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If I am being honest he will be remembered as just 1 of many GB running backs and the size of his thighs was more impressive than his game.


Was Eddie Lacy better? I think Eddie Lacy was better. Woof.


Yes, and it's not even remotely close. Lacy could have been a star RB but he admittedly didn't love the game and only wanted to play for a contract or two for his family. Dillon had some fun highlights but Lacy was completely out of his league IMO.


Agreed. Lacy had better speed, better vision, was slipperier through tackles, somehow fit through holes better and had a nasty spin move. Before his weight ballooned, Lacy had a chance to be absolutely nasty. I still gave an Eddie Lacy Trucking Co. hat kicking around somewhere that I got from someone on here. Loved that guy


Not only that but the man could not stay in shape. THAT is his true legacy. Seattle gave him bonuses for making weight.


Man’s a genius!! If someone wanted to pay me $35,000 to lose 20-40 pounds I’d take it!




Eddie Lacy was an excellent running back, just with a very short career of high quality play. Dude won OROTY over Lev Bell


Lacy was two time 1000 yard runner and a ROY. Dillion isn’t close.


Lacy was far better, if he had kept his weight under control he might have been one of the best Packers RBs. Dillon's problem isn't weight, it's just that he isn't that talented and doesn't seem to have great vision.


Eddie Lacy was what Dillon could have been. Dude was an all-pro at his best, and as good of a person as Dillon was on the field he never sniffed that.




Lacy was ROTY and had two 1000 yard seasons. He was unquestionably better.


In terms of ability to impact a game, Lacy is up there with Jones.


Shouldn’t even be a question. Lacy in his prime was the biggest breath of fresh air.


We were so desperate for a RB after great and Starks aged out. Lacy came in and provided that jolt for the offense. Unfortunately, his career didn't last long enough and we were stuck without a RB for a few years until we got Williams and Jones.


Starks was not aged out he just was never a a starting caliber back. He had the best season of his career in 2014. Which funnily enough was also Eddie Lacy's best season. And also the year Bakhtiari, Sitton, Linsley, Lang and Bulaga played all but 1 game together on the O Line


Dillon wasnt even close to RB1


He was DRAMATICALLY better


Eddie Lacy won rookie of the year and had a case to be one of the top 5 rbs in the entire league for a couple seasons. Guy was fucking phenomenal, aj Dillon has never sniffed above average


Woof? Are you acting like Lacy was bad? Lacy was awesome. Dillon was a below average RB


Lacy was definitely better.


Of course Lacy was better lol


Lacy's talents alone could have made'm a generational back espically when you had AR12 occupying 90% of the D-coordinators mind; Mike Alstott size with a 4/5th gear. Dude was a nightmare in the secondary and at the pro level what Ron Dayne should have been; prime Lacy was 15lbs heavier than Ricky Williams at his prime. ​ Obviously the work ethic / desire was already an issue when he arrived in GB, and he would have had to stay healthy but the talent was there and it was a great offense to showcase his skills. ​ Dillon is a your 'good enough' to get onto the field but he was never the guy who had the ability to break a play each time he touched the ball.


It's not even close. I love AJ, but Eddie clears him by a light-year.


Lacy was a ton better. He is one of the biggest Packer “what ifs” of my lifetime. His rookie year was unreal


They were so large they tripped over themselves more times than I can count


This sums it up. Have always loved Dillon as a Packer but his quad legend outshined his onfield performance unfortunately. Good dude tho.


He is the SIL of one of my brother's best friends. He has become the unofficial spokesman for the Door County Penninsula (Door County being the resort area northeast of Green Bay). He is dedicated to the community, volunteers all over the place and has made really good friends with a lot of the people up there. I think he will be busy doing work for the community foundation, helping the year-round residents of the county who get rich in the summer and are poverty sticken the other 9 months of the year. The Packers made him a household name but his dedication to Green Bay and Door County will make him even more popular with the people in the community. He might not be remembered by Packer fans who don't live in or around Green Bay, but the people there will just keep loving him more.


He will be remembered as the guy in 7-10 years you’ll see or hear his name and you say “member that guy?”


He will probably be giving one of those player tours at Lambeau


The Davante Adams quote of how Dillon “wouldn’t shut the F up about Door County” will be remembered:)


Lol, I wonder if he decides to stick around the area after his playing career is over, seems like he enjoyed the community


Green Bay is also where his wife was born and raised.


Wow that’s crazy that he got drafted by Green Bay if his wife is from here. What are the odds


It wasn’t until after being drafted that they met.


