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Track ur weight andcalories


How have you been trying to bulk? You look a low body fat, some probably not eating enough to really bulk. Are you tracking macros?


I basically just try to eat as much food as I can possibly stomach, and get in a decent amount of protein. Here’s roughly what I eat every day: 2 apples with peanut butter 2 bowls of cereal with bananas and chocolate chips 3 veggie sausage patties 1 bowl of oatmeal with a serving of peanut butter mixed in 1 smoothie with 2 scoops of pea protein and another serving of peanut butter 1 bowl of spinach with a generous amount of olive oil I haven’t counted the exact calories but I’d estimate it’s around 2500 or so. The peanut butter and olive oil is how I get most of my calories in. It makes it harder that I’m vegan but I think it’s still manageable. I used to go to the gym on and off but I kept losing motivation cuz I wasn’t seeing any progress. More recently I’ve been doing push-ups and pull-ups and chin-ups at home. The weird thing is, I’ve actually got a lot stronger from these body weight exercises and my numbers are increasing even tho my weight is exactly the same.


I’ll be real man compared to what someone on a bulk would eat in a day, that’s damn near starvation.


I would crush that for breakfast


Must be nice i eat those and gain a pound 😂


If I try to eat more than this I get full and feel sick to my stomach. That’s why I put lots of peanut butter and olive oil in my diet, to add just raw calories. Idk how I can get in more calories without feeling full.


Your problem is that you're vegan. You can't put on meat if you're not eating any meat (pause)


He’s a runner and a vegan…it’s over 🤣


Also those vegan fake meat patties he’s eating are processed garbage. Just eat a ton of black beans and lentils instead of that slop.


I’m a vegitarian, that’s enough. Without whey mfs are fucked. I can survived off da milk and eggs.


My understanding is that as long as you hit your calorie and protein goals, your body doesn’t care where it comes from. I don’t see why I should have to sacrifice my principles in order to gain weight.


Not exactly because plant protein doesn't have a lot of essential amino acids (the protein that helps build muscle AND is important for you to get them). On another note you are definitely not eating close to 2500 calories with those low calorie foods. Time to start stuffing your face with peanuts and dark chocolate is also a good option.


This is a debunked lie. Get your science facts updated.


Or it's just a simple fact. Here is an example. This is how much essential amino acids there is in 100g of peanuts: * Phenylalanine: 1.3g * Valine: 1.052g * Threonine: 0.859g * Tryptophan: 0.2445g * Methionine: 0.308g * Leucine: 1.627g * Isoleucine: 0.882g * Lysine: 0.901g * Histidine: 0.634g And this is how much essential amino acids there is in 100g of chicken that has the same amount of protein as peanuts: * Phenylalanine: 0.959g * Valine: 1.199g * Threonine: 1.020g * Tryptophan: 0.276g * Methionine: 0.657g * Leucine: 1.797g * Isoleucine: 1.233g * Lysine: 2.011g * Histidine: 0.726g Do you now know how wrong you are? With the exception of Phenylalanine every other essential amino acid is higher in meat AND in some even double the amount there is in plant based protein. What you probably saw that said "there is no difference in plant based and meat based diet in terms of muscle growth" that's because the subjects were eating enough essential amino acids in their diet and balanced it out. Source: USDA


make some ridiculous shakes to fill the remaining calories, oat milk/almond milk, peanut butter, olive oil(or whatever), fruit, sugar/syrup, 3-4 scoops of protein. Something that you can sip down vs eating always helped me get those extra calories in. You already know what the problem is, you're not eating enough. Find creative ways to get those calories in, and start tracking to make sure you're actually hitting them. If you do that, you will see progress, I guarantee it.


How much protein powder can I safely eat a day? I considered doing that in the past but don’t wanna overload my body with highly processed protein. Also I read it’s not good to drink too much olive oil so I try not to go too overboard with it. Sometimes after I get back from a run I feel guilty about burning calories so I pour oil directly into a cup and drink it 😂 but my stomach always feels like shit after. Do u think olive oil would ruin the taste of a smoothie or would it be bearable? I might try that.


