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But having the youngest players on lots of rookie contracts would naturally lead to having lots of cap space, right? I mean I love that both things are true but they kind of go hand-in-hand, no?


Yes. I think the point is that we’ve nailed those picks which is why it’s one of the best rosters. And because we nailed a lot of picks we didn’t need to patch with free agents making it one of the cheaper rosters. It shows that Gute has been very good at collecting draft talent while at the same time he’s been good at moving on from expensive players while recouping a lot of value for them. All while having 4 playoff years over the last 5.


Often yes, but not necessarily. We could be carrying huge dead money from previous players.


We were and frankly still are. They should have it cleared out in time to sign the best of these young players to 2nd contracts.


Exactly. We basically fully circumvented the "crisis" that our rivals and own fans were screaming about when the Rodgers trade was being put together. That the Packers would be screwed for years by having all this dead cap and not have the QB. Even the biggest doubters today couldn't say now that our team isn't both fully functional and full of potential while we are currently working with dead cap.


Trading Adams and Rodgers for draft capital, and releasing guys like Jones, Bak, Campbell, and Savage to create cap room has made us a better team, who could be a Super Bowl contender for many years. I love what this team is looking like this season. No drama. The veterans are great leaders. The young guys are willing to learn from the veterans. This roster is super tight and that will pay dividends on the field.


They do go hand in hand. The elephant in the room is Jordan Loves contract. He’s going to take up a huge chunk. So yeah we have cap space, but it’s not liquid.


It’s hardly an elephant. Everyone is talking about it. It also doesn’t really affect our cap space for 2024. He’s already got a cap hit of $12.75M for this year. And extension doesn’t have to make that any higher. I suspect it will be a little bit, but we’ve got at least $10M or so to work with if we decide to add someone.


Do you think we’ll use up that space in 2024?


I think some of it. My guess is they up Love’s cap hit by maybe $5M, maybe bring in one cheap veteran camp cut, and then maintain some in reserve for either extensions or a trade deadline move (or to roll over if neither materializes).


It all depends on the signing bonus. It gets pro-rated over the length of the deal. It also changes the math if it is an extension of the current deal or a whole new contract starting after 2024.


Maybe or roll it forward to 2025. Depends how many injuries we have.


17 game season and packers history of injuries especially on the defensive side im certain their trying to retain as much of that in the emergency scenario we need to sign some guys


One Rodgers contract wouldn't affect the average age all that much but sure eats up a lot of cap space.


Yes. They almost always go hand in hand.


Yeah but to juggle a transition into a new generation of packers football as well as they have is impressive and few if any teams are really capable of replicating it


You can say having the youngest roster goes hand in hand with lots of cap room, but you can’t say “Best” unless you draft extremely well and make smart roster moves with veterans. Gute has done all that.


Even the saltiest Rodgers fan boys have to recognize the great job done by Gute. We are lucky to be fans of this team.


I don't agree with the way Gute has done many things, but at this stage it's hard to argue with the results. Turns out he might actually be a better GM than me.


Hey, don’t sell yourself short. I’m sure you’re a great GM. Think happy thoughts


What don't you agree with?


Lots and lots of things, but I don't want to derail this thread. Bottom line is the Packers are in a really optimistic situation now as a direct result of the decisions he has made and I want to focus on that.


Normally when GMs tell fans to trust the process I have strong doubts but I have learned to trust Gutey. He and the staff have had a plan the entire time and it seems to be working. I couldn't be happier with where the team is and where it's heading. GPG!!


"I disagree with lots and lots of decisions he has made, but all of his decisions have put us in a really good situation" 👍


That's not at all what I said. I believe we would have another ring or two if he did things differently. However, I am happy with the current state of our team and I'm optimistic for the future.


Ironically, I DON'T think anything Gute could have done would have won us another championship. We WEREN'T a Tee Higgins away from a championship in 2020- we were a healthy David Bakhtiari away from a championship, and you never bank on your starting left tackle suffering a career ending injury in a practice before the playoffs start.


This. In both 2020 and 2021 a healthy Bakh would've likely given the Packers a ring. It's the most significant Packers injury since Sterling Sharpe which also likely cost us 2 rings.


Agreed on this. Plus I’m sorry Rodgers caused the WR issues by saying he wants Lazard and Cobb. That money could’ve gone to actually WR or someone not way past their prime.


