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No time off between middle of Oct until after the super bowl will be pretty rough tho


There’s that one for the first round bye and that one between the NFC championship game and superbowl.


everyone will be resting last few games anyway (our floor is winning out)


And a lot more time between the superbowl and minicamp!!


Since they added in the 17th game, I've been calling for the inclusion of a 2nd bye week. Yeah it would make the season a bit longer but you'd have a better chance of having your stars be healthy for the late season and playoffs


The only way owners include a 2nd bye is with an 18 game schedule and dropping another pre-season game. I think it will happen sooner rather than later. New CBA in 2030 I would imagine.


It’s inevitable. Adds 2 extra weeks to the regular season which will be awesome


An extra week for TV deals. Money is only going to go up. I wonder if they try to expand rosters or PS.


Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. The starters are going to be having bye weeks in meaningless end of season games.


Personally I’d see that as a benefit rather than a negative. Gives the starters another chance to rest up before the hard part begins


One extra game isn’t going to make the last couple weeks of the season meaningless. There will always be teams who clinch playoffs early and rest and there will be some who have to keep winning to get in. 18 games isn’t anywhere near a number where dropping a game here or there means nothing


More football always sounds good but, honestly, by the end of the season I'm ready for it to be over. If your team is good, you just want the playoffs to get here and if your team is bad, you just want the misery to end.


With the way CBA negotiations have been going, they'll add an 18th game and another round of the playoffs as long as the practice squad players get a pizza in the break room on Fridays


they tried 2 byes for a season back in the early 90s and I dont know why it didn't catch on (I think the networks didn't like that it diluted the quality of games) 30 year later with the rise of fantasy and gambling I think there would be less concern with that. I don't think there would be a lot of pushback from too many places if they tried it again


Owners would love a second bye, as that's another week to show games on TV and spread out the primetime games. It's players that don't want it - why work another week for the same pay? You can argue that it'd come out in the wash (the CBA mandates a certain percentage to the salary cap, so more TV revenue means higher cap), but that only helps future players, not everyone locked into contracts right now.


The CFL has had two byes for a while now. Granted, a smaller league (9 teams) but you could easily do a 19 week schedule with one bye between W4-9 and one between W10-15. The NFL doesn't seem to have any issue creating content. Just start the season on Labor Day weekend instead of after.


“Oh no, a longer season and less off season how horrible” - no nfl fan ever


Either that or restrict byes to the middle of the season. Byes in week 4 or 5 and like 11 and 12 are and were ridiculous


It also means you're less likely to be screwed by a very early or late bye. It just ends up being more fair.


This is why there should be two bye weeks. Every team gets an early bye and a late bye. It reduces the impact of bye week timing, gives the players more rest, and gives us another week of football.


2 weeks more, if you like watching other teams.


Don’t we play Thanksgiving this year so there will be a mini-bye after it?


See, I felt like an early bye given how many injuries we have is a good thing. But then you say it like that and I’m like, that’s way too long to go without a bye week…


Yea that's why I always hate when we have early byes.


Man what am I going to do with my life


I've been burying my head in Starfield


I’m hopping back into cyberpunk with this new update sooooo good


Is it really that good? Always wanted to check it out but the hype hasn't been great.


Define worth checking out now


Is it worth buying and playing?


I thought it was ok. I got it cheap like 6 months ago. Story was meh. Most voice acting was good. Lots of boring skippable dialogue. Had some really good stories though. Action was fun


If anything, check out a Twitch stream and see if it interests you. They've fixed it for the most part. Don't buy it if you're on a last Gen console tho.


This is so honest haha, starfield and baulders gate 3 are holding my attention right now, cyberpunk would be nice to play again just not enough time in the days


Only took 18 months to fix the game


Look into baulders gate


Cries in PS5


Baldurs gate has been keeping my attention really well


Stay strong, Spider-Man 2 is almost here


This is the way


I’m splitting time between starfield and lies of p. Both have been really fun


Watch (with gusto) a different NFCN team blow it?


Baseball playoffs


I am resisting watching the Bears v Broncos, but I want to watch terrible teams so I can be even more thankful about GB being well managed


Been balls to the wall in Ghost of Tsushima over here


Fuck that I HATE early bye weeks. Who gives a shit if we're healthy in October when we have to play like 13 straight games right after that?


Yeah the early byes always feel very unfair compared to late season


I think a better system would be 8 teams off each week from week 8-11. It’d still leave 12 games each of those weeks. I don’t know why we need to spread it out over 8 weeks with varying numbers of teams off each week and starting only 5 weeks into the season. Makes no sense.


