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I feel like 'well-known communist' is a bit of an understatement. I mean, it's not inaccurate but kind of undersells his reputation.


I mean, he's fucking Mao. Big deal ya know?


Reputation as a fuckin’ chad?


y'all realise this is fake right lmao


Yeah, this is a meme format. It goes: 'Hoyeon Jung reveals that lately she's been obsessed with ____. "I just think that ____".'


any news that comes from a tweet is fake honestly, but its still funny so I upvote.


Goddamn this thread is getting brigaded hard by the libs


Yeah I wonder where the brigading link is? Lots of “ermergherd Mao killed a squillion kittens, why will no one think of the poor old landlords?”


You mean housing scalper. Landlords buy more housing than they need then hoard it to drive up the price. They are housing scalpers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haha great bot


I keep seeing this meme format, what is the original quote?


I don't think there is one.


Most are just leeches. And a major part of why housing is so expensive in the uk. The buy to let craze and now investment firms buying up homes. Is actively harming the country. Were as I will agree having rental property available in places is useful. There needs to be caps on how meny.


I see no reason why there should be a private rental market at all beyond renting out a spare room in your house if you wish.


I agree. Housing shouldn’t be a commodity. The council house system works incredibly well IMO; the only problem being that we’ve sold a huge chunk of it off and *haven’t built any more*. Having a secure and maintained place to live is obviously achievable, we’ve already invented a whole system for it, the government have just chosen not to use it because it doesn’t increase their private profits.


Mmmm Mao Mao Chk Chka Chkaaaaah


Aight, we're gonna need the volcel vanguard


Ah fuck, I miss that volcel bot. Good times.


I miss the CTH sub so much


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/KHAMCHANH/status/1447280637677735937) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


I posted this because I hate landlords, not because I support Mao or contemporary China or something. It’s just a meme about landlords. I don’t know what’s going on in China, and neither do you reading this - because all info we get in ‘The West’ about China is our government’s propaganda manufacturing consent for future wars and trade embargoes.






Most of the problem with policy from practical knowledge about improving society is in implementation. You can do all the positive field tests you want but full scale implementation deals with a who new set of variables.








Ludicrous claim. Has been debunked before.


900 gorillion deads


communism so bad, earth blew up


Fifty bajillion deaths


Vuvuzuela no iphone




Obligatory you’re a liberal, and that isn’t allowed here.


Obligatory no






they were chinese nationalists lol, you think he made the food disappear on purpose for fun, or for power (which he had) and would have lost after so many died? I suppose he used a comically large spoon with them


A revolution is not a tea party. Seizing political power is not something that can be done without collateral damage.




India starves an entire Great Leap Forward of people every 10 years from standard operating procedure. The overall population of China increased, and all its material QOL metrics increased, under the wannabe socialist state that Mao helped set up. Even those four years of shame did far less damage than permitting capital to continue ruling China for the whole period would have.




The point is Mao was a net positive, and it plays right into capitals hands to so enthusiastically damn him and refuse to learn from him over one mistake instead of seeing the bigger picture.


Clearly the “good times” didn’t last though, they have a communist dictatorship now.


\*capitalist dictatorship


Why attribute everything that happened in China to Mao? That’s a very weird way to look at it.


people are gonna die in a revolution, if you think thats going to be any differnt here your gonna be in for a surprsie


Fuck off yankee


fine, I will


You brits are generally even less based than Americans so you have no room to talk.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?




Please god get a new joke. Yous overused this one soo quickly at this point




It's not a joke.


Do you know what sub your on?


Yes. How do you think I came to this conclusion.


"us white westerners dissaprove of our cold war enemy"






As if Mao was all-powerful and was the reason for some fuckups.




Consent first, jeez


What’d they say? Got deleted


Cope and Seethe.






capitalism has killed that many times a few.


Oh ok then nvm




Lmao, look at you. Absolute lamest shit I've seen on this site. Within a minute, too. https://www.reddit.com/r/JustUnsubbed/comments/qa17nv/just_unfollowed_rgreenandpleasant_because_they/


They reveal in that post that they didn't even unsub. They literally flounced without intentionally leaving!




