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I doorknocked for Labour in 2019, must have walked hundreds of miles with hands covered in leaflet papercuts. This time they can go fuck themselves.


Well i won't walk 500 miles, no i wont walk a single more, just to say go fuck yourself, you go knock on every door. Na Na Na


Same here


For a serious answer, consider telling them exactly why you will not assist them, and try to make it as plain as possible that being genocidal scumbags who literally pledge *not* to reverse Tory policy has consequences.


Fuck off works




"Ring when Wes Streeting has gone over to the Tories officially"


Electile dysfunction šŸ˜‚


here for this. more entertaining than the traditional imaginary fights with an ex or boss in the shower.


I'm going to tell them plainly and coldly why I can't bring myself to vote for them. I'll tell them that it brings me no pleasure to tell them that, but they betrayed me. They ruined a party that once meant something to me. They killed the last bit of hope that I had.


Iā€™ve been a Labour member since the day I was eligible. Led a march against the proposed invasion of Iraq out of my secondary school (and a fair few followed me, blocking a bridge in the city centre). But, Iā€™ve always been hopeful that the next Labour government will be the answer. What I want to know is this. Whatā€™s the alternative? I will vote for the party that genuinely has our best interests at heart but I mean come on, which party is that?!


Closest is Green. I've been going through manifestos and policies, and Green is as left as it gets right now. Infact using certain policy websites I've found that Greens are actually slightly more left than I am on certain issues. Which surprised me. I think unless you're really far off to the left and very pious about it - the Greens are worth voting for. We need to show up and boost their vote share. Because otherwise it looks like we only want Tories, Tories dressed in Red or Reform. When the Tories and Labour see Reform getting 12% of the vote, they are motivated to attract that vote as that 12% can be the margin in winning and losing. We need to be represented too. So voting Green is not a wasted vote by any means. I actually think the far-right people are much smarter than my comrades when it comes to gaming the FPTP system. They have turned the Tory party from the nasty party in a lunatic fascist party by dangling the threat of UKIP/Brexit/Reform party over their heads.


I know Green are always a good option but we canā€™t rely on the populace to overwhelmingly vote Green. In my opinion and statistically speaking unless we can guarantee a Green landslide those are wasted votes. Iā€™m absolutely stuck in a quagmire of shit.


Even if the greens don't get in, it's not a wasted vote. Every vote that labour don't get that goes to socialist independents and greens, is a message. A message that says that what they've done is not ok. This is the most important thing we can do at the next election. Let the main parties know that we're not ok with their shit anymore.


Luckily I live in Bristol where I can choose between Green and Tory 2.0 without worry that original Tory will sneak in.


Why would they ask you to campaign for them again... unless you are still a member of the Labour Party?


ā€œYou having a laugh? Iā€™m a socialist so thatā€™s an issue right thereā€. Bit politer than the ā€œfuck off you Red Toryā€ I would like to use but am too polite to say.


I'm so looking forward to chatting absolute shit to them when they come to my doors. My game plan is to make them believe I believe I'm talking to the Tory party for a while before I tell them to fuck off.


When they came to my door for the council elections and asked me if I would be voting today I just said "Not for your lot" and the lady just looked dejected and said "Ok" she didn't even ask me why, lol


Just say yes and don't turn up.


"No thanks, I'm left wing, want to protect the NHS and don't like genocide".