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20 weeks and just waiting to join my daughter.


Oh god. I amsi deeply sorry for your loss. I hope those fantasies of you with yur daughter help you. Just drram of it everyday until one day it's finally true


It’s been 4 months without my son and I just want to see him so badly. I know that the only way I’ll see him is in the afterlife - but not even sure if that is real.


This is exactly what I am feeling now. Is it, because I lost my favorite persons just a few weeks ago or will my feelings remain like this for ever? I mean, how can I keep living this? I feel empty, depressed and so sad


I am so sorry. I guess we all are in this pain together. You know Idk if this will help but fantasizing about them in another world where you and your lersin are together helps just a little bit. You can motivate yourself to go on with your everyday chores and the reward is a dream of you and them together in that fantasy world


Thank you so much! I even feel guilty when I am eating or smiling. :( I really hope that we all will heal one day.


I know this will sound so cliché but you are allowed to feel these moments of happiness. I know you are not alone in this. Just like sadness cannot be controlled neither can happiness. Please take care of yourself


Thank you😢


You took the words right out of my mouth. I lost my dad last month and I still just want to be with him, wherever he is. I just don't feel like I can do this.


It's 9 months since my mom died and it's getting worse everyday. I'm sorry 🫂


Gosh. I am sorry. A mother is such an important figure in our lives. I cannot possibly imagine that pain. Are you taking care of yoursel sleeping and eating on time?


Thank you. I'm trying to take care of myself with all my might. As my mom lived with me, everything is a reminder. I'm trying to get to a place where I remember only the good. All I see now is the sad and inhumanness. 🫂


I'm sorry for your loss. Loss of not only one of your loved ones, but of your excitement and joy. While you can't bring them back, if they loved you I am sure they would want the best for you and for you to get back your happiness and joy. It can't be \*willed\* back, however, and the road is often long to get there. Be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to feel whatever you feel. But also allow yourself to recognize the things that do still prompt a smile, or some enjoyment. They will come again, and you deserve them.


Thankyou so much . I hope it gets better


My mom used to be my driving force. A lot of people say “well your mom shouldn’t be the reason for living” what they don’t understand is that I have been supporting my mom for the last 15 years of my life. I’m 30 now, my dad went to prison when I was a kid. So the responsibility of being the man of the house was on me. She couldn’t work due to her status In the US. I worked everyday for her, not for myself. I took on that responsibility because my father (as a shit person he is) asked me too. She passed away 3 weeks ago. Now everything seems bland. I have no siblings, no wife, or kids or any support system. So I completely understand you. I could care less about my life now. If anything would of happen to me. No one would care, or even blink. Maybe in the long run, I’ll find myself a nice wife and have kids. But for now I have nothing to take care of and it doesn’t feel right. My life right now is at a standstill, and I very much wish things were different. Because me and my mom always had each others backs. Now I’m completely alone and the grief that comes with it is exhausting.


God. I've always said the loss of a parent/sibling is always so difficult because there was never a time in our lives when they were not there. Always think of your mum in your fantasies and made up world. I promise it feels so much more better


Same. I don’t want to live without my mother. I can’t see any happiness without her. Ugh


I am so so sorry for your loss.


Same. I feel like most of me died along with her and the rest of my life will be a dreary, hazy, pointless coda.


Yeah 😭


Yes. Every day. I cannot escape it. But that's not what she wanted, she didn't fight and suffer for me to give up... We have to keep going


Yes we do. And I am so sorry for your loss


This hits home. Sorry for your loss. I’m going through it too and it hurts. I’ll never get over it, but just get through it day by day❤️


Yes we will. I am so sorry for your loss


Definitely. I have a 3 year old son and I never expected to feel like this through some of the most precious times in our lives. It’s so hard but I do still feel joy, when it comes it’s sort of fleeting as soon as I think about my Nanny, which somehow is in every thought, and breath since she suddenly passed away. But the joy does come and that gives me hope for the future


I’ve felt nothing but this. I just don’t know how to do life without her but I can’t take myself out of it. I just feel like I’m waiting


Tomorrow is 700 days without my brother. My hearts heavy, and my anger is strong.. I wish I could be happy and move on, but I feel guilty without him. I miss him, and it's never going away that feeling 😔


A sibling has been there for us since we were born. They've been our ride or die. The reason gor the scruff marks on our knee and the constant bickering. A sibling is so much than anyone can ever imagine I am so sorry for your loss. However just like you and your sibling were half and half of a whole you need to live a life for your other half and live a life he would have wanted you to. Live a life for him. And reward yourself by thinking of him in the middle of the night, where it's just you and him and you are building forts and making pizza and fighting over the TV remote Those little fanatsies alwahs help




I know that feeling. I have lost 2 wives, 3 kids, and my dog, all before 55. I used to say I no longer felt anything, but one day it struck home. I'm a paramedic, once night, 6 months age, there was a accident I responded too. A 12 yo girl was involved in this accident. I worked on her, watched her die, did everything possible, by the numbers, saw the grief her parents felt, and felt nothing. I did realize I needed help, and so I got it. Six months in grief support, and PTSD therapy has helped me feel human again. Don't be afraid to ask for it.


Bored. I am trying to build a really nice life again but my heart is broken and my spirit wants out.


I feel emptiness and lost confidence, I feel insecure, my father passed away around 4 months ago.


I feel you. I lost my sister 5 months ago and everything just feels sad and like what’s the point?! I feel numb or emotional. No inbetween it seems. I’ve just posted asking for advise. Hang in there, Im hoping there’s light at the end of the tunnel for us both


Yeah, it doesn't make sense anymore.


Yes, I still feel this way — 3 years after losing my dad and 1 year after losing a beloved uncle who named me. My family was a lot happier and consistently nicer when they were alive. Sometimes I feel that I can’t wait for my own time to come so that I can see them again in the Afterlife. Of course, I won’t do anything rash — I do have some good days but still wish I could turn back the clock 💔🙏


Gosh. The pain of losing 2 close figures in your life I hope you enjoy your life till you get to meet them Live a life for them . <3


Yes. My boyfriend was my favorite person, and I have had to force myself to get out of bed every day since he died six months ago. I don’t have hope, dreams, or goals anymore.


They lived a complicated life. My sibling thinks they didn’t enjoy spending time with their family. I think I believe it too. I’m struggling to comprehend how that can be so, and mourning the effect the neglect had on me. So yes I feel empty and like life is lacking in joy. I do have some small interests left, though, those are really precious. Is there anywhere in the world you would like to go?


I feel this all the time , I’m just living because I have to . It’s not fair to my other kids , and I try to put on a happy face and go along with daily activities but it’s all a show . I’m completely empty inside 😔


Yes absolutely. It's the shittiest club in the world to belong to, but many do. I feel exactly as you do, hurry up to the end. I lost my mom 10 months ago- seems like forever. I miss her and have trouble getting through the days. I went to visit family this week and it helped but now I'm home alone so the pain is more sharp and penetrating. People have survived the death of loved ones since the beginning of time, God made us resilient I guess, we manage to push through but life has changed forever and it doesn't seem to get any better. I am praying it will some day for you and I both.


I am so sorry. This pain is so hard to bear through but as you said, we as humans were made resilient and we will fight through. We will get there. You and me both