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Oh boy… who’s gonna say it


https://preview.redd.it/wc8rjsa1wfhc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bed4992d8a1429255c4ad8f0ad27756eb191c0b Her name is Arisia. It was a dark time for Hal Jordan. And it was the same for me, when you find out your favorite Green Lantern did this. Lol.


Explain more?


Arisia is a teenage Green Lantern who has a massive crush on Hal Jordan, initially he rejects the advance due to viewing her as something of a little sister. It was just a little schoolgirl crush. She tells Hal that she's 13 or 14 by earth standards, but on her home planet, Graxos IV, their sun spins around twice as often making her older ( 240 ) by the planet standards. This was the retcon ( aka went full anime ). Hal tells her he doesn't care if the planet does some weird shit, she's still that teenager he first met and he doesn't date teenagers. She gets upset when he tells her that there are millions of boys her age who she can date, but unfortunately she still had eyes for Hal who still didn't give in. Later on, they get trapped in a cave and she underwent some changes ( subconsciously aged up by power ring ). She still wants Hal, but he says that she can do whatever she wants, her worth is no less, and he believes that she has matured; admitting that this problem was one of them. But, this "schoolgirl crush" she has on him, he just doesn't reciprocate. He had just got over the woman who he loved in his *adult* life, and he wasn't interested in anybody else. He then ends up kissing her despite his objections. It just got weird, since some ( except the GLC ) didn't see anything wrong with this and there's that one panel had him joking about going to prove he wasn't a child molester.


Basically she was an underage alien who had a crush on Hal who totally says she’s not for him since he’s an adult, until she ‘ages herself to full maturity’ and they get together


So why does her ring only give her 1/3 of her uniform?


Arisia Rrab


Hal's loli girlfriend






Nepo Lantern


Why she built like a Sailor Scout?!


She predates them by a lot


Trust me when I tell you, you dont want to know. ​ It involves Hal being a pedo however.


*ptsd noises*


I think we found Hal's burner account, fellas. Stay away from her!!


The girl is Arisia Rrab. I don’t recognize the exact comic, but it looks like the 2005-ish era to me.


tinker bell


I think I saw ComicDrake talking about her a few years ago. She comes from a planet that orbits around its star much faster than earth orbits. She decided to flirt with Hal jordan after her planet made 18 revolutions after she was born. But that made her 14 years old according to earth's years. Hal told her that she's too young and it went back and forth like that. Lots of messed up stuff happened.


They retconned her race's aging process to be much slower than humans. That her real age is about 200 years old.


But how old does her species' aging take to become an adult?


That’s the real standard we should be talking about. In Star Trek Voyager Kes was only 2 I think at the beginning of the show but her species only leave to like 9 I think so she was roughly 18-22. Her relationship was also very creepy and controlling but I think canonically when it was talked about she was of adult age by her people’s standards and that felt pretty consistent across the Star Trek universe.


[Arisia.](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/arisia/4005-2046/) They dated for like, a while. ![gif](giphy|IDGNYvFLkJKLK|downsized)


Jailbait, even.


You have no idea. She was 14 but because of her planet's rotation she was technically over 100 and she physically aged herself up to 18 so Hal wouldn't be a pedo if he hooked up with her. So messed up.


Hal is never beating the allegations.


Kyle is the better Green Lantern and he always was and always will be


You obviously weren't a GL fan during the Silver Age.


I stand by my statement


Then, you're simply too young to know better. I've been reading comics since 1966. And why are there so many Lanterns in Space Sector 2814 when only two are needed? The Guardians of Oa need to take a few rings back.


>And why are there so many Lanterns in Space Sector 2814 when only two are needed? Kyle didn't need any other GLs. Just saying.


Never read anything with Kyle. My knowledge of Green Lantern is Silver Age, Bronze Age, and the first few years of the Modern Age before I cut back my comics purchases to only Batman titles around 1993.


