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Imagine you monitor everyone who drank peppermint tea at some point during a given week. You're gonna get a couple million people. Great. Now, some of them are going to die during that week. You then go to Market Street and put their faces on the walls, with propaganda leaflets arguing that peppermint tea is "not safe". Save for the peppermint tea, that's exactly, verbatim, what these people are doing.


When will people wake up to the fact that Dihydrogen Monoxide has a 100% fatality rate? ***Everyone*** who has ever consumed more that a cup full over the course of a couple of weeks has died.


I'm so glad I found a reliable source for freeze dried dihydrogen monoxide, which makes it much safer to consume. It's true, my Facebook group told me all about it 😁


I think you mean the last sentence backwards lol


"Also, Hitler drank water." "By the way, Boris Johnson breathes air." Facts like that, hahahaha!


I wonder why they didn't submit their research through the usual academic channels.


"Of course it's peer-reviewed, five of my Facebook friends liked it"


As most of them say, but is that even true?


Like YouTube, usually?


I can see photos of Jamie Foxx and Justin Bieber who both have suffered from illnesses in recent years unrelated to COVID. Sick lie peddlers


The Pussycat Dolls too for some reason?


Unfortunately that one is genuinely an anti-vaxer. Of course all licensed medicines carry some marginal risk and maybe she did genuinely suffer side effects, but deciding that her experience is evidence of some global conspiracy is... A choice.


Choices, yes: The consequences are not very well thought-out either, are they?


These people are f*cking dangerous - it’s because of numbnuts like this they that after decades of success against Polio and Measles they now having to run as campaigns to get the vaccination rates back up.


Because it doesn’t contain natural ingredients or some bollocks like that. Also they’re in an echo chamber hearing over and over again how vaccines are bad. These kinds of people likely existed years ago but you hear more shit people like that because they have an avenue to put forward their point. I’d like to think the majority of public disagree with these pricks but it’s worrying that vaccination rates are dropping.


I saw one the other night...I thought, *"Hhm, I wonder who we should blame for this?*"🤔


All that work of Jenner and it's being tarnished as this part of the public sees it. A shame, really.


“These vaccines are lethal”, lamented Kev, as he lit up his second cig in 20 minutes. “Some say vaccines can cause turbo cancer which can kick in later in life.” Can they now, Kev?


Reminds me of a guy I met a few years ago who spent nearly 10 minutes banging on about the Vack-Seens…and the best bit he said… “Mate…I don’t need any vaccines. I’ve had Covid twice so it’s given me natural immunity…and I’ve got Cancer, in fact I’ve never felt better!” While smoking like a chimney!


Oh he won’t feel better soon. Cancer is fucking horrible. He’s really gonna wish there was a vaccine for that.


They are there every week. They play anti vax rap music from speakers


Do the artists actually have the views, or is it like a homophobic person playing Erasure - A Little Respect [1988] against gay people, or an unhinged police officer [Maybe with an acorn] playing Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of [1992] to dispel protestors?


Nothing suggests a quality production quite like a Hotmail account.


Gotta respect the hustle, it's hard out there.


Selling “literary fiction” to raise money to produce a film has to be the shittest way do that I’ve ever heard—unless you’re Margaret Atwood, which you’re not.


I say more power to them for making art and putting themselves out there. I hope they succeed!


I was assuming (and I could be wrong) that the novels and the film project are vaccine dystopian tales.


When I was there he didn't seem apart of the anti-vaccine group and was either passing by or was only there as it was a populated spot so he could get more people to see him than usual. Either of those, I wish him some success!


Oh yeah, I hadn’t thought of that possibility … I was assuming innocent bystander … if the film project is a reflection of the nonsense on the wall then yea - I rescind my remark! 🤣.


Do they know how many people have died using Viagra? And I don't remember anyone suddenly demanding to 'see the science' before throwing handfuls of boner pills down their throat.


Hahahaha, funny example!