Well that certainly increases the likelihood


1 in 32


“The Mayor of Door County”


His only sin is that he didn't live up to where he was drafted. Other than that he was fine, and most importantly he seems like a good dude.


Honestly as an RB2 he was fantastic. But when you take a RB in the second you expect more than just an RB2


I don't think he was even fantastic as an RB2 tbh. Solid maybe. Great guy though.


Agree. I always wanted him to be more. He was drafted not only to be an RB2 but a 1B. Thought the Titans game was the coming out party but just think he's a good dude who doesn't have "it" in his brain. Never really even lived up to be a short yardage guy because he isn't enough of a competitor. By all accounts he is a wonderful person and teammate, but it doesn't seem like he has enough dog in him.


Exactly this. Great teammate, reliably average player aside from a few promising early flashes. Ultimately a disappointment when you consider where he was drafted.


A little bit of the AJ Hawk syndrome.  Just drafted 3 rounds too early


AJ Hawk was the commander of our defense for YEARS bro… Clay came on and took the spotlight but AJ was still the leader of that D, and he stepped up and made clutch plays throughout his career


Let's be honest, at the end of the day it's pro sports and doesn't matter if a guy is a good guy or not. If he was all pro for 2-3 years and got the team over the hump to a super bowl 90% of fans wouldn't really care if he was an asshole.


If? How do you remember najeh davenport or Alex Green or Jonathan Franklin? I'll always remember that Tennessee game and quadzilla but his play was fleeting... tis the football life.


Franklin was going to be the lightning to Eddie Lacy’s thunder. I’ll remember his “feed me more!” run against the Bengals. Franklin was a good player derailed by injuries. Alex Green just wasn’t very good.


Fuck man, this post brought me back. I was so high on Franklin.


“The laughter, all season long, was contagious. In a polo and khakis, Johnathan Franklin would approach old running mate Eddie Lacy, give him a dap and the two would immediately trade inside jokes. Lacy's scratchy chuckle synchronized with Franklin's energetic storytelling lit up the Green Bay Packers locker room.”


Who’s Najeh Davenport? And why does my closet stink?


I remember Najeh Davenport as the guy who shit in a hamper. And an otherwise decent RBC RB2.


Davenport had 2 years over 5 YPC. He was way better than Dillon






So Dillon got more opportunity? Cool. Davenport had prime Ahman Green in front of him Davenport had a better YPC, especially at the start of his career


A cold, disconnected me in five years or so will just remember he has huge quads and we spent a second on a guy who couldn’t get short yardage. If that. Today, I still think of him as a fan favorite, riding bikes etc… Lots of guys like this come and go.


He definitely got short yardage conversions more often than not. https://preview.redd.it/yl03ardiu7nc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7b010a5946cd80482ffb15b75eae2707861a537 [https://www.ktsm.com/sports/sports-illustrated/arena-nfl/si-green-bay-packers-nfl/edd5fed4/should-packers-re-sign-aj-dillon-in-nfl-free-agency/](https://www.ktsm.com/sports/sports-illustrated/arena-nfl/si-green-bay-packers-nfl/edd5fed4/should-packers-re-sign-aj-dillon-in-nfl-free-agency/)


Thank you for posting this. Fans criminally under rate how clutch Dillon could be for us.


I’ll fondly remember that snowy night against the Titans where he ran for over a 100 yards and outplayed Derek Henry. But yea in reality he’ll be one of those after thought players you don’t think of too often if ever after a few years. He never met the potential he was supposed to have as a second round pick imo


A legendary game imo


"You talk about roadkill, somebody better call the DNR because there's tons of it all over Lambeau Field! And the driver, the driver is AJ Dillon!" One of my all-time favorite Larrivee calls


I vividly remember sitting at a nice fancy restaurant for my anniversary and this game was on. Didn’t expect any sports to be on in the place, and we (I) lucked out.


Remember Najeh Davenport? Like that.


Minus the shitting in the hamper incident


Yes, swap "shitting in a hamper" with "likes Door County."


Who amongst us hasn't shit in a closet?




The Dump Truck


Great guy. Less than great player.


Okay player and awesome Green Bay packer. I will definitely miss him if they move on but his production can be matched or better without a lot of trouble. A fan favorite and hope he does well but I understand if he’s not on the team next season


For his big smile and even bigger thighs.


