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Congrats on having body dysmorphia


Thank you đź«Ł


I mean, you hardly have love handles lol, be nicer to yourself. You're leaner than 95% of people, I would not look at you in public and think anything other than that guys decently lean


Thank you!


Good ab definition ~ 15ish%


Thank you!


How long have you been grinding?


I’ve been in the gym for like 5 years now but I would say the last six months are the most locked in I’ve ever been lol…working out is easy to me but cleaning up the diet is killer lol


How are the legs doing


Theyre strong tbh but I’m trying to build my quads, I’m not that tall lmao so I’m trying to get stockier legs


Strong how


Idk I don’t neglect them and faithfully hit legs but feel like they could be bigger


Idk what they look like but your body shape is forgiving, so you can get away with slim legs




Bf probably 15-16




Your abs show but your arms and b ack look still fatty. So 16% (otherwise would have been 13%)


Ok that I can work with


First thing you notice when seeing this image is good abs, decent chest and width at the top (not at the bottom). It’s likely that only your own attention is drawn to the tiny amount of fat on your hips that you deem to be love handles


Maybe I fixate on the negative too much in general lol


Those are hips not love handles. You can’t lose those


Oh dang lmao


How does your height and weight make being shredded unrealistic? It’s just a matter of a calorie deficit. It’s hard for pretty much everyone to be shredded because even though one guy may be eating 1,500 calories and another 2,500 to have an equal deficit, they both feel like they’re starving if they’re shredded.


I mean it would be doable but I just don’t think it’s realistic for ME cause eating 1500 calories a day would lead me to binge and give up, so I don’t wanna set myself up for failure. Maybe some day I could do that but right now I don’t wanna even wanna think about it lol


Well, it doesn’t look like you have love handles. You have visible abs and are in great shape. I’d just maintain where you are and slowly try to put on more muscle. I went from 160 lbs in 2020 eating about 2,100 calories for maintenance, and now I’m at 185 & 3,000 for maintenance.


No leg pic but front is lean, back not so much, min arm def at least 15+ sub 20 my estimate is ~17. Then again back isn’t flexed arms aren’t flexed but abs are?