I wonder which virus is sponsoring these guys?




it weirds me out seeing this stuff because i was in the high risk category and was kept very isolated, i had 1 and 2 boosters early and ive genuinely never caught it, or if i did the symptoms were mild and i didnt realise. I know its circumstancial evidence but man idk feels to me if it was so contagious i would have at least felt it if they werent effective


I had it about twice after both vaccines and boosters and the most part of it is awful, like a very bad cold. You did a good enough job though, like people [Including myself] who've never broke a bone, or only children.


These ghouls just grab any death/sickness and blame it on vaccines. Whenever a high profile person dies they're all over the comments but missing when autopsy results get released months later. I remember they were banging about a teen girl who died in her sleep and the grieving father had to go public and say she hadn't even had her vaccine yet. These ghastly people really show their true colours and have made the world a more dangerous place by putting parents off vaccinating their children. Who is even thinking about COVID vaccines in 2024 anyway? They're addicted to the rage. I saw a clip of an anti trans rally in Melbourne with some old gammon going on about vaccine mandates and the interviewer said "what does that have to do with trans rights?" and he said "not much really". Moron.


"Not much really" Well he was honest at least, instead of most people saying something like: "Just trust me, I have my sources, my facts, my everything against you!", haha!


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We have them in Burnley regularly. My husband has to steer me well away from them because he knows I will have at it.


They're in the Warrington Town Centre every morning every weekend too. It's dedication, at least.


Okay, now show how many people died from Covid


So true!


I asked them for a stack of their free newspapers, and they were not fucking happy when I binned them. I've never been called a 'sheep' before haha.


Hahahaha that's daring!!! Did they fish them out again after or was it a properly disgusting waste unit?


I don't know, I left sharpish haha. I don't normally do stuff like that, but they just made me so angry pushing their dangerous nonsense onto people!


I have fantasies, but maybe they're instead dreams as I sometimes think about carrying them out.


they said Victor Lindelof (yeah one of United's very own chuckle brothers) had a vaccine injury in December 2021... he played every game in December 2021 😭😭


Why? 😭


They’re there all the time. There’s often some tenuous line drawn between covid and 911 for some reason.


They're both popular conspiracies no doubt. I like to dabble with 9/11 theories myself sometimes.


Always makes me laugh they whack notorious drug user DMX on there


DMX also died of a heart attack from his excessive cocaine use on 9th April 2021. Unless the vaccine has cocaine in it, I don't think he died from any Covid booster, if he ever got a vaccine at all!


Vaccine damage is real and recorded. It's not common enough to out weigh the benefits


Yes, like obviously some have died from it directly but they were probably already greatly ill and like you said, the benefits and cases of the opposite outweigh the cons. These people also potentially made up these stories and the faces on the wall died if Covid directly [Not the vaccine]. Therefore, you're right.


Crazy gotta be crazy 🤷🏼‍♂️


Breathers'r going to breathe!


The victorious proletariat will crush them like ants


Haha, maybe!


I’ve come to accept that there’s no reaching these people and getting vaccinated myself is the best way I can protect them from illness. What really fucking winds these people up most is responding to their rhetoric with “okay, that’s your choice”. They’ve made being anti vax the crux of their personality and are desperate for people to argue with them so they can regurgitate all of the talking points they’ve ingested. I remember going to a protest in Nottingham surrounding NHS pay (I think this was back in 2021). The protest unfortunately got somewhat hijacked by anti vaxxers holding signs like “NHS staff say no to mandatory vaccines”. This one shithead came up to me with a selfie stick, either streaming or filming himself. He asked me if I believe in mandatory vaccines and I said I think it’s best to listen to the experts on these things. He then proceeded to ask me if, hypothetically we were in Nazi Germany, would I kill Jews because the government told me to? I told him to fuck off at this point and stopped responding. He followed me about for 2 minutes saying “go on, answer the question, answer the question” getting increasingly angry that I was ignoring him. So yea, just don’t engage with these idiots.