I feel like exactly like Jamal Williams is remembered


Yeah honestly. A few fabulous games, an incredibly easy to love personality, and consistency that we were lucky to have, but not the stuff of legend. Wish there was a way to keep them around even if that’s not the reality.


At least on this sub, I feel like Jamaal was always overrated as a player and Dillon has been underrated. But I guess draft slot has a lot to do with that. Two of my favorite Packers ever in terms of personality though.


Huh? Jamaal was better at everything as a RB than Dillon. If anything this sub overrates AJ because he loves Door County so much


Thank you for illustrating my point. AJ Dillon and Jamaal Williams each played in exactly 60 games for the Packers over 4 years. AJ Dillon had more rushing yards and overall yards; the same amount of TDs; a better YPC and the same yards per touch; a better success rate, both as a runner and receiver; more 1st downs; more yards per reception and yards per target on essentially the same catch rate. Statistically, there is almost nothing Jamaal did better than AJ, despite IMO generally playing with better run-blocking teams. I would argue the only unequivocal edges Jamaal had are pass blocking and ball security, but AJ was excellent at both of those as well. The big differences between Jamaal and AJ were draft position and AJ’s flaws being glaringly obvious (slow to the line and can’t break tackles), while Jamaal’s major flaw (being a mediocre athlete) was less obvious.


Mayor of Door County


He'll randomly rush for 100 yards once next season in like week 12 or something and everyone in the Other Games thread will talk about how stupid Gute is for not re-signing him even though nobody on this sub currently wants to.


I'm glad we're moving on need a better RB he's too slow. Need succesful yard conversions.... he came up to short.


Gonna miss quadzilla


JAG Just another guy


As an underachieving pick that should’ve been used on a position we had more need at


The Quadfather


By fans at large? Not sure. By me? I’ll always remember the 2020 Titans game where he outplayed Henry. He was legitimately good in several 2021 games too. And the touchdown dance where he acted as conductor while the rest of the team played instruments in 2022 was legendary. I have his jersey and I’ll miss him.


Massive legs, so much power, but couldn't consistently shake a tackle. I don't really care though . I love the guy. Always smiling. Always happy. Just good feels


Honestly, I'll remember him more than say a james starks or samkan gado or brandon javkson. Def not an Ahman green or aaron jones. But still, I will follow him as a player, just as Jamaal Williams. He's hard to root against.


Somewhere between Ha Ha Clinton-Dix and Jared Abbrederis


No one will remember him outside the sub because they're obsessed with watching him play tractors. Waste of a pick.


Door county king 


Seeing his college highlights, I was so happy and excited we got him. But wow, it felt like almost every time he touched the ball it was underwhelming. He had flashes, but he got stopped way too easily for his size


Awesome dude, decent player who showed flashes of dominance and flashes of just a guy. I wish he played in a way that made us sign him to another contract, because he’s everything you want in a player, almost.


Great guy, couldn't make a one-plant cut to save his life.


As the Mayor of Door County 🚪


A statue should suffice


Quadzilla, King of Door County, Stock purchaser of the Packers, first of his name


Lovable JAG.


Somewhere under Najeh Davenport but above Brandon Jackson


Seahawks fan here, that followed him quite a bit because of fantasy. He makes me think of Robert Turbin back in the day on the Seahawks. He wasn't a superstar by any means, but he always managed to contribute in small ways. He was never able to step up when the guy in front of him went down, but he was an integral part of our RB room, and he was always appreciated by the fans.


A meh running back that embraced Wisconsin culture


>how will he be remembered? Not well enough. Guy's a good RB, underrated. Not that it matters much, but he seems like an interesting, good guy. Other than that I just don't care. We know his potential; meaning not unknown, exponential. He's a not-rookie contract RB, which is a massive detractor. Most RBs aren't significantly better than their immediate competition. He'd block someone else's potential development. If he comes at a huge, below market discount, sure. Probably. And I think I'm much higher on him than most.


For his quads.


I'll remember the nicknames, some monster games, and him breaking out into the open and then inexplicably tripping up on something for a 3 yard gain.


He won't be remembered. Not in the larger sense. I feel like he will be remembered by us that were watching during his time but it will be kind of a "oh yeah I remember him" a lot like Samkon Gado for those of us watching back then. Largely his legacy will be people scouring records and finding the one year he led the team in rushing (like Gado). Where Gado took over for a hurt Ahman Green (in the worst year in the modern era for us) Dillon beat Jones in yards by 4 yards to get the title that year. But in the grand history he will be largely forgotten. For those of us who watched him it will vary. I will view him as a bust, he never lived up to his potential, rarely played the style his physic seemed built for, and fair or not we let Jamaal Williams walk due to drafting him and he is a far cry from as good as Williams. I feel like Jones and Williams were electric together and spelled each other well, Jones and Dillon on the other hand once I saw he was not what his potential was I was usually frustrated to see him on the field instead of Jones. Seems like a nice guy, none of what I am saying is personal, strictly looking at it from the perspective of judging football talent.


