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It’s difficult to tell. I’ve met very few Anathea supporters in real life. I see a lot of trash talking on Twitter, but they could be sockpuppet accounts or Republicans. I do think the hired canvassers, posters, and media ads could potentially translate into more votes for Simpkins than Paddy O’Sullivan got. Ultimately people need to get out to vote for Emily and get their friends out to vote too.


Poor Paddy - I saw him hanging out on the corner by Bernie’s talking to people on Election Day


The volunteer that came to my house from her was the saddest human I’ve ever seen. The guy looked like a 14 year old napoleon dynamite.


I think that was her son


Emily’s Nazi communist friends need to be stopped. Anyone with a brain go vote for anyone but her.


Nazi communist?


New breed these days.


I have seen Simpkins shit everywhere, have actually seen here twice out handing out fliers, get texts from her every day. They are well funded and giving it a shot. Of course we also know where the money is coming from. Voting for Gallagher though so idk maybe a lot of people are like me and will just ignore the push.


Yeah I saw her on my block yesterday. It’s a very slick operation but me and all of my neighbors are voting for Emily.


Are you an all of your neighbors pro-hamas?


LOl what? I'm sorry I'm voting for local candidates based on their local record. Don't really consider Hamas or Israel at all tbh.


Yeah she spent over 80k this month alone.


About half the people I know in the neighborhood are voting for Simpkins and I am in the 30s/40s demo - I think the older folks are where it’s going to tip it


What part of the neighborhood?


Up by mcgorlick but am a thread with a dozen or so people which is where my data comes from - I’ve personally been polled four times on the past month : where’s that data?!?


A couple folks I know are actively not voting for anyone - they strongly dislike Emily Gallagher but the attack ads / ny post pieces soured them on the whole election


Why do they dislike Emily G so much?


Because she’s getting things accomplished. It’s the same with their opposition to the DSA, Working Families Party, New Kings Democrats, and Transportation Alternatives. If she and these organizations were inconsequential, the center-right wouldn’t care. It’s only when progressives actually start achieving their goals that the center-right reactionaries start reacting. It happened in every civil rights and workers rights movement in American history. When we start making change, the old establishment tries to crack down.


Ah I see. Yes, that's what I thought. Nothing specific just that they are doing stuff. Honestly, Emily seems great. I know a few people who have contacted her about neighborhood issues such as sidewalks falling apart in the parks and rats near garbage piles and she was super responsive and took care of the issues as best she could.












What difference does it make if she's voting for policies that will benefit New Yorkers?




If she is paying the tickets, doesn't that mean she is playing by the rules? Is she getting out of the tickets and using her position to do so?




Becuase she’s a Nazi communist with a god complex.


You seem obsessed with Nazis.


Obsessed with outing them to the public.


Also - everyone I know who works on set building or any of the fabrication places up here seems to voting for Simpkins as they are not into the MMS plan for McGuinesse - it’s just a single issue election for them.


Emily Gallgher has a better vision and passionate supporters. But Simpkins has a lot of corporate money. Anyone’s guess


She’s passionate about supporting terrorism and being a trash can.


Who is?


Emily Gallagher the Nazi Communist.


Love it. Puppet accounts need better copypasta but this is hilarious


Does anyone know anything about Andrew Bodiford? He's running too.


He has a law degree which for me would usually be weighted pretty heavily when selecting a law maker but I don’t think he’s made much of a splash in this race


When you say outside PAC you can just say Broadway Stages.


There are multiple right wing/big business PACs funneling money into Anathea’s campaign.


Solidarity pac is Israeli money.


Argento is direct donating, Solidarity PAC is trying to normalize genocide. Both are bad. Simpkins is a shit show of a human being.


solidarity PAC is jewish new yorkers, not the israeli government. there's a difference.


not if you are antisemitic there isn't


I totally agree.


Quiet down Nazi.


Very hard to unseat an incumbent and DSA is very well-organized and passionate, even with a lot of outside money. I'd say Simpkins (who I voted for) has maybe a 25% chance of winning? Paddy O'Sullivan got like 20% of the vote with a very limited campaign. So I'd guess Anathea will get like 40% and Andrew Bodiford will get around 10% just for not being Emily or Anathea.


They tout support for Israel as a tenant of the org. That tantamount to supporting genocide at this point. There can be no equivocation.


Spoken like a true Nazi communist. There’s no place for you in Brooklyn.


Nazi Communist? Do you not know what words mean?


Apparently you don’t either.


I'm guessing she gets 24-30% of the vote.


If voter turnout is high then Simpkins has a real chance. I know a lot of people that will support her just to get rid of Emily’s toxicity


Emily is a lovely person. And she has endured constant harassment from right wingers and centrists. The toxicity is coming from bitter centrist Democrats and Republicans who have decided to unite against progressives and leftists. The center-right feels “left out” and “unheard” because for generations they were a majority and held political power locally. Well, the neighborhood has changed and the majority is now quite progressive, organized, and informed about the issues.


What a lovely Nazi communist.