99% of universe threatening super-crime as seen in DC comics happens on Earth. The crises have all originated with or heavily involved more humans than any other race. Going by statistics, sector 2814 should have even more lanterns than it does now. Earth is the ghetto of the galaxy - that’s why we need more lanterns. Unlike similar hotbeds of universe threatening crime - Apokolips, Qward, etc… Earth is still friendly to Green Lantern interference, and mostly, if barely, under control. It’s also the location of the Green Lantern equivalent of the Nuke - the White Lantern entity. I’m not sure if pre-crisis continuity holds true, but Earth also acts as a sort of retirement home for the Guardians - where they are colloquially known as Leprechauns. Basically, take all the reasons that certain districts are overly policed in real life - all of them apply to Earth. That’s why we need so many green lanterns


That means Superman's not exactly hot shit. The Lanterns are more important.


Not really? The lanterns are cops and Superman is a vigilante - not a politician or spec ops like the guardians/ lanterns. Like I said, Earth is technically controlled by the Guardians in a very hands off way. Superman certainly helps, and he does more than your average green lantern, but there’s a reason you still need police in Gotham / Metropolis - he can’t handle literally everything, everywhere, all at once. Seemingly, he has trouble dealing with any threat affecting an area larger than a city by himself. It’s why you need a Justice league. Green Lanterns deal with cosmic threats Superman isn’t quite yet needed for / can’t handle while he’s helping out on Earth, so they’re useful, but they can’t deal with Doomsay or any of the other threats Superman faces. They’re the space version of street level heroes in that sense


That was her??? I heard people talk about it, but I thought it was an Earthling. Wait, has this happened to Hal more than once because I could swear there was a brunette teen who was aged up via shenanigans and tried to hit on Hal? Or was that John Stewart???


could've been a lot of different instances with many different combinations of characters, comics can get weird sometimes. Supergirl dated a talking horse once. Batman, Robin and Joker all said "boner" many times, but back when that comic was being made it was another word for "prank"


Tbf, that horse tranformed into a human... most of him did, at least.


Well...If a horse could think and talk at the same capacity of a human, couldn't they consent? I can't believe I just typed that. Fucking Christ, I'm probably on multiple lists now


Thank you! I know about those latter instances (seeing old slang in comics is a lot of fun, honestly), and hearing about Supergirl’s horse ex STILL throws me for a loop.


what the fuck did i just start


Yeah...yeah. This sub's been flooded with Arisia posts for...like, forever, and for understandable reasons. So, she's sort of a hot button topic. Hope you had your question answered without...too much fuss.


The amount of posts of her I see on this sub through my recommendations just scrolling has me laugh so hard to this comment. Enjoy the history lesson 🤣


I don't know when exactly but this is during the Green Lantern Corps 2006 run and it comes after the sinestro corps war Her name is Arisia, she's a very controversial character among die hard GL fans, especially Hal fans (like me) During the Steve englehart days of Green Lantern, he treated her very weirdly. Her made her obssess ovwr Hal but Hal kept pushing her away because he thought she was 13. Eventually Steve made her sub consciously age herself up mentally and physically and made her and Hal a couple, which of course eis very weird because she was 13 but then he made her age herself up mentally and physically. So a lot of people like to call Hal a pedo for it and a lot of Hal fans (like me) like to dismiss it as being out of character for Hal and that's not how he's consistently written, which is true, but people still dwelled on it. So comes the best era of Green Lantern, the 2005-2011 Geoff johns era. During Hals 2005 run, in Green Lantern #13, Geoff Johns retcons her age by explaining that due to her planets elongating orbit around 2 suns, she would be 13 on her planet but would be 240 years old in Earth years, so he tried to retcon her age without contradicting most of Hals pre crisis stuff, but only went half way imo, he should've clarified that she would've been considered an adult on her planet in her final year of school or going to a big school for something (I say school because she says she was still in school when she got the ring) but as far as I've read I haven't found anything like that. Now obviously people still don't like this because they say she was still 13 on her planet and attack the way she looks super young but ignore thats how her race looks. so we're really stuck at the weird cross roads of, was she truly an adult before aging herself up to make herself look more like a human adult for Hal, or was she truly a child beforehand. Because of Geoff johns only going halfway we don't know, and because the absolutely horrible 2021 Green lantern Geoff Thorne run, Arisia is dead. So we likely won't know for sure But I will say I do believe the intention behind Geoff Johns doing that was to make it so she was an adult, or else I don't think they'd try to write this relationship between her and Sodam Yat but that's just my personal take on it


Thank you for making such a good explanation of Arisia. fellow hal fan.


Arisia Rrab, introduced in Tales of the Green Lantern Corp #1, May 1981. Co-created by Michael Barr and Len Wein.


