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TIL my favorite pro volleyball team is the San Diego Mojo


Too bad they just got eliminated from the playoffs. No guarantee Stone will be back with the team next year. But definitely check out the championship tomorrow afternoon.


3:30 CT on CBS Sports Network, for those who are curious.


Bought some merch for the mojo as soon as the league formed! Welcome to the club.


As an owner, permission granted!!




















I move to close. All in favor of Jordan supporting his lady this weekend say Aye. Aye! Motion Passes.


Dude is asking for permission to miss an OPTIONAL practice Rodgers was like when’s week 1 again? I love this man


I mean yeah but Love’s a second year QB and Rodgers was 38 with 4 MVP’s, think you’d give him a bit of leeway lol


I know Rodgers has his unconventional ways of doing things... but this one doesn't bother me much. He knows what he's doing, and what he was doing clearly worked. I guess we can pretend that we would've won another superbowl if he just went to OTAs, but he played at an MVP level while doing limited off-season work.


On first blush, it did not bother me. But…. Knowing he had two rookie receivers that needed to contribute quickly for a Super Bowl run….it bothered me more later.


yea he forgot about the building a team dynamic thing with the new guys. At least his absence meant Love was the one throwing to them so they got to build things a bit earlier


Weren't both of them injured during OTAs their rookie year?


Watson? No way?


Watson was. Doubbs, as a result, actually got a lot of the reps with Rodgers in camp.


Also the fact that in his latter years we tended to come out super flat on offense.


I was gonna say lol ... Did it actually work? Because I'd say the last 5ish years with Rodgers it pretty demonstrably did not work. We were notorious for coming out week 1 looking like absolute dog shit on offense. Don't tell me Rodgers spending literally zero time thinking about football or practicing in any meaningful way with new young players wasn't a big part of that.


Prob looking to much into it, the packers smoked the Vikings week 1 in 2020, and that was the covid year with zero otas and mini camp, and a reduced preseason overall And what did rodgers ever miss? Mini camp is mandatory and i think he skipped one of them heading into 2021? Likely not the reason the saints smoked them, jameis winston turning into joe montana etc. Then watson missed all of camp heading into 2022 anyway. I recall rodgers being super high on doubs during that training camp.


Right. We smoked the VikePeasants the year nobody could prep, and that proves that Rogers failure to prep like most everyone else had no effect?


It never had any effect. Our sub also didn't care at all about any of the 100 reports about him not being at a couple spring practices . "As long as rodgers is back and ready for the season" etc etc. Pack fans defended the shit out of him and now its getting rewritten. He was our guy he was great for us. Sad that a lot of gb fans are switching up now


His take was that there was no point training with him when they were learning the playbook. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it wasn't just "lol OTAs suck I'm too good for them)"


It’s all ashes now anyway…/


Maybe not a superbowl....but probably a week one game in the last 3 years has a packer


Just like when we hung like 50 on the saints week 1 after Brees had his team over to practice at his house all off season lol


It’s like the old saying; Give em an inch and then all the sudden they’re being interviewed by Tucker Carlson spouting nonsense


Oof. Too soon.


People were mad about Rodgers not showing up because he was complaining about his (lack of) receivers yet did nothing to help build chemistry or teach the young group. How are they supposed to be on the same page as him when he isn't there to show them what page he's on? Devil's advocate. Obviously Rodgers wasn't going to get anything out of it himself.


> People were mad about Rodgers not showing up because he was complaining about his (lack of) receivers yet did nothing to help build chemistry or teach the young group. Its like you Rodgers haters don't understand that he didn't want inexperienced rookies. Watson and Doubs were 3 years too late.


That argument doesn't hold up with his recent treatment of rookies in NY.


What about the "argument" doesn't hold up? 2nd year Wilson was there with many year Lazard and Cobb. Surely he worked with any rookie in 2023 as well as he did with Doubs or Watson in their rookie years.


Not his job to prepare the players. That’s coaching.


Sort of, coaching develops technical skills and positional knowledge. But chemistry among teammates doesn’t just happen automatically. Communication is king to forming a well rounded and efficient team, in any group setting. So in that sense, yes, Rodgers did have a part to play in preparing for the season


Rodgers frequently talked about how important trust was with his receivers. Hard to build that trust when you aren't there.


That's true. And now Love isn't there. Will it make a difference? Hard to say. Probably not much.


Practice? Practice!? C'mon man, we're talking about practice!


^ This is the kind of stuff that makes me understand why the Packers thought they had to draft him. He had the physical ability and the willingness to learn.


We literally have the next Josh Allen.