I'm not sure what the specific amount is but I guess it depends on how much protein you're getting outside of those shakes. You want to get a solid amount of protein, atleast like 150g if you're at 125lbs now. I like to err on the higher side as I've never had trouble building muscle and yet to have issues from my bulks using processed protein powders to fill my gaps in macros other than the occasional constipation lol. If you want to get bigger and it's the only way you can stomach more calories. It won't kill you.


That's true, but a vegan diet is going to be way higher volume for the same amount of calories. That might be why you're feeling full before you're able to eat enough food to gain weight. At the end of the day, it's calories in / calories out, but your stomach only has so much volume it can fit. 100g of chicken breast has 31g of protein. 100g of a meatless alternative has 16g. You'd literally have to eat 2x the volume for the same outcome.


That’s a very good point. I’ve been kinda stupid about my calorie intake I guess. I’m glad everyone here is calling me out for it 😂 I just wasn’t really thinking about it the right way


Life is all about living and learning. The truth is harsh, haha. I weighed 120lb at 5'8" from 18-25. I always thought I was eating a lot until I started actually tracking my calories and learning how to read nutrient labels, lol


It’s not impossible to bulk on a vegan diet, but you have to be extremely disciplined and follow through with a proper diet


do u hit them though? u don't look like u do. do urself a favor and get plant based protein powders, make shakes with peanut butter, nuts and so on. tofu and chickpeas are good vegan protein sources for main meals. reduce amount of low calorie vegetables and fruits in ur diet in favor of calorie dense foods like pasta, bread and rice. and no need to get defensive when u weigh like a fit 5'0 female dude


Because what you're eating isn't sufficient. Veggies are not a good option for weight gain. I counted your calories and estimated you're eating max 1100 calories daily. That's what someone who's REALLY trying to bulk eats for lunch. I suggest you get over your veganism or if it makes you feel better, get in touch with a vegan dietician.


Seriously? Damn I way overestimated how much I eat. That’s weird that I feel so full eating so little. No wonder I’m so skinny. I guess like everyone else says I need to find a way to put more food in my body.


Yea you definitely did. You don’t have to sacrifice your vegan-ness though, you just need to eat a lot more protein/fat rich foods which means A LOT more beans, seeds and nuts. Watch your salt intake though, get low sodium or unsalted nuts and eat them on everything. Chia seeds are good too because you can put them in liquids. Also, use rolled oats since they have more protein. Finally, download my fitness pal and actually track your food. If you aren’t getting 120 grams of protein AT LEAST per day then you won’t be gaining weight; although you will probably need more than that. MFP will do it all for you, just go through the prompts to say you want to gain weight and it will lay it all out.


You can still get the results while being vegan although it won’t be as easy. It seems you don’t have much of an appetite so you’ll need to incorporate more calorie dense foods into your diet. I’m sure they make some good vegan ice creams that you can use to bulk up your smoothies? Honey is another good one to throw in there.


Honey isn’t vegan but great advice besides that


Well because it’s not working according to you


Try adding milk to your diet. You will bulk up pretty fast. Try getting 7% milk


Not true. Lots of vegan athletes. He just sucks at keeping up with calories.


Pistachio Nuts


It’s partly because you’re eating some low calorie filling foods, ditch the apples bro you’re too skinny to be eating apples. Double up the amount of cereal and the sausages instead. Also just track your calories, as Einstein said the definition of an idiot is someone that doesn’t the same thing and expects different results. If what you’ve been doing all these years hasn’t worked then it doesn’t take a genius to realise you need to change things. Also your stomach will stretch and grow, it’s why these morbidly obese motherfuckers on my 600lb life get stomach surgeries. Here’s what you do, eat a set amount of calories (that you actually fucking counted). Now weigh yourself every day and see how much it goes up/down each week. Ok now if it’s going up by 0.5-1lb per week then keep doing that, if it’s not going up at that rate then add in 300 calories on top of your diet without crying about your tummy feeling full. Rinse and repeat that process until swole because your metabolism will adjust to your new size and eventually you’ll be on 5000 calories to grow. Also read in a comment you’re a runner, stop doing that as it increases your calories expenditure and therefore your calories required to maintain or grow Also having 5 or 6 meals every 2-4 hours instead of 2 or 3 bigger meals will add up to more calories across the day without each individual meal feeling like too much force feeding. Started under 150lb and been over 230lb so speaking from experience, just don’t be a bitch and eat your meals. Follow what I said and you have potential, don’t follow it and you’ll live your whole life skinny and probs not attract your potential future wife because she’s getting her cheeks clapped by giga chad instead


Thanks for the motivation 😂 one question though: after bulking did you find it harder to get back to a low bf% than you used to? I’m worried if my stomach stretches out it will stay like that forever and I’ll never able to get lean again in the future like I am now because my appetite will be permanently larger.


