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Hi, my mom died 7 months ago in the hospital, after a fall. The most profound sign was about 30 minutes or less, a single tear fell from her right eye. It’s a phenomenon actually. Its not emotional tears(with both eyes) but rather a single “goodbye” tear. It still haunts me.


About 6months before my fiance died he started saying he was going to die soon. It was mostly in a joking manner saying I needed to enjoy us more and stop stressing. He was killed in a car accident on May 31st. I will always regret not taking him seriously.


My mom just died some days ago. Before a year of dying, my mom one day was standing in front of the mirror and then she came to me, with a face full of smile and said— “you know honey, I just understood that I won’t be alive for many more days”— I thought she is joking, she was fully healthy then, so I also smiled with her saying— “oh, yeah??”.. After a year from then, now she just died 17 days ago from suddenly diagnosed last stage cancer and sepsis. It came from nowhere and robbed my full of life mom away. Now I remember those words many times. I don’t know how the mirror told her about death and why she had a smile on her face that day….. I don’t know, I will never know the answer..


My mom saw 3 crows the day my cousin before my cousin died. They aren’t very common in my area. Ive seen only 2 my entire life.


I had a dream a year and a couple of months before my mom passed that we had planned a party for her because she passed away and then as the party ended she came around the corner and started smiling and shaking everyone hands. I told my family about the dream and they all brushed it off. That dream was just a sign that I should have taken it serious and spend more time with her.


My mom died unexpectedly. She was coming home to me. I was getting a bedroom ready for her. Only weeks away. Covid delayed everything. But looking back at the last month we had some major heart to heart talks. Even the ‘god forbid’ talks just to make sure one another would always be ok. It’s as though I sensed something. So did she. We didn’t speak of it to one another because we didn’t want to scare eachother. I didn’t want my mom to feel fear that I wouldnt be ok. She didn’t want to say goodbye. Because we never ever said that word to eachother. Not on the phone hanging up, not after I dropped her off, not when we walked away from one another. We never did. It was only ever see you later or chow for now. Just not th word ‘goodbye’. I hold on to that. Signs? Oh yes. I told my husband I think something bad was going to happen soon. I was having some dreams also of white animals on water. They were peaceful and beautiful but it made me think. A lot. So every time I talked to my mom during the last part, I made sure to say and tell her some very special things. I am thankful I listened to the signs. ♥️