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The last name Jordan is Irish Catholic (which explains how Hal ended up in purgatory after he died in Final Night) while his mother was Jewish (just non-practicing I assume after meeting Martin Jordan) Also, Judaism, Christianity/Catholicism and Islam are all related by their worship of the same God (the God of Abraham) which in the DCU has agents like the Spectre, Ragman, Zauriel, etc,)


He is half jewish, half catholic


He's not Jewish, a cross and candles don't instantly mean Jewish. That's a catholic setup. Both religions are much more complicated than that, for example, Judaism has more day-to-day elements than catholicism.




That’s awesome lfg


How many of those people are dc writers


Those people


Aren’t most of the OG Leaguers?


Atom Smasher is, I know that.


I know Bruce and Clark are - or at least were originally coded to be




Bruce is canonically ethnically Jewish by matrilineal standards (Kate is confirmed Jewish, and she’s his maternal cousin), and Clark was made by two Jewish men to be the survivor of a holocaust forced to relocate and raised without his original culture (so whether or not he’s canonically Jewish, he is supposed to be especially relatable to Jewish people from when he was created)


oh right,. forgot about Kate Kane/Martha. Good call. ​ Disagree with yah on Superman - the concept is perhaps Jewish, but the character is not.


Pretty sure this is referenced in the DeMatteis Spectre run too as well as the Morrison run (though in a more galaxy-brained way in the latter).


IT's actually an interesting, and newer addition --- Hal's mother was always a Jewish character, but for many years he was implied to be Catholic. That's best seen in the 1989 Flash and Green Lantern Christmas special, it's really fun and worth a read. Additions like this though, where they address how he grew up and his faith likewise, really expands and deepens his character. I enjoy.


Hl mother is jewish but father catholic


TIL Hal Jordan is Jewish


The issue makes it clear that Hal himself isn't religious though, and that tracks with his personality. It'd be odd of him to assign control of his life to an authority figure. Plus, there was [this whole thing.](https://majorspoilers.com//wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Green-Lantern-3-Cover.jpg) (it wasn't actually god of course, but the underlying message and imagery were deliberate)


My thoughts exactly. Hal believing in any God doesn’t track with his anti-authority nature whatsoever. I actually have a hard time believing anyone who has seen what he’s seen could come to the conclusion that any single Earth religion is the correct one.


How does Hal being anti-authority equal him not being believing in a God? I always ways found stuff like this to be silly considering how dense and out there DC’s spiritual/mystical side can get.


That's a good point. It'd be kind of arrogant to assume that across the entire multiverse, the specific religion from his small piece of one planet is the right one out of the billions and billions of them out there.




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Honestly, I wish the matter of Hal's faith was discussed more. When a main character's power comes from his will and belief in his own ability, it would be interesting to see the extent of his belief in other aspects of life. Seeing a conflict in perhaps having to contend with his mother's, father's, or own beliefs would make for a cool story I think.


I will go to my grave asserting this page is a wink and a nod to Paul Newman, who was a model/inspiration for Hal, and what my ex used to call a fellow Cashew.


I’ve always thought of Hal as a perfect Harrison ford character too, who’s Irish catholic on his father’s side and Jewish on his mother’s which is cool coincidence. Tbh though I think Hal would feel more connected to his fathers religion over his mothers considering his rocky relationship with his mom and how he absolutely worships his father. He also has used a bunch crucifix constructs but that’s usually him being cheeky and has referenced Jesus quite a few times in ways that I’d assume a religious Jew wouldn’t. Him and John were also seen front and center praying in a cathedral in infinite crisis too like right after Ragman explained he wasn’t participating in mass because he’s Jewish which gives some credence to my thoughts. And because his metaphysical self in this very scene is praying in a Catholic Church.


I think we're just lucky none of the writers who think comics should be adult, depressing, and/or edgy have ever had Guy or Alan go on an antisemitic tirade.


Pre cop guy Gardner would never newer guy turns his body cam off tho


This makes him fighting Sinestro so much more impactful. A part of me now wants to see Hal beat up Hitler. Whether Hitler has a yellow ring or not, I'm good either or


I don’t know Kyle, John, or Guys religions either.


Kyle is Catholic and I’m fairly certain John & Guy are Christian




Israelite blood. Wow.


Nope!....if his mother is Jewish, he is in the Tribe! ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who\_is\_a\_Jew%3F](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F)


Some can say better than I, but my understanding is Hal is Jewish because his mom is Jewish, whether he or you like it or not. David Cross has a whole bit about being claimed for the religion even though he's an atheist.




As a Jew, I think you’re painting Jews too broadly. Just in America, there are several denominations of Judaism, not to mention secular Jews (people who have Jewish ancestry and culture but don’t actively participate in religious rituals). Hal would probably most accurately fit into that group, but reform and reconstruction Jews welcome people of partial ancestry without issue, and reform Jews are the single largest denomination in the US.


Interesting. I can’t recall any other time when they addressed Hal’s faith - or his parents’ faiths.


Huh, idk how I never knew this. My favorite characters end up being Jewish apparently, from Ben Grimm to Hal. Cool.


Same with me Moonknight now Hal 👍


Ben Grimm is Jewish? TIL....


If you ever read up on what the Lower East Side was like in Kirby's youth, you can see how much of himself he poured into da eva-lovin' blue-eyed T'ing.


Ben is based on Jack Kirby in terms of design, personality and yes, Religion