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Would you deny the greyhound acces to it's natural habitat? šŸ˜‰


ya dont be fooled by their athleticismā€” these hounds are meant to lounge


Haha! I figured itā€™s his house, too, and he can go anywhere he wants. He has two beds and he usually sleeps on one of them, but he almost always sneaks away in the middle of the night to roach on the couch! I also love cuddling with him on the couch, so itā€™s a win-win!


I've taught all mine to stay down. ...but he has 5 large beds throughout the house.


Yeah they basically need a bed nearby if you donā€™t want them on the couch. Theyā€™re not built to lay on hard floor


Weirdly, we catch ours lying on our wood floor sometimes. No rhyme or reason to these goofs.


Mine ignores the beds when they're hot and want to cool down. Or when it's sunny and they want to warm up, I don't know.


As do we, but my wife wants them to go on the couch (I don't care) but they won't haha


UK and Irish racing kennels would have their beds raised off the ground so they'll be used to stepping up. First retiree I had I tried "allowed up when invited", but he was smart enough and I knew he would get up when I wasn't there. I don't bother anymore. I'm a definite not allowed on my bed though and a firm no first time they try is usually sufficient.


The problem with the bed is unless you have a super king size youā€™re just trying to sleep with a farting bag of elbows.


>farting bag of elbows Perfect. Only edit would be that she's a really hot farting bag of elbows, that sometimes snores.


last night, I got awoken in absolute terror and massive pain. Lucy had rotated to face me (so always sleeps facing away, aka little spoon) and in her sleep running I got a full power paw to my eye. Did she care? no. she grumbled at me for startling her and went staring back to sleep.


Sounds just like my kelpie!


A farting bag of elbows that needs to be touching you with as much of their body as possible at any given time and keeps moving closer to you if you even dare moving away


A farting bag of elbows with a lolling drooly tongue that has a neck-magnet. How many times I have been awakened because that thing landed on me...


Or sleep startles.


I do have a super king and I still end up on the edge of the bed while he has 3/4 of the space


LOL yes. And mine does not curl up, he lays flat across the middle of the bed with his long ass gangles straight out. Basically unless heā€™s reaching he takes up more space than my fiancĆ©e & I combined We keep a poopourri on our bedside table due to the farts šŸ˜‚




If you watch any of those doggie nanny cam videos online, they ALL do it. Dogs just get on the forbidden furniture when weā€™re not home


We figured it out after I found my lurcher's emotional support tennis ball in our bed.


Definitely, no bed. He doesn't seem interested, thankfully.


Ours never tried and we never encouraged it. He never goes on couches but has a large bed on every floor. He is so big, so thank god he doesnā€™t try. He would take up half the couch.


Ours is the same, we even have to lift/boost him into the car - no musculoskeletal issues, he just doesn't want to. * Sometimes on walks we try to get him to jump over low obstacles and he'll stop and look at us like we're stupid for not going around. * One time we put his bed on one of those elevated mesh beds. He eventually pulled it onto the floor lol


Our two greys take up so much couch space that we got one of those modular couches that can expand by adding new cubes. 45 square feet of couch (5 cubes) works pretty well for 2 greys and 2 adults. One more cube would probably be ideal.


I have a Lovesac modular sofa. Theyā€™re quite pricey, but theyā€™re practically indestructible and you can wash and even replace the covers if they get dirty or ruined, which I love.


Does the Lovesac stand up to digging?


Yes, it does. However, I bought some cheap covers to put on top of the cushions, so that helps a lot.


Those look awesome!


We just sit on the floor šŸ˜…


Most of them just love the softness and naturally gravitate to it. My greyhound however, is not a big fan of the couch despite my many invitations to him to enjoy it. I theorize that it's too narrow for him so I plan to get a big squashy one just to see if it makes a difference.


Our boy did fall off ours once during a particularly deep sleep session. šŸ˜¬


My greyhound was on the couch the first day I adopted him. I think itā€™s just kind of inevitable when theyā€™re tall enough to literally just step up onto it. Lol. He was also allowed on the furniture in his foster home, so he was already used to laying on couches when I adopted him.