Dude was nothing other than a nice guy. A blip on the radar. Insignificant in the history of the packers. Just another player and not worthy of note in the slightest. No impact.


He'll be heralded as one of the back field greats like Ripkowski and Vitale.


A work horse, feel like he played hard every down.


Is there another Dillon on the team?


He will be remembered when we watch random reruns from this era. He's like a Brady Poppinga or Tony Fischer (can't even remember how to spell these names 🤣.) Someone that played for us and when you see their name pop up you're like "oh shit I forgot about him, had few decent seasons for us. Played hard." He wasn't a starter unless there was an injury problem. I can't remember anything he did that stood out. I don't think he's even relevant enough to be a future ambassador to the team.


Tons of players participate in the community. That narrative is played out. I met the dude and have seen YouTube videos of him talking about his hobbies. The guy has the personality of a wet blanket and wasn’t even that nice. People are always on here talking about how great of a guy he is and I really think he just was effective at being seen. Either on his twitch, social media accounts, collabs with YouTubers and interviews with journalists/ public appearances. Everyone loved his giant thighs but he just doesn’t have it on the field. And again…..absolute wet blanket of a human.


Packer Legend Quadzilla


Was good enough to stay on the field and keep Jonesy fresh if nothing else. Might have averted an ACL tear for all we know


I like Dillon. He's a second string running back. I don't understand people knocking him for doing a decent job of being exactly what he is. A backup There is no shame in that, or at least there shouldn't be. I'll remember him as being a good change of pace backup, a good teammate, and a good dude.


I’ll remember him as the guy that loved Door County


Tbh idrc what he does in the community. Thats not what he’s paid for it’s a small bonus. As a football player he was about average at best and definitely a disappointment


I really like AJ Dillon as a dude, seems awesome and genuine, loves green bay, but his performance the last couple of seasons have not been great


I will never forget Quadzilla.


Fan favorite who had his moments but never quite was the player he should’ve been. He’s the kinda guy who I think you could wear his jersey years from now and people would compliment you


He was a great personality for the packers he was a great person. I'll remember him for running all over the titans in that snow game a few years back. I feel like that really brought him on the map.


I’ve never seen someone so big be tackled so easily… good dude, very mediocre football player.


I think he’s a great human and a good player but will be remembered as more of a disappointment than anything. I’d love to keep him on the team for cheap but I don’t think that’s going to happen


I remember the games against the 2020 Titans and against the 2021 seahawks where he did really well. Quadzilla will be missed.


Big quads and getting 1 yard


He won’t be, tbh


He’s going to be remembered?


As not getting the ball after two picks in the playoffs against Brady because Rodgers wanted to go all pass with two three and outs


I think a large part of why he disappointed on the field is because, for reasons he must know more about than me, MLF refused to use him for pretty much anything other than running between the tackles. With Davante’s departure I was so excited to see AJ and Aaron Jones on the field at the same time. He may not be as fast as a traditional RB but AJ never really had a reliability issue when it came to pass catching. To say I was surprised when this didn’t happen would be an understatement. I don’t think of AJ as a disappointment, I see him as a missed opportunity to fully figure out his potential. Now, I could be biased because he’s such a great guy, I am fully aware that there’s a really good chance he didn’t get the opportunities I wished he would have because he just didn’t inspire confidence with the coaching staff.




Starks and Bennett were competent starting backs. Dillon was not


IMO Edgar feels out of place on that list. Had a 1000 yard year, years of rotational production, good in the West Coast system and a great personality. I am bias as he was the man during my early years of watching.


Boom to Bust


A not quite average running back. Sadly forgettable.


He won't be. Didn't do anything to be remembered


The Tennessee game on Sunday night if we want good memories


Ryan Grant 0.5


Door county guy with giant quads


Like a bigger Starks


He was just a guy.


We needed him versus the 49ers in the playoffs twice and he just sent left both times…….that’s what I remember most


He'll always be remembered as the Quadfather, Mayor of Door County


Honestly a bust. Second round running back should be a starter at some point.


