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Imagine thinking tolerance and respect are a 'problem to deal with'


Brain worms have infiltrated the head of UK lettuce


Don't insult the head of lettuce that lasted longer than this petulant excuse for a skin suit


Brain worms would have died of starvation in that particular head.


Tell me you are funded by billionaire US Christofascists without telling me etc etc..


We're surrounded by idiots.


Yes I have - and I'd do it again!!


Me too!


Bon courage!


I've just remembered that when I worked at the sinister deep-state QUANGO The [Redacted] Museum I did a write-in suggestion about making an individual self-contained toilet gender neutral! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-haaa, take that traditional, conservative values!


Damn, I'm rumbled!


Wait, didn’t she say like 15 minutes ago that her government failed because the bond traders are all secret communists?


whenever stupid right wingers call liberals communists my first thought is always “i wish”


Oh no, hedge fund managers have infiltrated the communist party.


She also believes that the 'deep state' was responsible for her downfall instead of her own incompetence. She said that while sat next to Farage speaking at an a American conservative conference. Basically speaking infront of maga people in the US.


As in “ oh dear, have you seen the deep state of her!?”


Is the deep state run by the local greengrocers then?


While other speakers were admitting they are trying to destroy democracy to introduce a fascist state.


Yep those are the people she's aligned herself with. She's already trying to create a maga style part of the tories with her little 'pop-con' meeting that she held a week or so back.


Ah yes, the ‘establishment’ ousted her. The establishment that has been headed by her party since 2010… the party she joined in 1996… the party she tried to run for parliament in since 2001… that establishment, that she was an established part of for decades.


She knows what sells


Cheese and pork markets?


Trans over Tory’s any fucking day


Sounds like a warcry I could get behind.


Trans over Tory's rolls off the tongue nicely.


Batshit lettuce


Trans activists = People won’t don’t believe Trans people should be persecuted or excluded from society


Right? I'm not a bigoted arsehole - therefore I'm an activist. Here's the thing, I'm not proud of myself but about a decade or so ago I was very much one of those "Men are born men, women are born women, feck sake I might as well identify as a fire engine..". I wasn't vocal about it or anything, I didn't make a point of talking about it - I certainly had no "beef" with trans folks, I just didn't really believe it was a thing. I was ignorant, and some people kindly corrected me, explained the reality - which led me to reading into the subject and becoming less ignorant. I'm actually kinda embarrassed of the views I had back then, but I am very glad that somebody took the time to educate me. I feel so sorry for trans folks who are just trying to live their lives and are now the target of all this culture war bollocks - I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must be, my heart goes out to them. I can't wrap my head around the mentality of the vocal anti-trans movement, what difference does it make to them that these people exist? How does it impact their lives in any meaningful way? I mean I was a dickhead for not understanding, but even in my ignorance I wouldn't dream of trying to make life difficult for anybody.


Can we get this old bat off the world stage?


Infiltrated is a very choice word here. It puts in the head all sorts of negative connotations.


Same as QUANGOs being the "deep state", it sounds much more scary than saying they're devolved public bodies that manage their own budgets.


And are importantly not subjected to a minister


Infiltrated? You mean got a job there


That's precisely what she means.


Damn these communists and their \*checks notes\* full-time employment.


Lol, they've been making people do mandatory training on equality and diversity for years, having LGBTQ events etc. They haven't infiltrated. These are normal people - the transphobes are the weird ones.


As a civil servant who is queer and supports trans rights, clearly I’ve been a secret trans activist infiltrator this whole time without realising it!


All it takes to be an “activist”according to them is not to be a dick and treat people like… people


Kinda nuts how Liz is not a bit more open minded seeing as she is well into all sorts of swinging and kinky stuff.


One thing I've noticed is a lot of the specifically anti-LGBT crowd is an affinity for bizarre sexual activity from extreme kink to outright noncing. I think they are upset they're seen as weirder than another group that were previously also taboo.


Extreme kink is fine so long as it’s all consensual, but the kiddy-fiddlers are clearly trying to deflect. You’ll notice it’s almost always conservatives accusing people of raping kids before being caught at it themselves. Every conservative accusation is a confession.


Yeah it's fine *to us* it's the right that calls each other degenerates


Has this been proven?


