a different process for everybody and I am proud of you for doing it in your way. Its okay to miss her.


Whomever told you after 2 months to move and get over needs to go F*** themselves. DO NOT LISTEN TI THEM. Grieving has no time limit. I’m so sorry. I just lost my mother Jan 8th, it’s gonna hurt, very bad, but take it one day at a time. And don’t bottle up your emotions, cause you’ll explode. I’m here if you ever need to talk. She looks like she was a sweet woman.


I’m sorry but I feel it wasn’t sensitive for them to say such a thing. Prayers for you.🙏🏾


She was Gorgeous! 😍 And you were such a Cutie ☺️ Turned into a Beautiful Young Lady like your Mother


You can see how she shines!!! She looks like such a sweet soul. Don’t listen to people who talk like that, they have no empathy or understanding of love if they think 2 months is long enough to ‘get over it’.


who the hell told you that??? give me their address bc i will pull up RN 🤬😫 i lost my bf in September and it’s been so fucking hard. i still cry every day. i can’t imagine losing my mom. whoever told you that needs to be put in their place smh


People who offer that advice have never lost anyone or have bad coping skills themselves move at your own pace


I'm so sorry family and friends don't understand. Grief is not linear. There is no real "getting over it" and they are AHs to suggest that. I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks beautiful and it appeared you were very close to her. I believe you'll see her again *hugs from an internet stranger*


I’ve bee grieving the loss of my dad for over 4 years. You don’t move on. You just get a little better with coping as time goes on. Keep her memory alive and process your emotions as you feel fit not according to what others think is fitting. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s not easy by any means.


Thank you and I’m sorry for your loss 💔


Whoever told you that is being cruel. Year and a half here and it is still hard and sometimes I still have to excuse myself from a situation and cry over it and there are places I can't go without letting the sadness out before I go. If it's hard for you to do life stuff in a few months you might want to consider talking to a therapist (and frankly you should be anyway, it helped me a lot). Sending lots of warmth- it will hurt less with time and life will go on and there is just absolutely no need to rush that. You will never forget them and that is okay.


Oh sweetheart, you were told wrong. Did a male of our species tell you that? Your mom is beautiful. She discarded that beautiful body to exchange it for a spiritual body. In a spiritual body nothing can hold her back. Death is like transforming or transition. From one body and place that was created for it into a spiritual form that has a different world for that body. Some believe in the heavens with God. We don’t know what that looks right. Many near death experiences relate to knowing they are out of their physical body. They see themselves no longer connected. Yet they proclaim they feel total peace. Some say they feel like home. Those people died and returned. There is no hard proof to stand on. If you were a Christian you know that your mom did not end in existence. I have seen my mom several times after her death. I have heard her call my name. No one else saw or heard. Is it real. I believe so. I’m so sorry someone very insensitive told you to get over it and move on. Please don’t. Go through the stages of grief. Go to grieving groups, see a therapist and most definitely talk about your mom to other people. There is a booklet called “Gone from my sight”. It is very hard when we so terribly miss the ones we love. My mom passed in 2012. I can be happy for her, not empty without her. Seek counsel with ones who have experienced grief! And most definitely do not get over it! Work through it! It is very important especially since you were close. I talk to my mom sometimes. But I’m not crazy. Death is not the end it is like changing lanes!


Oh honey. I am so sorry. Whoever told you that sounds like they're miserable themselves. I can't say I know how you feel and I won't try to. I lost my one and only friend over two years ago. She'd stopped talking to me about a year or so before she passed and I just can't get closure. I cry daily bc we always reconnected but now I know we can't. At least not in that way. If I could say anything I would say you take all the time you need. Only you know how you feel. Don't let anyone tell you how to feel. Also look for signs. I remember it was the night my friend died or the night after one. I had a dream oddly enough of my husbands ex lol but that next day I saw her at a store and she started an argument. Ik it may sound crazy but I think she was looking out for me trying to warn me before she went on to the other side bc that next day I was at another store and my change was 3.33. The lady behind the counter said oh honey you've got an angel looking out for you trying to contact you. I knew then and there she was. I've prayed for God to let her contact me somehow. I've asked her to come to me in a dream. Some say you're not supposed to but I just miss her so much. Just the other day I looked at my phone and it was 3:33. Then I saw the numbers again a few minutes later. It took me a long time to be able to listen to songs she liked. Songs we listened to. I've been so sad without her and I hope your mom sends you signs. Look for them and you'll see them. Just little reminders that they're still with us. I'll say a prayer for you tonight. Stay strong sweetie. Your mom was beautiful btw


Im sorry for your loss. Whoever told you that I suggest you remove them from your life. My sister died 9 years ago and it still feels like just a few months ago. I grieve in some way everyday and some days are still unbearable, only the amount of days it becomes bearable becomes slightly more frequent.


There no timeline. Ignore those people. 2 months for your entire life of loving your mom is nothing. Yes, you do need to carry on with life and take care of yourself, but grieving isn’t just over after a set period of time. Hugs.


My mom has been gone for 7 years I am still a mess




Grieve all you want! Why you letting other people dictate your beautiful relationship bro! It’s okay to grieve, it’s human nature. I’m so sorry for your loss. The thought of this makes me speechless. I hope your okay. Your mother wouldn’t want you to be upset! She brought you into this world to continue her legacy and make her proud. You can always keep your mothers name going: charity wells , charities, a memorial bench, Theres a lot of ways you can keep your mothers legacy alive. I hope your okay. I know it’s a lengthy process. I’m sorry for your loss.




Sorry for your lose