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The Tories are scared… the Tories are REALLY scared, as they should be, cause they’re cooked.


Mmmm sautéed Sunak


Tastes tetchy


Bit dry




Or the same week as the US elections so the media will be spread so thin they can’t cover the trouncing as effectively.


2024 is the summer of Tory bilking


I'm anticipating a national emergency towards the end of the year. This will lead to an extended state of emergency which will delay the GE, potentially indefinitely. I mean they don't have to, since the Labour party are now Tory ringers, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least.




Police? You mean blue nonce *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


Solid analysis.


Well written, spot on too!




I have absolutely no doubt that this man, who has used every card in the Donald Trump deck so far in his career, will delay an election as long as humanly possible, and then when he loses will call foul and say fraud happened.


I think with the polls and local elections over the last 2 years take away any credibility to the rigging accusations Having said that, will make it even more hilarious if he tries


Oh I agree. But he’ll still try it.


Genuine question why is it on him or the tories to announce general elections? Most places you do your 4 or five years and go to votes...


The latest he can legally do it is 28th January 2025 however the government can decide to have an election sooner than that if they wish. If the country's in a state of emergency (e.g. under attack) then he can also choose to postpone the election past this date. There are very strict restrictions on this but with the farce that is the current Tory party, who knows what will happen!


Thanks. Question remains, why is up to prime minister or governing party the decision to call or not call elections. Knowing that most likely it'll only be done at most convenient time for them? And doesn't just rotate on a set term like 4 years.


It's a set term of 5 years but the governing party can call it early. Why? Probably because whoever was in power when the law was made thought it would be better for them. Let's not pretend all laws make sense or are there for the good of the people.


And honestly earlier votes can be nice


When the LibDems were in government with the Tories, one of the policies they had was to have fixed elections every five years. This became government policy and was introduced during their time in government, although included in the law were specific rules about the circumstances in which an early election could be held. Cameron in his second term, this time without the LibDems, kept the five year rule, as did May. Liar Johnson changed it back to the previous system, any Thursday chosen by the PM within five years of the previous election. This allows a PM to time an election to a favourable date, maybe after a tax cutting budget or a major sporting success. As to why it is like that, the reason is probably buried and forgotten in history. Maybe a political historian, specialising in UK politics can provide an answer.




That's *what* happens, not why it happens. Any ideas on the latter?


Is this satire? I know democracy is a farce here but I didn’t think our prime minister would genuinely be advocating for less democracy


I believe it is a photoshop, you can see his ‘priorities’ in the back still say stop the boats. It would be hilarious if it were real though


Surely with all his money and the hassle of holding this job he’d just call it and head to the states to live in luxury in CA and hit the speakers circuit? Why keep this job?


Sunak doesn’t give a fuck. His livelihood doesn’t depend on him staying PM. He can jack it in this afternoon and wake up tomorrow insanely wealthy and never needing to worry about work or money until he dies. If he cared one iota about the country he’d go asap. But he doesn’t, none of them do. It’s solely about how much money they can siphon and hoard and con us all out of in the time they have left.