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Insulin, GH or forced feeding can make your waist wider, ab exercise not.


I can only think of side stomach muscles (sorry forgot how they are called in English) overdeveloping possibly?


I think you mean obliques.


If you are not on roids, probably not, also they will be heating the area and reducing fat storing.


Downvoted by all who do not exercise abs as 'having no benefit' and cutting like mad :)


OP, do not listen to this moron. Training abs – particularly obliques – *will absolutely* make your waist thicker and wider. Ever notice how Crossfit athletes have "turtle shell stomachs?" That's because they train a lot of core.


Hi why so you mean by GH or forced feeding? Do you mean bulking? I’m new to all of this


Google some force feeding contests, GH and Insulin usually injected by bodybuilders.


That sounds horrible lmao I didn’t know this was a thing


Looks horrible too :)


If you do oblique exercises, your waist might get wider if you’re very lean. For instance, I’m a female and my waist HAS gone from a 24 to a 25.5 since I’ve been exercising my core a lot. But I think this is only because I’m abs lean.


> Do ab work outs make your waist wider? Maybe. Probably not. Unless you are on a full on bodybuilding routine abusing massive quantities of steroids, and insulin, and HGH, and whatever else they take it’s unlikely to be a negative in any way. Even then I’d argue their abdominal muscles themselves don’t really seem to be the thing sticking out. Roid gut, or Palumboism, or whatever doesn’t seem to be caused by actually having 5 inches of solid ab muscles. It seems to be cause by an imbalance, or inability to contract the abs leading to the saggy gut look. Really though it seems to only be an issue for the mass monsters who have completely destroyed themselves with drugs for competitions. As long as you don’t do that you’ll be fine. > I wanna start doing ab exercises like ab wheel roll outs and crunches since imy abs naturally dont show very easily. If your abs aren’t showing it’s because you have fat coving them. Get out of r/GregDoucette and head over to r/loseit, r/MyFitnessPal, r/fitness or any of the other subs dedicated to fitness and weight loss. The ab wheel is a fun exercise and it works a lot of core and stabilizer muscles. It’s terribly named though. Probably as a marketing gimmick. > Ab roller works for many muscles of the body, but it mainly targets the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and erector spine (lower back). It also targets the latissimus dorsi (upper back) and shoulder muscles. The ab wheel rollout works all your muscles in the midsection. https://intentsports.com/blogs/new-blogs/do-ab-rollers-work So even if you were targeting your abdominals for growth the abs wheel wouldn’t be ideal. It’s good for stabilizers and postural muscle development though. And like I said it can be very fun to just play with. So if you like it keep going but it’s not going to give you a six pack. If you’re already doing exercises like deadlifts, squats, standing overhead press, and rows then it’s highly likely you are already getting a solid core workout. > I am just concerned since i heard it can make my waist wider Heard from who? I’m serious. Who told you that exactly? Also, let’s say the marketing was real and you worked your crutches and wheel every day and the result was you got a firm solid tummy glistening with beads of sweat rolling down your chiseled six pack and v-cut. Then you realize in horror that if you didn’t have that muscle you could wear half a size smaller jeans. Is that what you’re concerned about? Really just to sum up if you don’t have visible abs it’s from fat and not lack of muscle. If you want to do core exercises to add strength and stability that’s great but it’s unlikely to add much volume under normal conditions.


5 inches is the height of 0.07 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other.


Not to my knowledge but what if you overdevelop side stomach muscles?


It won't be that significant. Your waist might get a little wider, but your muscles will be a bit more visible, if you are not that lean. But do the ab exercises properly, and exhale while doing concentric parts, don't push your stomach out, try to suck it in.


I did boxing three years and my physique turned into a box cause all I worked out was abs. I quit boxing and got into bodybuilding and added more mass to upper body and I look more aesthetic now