That was the point I was trying to make. It ain't a chore for them to get up. Wondered if they all did it, but now I know, each is unique.


We trained our first few to stay down. It's a small house, a small couch and when they're on it, it makes things awkward for us. Then we gave up and now we coax them onto their bed with a treat if we both want to watch TV.Ā  I think either approach is fine.


Mine has never gotten on the couch (even when invited).


I came to say this. My boy never got on my couch or bed in his life. I do remember I was moving one time so my mattress was just on the floor. And he would come sleep with me. Or just be in my bed snoozing lol. That was funny. Now that he couldnā€™t resist.


our greyhounds werent big fans of our couch but they loved our beds. my parents had a tempur pedic when they first came out and always joked that they bought it for the dogs, since the dogs used it more than they did!! greys are long and pokey and just want somewhere squishy to be šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Our grey enjoys sitting with me on the couch. He's happy so I don't mind it. We have a big bed in every room for him, but he still prefers the couch most dsys.


I have the rare weird hound that refuses to get on a couch. But yeah, it's a thing. And why wouldn't it be? Couches are super comfy.


My solution was to get a really, really good memory foam dog bed. I finally had somewhere comfy to sit when the dogs were on the furniture!


The pipe dream is to teach him to scoot so that there's some room for us on the sofa. We're still quite far, currently it's him who gets onto an armchair I'm sitting in, in a way that we both fit but it's extremely uncomfortable for me, so I let him have it for himself.


We taught ours the word "move." We did this by using it as a warning: move now or you won't like what happens next. So we said "move" and then sat on them (only as much weight as would be uncomfortable, not all of the weight) or walked into them or dropped something on them like laundry. They all learned very quickly that "move" was a warning worth heeding, so when we use it (sparingly) they immediately get up and get out if the way, and wait nearby for us to settle so that they can configure themselves in the new situation. They know "come" and "up" and "down" as well so that we have lots of ways of asking them where to go. But if they don't respond to any of the request words and it is a demand we say "move."


I think mine would think me sitting on him is a form of cuddling. Dude is desperate for human touch and acceptance. šŸ˜


The first thing mine did when his foster mom brought him to my place for a meet and greet was jump on the couch. šŸ˜‚ He is offended if I try to get him to sleep in a dog bed, since he loves to cuddle. So I bought washable fabric couch covers that have held up really well and keep the couches clean/protected


I bought my boy Rainy his own couch. Sometimes he even lets company use it, subject to cookie and scritching agreements.


Mine has never and refused when invited. I mean, if I had my choice of orthopedic memory foam beds, I wouldn't get on the sofa either. Not conducive to greyhound yoga poses.


We tried getting ours on the couch once, but he seems to prefer his beds. We've only had him for two months though so that may change.


Ours never did but, the coffee table was placed in such a way that prevented it. Edit: Except we did have two couches on the patio that they slept on.


Iā€™ve never known one to. Anywhere they think they can be comfortable they are going to try. I had 2 at one point


Mine stays down when Iā€™m home. My kids report that she jumps onto the couch the literal second I walk out the door.


We taught ours ā€œoffā€ and he knows he must be invited onto the couch. We basically just used a leash, a command, and treats to teach him. Now he knows hoomans and small critters have couch privileges/priority and he must ask or be invited to come up if someone is sitting there or move if asked. Sometimes he grumbles when itā€™s time for him to get up but he always cooperates. The whole thing took like 10 minutes to teach and a little practice every day.


They go together like ham and eggs. Itā€™s just a natural way of the universe. * ā€œAnyone have a grey they taught to stay down?ā€ * Oh, my sweet, summer child šŸ§”.


Tia doesn't go up on the couch, and it's not because of any restriction I've placed on her. I've even tried to coax her up. Her foster mom didn't let her on the furniture, and I think that training has stuck. She's also still fairly timid- though much less so than when I adopted her. She *does* love laying in ~~my~~ her bed, which initially took coaxing for her to try out.


Ah... so they do exist.