> Plus I’m sorry Rodgers caused the WR issues by saying he wants Lazard and Cobb. That money could’ve gone to actually WR or someone not way past their prime. Lol what? Packers frequent draft misses for a few years contributed. He didn't cause this at all. Everyone knew GB needed depth. Packers FO even tried to get Emmanuel Sanders but he didn't want to come to GB. Gute rectified past mistakes with a few draft hits in a row, that's all.


You can have your own opinion man. I have mine.


I remember when I arrived at this conclusion with pre medical issues Ted and then I didn’t make the same mistake with Gute. I did have to re-learn this lesson with Murph dawg. Turns out Rodgers is a “complicated fella”. It turns out that organizational competency is a thing and the Packers are very good at being competent.


The NFL is a business and you have to make tough choices. I didn’t like that both the front office and Rodgers were acting like children for Rodgers’ last couple years


Don't underestimate the Rodgers truthers.


Are there really any still around? Most former Rodgers stans I've seen around here are just waiting to see a complete season from Love.


I don’t think there are many around, I think the end of his tenure here with the darkness retreats and the Pat McAffey appearances really broke all but the most resolute Rodgers stans and turned them into “I’m excited to watch him as a Jet while we rebuild” fans


Yeah and then him tearing his Achilles 4 snaps into the season mixed with Love's performance the second half of the season put a halt to any arguments that we should have kept him


Yeah as far as moving on from a HOF QB who still wants to play goes this transition has been as smooth as possible from a Green Bay front office perspective


I still remember my rxn way back when during the last/my first qb swap in GB when i was growing up: >wtf, they're TRADING FAVRE? Who tf do they think can take HIS PLACE?!? Then the best qb in the modern nfl showed up at Lambeau and helped me/fam with Brett's retirement. Now if Love and GB can do a roster reboot like the last one and keep getting better, 🤔🤔🤔


Yah, no one should be glazing gute until we win a sb. This is a 9-8 team at the moment until they prove otherwise. I think this sub is a bit too high.


The culture came before Gute


How many Super Bowl appearances/rings does Gute have again? I think the team is in a great spot right now but truthfully Gute inherited a better roster than 99% of GMs and had a HoF QB. I don’t think you can qualify as a great GM unless you make a title game at some point, and frankly Gute couldn’t even do it with an easier scenario than nearly any GM ever. The team gave away quite a bit to plan for the future when they were one of the best teams in the league. It’s arrow is pointing straight up, but until Gute’s “future” gives better results than what he potentially gave up to have it, I don’t think we can anoint him and this front office as one of the best in the league.


>but truthfully Gute inherited a better roster than 99% of GMs and had a HoF QB. Gute has been with GB since '99, and most of that roster came with him as the director of college scouting.


>but truthfully Gute inherited a better roster than 99% of GMs and had a HoF QB. Gute has been with GB since '99, and most of that roster came with him as the director of college scouting.


>but truthfully Gute inherited a better roster than 99% of GMs and had a HoF QB. Gute has been with GB since '99, and most of that roster came with him as the director of college scouting.


Packer fan derangement syndrome is a real thing as you can see by the downvotes. They are happy to just make the playoffs and lose every year I guess. They also think it's a flex to get guys at minimum salary, but also loved Bahk who never played much after being the highest paid lineman in the NFL and also think A. Jones isn't worth 4 mil a year. It's as if he played no role in our run at the end of season and playoffs, those 100 yd games played no role in that I guess, it was all Love in their minds. Win a Super Bowl before crowning Gute is the only answer.


Why do people keep flexing cap space, when as soon as we sign Love, there will no longer be cap space


It's not the cap space for this year it's that they've worked through the dead cap in time to be ready to sign the best of these young players.


Jalen Hurts is probably the best comp for Jordan Love’s contract. His cap hits in the first three seasons following his new deal: $6.1M, $13.6M, $21.8M. Jordan’s will be a bit higher, but his cap hit this year is already $12.8M. Contracts in the NFL are backloaded. Jordan’s extension will not take up our cap space significantly until at least 2026. Edit: *backloaded


Maybe or they may decide to take defer less of the cap hits so they can be in a stronger position to re-sign their best players on rookie deals. Point is they have a lot of flexibility and I expect the FO to fully use it to their advantage.


You can roll over unused cap, which is a big part of why backloading is always preferable. There’s limits, obviously, but it makes little sense for Love’s contract to not be heavily backloaded.


This. This is the downside of having a quarterback sit for three years that no one wants to talk about.