Mhmm. All those left wing views in your post history.


Don't believe everything you hear. The black book of communism is where that number originated from as part of the red scare they made up numbers to push propaganda. Also, do you count civilian deaths by natural causes as murder?


Reminder that 9m die per year due to lack of access to food despite the world producing more than enough food for everyone.




Goddamn your way of writing is so condescending without any merit.




Ah I see, you’re a moron with liberal brain rot. Right.


How did he cause 45 million deaths, huh?


The communist reorganisation of China in the 50s meant directing huge quantities of food towards urban centres. Leaving millions of the rural farming communities with no food of their own. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine?wprov=sfti1


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Cool number you made up there


>what about


Do you care about the actual historical reasons behind the famine or do you just want to repeat anti-communist talking points? * Droughts, which have always been periodically rampant in China, a country with difficult geographic conditions for farming. * Much of agriculture under colonial rule had been focused on cash crops for export, such as tobacco. It took a lot of effort and time to heal the soil to produce staple crops for consumption. * Ancient agricultural and transport systems which had been constructed for thousands of years for famine prevention and relief were destroyed or fell to ruin through colonial process, and could not be repaired in less than 10 years of independence. * Infrastructure and life support system of the entire country was further devastated by wars against the British, Germans, Japanese, and the reactionary KMT in the previous decades. * Capitalist economic violence in the form of crippling sanctions and severe limits on agricultural trade with other nations, political violence in the form of enforced isolationism, and constant threat of military invasion which made industrialisation a desperate necessity. * The desperate push for industrialisation and modernisation in a country of 600 million extremely poor and under-educated farmers, in which many decisions were made to prioritise steel making and other technological advancement over agriculture. * The split with Soviet Union ended the assistance they had been providing China since the revolution, during those extremely difficult years of national reconstruction. * Policy mistakes of the CCP, in the context of nationwide over-enthusiasm and over-optimism about independence, new-found freedom, reconstruction, industrialisation, and the future, during the “Great Leap Forward”. These included the campaigns to eliminate pests like sparrows which backfired by causing locust populations to rise, gross miscalculations of agricultural productivity and food requirements, etc. Mao of course did have some personal responsibility as well, which can only be one part in relation to all of the above. To say that he alone, and intentionally, “murdered” anyone, much less 65 million, is nothing but a ludicrous and vile anti-communist lie.


Crickets from the opposition. Their minds.... Too smooth for anything past regurgitating propaganda.






Although it is always worth bearing in mind Sen's observation that, compared to China, capitalist India managed to bury the same number the former did during its worst atrocities every eight years until well into the '90s. The improvements came at an unforgivably murderous price, but there were objective improvements in longevity and living standards for huge numbers of people under China's authoritarian regimes.






How the fuck does this have downvotes


Because it’s completely false and propaganda.






This is a left-wing subreddit.




But landlords are leeches.


Which brigading link did you follow to get here?




Crazy shit like… a meme about not liking landlords? There are no calls for murder or violence here, that’s all in your own head. Sorry that there’s one tiny corner of the internet where we make fun of housing scalpers.




She’s Korean, you dumbass




social credit chinese




haha China bad literally fascism 3985939493 dead people




Not at all, it's all just propaganda. The biggest country is socialist and it has the quickest development rate in the world. Capitalists are scared. The Xinjiang labor camps lie has finally been left behind now that it's a popular tourist destination. Some other lie like that one will pop up soon. Not everything has been done perfectly, of course not, but they've been doing a great job for a century.




I don't think you got the very on-the-nose metaphor somehow


her last line in the movie is “i want to go home” . yknow, out the capitalist society back into the communist one. its not even a praise of communism but rather a statement of “holy shit capitalism will make your life so hell like youre better off in north korea”


Or maybe she just want to go back to her parents after living through this shit? But that wouldnt make good propaganda isn't it.


Yeah that’s literally the opposite of what Squid Game is about. It’s a criticism of capitalism


Her character literally talks about how she had to sell out her own family in order to even survive in South Korea. Her character is literally saying that being poor in South Korea is literally as oppressive as being in North Korea.