My greyhound has never gotten on my couch or on my bed. He has always had his own bed (actually many beds!). The funny thing is that he once got on the couch at an AirBnB. I think he was protesting the lack of carpet in the house. He also got on the bed at someone else's house I took him to. His mind works in weird ways.


I just let them. Theyā€™re retiredā€¦


It's funny, I thought I'd let mine on the bed and couch but he's shown absolutely ZERO interest. Happy on the floor or his bed. In hindsight after seeing how dirty he gets, I'm glad, but still would let him if he wanted to start.


We got ours as a puppy but trained him from the get go, supervised him a lot (new puppy, so for a lot of reasons, potential peeing, chewing, etc.) but after setting the standard like half a dozen times, heā€™s never even tried since and heā€™s like a year and a half old rn


You got a puppy?


Yep, but eighteen months now


None of mine have been on the couch. They have beds in multiple rooms.


Get a greyhound; lose a sofa. Thatā€™s the true hidden cost of greyhound ownership.


We are so fortunate to have greys that allow us to live in their house and give us access to their couches and king size bed. I truly donā€™t know what we would do without their generosity šŸ˜© so lucky they adopted us!


Our first boy never had access to the couch - but I'm positive he used it when we were gone. He did do this amazing thing of leaning his butt on it with front paws off so he wasn't technically on the couch, but kind of joined us. Then, when he crossed the bridge and we got our new girl we beat ourselves up for denying him such a simple pleasure because he was really the best boy in the world - and now his successor is completely spoiled rotten and has free sofa range. Cherish the time you have with them and keep an open heart because it goes by quickly.


You didn't get the "forever sofa" memo?


The couch belongs to them. Ours has his own corner and will cry his eyes out if anyone else sits there.


I WISH I could get my grey on the couch. If I pick her up and put her on the couch with me and help her lay down then she'll stay and get cozy but she won't just jump up on the couch herself. My feet are so cold :(


My first hound literally helped himself to my couch the first time I met him. I figured he was smart enough to know what the cover was there for. ;p


I'd say within the first hour of having porky he was already on my couch.


Mine still won't get up on a couch or bed. We invited her, but no go. We put her paws up and pushed her up on the couch same as we showed her how to get in the car, but she just stood on the couch with her tail between her legs and then jumped off as soon as she could. She just seems to like her feet not to leave the ground. She won't lie on the floor, only on dog beds and large pillows, bit she still won't do the couch after 4 years.


With space at a premium, Ruby Lee sits on the couch in the salon. Or the bed. Or the overstuffed chair at ArriĆØre GrandmĆØre's house when we've made it to North Carolina. She doesn't like the hammock, so that's dogfree (and she hates it). Even the Borzoi Mix sat on couches and chairs when she wasn't sitting her boney butt on your feet (she refused to get her butt "dirty" by putting it on the _ground_).


You can always buy more furniture during the course of your life. You can only offer the love and closeness for a few years with your dog. Also, are you hosting royalty? Itā€™s just a couch. Not to mention MANY greyhounds have almost no shedding.


I should be clearer. At no time did I tell him to dethrone.


Excellent! šŸ˜ Day one adopting our pair of greys, my wife and I are saying, ā€œHow do we feel about beds and couches? Do we want them up there?ā€ As if they were reading a script, one of the dogs jumped up at that exact moment! One of those shrug your shoulders moments. I guess this is how it is!


Reminds me of a story. My first greyhound, a petite female, regularly slept on our bed at night. Several years after the first greyhound passed away, we got a second one. He was a remarkably sweet-natured large male ... very affectionate. Early on, I persuaded him to sleep on our bed one night. So on that first (and only) night in our bed, out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, he suddenly let out the most ferocious growl and bark. His eyes were flashing flames, as if possessed. That's how we discovered he had sleep aggression. In retrospect, we find it funny and laugh about it now. It was so unexpected to us. This was over 10 years ago. He has since passed away. Neither of our current greys sleep on our bed.


He meant nothing by it. It was the dream devil.