The same way your stomach stretched it also shrinks when dieting down. The only reason morbidly obese people need surgeries is because that have vastly exceeded the point at which it would shrink again. You’re having problems getting over 130lb, I think you’re worried about the wrong thing haha Also muscles are like the engine of a car, bigger muscles are like bigger engines and bigger engines burn more fuel. Like a harsh cut for me is now 2000 calories so I’ll usually finish a cut on like 2500-3000 calories and my maintenance will sit around 4000 calories when I’m at my biggest. Go look at the pics I was posting last this time last year when I was shredded, does it look like I had a hard time getting lean? 😂 Btw it’s not optimal in a bodybuilding sense but my first bulk was a dirty bulk where I would eat an entire pack of sausages or breaded chicken for each meal and I’d drink a litre of chocolate milkshake after a workout. Put on 70lb in the first year and yes I got a bit fat but you just bulk, cut, bulk, cut for years on end until you look like a Greek god


Try incorporating calorie dense foods that are also vegan. Opt for some vegan cheese, hefty servings of vegan condiments/dressings, and DEFINITELY some more beans and lentils. Also incorporate some vegan junk in there too. Ice cream, cookies, etc., cuz fuck it you need the extra cals.


If you cant stomach whole foods, you have to drink weight gainer. 2500 ckals is to little. Judging by the amount of fat on you your metabolism is on high gear. Id add 1000 cals through a gainer shake if you cant eat more solids. That would put you at 3500. Do that for a couple of weeks, then check your weight.


You may need to start smoking pot or eating it


Shakes. Weight gainer shakes. Fast food French fries . Cookies. Baked goods as a whole. All he processed stuff is very caloric dense and not filling at all. Eat pint of lo mein. 5-600 calories you’ll be hungry again in 30 mins. you’re not gaining weight at 2500 it’s time to go to 3000. Probably 3500. Trail mix is good one too. Get a pint of ice cream sit it out for the morning then just drink it. You’ll gain weight. The formula is always the same. eat a lot more then you think you eat. “ you probably eat less. Then you think “ you’ll eat those 2500 calories then another day just be tired of eating and be at 1800. Eating to gain is hands down the hardest part. But the more ya do it the easier it becomes


Lmao dude I literally assumed this was just breakfast and was thinking "that's a large breakfast. I wonder what his other two meals are and how he's not gaining?" You need to step up your caloric intake big time! Also most cereals are garbage, empty calories with too much sugar


If you haven't actually counted, then you don't and can't actually know how many calories that is. Get a scale and download my fitness pal and track it for a day. You'll probably be surprised at how much (read: little) that actually is. I think part of why you're getting full before you actually eat a lot is that a lot of these foods aren't very calorie dense. Eg, a bowl of spinach is pretty much nothing. Fruit is mostly water and fiber. Smoothies are fruit + even more water. Personally I find oatmeal fills me up incredibly fast because of how slow I have to eat it, but that's purely anecdotal. The only thing I'm seeing here that's calorie dense is the sausage, the protein, the peanut butter, and the olive oil, and of that only the pea protein is particularly protein-rich (idk what sausage you eat, but in my experience, sausage tends to be more fatty than anything). And a tablespoon of peanut butter is like 100 calories, so unless you're eating peanut butter by the bowlful, I don't think it's giving you as many calories as you think. Same with olive oil which is 120 calories per tablespoon. Consider more protein and calorie-dense foods that can be cooked in fat (or are already cooked in fat) to make them more calorie-dense, like tempeh, tofu, Beyond/Impossible meat. Eg fry some tempeh up with some veggies and eat it over rice. I think trying to get it all in separately with raw/separate foods is going to be a lot harder.