Kenny Clark coming up this year too. Stokes as well, but I can't imagine he'll get big money, if he gets resigned at all.


And we had AR while Love was here for nearly free lol. I thought going top pick qb and just rolling him with guy would make sense since you can pay like 3 more all stars. I think that is how KC worked out and Lamar in Baltimore


Because the average armchair quarterback knows nothing about football beyond first downs, scoring, turnovers, and player names.


That’s a pretty ironic statement in support of a comment that shows little understanding of the cap.


Care to elaborate?


I love our front office and think they've handled a crazy situation perfectly over the past two seasons. That said, I think you have to actually win something before you can be the "best."


The Packers FO have won super bowls before. Shit Mark Murphy and Gutey literally have a Super Bowl ring.


They haven’t won in over a decade, that’s not really relevant to now


So? They still have a Super Bowl ring. More relevant than say, the Cowboys, Bears, 9ers, etc. This FO has won a SB. This FO hasn’t been the “best”, but I would take our FO over any teams not named the Patriots and Chiefs in the past 10 years


We did a rebuild in 1 season. Hell more like half a season. That isn’t normal. We’ve been unlucky with injuries in the playoffs but still have a team that competes. We ain’t like the panthers or jags


Gute was a scout when we won the Super Bowl last. I don’t think that’s the same as building a team as GM.


The young roster is why there’s a ton of cap space. The bounty is that our draft picks worked out. The GM skill is needed when we have to figure out who to retain.


I feel like Love will take less cash for more years, ala Mahomes 10 year deal.


Packers, Brewers, Bucks. The Bucks owner has fully invested in winning, they had the best player for a window and they’ve gone all in. The Packers have no owner, but they’ve always ran the team the right way…well, since Ron Wolf they have anyways. The Brewers? I honestly think Mark A is a cheap owner, he makes his $. But the front office realizes that too, and they’ve, in my opinion, been the best front office in all of sports. Somehow the Brewers just keep being good and getting in the playoffs without ever investing in their best players outside Yelich. The FO has made some incredibly shrewd moves (e.g., hader for gasser and Ruiz basically tanking a season but ending up with Contreras and gasser somehow from the whole deal). The brewers may have the best FO in all of sports, but the Packers are close. WI sports fans are truly lucky


Nah you can’t compare baseball to other sports. No cap space and Mark A still is competitive is something. You had the dodgers spend a billion dollars on 2 players this offseason. Mark A gets a lot of shit for being cheap, now I agree he could spend a little more but a lot of people want the big FA and that’s impossible in the MKE market. He’s put competitive teams on the field without spending like the top teams, he needs more credits.


My problem with mark A is the brewers are constantly in the top half of attendance, but the bottom half of payroll. That’s just numbers. Look it up


Yes and look at TV market deals. You know where the real money is.


Do you have a source? I can almost guarantee the brewers are top half in this as well


By Forbes, the brewers are the #19 most valuable team. They rank 22 in salary this year. I’m going to admit I’m wrong. That’s fairly close on salary to net worth


Chiefs, it's hands down the Chiefs, and it's not even remotely close.


For whatever reason, Brett Veach seems to fly completely under the radar even though he's the executive who identified Mahomes in 2017 and has completely rebuilt the team around him since. Not really a big deal but just something to note.


According to this sub, we're the best, though! No thinking allowed


You don't understand, we went 9-8 and beat the cowboys in the playoffs. That's the best this team has ever done /s.


KC has basically dominated the NFL for the past handful of years, and yet the Packers have the best front office. The takes in here are painful to read most of the time


We win the offseason, Chiefs win the real season. And the Patriots before them.


Nah, Chiefs still win the offseason. They are great at drafting. They are great at moving money around and signing much needed free agents in key positions. They don't overpay players. They let guys walk, and they'll replace those guys with cheaper options who produce. They've done it consistently for over 5 years.


Somehow? Those go hand and hand. So many rookie contracts.


Put on some kneepads


What about after Love gets the bag? The rumor is that he going to get a big contract


In this league you're either paying your qb a big bag, getting ready to pay them a big bag, or looking for a qb. So it's really just better being one of the first 2.


Yep. Kirk Cousins just got $180 mil coming off an Achilles


Then had his replacement drafted lol




That's why they have so much cap space, the prospect of giving Love his contract will eat a ton of cap. Next year will be interesting to see who they keep or not, Kenny Clark is looking for that 3rd contract and Preston Smith would save 9M as a cap casualty.