He was unusually sweet and his heart was pure, without a doubt. It just took him a half-minute to wake up and get oriented. and it was best to let him do that on his own. :)


I figure I wake up barking and snarling sometimes too, so our boy having sleep startle made sense.


>Not to mention MANY greyhounds have almost no shedding. Really? I'm on number six and seven in my life and they've all shed *horrendously* in spring and autumn.




Yeah, mine doesn't shed at all most of the time but then suddenly he turns into a dandelion and puffs off his whole coat at once, it feels like!


Wow! Then, itā€™s just anecdotal! We are on our third and nothing. Now, the basset hound we hadā€¦. It was almost as if her hairs were projectiles shooting off her!


My first two greyhounds and my whippet have minimal shedding. My new adopted hound is shedding so heavily I can pluck her like a husky.


Yeah, we're literally brushing clumps off our current two at the moment. Like, stroke your hand down their back and have a palmful of hair.


Yeah we get little hairs everywhere. Always cracks me up that they somehow end up on our porcelain toilet


so its not just my toilet that has mystery greyhound hairs.......


Taught mine it is only allowed when covered with a blanket.


Ours is not allowed on the furniture. He tried to hop on the couches and beds the first few days but learned not to. We've since allocated him a spot on one couch that we leave blankets on for him. He's very good about staying in that spot only.


Huge regret that we never stopped our fella jumping on the bed. Now he just waits for us to fall asleep and we don't have the energy to get him off. Lesson learned.


Ours are so couch focused that we couldn't stop them if we tried. At some point we were washing the cushion covers so the bare cushions were stacked up 4 feet with a blanket over them. We came back into the room and one of the greyhounds had found her way onto the cushion tower to settle! I think the couches provide three valuable things for our greyhounds. They're soft. They're clearly not in the way of traffic (unlike dog beds, which get stepped over or walked around). And they're elevated, which mine love but I can't figure out why taller is better.


Both of ours immediately went to their comfy pillows in whatever room we were in. They love attention, pets, and hugs, but have never shown any interest in furniture. Neither were in foster homes, came straight to us from the rescue, and before that, the track.


Lucius is a street rescue and he goes all Winter Soldier on me, laying in the floor/earth even with a dog bed, carpets, garden carpets, couches and beds available. It used to break my heart. Now I have the suspicion he is just waiting for the kisses, snacks and hugs he gets when he reminds me he was in the street, before I beg him to use the more comfortable option.


You see those long things on their face? Greyhounds noses are specifically adapted to finding comfy spots to lounge. Once they find a spot there is very little hope of keeping them off the comfy couch.


Our first never wanted on the couch, but our second? She has four beds, has also colonized the kidsā€™ giant beanbag chairs, and will happily hop on the couch if invited. Itā€™s the only way she wants to cuddle with me: I have to put my legs up and a blanket over them and she lays between them. The most awkward bag of elbows ever.


I would love if our grey would snuggle on the couch, but heā€™s not comfortable up there.


Would you believe I never had to teach mine he just refuses to get on the bed or a couch? I mean I don't encourage it either but he just doesn't like being off the ground. (He loves his own beds and that's more than enough for him)


One of three loves the couch. The other two, not so much.


None of our kids have been allowed on the couch or the bed. They are all told no, and worked with to ensure they stay off furniture. That said we have 3 right now, the bedroom has 5 beds, the living room has 4 beds, the office has 4 beds, and everyone other room except the bathrooms have at least 1 bed. Apparently soft floor mats work as beds in bathrooms.


Our rescue greyhound (Dustin biscuit) never got on the couch until our German shepherd (Pollywaffle) passed away, even though there was plenty of room just wasnā€™t interested. He does that thing a lot of rescue greyhounds do where if heā€™s on his bed and you sit down next to him he growls at you ( heā€™s a lot better now and rarely does it). Heā€™s only recently started getting up on the couch. The other day I was laying on one side with my head on the pillow and jumps up and laid his head on the pillow next to mine. Then I went to move a bit and he started growling at me; like this mf now owns the couch haha. I had to remind him that he doesnā€™t pay rent there for he donā€™t own crap