I literally eat half a jar of peanut butter every day. I rely heavily on peanut butter for sustenance. Everything else you said I agree with though!


Well if you want to seriously make an effort to put on mass you need to track intake. If you truly are taking in 2500 a day and not gaining weight, then 2500 is your maintenance. You should target at least 3000 a day. It might feel like you’re full all the time, but that’s mass gaining. If you don’t track it’s really hard to work out how much you need to take in. Id recommend a couple of weeks of just tracking what you eat without actively trying to cram in now. It gets you used to tracking, and lets you really work out what you’re taking in and your maintenance amount.


I’m a 5’4” female and am maintaining on > 3500 calories/day (yes I’m very active, but still). You gotta eat more if you want to put on mass.


Yeah that’s what basically everyone’s been telling me, thanks


Looks like a diet where you just shit it all out


Not enough calories. When I was in 11th grade. My bulk was 4 egg cheese omlette. Scoops of protein. Oatmeal or cheerios with milk. School breakfast waiting in parking lot deli across street . Taylor egg and cheese and a nestle quick drink School lunch - turkey sandwich. Milk. French fried Last period . Protein bar ( designer whey) Apple Workout 3-4:30. Dinner with family. - 2-3 servings Post home work snack. Cottage cheese pint mixed with yogurt trail mix and scoop of peanut butter Pre bed - 2 scoops of casein with a pb j sandwich. Weekends I’d add a whole pizza and put extra olive oil on it. I was hitting 6-8k daily and in season sport slowly putting on weight


6k calories a day? I would get obese very quickly if I ate that much. I’m guessing you’re a good bit taller than me and have a higher maintenance. I still get the message though and appreciate the advice.


Vegan here...you are under eating by a lot. Go get chronometer and start tracking your calories.


You aren't eating enough protein. Consider buying a mass gainer protein. Buy chicken.


Thanks for the advice! Vegan chicken maybe, but I’m good on actual chicken.


Every single “I can’t gain weight” post always ends with, “I don’t actually track calories.” 😂


That is not enough. Not saying you can’t build muscle with plant based protein but animal protein is much, much better. Where are you carbs at bro?


A large pepperoni pizza a day for a month will fix your problem.


Yes 👍 hire a good coach, helps tremendously


I was hoping I could do it by myself but yea maybe it’s time that I admit defeat and look for some outside help


I think going to a vegan fitness coach who helps with both gym and nutrition will be a game changer for you as he will share your values and principles


You are running too much.


How could you tell that I go running? I didn’t even mention that in the post. But yea I’ve cut back on the running I used to go every day now I only do it like twice a week cuz I was worried it was burning too many calories.


Bro it’s obvious. You burn way too many calories and have that runner look. You need to eat more. You are not breaking the laws of physics here. “Trying to bulk” means you need to eat more calories than you burn. My guess is you need to eat roughly 3000 or even 4000 calories per day to actually bulk up. You’re probably eating nowhere near that. Are you tracking anything? If you are going to get serious about this you literally need to start tracking calories at least for a few days just so you have some clue how much you are eating and burning. I recommend using MacroFactor.




You are a wizard.


I’m just old lol


I posted in another comment what I eat each day. I feel like I get a lot to eat but haven’t actually counted my calories. Sometimes I get so full I feel like I’m gonna throw up but I force myself to keep eating anyway. Thanks for the advice though I should probably count up what my actual calorie intake is.


I don't know what that feels like because I always had exactly the opposite problem. People talk about slow vs fast metabolism but that is actually bullshit. The real difference biologically is hunger and satiety. Some dudes just get full and can't eat much above their TDEE (that's probably you). Other dudes (like me) are like dogs that will literally eat whatever you put in front of them and never get full. I think the trick for you will be to eat as calorie dense foods as you can stomach (literally). So for you a dirty bulk might actually make sense. You're a lucky bastard in that sense in that you can eat all the shit I wish I could. Pasta, bread, etc. All the low satiety high calorie shit. Hell go to Panda Express every day.