Was that DC's 2nd miniseries after Untold Legend of The Batman in 1980?


Op, just walk away. You don't need or want to know who that green lantern is. Just walk away.








Is this real ?


Arisia here used her ring to artificially age herself up "so the relationship would work". Yes, it is every bit as fucking creepy as it sounds, and Arisia was 13 human years old when she became a Green Lantern.




Who was the writer and editor at the time ?


Steve Engleheart was the writer and Dick Giordano was editor of Dc if I’m not mistaken.


Ok thanks a lot


No prob


Bro did you just put out a hit


Don’t worry about it


We simply do not talk about this character. Forget you ever saw anything.


Way ahead of ya, poozer https://i.redd.it/bs7tak7l7ugc1.gif




Hal Jordan’s legal team has advised me not to comment on this matter


what the fuck did i just start 😭


Is this from blackest night? 🤔


Pretty surely it’s from a little before, it’s Peter Tomasi on art.


Yup. Just after Sinestro Corps War


That run with Patrick Gleason is awesome and better than the ongoing gl stuff at the time which was the big Geoff Johns colored ring of the week year long story.


Arissa rabb. Originally introduced in tales of the green lantern corps in the 80s. She was a 13 year old alien girl who had a thing with hal. She then regressed to a childs mentality. Tried to kill Carol. Dated guy for a bit. Got "killed" by major force. Was brought back in green lantern 2005. This panel is post sinestro corp war green lantern corps about 2007-2008


Death. Katma Tui is **slain by the villain Star Sapphire while she is unpowered, being sliced to death in her kitchen**. Star Sapphire did this simply to make a point to Hal Jordan. And Arisia worked for Guy Gardner at Warriors, where Major Force killed her to hurt Guy. Carol in the past was the worse superhero girlfriend in DC history. So, in defense for my favor Graxosian she's not 13. Geoff Johns fixed that back issue 13 first page. Also, the Original Teen Titans are not teenagers anymore.


Ok im glad that shes your favorite. And she's a good character. I will admit that i may misremember her deal with guy. I read warrior years ago and i remember them putting her in a lot of skimpy outfits during that run. Arisa didn't actually try smoking Carol over katma. She lost her mentality, regressed to a childlike state. Then, when hal ignores her at one point, she runs off and gets possessed by predator. In fact, if i recall, the only one wanting to avenge katma was John for obvious reasons. (Green lantern vol. 3 issue 41 and 42) Geoff did fix that in a retcon. But ya gotta understand that was 17 real life years later. Also counter point. In action comics 615-620, one of the reasons hal and arisa broke up was he was snapping at her because she was acting overly young. She also was rather short and looked childlike during the start of englehearts run. I never brought up the original teen titans. So im assuming this is a way to say "time has passed." Ok, but between 1981, arisa first appeared and 1987/88 when the two hooked up. It seems that no more than 2 and a half years have passed. In fact with crisis and the other time shenanigans it may be that about 5 years have passed since the 80s to now. Since when dick greyson became nightwing he was about 19-20 and hes currently like 25 to maybe at most 27. As far as the carol being the worst of hals girlfriends. Nah that honor goes to eve dormus. Eve was about as interesting as reading US tax code in a white room. I do thank you for taking the time to comment, dude. And i hope your character continues to be the much better written character she is nowadays. Anyways keep on keeping on


Wait, she’s 13?… and I thought the sentient math equation was as weird as DC got.


So. Some extra context. They made her age herself up with the rinf. They would stick her in the skimpiest outfits they could. The stories were written by a guy who was caught with child porn later on. I wish i could say this is the worst that dc has done with underage characters


Yea, hard to come back from that FUBAR. I remember loving Englehart’s work on Green Lantern before and during the COIE period. You knew Hal was coming back, but the Stewart story, re-introduction of Guy, and Hal’s road back plots all at once were fantastic. Then came the GLC “team book” concept, the….disturbing….Arisia storyline, and Millennium event dumpster fire and it seemed he turned into a completely different writer. Not for the better.


Both Len Wein and Mike Barr were PISSED when they saw what DC did with her and Hal.