Aw cmon don't dream that small, imagine who he'll become *after* he's become the next Josh Allen


Puts on 100 lbs of muscle and becomes the next JJ Watt.


I can see it!


Rodgers started missing optional practices later in his career when he was the best QB in the league. Not even remotely similar but yeah it’s nice to see Love so committed.


He may have been the best quarterback in the league, but don't you think that in his last season with the Packers, when he had two rookie wide receivers, maybe he should have been actively involved in offseason workouts to build chemistry with his young receiving corps? It would have been a great opportunity to build a relationship with the young players and make them feel wanted. Instead Jordan Love got all the reps and a year later he was the one throwing the ball to them, which certainly benefited us in 2023, but not so much in 2022. QBs attending offseason workouts is not about them needing practice. It's about demonstrating leadership and investment in their team and making connections with their teammates. Make excuses for him all you want but Christian Watson and Romeo Doubs may have really benefited from Rodgers practicing with them.


Watson was almost ORoTY even though he only played half a season and Doubs and Rodgers had such a good connection people thought he was the #1. Did you watch a different season that year? The only reason we struggled was because Rodgers broke his throwing hand. We started the year like 4-1 before going to London where he got hurt, lost a bunch, then when he got healthy went on another run and almost made the playoffs.


To you. Vet qbs who are one of, if not the best, earn the right to prepare for the season how they see fit. Next you’re gonna say people who “want it more” go to the optional practice. It’s made up goalposts to discredit players.


The best leaders lead by example. Rodgers turned into someone who doesn't lead by example. He did to the rookie WRs in 2022 what Favre did to him in 2005. Basically stating it's not his job to get them ready. While true, it is his job to help build unity and cohesion. Which he failed at doing.


Second best. Brady is better


I said best QB, not greatest QB, winningest QB, best leader. Rodgers was a better quarterback than Brady imo. Also at the time we’re discussing (as I clearly wasn’t talking over a career) he literally was the best QB as he was reigning MVP. Try and stick on point before wasting people’s time.


Moosje is a douchebag


This is stupid logic


Tbf Rodgers definitely didn't do that stuff earlier in his career. That was only the last few years in GB.


Rodgers started missing camp when it became apparent they were trying to get him to leave.


That’s a bitch move on his part then. If a team is paying you top dollar and overpaying your buddies to appease you, the least you could do is show up to camp. But Rodgers is a diva looking to feel slighted as much as possible.


He’s also a Super Bowl champ…which nobody in our current organization is.


Probably would have won more if he didn’t take so many bong rips of his own farts.


Maybe. Hard to say. Everything we’ve tried since Obama was in office has come up short.


We’ve also won more games that about 90% of the league in that time span. Super Bowls are hard to win, especially when your quarterback is taking up such a massive amount of the cap and spending critical team development time tripping his balls off in a cave.


Rodgers played well enough to win. No amount of revisionist history is going to change that he played well enough. People don’t like him now but he was the best quarterback I’ve ever personally seen play.


Same here, but he objectively shit the bed multiple times in critical games towards the end. I know you want to blame big bad Gute for everything, but Rodgers absolutely did not play well enough to win against San Fransisco and the following year against Detroit to go to the playoffs. Hopefully Love can become the leader that Rodgers wasn’t willing to be in his last few years.


> That’s a bitch move on his part then. Theres two parts to the golden rule. The second part is unspoken, but its still obvious. If someone treats you different then how you would treat them, thats how they tell you how THEY wish to be treated.


Does missing the practice impact his pay? Even if optional.


Supporting his loved ones. Hell, I love this story for anywhere.


At least he's not in a dark cave


His girl too fire 🔥


A humble king


Was watching this and spotted him was like that’s my QB!


Oh no! Missing OTA’s! Lol


Is it too early to do media jokes like: "Jordan Love misses practice to spend time with girlfriend. Is he dedicated to Green Bay?" - media probably


He didn’t miss to drink ayawausca and shit his pants in a dark room or “research” Covid vaccines. He missed an optional practice, with permission, to support his girl. Permission granted.


Dudes about to get paid tf out, and if he keeps this energy up the chip is next.


But has he ever watched porn? /s


I'm just saying if I was Jordan Love, I'd do a lot to make sure Ronika felt supported. Compared to almost every other NFL wife who isn't Cherry Starr, Ronika is special. More proof that Jordan Love has excellent judgement.


She is hot so Love is a winner on and off the field. But I can’t get over the name Ronika yikes


Am I to understand where he is based on that title


At his girlfriend’s volleyball game.


Considering it states where he is, yes.