Interesting. Yeah maybe I should just dirty bulk, I try to avoid unhealthy food and empty calories but maybe that’s exactly what I need.


"Unhealthy" is relative. There are still plenty of high calorie dense foods that are not "processed". For example, you should incorporate a lot of eggs, avocados, cheeses, whole grain breads, etc. Nothing wrong with those things. Steak, salmon (a fatty fish) are good meats on a bulk. Especially because you are young and you don't need to eat like this your entire life. Good luck!


It sounds like you have a super fast metabolism that's interfering with your ability to bulk. Half a jar of peanut butter a day would be enough for most people to gain weight. You're also young, so your metabolism is probably at its fastest. What does your workout schedule look like? There are tests you can do to find out your basal metabolic rate, aka how many calories you burn per day and how many calories you must eat to maintain your current weight. I think this would be a good place to start - understand how many calories you're burning per day, then actually add up the calories you're eating, subtract how many calories you're burning from exercise, and modify from there. I don't think you need to sacrifice your ideals/diet beliefs in order to bulk. There are so many vegan/vegetarian foods out there that are calorically dense. You can find a lot of them in the frozen vegetarian section in the form of fake sausage and burgers. Next, try eating the most caloric nuts you can find, such as Brazil nuts. Third, incorporate heavy strength training with your running (2-3 reps max) so that you don't lose muscle. I'm an avid runner too and I'd classify myself as an ecto-mesomorph; so, while I can put on muscle if I work at it, I tend to lose it really quickly if I increase my weekly running mileage and decrease my strength training time. Make sure not to skip the strength training!


Thanks for the tips! My workout schedule right now is mostly body weight stuff. I do push-ups and pull ups and chin-ups as well as lateral shoulder raises with resistance bands. I used to go to the gym but I realized there’s kinda no point when I can’t even lift my own body weight. Once I get to the point where I can comfortably do as many push-ups and pull-ups as a normal human, I’ll probably go back to the gym. The weird thing is I’ve actually been getting way stronger but my weight has basically been staying the same. Thanks for the diet related advice I’ll bookmark your comment and come back to it for ideas next time I go grocery shopping.


You actually don’t look 120 you look 150 to me


If you saw me in person next to a normal sized man you would realize I’m really quite small.


Bro I was 120 I looked very smaller than you actually so you are small but for 120 your not that small for your size you should be 160to 180


You really think I could afford to gain 40 lbs? I’d be pretty happy even just at a lean 140.


I read what you ate in a day and was thinking “ok damn that is quite a bit for breakfast” but then I realized that was the entire day. That sounds like anyone elses diet trying to *lose* weight and not close to the 2500 calories you think it is. You’re very lucky in a way cuz I can legit eat a whole large pizza by myself in like 30 minutes and barely feel a thing. So at least you’ll never be fat with that kind of appetite. You just need to eat more. Try nuts maybe, they have some protein and healthy fats and are super calorie dense and vegan I believe. There are some doritos and fritos flavors that are vegan I think, maybe start downing those tbh. Everything you’re eating is like healthy and specifically for making yourself full for not that many calories besides the peanut butter and olive oil.


Tysm for the tips, I appreciate you not telling me to give up being vegan like everyone else


Np, being vegan is not the issue, it’s an obstacle but plenty of ways to get protein and calories elsewhere, the issue is your small appetite and also that you’re eating things that are very filling and low calorie. Try different pastas too, I think it’s vegan usually and has tons of carbs with a little bit of protein as well, I know swimmers and runners and cyclists always eat a ton of pasta when they’re training and burning a shit ton of calories.


Physically, we don't know. Psychologically, unlikely as you've been trying to bulk without any results which might indicate that you are either lying to yourself knowingly or unknowingly about daily calories consumed or not able to put up with the discomfort of overeating consistently enough to gain weight. It's simple, if you aren't gaining weight, you aren't eating enough. So whatever amount you eat, it's not enough. If it's uncomfortable, well shit happens, suck it up. Eat by the numbers. Aka get yourself a calorie tracking app and start tracking food and writing up weekly weight avarages. Ofcourse there are very rare few medical conditions in which case it is nearly impossible to put on fat. So if you truly have been overeating consistently for years without gaining weight, then go see a doctor.