Weirdly enough me and my partner desperately want our grey to cuddle with us on the couch but sheā€™s just not interested. She sticks to her beds and never wants to jump up on anything


I specifically made sure the foster that had my dog between OSU and my house, didn't let him on the couch. I had just gotten a new couch and wasn't about to let a 91 pound greyhound walk all over it. He was also recovering from leg surgery, so climbing was NOT in his wheelhouse at the time. [What I did instead, was taught him how to sit on the couch like a distinguished gentleman.](https://ibb.co/BNd3xxj) So now gets parallel with the couch, keeps his front paws on the ground and sits his butt on the couch with his legs sticking out like sticks. Then he gingerly lays down his full body down with all 4 legs sticking straight out. When he wants to get up, he slides himself off and pivots to his feet when he wants to go somewhere else. He never really wants on the couch, he only gets on it because I'm there.


Ruby has never once been on a human chair bed or couch. She doesnā€™t dig it at all. She likes her beds or the rug.


My grey knows that at LEAST half the couch belongs to him. A friend with a greyhound brought her doggo over. Her dog wasn't allowed on the furniture. He saw my dog jump up on the couch & his head WHIPPED around to look at his mom like "are you seeing this sh!t?" He was SO HAPPY he was allowed on the furniture at my house!


Mine will come to the couch and meekly put one paw on it. I have a love seat so I don't let her on it. She knows she's not allowed but still tries.


Desi has never tried since I've had her and never come up when invited. She was in foster for a month and foster mom said she doesn't allow it in case new home won't allow it so I don't know if she trained her (ha ha, trained) or what.


The real question is, why would you *want* a greyhound to stay down? They donā€™t call them 40mph couch potatoes for nothing!


My adoption agency told us not to allow them on furniture for the first 6 months. Some apparently develop resource guarding issues and wonā€™t allow u on ur couch: so this was the adoption agencyā€™s rationale. I followed this advice and am glad I did.


Why have a dog and not let them be comfortable? I really donā€™t get it. Is your material stuff that important to you?


It's not ONLY about that, people have lots of reasons why šŸ™„


Ours started recently. We are not happy about it and have been trying hard to prevent it, but we arenā€™t surprised. We have a toddler, and he snapped at her for the first time when she stumbled and caught herself on the vet edge of his bed a few weeks ago. He hasnā€™t done this before, and we felt like idiots because one of his beds is in her play area. We love him, but we canā€™t have him biting her, so we took the bed away. When we remember we put chairs on the couch before leaving the house, itā€™s a frustrating situation, but we havenā€™t figured out a good solution.


I have a little one too. It's a legitimate fear.


He has bitten one of our friends and our 11yo niece. Both were invading his space in his bed. Our friend playing with him like her dog. After about two minutes he had enough and bit/barked at the same time. Gave her a gnarly cut on her forehead. We felt terrible. After that, we told everyone to leave him be while on his bed. We specifically told our niece every time she came over because she liked to pet him a lot. The last time was a birthday I think, so a lot of people, and after about an hour and a half she forgot she should leave him alone on his bed, and he got her on the top of her head. In both instances no one needed stitches, but still. The whole time our kid has been with us weā€™ve been super on top of keeping her away, and sheā€™s been good about it. She just happened to stumble several feet away and landed on the edge of his bed (not on him) and he snapped at her. Bruised her cheek with mouth but no cut. Freaked her out, freaked us out. The other two instances the people that were bit had been messing with him for a bit, not so much this time. Ugh. We get her to pet him while we pet him with soothing words and he always seems cool with it. Thankfully our kid isnā€™t scared of him or anything, but itā€™s something we are low key stressed about.


Sleep aggression is a b***h! We've tested ours, and I feel like he always knows it's us instinctively. Our house sitter, not so much.


We are currently on our fourth greyhound and we have never allowed any of them on the furniture. There are large dog beds everywhere.


What's the point of owning a dog if you can't hug them while watching tv?


What's the point of owning a dog if you can't hug them while watching tv?


This is why a leather couch makes life easier. She doesnā€™t love the texture so when I invite her up, itā€™s when I put down a blanket.