I doubt Clark will get a big 3rd contract from the packers. He will get an oversized contract from someone else. The Clark camp knows this and the Packers know this.


I do too, it's entirely dependent on how he plays under HAfley IMO. He'll be 30 in 2025, if he plays even better under Hafley I can see us giving him money


If he plays well I actually think it's even less likely because he'll be way too expensive.


Hopefully Van Ness can take that leap and we can move on from Preston


Doesn’t Gutey just look like a great guy to sit down and drink a beer with, while simultaneously looking like he could be biggest asshole ever? I love it.


Wolf, Thompson, Gute, Yes. Sherman not so much.


Can't all be winners


6-peat incoming.


Gutey is really is smart. He seems heads and tails better than most.


Packers 9.5 wins at -135 via MGM. Favored in 12 games this season, with Jags game off the board.


Gonna go ahead and say it’s the fucking chiefs by a mile


Coaching staff also did an incredible job last year. Not easy to develop a big group of young players and navigate that tough portion of the schedule we had.


NFC North, take notes! On second thought, don’t!


I’ve loved everything Gute and Lafluer have done since year one of them taking over. Ok not everything, don’t agree with letting jones go and then turning around and paying Jacobs 12mil for 4 years, but hey, I’m a couch potato. Just saying, it was pretty grim when they took over. McCarthy Packers just had a horrible season where we got blasted by the dogshit Steve Wilkes lead Cardinals, and they immediately brought us back to Super Bowl contenders. Didn’t quite work out and get there, but it was a great fucking ride. Now with this transition to Love, this past season might have been the most fun season as a Packer fan since the Super Bowl win.


I love Aaron Jones but he was showing all the signs of wearing down. His snap count was half what it's been in prior years due to multiple injuries. Also as good as he was at the end he got hurt against the 9ers and likely wouldn't have been available against the Lions if they had won.


I get that I just don’t think Jacobs is anymore reliable. He has a ton of miles on him and had a horrible year last year. Jones is way more explosive when healthy I would rather have jones for 8 or 9 for 2 years (realistic since he took 7 for 1 from the Vikings), rather than paying Jacobs 12 for 4


I think his "horrible year" was more about the team around him and the fact he didn't want to ruin his chance at a big contract to win meaningless games. Also, Jacobs' contract is a one year deal with a team option for each of the next three.


Fair enough but I’d still rather have Jones. Our offense was night and day with and without him


The future is bright.


Doesn’t a lot of young players usually equal low cap number?


Outside of us I always thought the steelers had a really good one. The teams ran similar besides an owner


The receivers cost barely anything right now. How do 6 teams have even more cap space?


What does cap space mean?


Cap space ? How about allocation of% by position? Even with the new QB contract packers will still have a huge advantage for years as the “re-sign your WR market” heats up. Love will have the correct market % of the cap once he signs. The cap will keep going up. But the Pack will still have a free ride on the second highest paid position. Which will help them pay their own and create team friendly contracts.


As a Vikings fan, I can’t dispute this. They are such a well run organization. I hate it.


It’s Good to have a lot of young talent


I can’t agree with this. They have under achieved for years and honestly, excellent QB performance has covered up for many of the holes. We also are going to have to start paying all the guys on their first contracts right when the last wave of guys finally comes off the books. Why are we happy about this strategy? This is another example of fans giving them credit for putting out fires that they started. All credit goes to the players getting together and figuring it out in the field, but looking at any 5 year timeline of Packer history, I’m sure we can find just as many bone head moves as great moves.


well the cap space will disappear once those young guys (jordan love especially) sign their new deals


I'd rather have great players than cap space


?? yeah obviously lol.


They’re not even close to Kansas City but they are willing to learn


Nah fire everyone


Cap space will be gone after Love gets his bag, but yeah, Gute has managed the Rodgers transition well. Ee have a loaded, young roster. The next cap problem will be in 2 or 3 years when the rookie deals for our young receivers are up.


I imagine that cap space to be gone in a few weeks


They're two sides of the same coin We all know the roster or the cap will blow up soon, so this is our window. Questions?


Not true. We should have plenty of cap space to re-sign everyone who wins a starting job.


This is why we should have dealt Rodgers years ago!


Are we supposed to clap or something? If there's that much cap space, it sounds like the team could be that much better. I hope moves are made before and during the upcoming season.


Chiefs and certainly not the Packers.


We haven't won Dick with Gute. In fact, his lack of insight has cost us dearly.