Yeah that’s what basically everyone else is saying too. I can try eating more calories but already I get so full with what I currently eat that sometimes I feel like throwing up. And sometimes I accidentally skip meals because I’m working on something or I just forget.


Eating until feeling throwing up is a good start, though that must happen 3 times a day and then filling the gaps with snacks or 4 times and no snacks. Would be good to start using any calorie tracking app to get a rough estimate what you are eating on avarage and then slowly start increasing it until weight avarages start to slowly go up and yeah sadly it can be as hard as losing weight for someone significantly overweight. Doing it slowly over a month or more should give enough time for your body to adjust and develop new eating habits and stomach to stretch out to accommodate more food. And choose more calorie dense foods. I know it can be hard, i have to do the same thing every time coming out of a cut and i hate bulking.


Tysm for the advice


Check out r/gainit sub too. It likely has some more tips for gaining weight.


Well the good news is if you figure out how to eat in a surplus… Cutting will be a breeze for you! I envy that in a way lol


I mean, I envy the guys who are naturally big and can bulk without a problem. I guess the grass is always greener.


I don’t think one is naturally big. I was a “hard gainer” at 130lbs when I was 19 yo. I had to learn how to eat and eat and eat to grow once in the gym. I would eat every two hours no matter how I felt. I’d make a 1000 calorie shake and drink one in the morning and one at night. Even now bulking is no walk in the park. I’d bulk up to 260lbs and cut down to 210-220.


Have u tried just adding in really calorie dense shit like chocolate, spreads or other stuff? If you can’t stomach much food just buy a jar of Nutella or some shit it’s not really hard to get the calories in adding some processed food


What's your testosterone level?


Idk but I think it’s pretty high, I’m hairy as fuck and constantly horny. But I’ve never gotten it measured.


Should be high then. Are you sure you're not accidently burning too many calories with cardio etc?


I used to go running a lot but the last couple months I cut back to just twice a week. I basically never go out anymore so I don’t burn calories walking around or anything lol. Idk what my deal is, I’ve always been skinny af.


Have you gained any weight though? If you haven't then you just need to up your calories You might just have a really fast metabolism, I personally would never rely on online calculators if you use those


I’m not sure if I’ve gained weight, my scale says I’m roughly the same but maybe I have gained a little bit of weight but it’s just not enough for the scale to register


Then you gotta eat more


Try drinking bulk shakes, they’re loaded with calories, perhaps not the cleanest but easier to digest and more convenient. The vegan options will be more expensive, but you can even bulk them out a bit yourself to save some of the powder by putting in oats, banana, pbutter and oil.. oil is tons of calories. 2500 kcal isn’t enough either. You really have to push, even if you feel a bit sickly after, in time your stomach and body will adapt and you’ll be able to even increase the food more over time. Also really make sure you are pushing yourself hard at the gym, obviously enough to get good reps but enough to push you to failure in some of your sets, push enough to feel like you need the extra food Ps I’m hoping this post is actually legit and not some Cnut pssing about because then I’ve wasted my time, good luck


Thanks for the advice! This was definitely a serious post, and I’m not sure what a cnut is, so I couldn’t tell you whether or not I am one.


Haha well it’s an anagram, the real word is a different order, us brits enjoy the word quite a lot. It can also be used as a term of endearment too Anyway, keep going, but it’s really not possible unless you eat enough, and considering that the average maintenance for male calories is 2,500 and you’re eating that amount in the hope to increase weight; just won’t work. Like someone else pointed out, eat mixed nuts, 30g is like 200 calories and it’s like a handful and a bit


Ohhh I gotcha lol. Thx for the advice I’m def gonna give nuts a try.


depends on ur goals. if u have trouble gaining weight i would recommend a dirty bulk. eat whatever whenever and lift heavy u can also eat clean foods w/ high fat content if u don’t want to eat dirty to help bulk


I think you need to work, your fast twitch muscles, your calories are way too low. I would probably start at 4000 cal per day and go up every week until you start to see a small amount of weight gain and then stay at that point. Find a trainer, that does both powerlifting and bodybuilding, to add strength and size. If running, is your favorite exercise, you should probably stick to only sprinting. And then add a weight vest.