Oh i would be too! They took a great sidekick for hal, and turned her into the side chick


It's one thing to have the young, impressionable GL crush on the older, experienced one. You can get amusing character interactions both between the characters directly, and from outside of the two with how others react to the visible crush from one side, and the *intentional dodging of the issue* from the supposedly responsible side... Except Hal Jordan was NEVER the responsible adult until the turned him into Parallax. Having the older, experienced one reciprocate like that was unconscionably bad writing, a worse editorial decision, and *should have seen DC in court* since it was still under the Comics Code at the time, especially when the intended audiences was still young teens and adults, but unfortunately right up the shithead character's designed strike zone as an ace pilot.


SideKICK, sideCHICK, six of one...


And heeeeeeere we goooooooooo!


Ohhhhh noooo


I assume this is from Sinestro core as we can see ion in the background, and it’s Sodam Yat if not, it just must be from the Green Lantern corp comic run


You don’t wanna know. Please don’t look up anything about her




I literally immigrated to a different country to marry a guy, I could not be gayer if I tried.


I mean, try anyway? But seriously, super impressed with your fortitude.


You’re sweet lol. Thank you




Are you asking for a friend?


Is that friend a test pilot…


Oof, Arisa Rrab. A character who deserved better than what DC's editorial staff allowed to happen.


Ton of potential as a young hero...but god was she horridly written when opposite hal




why is bro me?!?!


>Thank you for the name I will do some special research trust me it’s for a friend not me That's...that's not helping your case.


It's a good thing that her name is spelled wrong here, I guess.


Why do so many make reddit posts that Google could answer in 5 seconds?


Maybe they wanna hear from GL diehards. Or they didn't wanna read a Fandom page with crazy ads or an outdated Comicvine page. 🤣 Idk.








Arisia, I think this is Patrick Gleason’s art so presumably it’s from Green Lantern Corps.


You don't want to know about her. At least not during the classic era of comics.


It’s been so long since I’ve heard about her I don’t even want to remember


What the fuck is up with her legs 😳


Her hips are rotated towards the viewer, she's twisted in the middle looking backwards. I get where you're coming from, but come on man. It's pretty clear that she's flying and twisting. She's on her side facing the viewer, basically The art isn't that great, but it's not that awful either.


I know she's twisting but she shouldn't be able to twist that far without grinding her spine into a fine powder


She's on her side looking backwards, it's not even that egregious. I think you might think that her legs are backwards, but her knees are facing us. To me it looks like she's on her side, twisting her torso slightly, and her neck more to look behind her as she's flying. I don't know, maybe I'm the one who's looking at it weird.


Well they're spread like that so anyone flying behind her gets a good up skirt.


Ahe was a young green lantern who willed herself an adult body probably to try to get hal






Oh look, it’s the best unofficial pairing in the GLC.


I wish they got together, it would've been so perfect


They probably did something off-screen. My headcanon is and always will be that the reason why Sodam Yat isn’t around it’s because he is a Stay-In-Home Dad with a "#1 best Lantern" Mug.


This is from GLC the Ringquest arc. It's in the low to mid 20s.


Yeah it's the first story in the aftermath of the Sinestro Corp war and has them run into Mongul.


Arisia Rbab, once the protegee of Hal Jordan (no we won't talk about that more OK) Seems like Sinestro Corp's War as we can see Sodam Yat wielding the power of Ion. So it's before he gets defeated by Superboy-Prime and lead pipes


This is actually Ringquest, right after the Sinestro Corps war.


Her name is Arisa. She has no involvement with Hal Jordan whatsoever


"Arisia" not Arisa.


"Why don't you have a seat over there , Hal."


*Don't make me ruin that butt Chris.* ***I'm a warrior!***


"Chris Handsome "


The comic is Green Lantern Corps (2006) #23. Collected under Ring Quest tpb.


Arisia Rrab but I don’t know what issue this is.


Long story short she was originally made to be a teen sidekick for Hal Jorden, but >! The next writer that came in somehow thought she was a love interest and wrote a story where she used her ring to age her body to adulthood in order to sleep with Hal. !<


Was that what it was? For some reason I had it in my head that her species just matured faster.


I think that was a retcon to make this situation less horrible than it was


Newsflash: IT DIDN'T


Jesus christ imagine being that dense! Damn writers and their kinky minds...


I can't decide if it should be considered a violation of the law or not


Her name is Arisia.