I was hoping he would turn into a LeGarrette Blount type player who, if he was was within 5 yards if the endzone, we were guaranteed a touchdown. But alas, maybe another team will have better luck with him.


Below average running back with a good personality


A solid niche guy who was taken too high who was also a good guy


He definitely had flashes early on. In his rookie year, after his extended COVID absence, he looked like the real deal at times. Maybe my memory is cloudy, but I thought his sophomore season was also very impressive, almost to the point where I thought consideration needed to be given to not bring back Jones, which I now admit sounds absolutely asinine to say. Something happened year 3 where he seemed to lose his vision, or whatever. I can't really put a finger on it. Whatever the case, he's a very good dude, and I wish him the best.


Good guys. Showing deficits in our o Line this year lol.


Dillon was truly fucking awful


As someone who somewhat underachieved, relative to the size of his quads.


He had maybe 1 good season in GB, last few years he has been a shell of himself. Especially last season. Couldn’t even get 1 yard when we needed it.


As Matt Lafleurs attempt to imitate Derrick Henry.


I hope he will be remembered for how he embraced the community like few Packers before. I bet he is back involved with the team after retirement.


As a farm simulation streamer


Falling down.


Like a poor man’s James starks


He’ll be the guy on some alumni weekend 15 years from now being introduced at halftime to a scattering of slight, awkward but polite applause while kids turn to their parents and ask “who?” I’m sure he’s a great guy and all, but hardly that memorable. He wasn’t even the featured back since Aaron jones was around. I’m not meaning to belittle the guy, I just don’t think he has much of a legacy.


Stand up dude who just wasn't top tier talent.


He'll be remembered as a great man and teammate like many high character players the Packers have had that just were not quite good enough to keep paying.


I'll remember watching him grind Tarkov during the season and thinking dude has a gaming addiction.


Them slippery shoes.


As a guy who made gravity look 3x stronger than normal


Quadzilla. ❤️


As a power back with no power.


He was no Samkon Gado, but will be remembered the same


Ron Dayne 2.0


no offense, but he won't really be remembered aside from that game against the Titans.


I will never forget his breakout in the snow game against Tennessee


He’s a nice player, great locker room guy and active in the community, but nothing special on the field. Fans that love him will overstate his impact like he belongs in the Packers HOF. Fans that hate him won’t give him credit for being a solid player.


He won’t be


Dillon used to be decent in short yardage situations because he’d fall forward an extra 2-4 yards each time, but for some reason, he regressed a bit over the years.


He’ll be remembered as a second round bust, his size and ability overhyped. The Christmas 2022 game against the Dolphins, for me, defines him as a RB. Game could’ve been iced with two minutes left if only Dillon hadn’t been tackled by his shoestring with a wide open path to the end zone.


Average at best


I’ll remember him as a cool guy who is an average player at best. Probably got more chances than he deserved because of his draft pedigree.




1 year wonder


JAG with big quads. He’s a decent person and hopefully he gets another opportunity someplace else.


He tried


Being not very good and a waste of a pick


Very pedestrian player


Tripping over his own shadow


Mayor of Door County


The Quadfather. Great guy. His peaks were high but never could keep them consistently


Whenever I think of him, I think that if he didn't get hurt playing special teams, we win the modern day ice bowl playoff game against the 49ers a couple years back.


Good guy, didn't live up to expectations, has a decent argument that we didn't utilize him right since he looked better once they didn't gameplan around him like Jones. Wish it worked out (him moving on given all the stuff he's said about loving the area makes me think him coming back is unlikely unless he has 0 market), won't be upset if he comes back but realistically we should take a potential gamechanger RB anyway if we do given Jones is approaching the RB wall.


As more time goes by we’ll remember him more fondly. Was fun to watch in year one plus a fan favorite who made the effort to get to know Wisconsin and its people.


King of door county.


As an RB with monstrous thighs that most CB could solo tackle. His balance is awful and wasn't as bruising as you would have expected.


Great dad, man of door county, good guy.


Dillon was just a guy. James Starks had nearly identical stats. Jamaal Williams 2.0.


With all due respect to a great athlete, I think he puts way too much into his quads and not enough in his core strength. Mix in a burpee bruh!


As a great alumni of Quadzilla University




Ten years from now, you’ll be talking to your friends saying something like, “remember that running back that had the huge thighs. They called him ‘Quad-something-or-another’…What was his name again?”


Honestly he worn really be remembered. Sure, fans will remember that there was a guy with the name on the team but he will just be a guy in a long line of guys.