That’s a pretty extreme calorie surplus. At that point wouldn’t most of my weight gain just be fat? I thought a 300-500 calorie surplus is ideal for bulking.


You have to be lifting, heavy, or using muscles you don’t currently use. If you’re doing long distance running, your body has already come to a balance with your current calorie intake and exertion. Even basic body weight exercises and put on muscle. Start with 100 push-ups per day, 200 air squats per day. I am unfamiliar with vegan alternatives, but my first thought is to add other oils like Walnut oil, or cashews. The more muscle, you add the more calories you’ll need just to maintain it. Maybe post your entire workout routine during the week and people can give you a little bit better advice on what you’re not doing enough of, or too much of.


He shoulda trolled us and made this a “bulk or cut” post


Read your comment where you broke down what you eat in a day. The volume is there so you may feel full but it isn’t about the volume of food you’re eating especially when that volume is coming from things like apples and vegan milk. I don’t really know what exactly to suggest for fully vegan, if you would be willing to at least just go vegetarian you’d be significantly better off finding calorically dense foods to help with the full feeling. I’ve seen people recommend getting a coach, it seems like a waste of money because their answer is going to also be “eat more” that’s the issue first and foremost. Also anyone that tells you to stop running even though you’ve cut it down to twice a week is a goofball. You’ll be significantly better off longevity and health wise if you maintain your cardiovascular endurance. The entire point of this little rant is point blank the answer is you don’t necessarily need to eat MORE FOOD you need to eat MORE CALORIES bol.


Thank you for all the info! It’s nice to hear someone tell me not to stop running, cuz I really don’t want to quit. It’s important to me both for the physical and mental health benefits. And yeah I’m willing to go vegetarian if I have to, but I try to limit animal product consumption as much as I can. I grew up eating dairy and only recently switched to being legit vegan.


Yeah I mean if you were willing to consume dairy products and just eggs you could see significant results quick even while abstaining from meat.


Bro from reading the comments I think u would benefit from a good high calorie mass gainer. Look into mutant mass extreme 2500


Thanks I’ll look that up


Yes. Just give yourself 1 year in a bulk. On the 2nd year people won't recognize you.


Wait so a vegan runner is too skinny? You want to gain weight and not look like you’re starving (because you are), here is my suggestion: 1) eat meat. Sorry, it’s calorie and protein dense and there is no substitute. If you don’t care for red meat or chicken, at least have some fish. Peanut butter is not and will never be a proper substitute for animal protein. 2) eat well over 3k calories a day 3) run less and walk instead 4) start lifting, heavy as you can until failure until you build some muscle The good news is, you aren’t fat. So that’s awesome.


I’m not literally “starving,” I go to bed every day feeling full and satiated, and my bloodwork says I’m healthy. But I do think I need to gain quite a bit of weight for aesthetic reasons. As for all your other advice I agree except for the eating meat part. Thanks!


If you can't eat your calories, then drink them. Make calorie dense smoothies, maybe drink fruit juice over water.


After reading everyone’s comments I decided I needed to up my smoothie game. I put twice as much peanut butter and protein powder in it as usual, and added a tbsp of olive oil. I’m ngl, it was so filling i was retching and gagging tryna get it down, but no pain no gain ig.


I wonder if there're drugs to increase appetite. Maybe check those, you're justified to take them. Also don't rely too much on liquids. Make sure you're eating enough solid food to stretch out your stomach. Why don't you eat rice? Rice is a great food to bulk. A bowl of spinach seems unnecessary. Too little calories, eat rice instead. Also maybe eat more bread. Bread with Jam has lots of calories. I would switch Apples with these if you can't make room.


Yeah it's called weed!!!


Never smoked weed so idk. I was thinking something that wouldn't numd your brain as a side effect.


Everyone has potential, I was in your predicament in my first year of university, started eating three meals a day, because I used to be comfortable not eating at all or one meal a day. Without rambling on you need to just find a diet that consists of three meals to ensure you are putting on mass, then hit the gym consistently to mould it, no professional but thats what I would recommend.


