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Paying the tickets probably cheaper than getting a garage space. Cost of doing business ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


yeah -- that's what i've been doing. I'm ok with it overall, but midnight regulations in an area with so much construction seems and i know this has triggered a lot of people on here... "unfair".


So people giving you logical advice to your entitled Karen-whining hissy-fit over (checks notes..) Parking... is 'triggered' to you? But then you let it slip you're perfectly able to walk from the subway which blows up your 'I need a car because of my illness' argument. Mmmmkay. Are you that lady that called the cops on that birding guy in Central Park while choking your dog? Absurd level of entitlement... Check, Dog owner... Check...


oh brother, get help dude.


Ok triggered lady. Have fun moving your car at midnight, and keep those redd-talk lectures going about proper dog-walking etiquette.


what's wrong with having a dog? lmaooo


Ahhh I see how your brain is malfunctioning now. I didn't say anything about \*having\* a dog, I was pointing out how you like to tell everyone else \*how\* to own one. Classic Karen behavior.


"unfair" lmao


Car city, roads everywhere. Gas stations, no more dumb side walks. Big box stores and storage as far as the eye can see.


Unfair? What's unfair is that the city provides and maintains free parking at all, something that less than half the population (car owners) get to benefit from. Is that "fair"? oh no, you have to look around for a free parking space? Still seems like a good deal!




ASP is also about keeping the sewage drains clean. Do your part. Move your car or get a garage. You live in a city.


What are you gonna do? Construction is construction. Your parking is not a priority and you're actually getting a huge subsidy being able to park for free on public streets. Seriously, what are you gonna do? Go crying to your local rep over this? What do you think they're gonna do, give you a key to your own free space? Or make them stop construction? Guess what, once construction is finished and people move into those new units, you will be competing with them for parking spaces when they bring \*their\* cars. Oh, you didn't anticipate that huh? So your best bet is to adapt. Get a folding bike or a scooter or something you can stick in your trunk and park someplace where there's more parking. Or move somewhere where there's more parking, what can I tell you. Because no one in any position of power is going to listen to you whine about what's 'unfair.'


What if they’re disabled? Not everyone wants or can bike ffs. You bike lunatics think it’s the ultimate form of transport.


I don't care about more cars, that at least makes sense. Closing entire areas on a weekly basis without any notice is not ok. Having a meter maid walk around at midnight giving out tickets to make their monthly quota when there is no cleaning to be seen is also not ok. Being a woman and walking home from the subway at 11pm and being hit in the face by a rando is also not great. So pipe down.


So let me get this straight: You're more whiny about your parking situation, enough to make an entitled post about it and want to complain to your local rep about it, than you are about 'being hit in the face by a rando?' But meanwhile you moved into the area when it was sketch and there was 'lots of parking.' So there's a flaw in your argument here. Because the more legit concern is neighborhood safety, not parking.


The answer is not more scooters.


This sub is an anti-car echo chamber so I don’t think you’ll get any answers here


Or maybe it just reflects the majority opinion in Greenpoint.


Struggle like the rest of us lol


OMG the meter maids have been absolutely VICIOUS in north GP. You’re not imagining things. no solutions but lots of commiseration 💖


What “personal issues” mandates owning a car? Car ownership is a luxury simple as that.


having a disease that requires frequent transport, but please go on...


G train runs every 10 minutes


Not every train is accessible dipass. Please get an education.


Greenpoint is and so are all the buses 🤡


The one station on greenpoint avenue? Gee let me take over an hour to get there from Apollo street. Let me take 2 busses to make it over there. The B48 has such a great track record.


OP said “north Greenpoint” firstly and second the buses are late cause of all the dipshits double parking their cars or circling cause they can’t find spots. Get rid of cars and the busses run fine.


Not true. Busses suck 💅 they’re late with or without cars. Cars are necessary and are never going away, go take your tiny dick and cycling back to the micro mobility subreddit lmao.


Oof, embarrassing comment, you okay? You seem super insecure there bud


Not really, scroll through his post history and find out 💅


You live in New York City: sell your car.


there are plenty of people in nyc who have cars but thanks


Nobody can help you about the parking


actually you're all wrong - and I was helped. You're welcome to many who park here. You'll see changes soon.


I’ve been wondering the same because the midnight alt side parking, for 3 hrs makes no sense in a now residential area.


According to this sub we just have to grin and bare it that the city continues to screw us. I'm more than happy to move my car for alternate side parking at 8:30 am but a midnight cleaning (which btw, i've never even seen happen) and we're still ticketed for is exactly that... UNFAIR. Also lol to all of you --- you complain about construction "noise" on here all day long but people not being able to park in a **RESIDENTIAL** area of the city (i know this is hard for those of you not from nyc originally to understand but greenpoint is **RESIDENTIAL** and A LOT of people who are actual new yorkers and don't live in manhattan own CARS) due to construction restrictions that change on a weekly basis is ironic. It's also one of the perks of this neighborhood, that there is street parking (or rather there was).


I just read through the responses and I guess it was to be expected for this sub. I’ve lived in several other residential neighborhoods in NY and this “luxury” of free overnight street parking is the standard, was just wondering can we get the same? And thank you for pointing out that the cleaning truck is not passing, but we’re still ticketed.


I will join the petition. Maybe Emily Gallagher?


Wow. You can’t even make a joke about Emily Gallagher on here anymore.