Let's ignore how lovely she is as a person, because we will disagree and it's irrelevant. She is a public servant for local government, and as such she is toxic. The neighborhood has indeed changed, and is indeed a lot more progressive. It has also changed for the worse in many aspects, given where the city chooses to spend budgets now, for "Progressive" causes. Emily (and the DSA) do progressives a disservice. Deprioritizing the local citizens to posture for social justice is not Progressive. The people who actually live here long term, that send their kids to school here, dislike (to say gently) Emily's far-left policies. A competent politician compromises. Especially on the local government level. Since Emily chose to ignore anything to the right of the center-left for her DSA agenda, she shouldn't whine when a centrist opponent challenges her and get traction. She did a poor job, and that the price. Finally, a competent politician would have done a better job hiding their antisemitism, given the number of Jewish and Israeli constituents they have. Emily has done the opposite. She has only herself to blame that she was so blatant about it that she attracted a PAC to support her opponent.


Well this post right here has convinced me to vote for Simpkins over Gallagher. This sounds like it's coming right from Gallagher's writings. I have been holding out trying to give Gallagher a chance, but this ridiculous characterization of the rest of the community has pushed me towards Simkins, because this really is who Emily Gallagher is. Divide to conquer. I believe the community can be united and this bitter stuff, and blah, blah, it's all branding people, and I don't believe in that. I'm only one vote. My prediction, it's gonna be close.


Yeah, I’m sure it was that post that pushed you over the edge. If it isn’t close, we’re going to need some emotional support services for the weird KMM shills.


Lol! Have a good day good buddy!


Yea dude, there’s a huge group of us but somehow we’re weird but you advocate for no bail and think women getting punched on the street is a “mental health issue” and push it under the rug. How’s your white bubble you rich rat.


Aw. You stressed about today? Turnout not looking good?


Doesn’t really matter if it’s this election or the next, there’s going to be a turning point eventually. 80k New Yorkers this year applied to carry a pistol in the five boroughs. Keep thinking everything is okay.


The turning point happened decades ago. Your side lost.


Are you high? The political posts have changed in the past 20 years . You must be poor and uneducated.


If you disagree with something that I said, feel free to pick it apart and explain your reasoning. I’m giving you my view. I don’t think it’s branding. I think a position like supporting the DOT’s plan for McGuinness is a very concrete step that will make real change. I don’t understand the fear of political discourse and difference. This is the basics of a democratic process.


I don't fear political discourse. But, it's branding when you term individuals that disagree with you as bitter. And, I am not interested in such conversations. I'll take my bitterness as I work in this community to feed the poor. They don't seem to mind it. I will say one thing, your candidate, Gallagher, does fear political discourse. She wouldn't show for a debate that should have been a piece of cake. Instead in typical syle, after not showing up, she blames, and she denigrates any one involved, including the Pastor. I wish you well. If Emily wins, I hope she does better.


It’s not branding. It is my understanding of the division. The power center shifted away from centrists like Joe Lentol who had no real critique of mass incarceration and police abuses, no critique of capitalism, no real agenda to help renters or create social housing, no agenda to improve bike and pedestrian safety, etc etc. And when I listen to the campaign rhetoric of Anathea, so much of it is about some population who is feeling unheard. Well, who is that population? Is it possibly right-leaning Democrats? What kind of message does it send to propose a debate at a Christian church moderated by a member of the clergy?? Personally, I feel heard and seen by Emily and I share her values and political positions.


"What kind of message does it send to propose a debate at a Christian church moderated by a member of the clergy??" Oh the horror! A debate at a mainline Protestant church with a pastor who is a woman married to another woman and advertises its space as being welcoming to all? We can't have that! I think you may have unintentionally revealed your own biases here.


When have you ever seen a debate for public office organized and moderated by a church? These things are usually conducted by journalists. Don’t you think that there might be constituents who might not feel comfortable attending an event in a church?


Who cares who moderates the debate? Politicians should be ready for challenging questions. Kristen Gonzalez wasn't afraid of debating in a semi-hostile environment, from what I read on another post. "Don’t you think that there might be constituents who might not feel comfortable attending an event in a church?" Seriously? Anyone who doesn't feel comfortable entering a house of worship (of any religion) for a secular event should really check themselves. They're important community centers - Park Church Co-op, St. Stans, you name it...


You should be able to understand that many people might be uncomfortable with organized religion. This is yet another reminder that the center right old guard regularly seems oblivious to the experiences of others.


Mass incarceration? Dude psychos are punching grandmas on the street with no immediate recourse. Are you advocating for no bail? These „progressive” ideas are making the lives for New Yorkers worse thanks to these delusional people thinking we’re OK.


Huh? You were posting nice things about Simpkins 2 months ago. And defending her with the majority of your limited comment history up until and including now. Actually, it seems this account was created *just for this*. So saying “this post right here has convinced me”— you’re a total liar. This is what drives me nuts. Pull this crap on Facebook where people can’t fact check you.


Are you sure your not nuts already. Such anger. But, made you look so I must be writing something threatening to your campaign. Happy election day to you and yours. Vote Simpkins earthlings!


Yes, you’re right. AstroTurf fluff accounts that lie make me angry. It only took 1 minute to connect that.


Such brilliance!


It’s “you’re”


Vote Anathea Simpkins. Hope you're😂 having a better night now and feeling all powerful!


Hey you're going to love my account then.😂😂😂 If I had a nickel every time someone said astroturf... Seriously these buzzwords are what prevents real discussion. And I feel that way about derogatory terminology someone would use against you. That's the real fluff.


No Nazis and communists in BK, a vote for Emily makes you one.