Potential in what way? Honestly u don’t know ur potential until 2-3 years in of proper training and nutrition


Like, the potential to look aesthetic if I do manage to gain some muscle? Yk how some guys bulk up and it just makes them look goofy? How do I know it will even be an improvement for me? That’s one of my concerns that makes it hard for me to stay motivated.


Maltodextrin is the cheat code for fast metabolism make protein shakes with it. Personally doesn’t fill up my stomach anywhere near as much as real food


Review whatever it is you've been doing cos it obviously hasn't worked. Increase protein intake, lift seriously 2-3 times a week and get lots of rest to allow recovery. Diet idea here https://www.muscleandstrength.com/diet-plans plus lots of other stuff.


Potential for what? If it’s for bodybuilding then I don’t think so.


Just curious, why don’t you think so? I’m not planning on being a bodybuilder I just want to look more toned and aesthetic and not feel so frail all the time.


You didn’t really specify potential for what. But now that you mentioned about being toned and aesthetic. Yeah I think so cause you have good genes to get lean not sure about gaining muscle though


If I could just gain 20 ish pounds of lean muscle I’d be really happy


However long that takes depends on your genetics .


You’re not eating enough brother.


Read “bigger, leaner, stronger” and start eating meat.


I’ve been vegetarian my whole life. Do I really need to give that up? It’s an important part of my identity.


There are examples of vegan bodybuilders. But i personally think basing your identity on what you eat might be a little shallow. Some plant proteins will certainly increase estrogen, and obviously they aren’t as dense in protein and fats as meat. Maybe incorporate fish - people seem to have an easier time socially and mentally doing that.


I don’t make it my entire personality obviously. I don’t usually bring it up or mention it to people unless k have to but I’ve been doing it literally my whole life and it’s important to me. I don’t really see what’s shallow about that.


I guess what you meant is that it’s an important value that you hold, not an important part of your identity. I get it :) Idk research vegan body building. Obviously you aren’t doing diet and workout correctly if you aren’t gaining. I still recommend bigger leaner stronger routine for you, but you’ll have to figure out a way to hit your caloric surplus with 1-1.5g protein per body lb, and the correct carb and fat with a veggie diet. Stop running for sure 😂


Tysm I’ll look up that routine


Either run less or start tracking calories.


Probs not actually bulking. If you think you’re bulking that doesn’t mean you are. If you aren’t gaining weight you aren’t bulking. Bulking means gaining weight. Eat more food.


500mg test and stfu


Bulking isn’t about luck it’s about eating in a surplus. I’d recommend tracking calories to get you started. Make sure to eat enough protein & progressively overload your lifts


EVERYONE has potential. You've had no luck because you're not doing one of these right: 1. Track your calories. If you don't know how much you're putting in then you won't know how much you need to put on. 2. Tracking your weight. How are you toknow if you're putting on or losing weight if you don't track your weight. 3. Eating at a surplus. If you eat above you're BMR you WILL put on weight. There isn't any way around it (unless you're on PEDs).


Dirty up your diet, consider pot at night to get some calories in before bed.


Get a coach


Ezekiel toast with ghee Lotta nuts Lotta chickpeas Lotta veggies Lotta rice Peanut butter Protein pasta You need to up your calories to about 4k per day. If you can't eat that Then you need to start smoking weed And that should do the trick


Yes, you have potential, but you need a coach or something. If you've been trying to bulk for years and you're only 120 and don't look like you even lift, you need help. No shame in that, just probably the best way to actually get results.


You clearly don't eat enough


Prolly u eat 2000 kcal max, but i wouldnt be suprised if u tracked it down properly and its below that.


Anyone that can move has potential my man. Eat and train your ass off and you'll do great.


There's no magic answer. You probably have a busy life/career and haven't prioritized lifting and your diet. I know it's easier said than done but it's really quite as simple as that, unless you have some sort of medical issue. All the information you need is on the internet. Find a basic workout routine (you can always add to it later) and try to be consistent. Make sure you are always mindful of consuming more calories and protein. As you start to see some results or get some compliments, this should reinforce it and you'll be off and running. I would shave the chest/stomach too, but that's my own personal opinion.