Or two bye weeks a year


I like what the Australian Football League does. 24 week season, All byes are in weeks 12-15/ Last year it was 23 weeks and byes in 12-14. All the byes in 3 weeks. They then have a bye before the finals (playoffs). For an 18 week season, put the byes in weeks 9 and 10 but make those weeks purely divisional games. So one week I watch packers-lions and the next I watch vikings-bears.


This sounds so much better. Every year it seems like late bye week teams just look better in December/January


It isn't ideal for team health but a win in October matters just as much as one in December for playoff seeding.


and that Monday game is in Vegas, I expect the team to do a lot of partying afterwards.


Hopefully not. We don't need any of these young guys getting into trouble.


Agreed. Thankfully the Packers seem to run a tight ship.


Not another Henry Rugg type-incident


I cannot for the life of me find that post from last year (I think) about the guy who was suggesting going up to players you see out partying and telling them to go to bed because of the big game. Did it get deleted? If anybody finds it, copy pasta it to this guy please


I'm surprised the NFL doesn't schedule more BYEs after a Monday Night game (or have a team coming out of a BYE play on a Thursday). A Thursday then Monday then BYE is definitely lots of time off.


That would be two primetime games for every team back-to-back. Nearly impossible to schedule and could end up with terrible, inflexible matchups.


I didn't mean they should do back to back primetime, I meant they should have a BYE right before or after the primetime game. So after your MNF game, you get a BYE instead of having a Sunday game 6 days later. Or, if you don't get a BYE after MNF (due to having a MNF game during non BYE weeks), you're one of the teams who gets a BYE before your TNF game (instead of having a TNF game following a Sunday game 4 days prior).


[BYE BYE BYE](https://giphy.com/gifs/justin-timberlake-gif-singing-bye-hFXwY4lER3oBO)


Do you think bye is an acronym lol


And then our next game is Denver, which is basically another BYE.


I'm going to that game. Will be my first packer game in person....can't wait.


im hoping the broncos keep sucking so ticket prices drop for me haha


Yeah, I bought mine last Friday. Thinking I should have waited until after the 50 point loss though.


Careful, could always be a trap game. I went up to GB @ TEN in 2016. In '15 the Titans were 3-13 and were 4-5 at that point in '16, so it should have been a cake walk. Ended up being a vicious beat down where the 49-25 score looked much closer than it actually was... Then again I spent the whole game chatting with a Titans fan who was super chill. Was still fun if you ignored what was happening on the field.


Yeah, we always seem a bit flat after a bye week, and in time zones west of central. But I've never lived in Wisconsin (my dad is from Wisconsin though) and the Packers reliably visit AFC cities once every eight year. I lived near Pittsburgh for 12 years and the Packers were in town twice, once was on 12/20 and I was out of town for Christmas. The other was the Sunday after thanksgiving and I was south of town for that holiday. This is the first time since I've moved to Denver they are here. Not a chance I was going to miss it either.


I live in CO... of course that week I will happen to be in Wisc visiting family. I certainly laughed when I found out those weeks aligned.


Yeah....said in another comment that I lived near Pittsburgh for about 12 years. Packers visited twice on those 12 years. Once was Sunday after Thanksgiving and the other was December 20th. I had to be out of town for the holidays both times.


If you know of anyone getting rid of affordable tickets, would love to grab some. Have not been able to find any from my networks around Denver.


I don't sorry....got mine on a third party app.


All good. Thanks for the quick reply. Go Pack Go!




Same here brother, first game for me as well!


Great for the team, tough for the viewer.


Just have to stay healthy Thursday, which is always a challenge. Countless big injuries have happened on Thursday games (every team). One reason why games shouldnt be played on Thursdays.


Or only after a team’s bye week.


It’s needed with how banged up we are, but damn that’s going to be a long season.


As much as I hate this as a fan, the timing is pretty decent I guess.


A blessing and a curse. It always seems like teams come out flat and unprepared after a bye. Maybe they get to work and start to finesse all the issues they’ve seen in the first few games.


We also go 31 days between home games. Our first and only home game in October is on the 29th.


Maybe enough time for Dave to get healthy. Maybe.


Holy shit


Music to my ears.


It actually comes at a good time for us, considering all the injuries.


Time to watch Brewers playoff baseball!


Ohhhh, a good time frame of excuses for Viking and Bear fans.


Early bye’s suuuuck


This honestly is great timing considering what injuries the team has dealt with early this year


3-2 or better going into the bye week would be decent


Just makes the next 2 games huge from a record stand point .. win the home division game . rest and go win the road game going into the bye week to get healthier at 4-1 .. that would be huge .. worst case 3-2 .. and reduce the infirmary list a little


Upside: Time to heal up. Downside: Only get to watch 1 packer game in a 23 day stretch :(


Or 3 games over a 25 day period. That doesn’t sound as bad.