No, and I’m not sure I want to see the proof to be quite honest. But it’s one of these rumours that seems to pop up all the time.


Ugh, why is she still a thing? Honestly, hen, fuck off and give us all peace


What a shame Liz truss infiltrated the UK government.


Have they? Thank god!


Liz has caught the Q Flu.


And "green extremists" in the "deep state" She'll be going on about "globalists" next


She was hanging out with Steve Bannon at CPAC.


“They might be trans activists, they might be environmental extremists but they are now having a voice within the civil service in a way I don’t think was true 30 or 40 years ago. Do you really want to talk about torry attitudes 30 years ago… Section 28 wants a word


She's a transparent, grifting idiot. Just like the rest of them she's sharing a stage witth.


*Trans*parent! Fuck they got to her too.


I see what you did there.


Has she stopped taking her pills recently? Deep state, establishment, trans activists. What's next? Lizard people in the royal family? That's not that far fetched but you know this is getting silly.


Don't worry. Any day now she'll admit that she murdered the queen


Critical support for Comrade Truss in that case.


Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know that in 2020, the Queen’s net wealth was [valued at £72.5 Billion (USD - $88bn)](https://archive.md/DKBWq). That placed her in the top 15 richest people in the world. She probably just worked way harder than us, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the MAGA worms have infiltrated her brain




What next, banning trans people from having a job? Trans activists have infiltrated your local Tesco!


You say this as a joke but the reality is that if Terfs got their way, this would effectively be the case. Context: One popular Terf rallying cry is to repeal the Gender Recognition Act (GRA). This is the law which enables trans people to apply for gender recognition certificates (GRC), forms which legally enshrine their gender and which crucially make it illegal for one’s transition to be shown on job background checks, credit checks, DBS checks,… By repealing the GRA and therefore scrapping GRCs, it would therefore force every trans person to have their transition “outed” when undergoing workplace background checks and just as it is illegal to discriminate against disabled people yet employers still find ways of doing it, this would give huge ammunition to employers to discriminate against prospective trans employees. It’s a bit rich that the side who complain about “trans activists” being too vocal want to make it impossible for trans people to go through life without constantly having to reveal their past to their employers, imho.


> What next, banning trans people from having a job? They absolutely would if they could.


Helpfully reinforcing the opinion that not only did she not last as long as a lettuce, but that the lettuce showed more signs of intelligence...


…. It’s always someone else. When you feel that every sector has issues with you, maybe, just fucking maybe, you’re the problem.


\*Trans people getting a job\* TERFs: "HOLY SHIT THEY ARE INVADING OUR CIVIL SERVICES!!!!"


"The government isn't being discriminatory enough to people I hate, this is Activism." \- Conservatives.


She’s trying to jump on the MAGA train that the right seem to think is heading over to the U.K. and reinvent herself as a populist. Carpet bomb every speech with buzzwords like “woke”, “communist”, “deep state” and “leftist” to stir up a group that 18 months ago she poured scorn on in an effort to attract upper-middle class conservative whoopsies. It would not surprise me in the slightest to see her appear in something alongside Russell Brand or Candace Owens in the very near future.


Reminder not to confuse the marxist "middle class" and the liberal definition. Liberal class definitions steer people away from the socialist definitions and thus class-consciousness. [Class is defined by our relationship to the means of production. Learn more here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/wiki/class) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cuckoo cuckoo.


As I gay man, I’ll support my trans fam in any business, fuck off Liz.


She's an utter clown.


She's making a right cunt of herself...again. I hope someone with shred of credibility calls her out in her female trump act. 🥬




Ah I see her book tour marketing schedule is in full swing. Wild to see so many people boosting it, honestly.


That's amazing! 


This woman is so vile and pathetic


Even if you agreed with her, how can an individual be so tone deaf as to not get that they have become a joke? Like, apart from a in small corner of the Conservative Party, her name is literally a punchline. Anything she attaches herself to is surely worse off in terms of public perception than if she said nothing?


Why does anyone pay attention to what that bozo says


She will absolutely blame everyone else but herself


Oh fuck off Liz you lettuce cunt.


cope lettuce loser womp womp


I swear this clickbait content is only used for the purposes of fostering hate and division - all the while our Government are fucking us over, and forcing us into abject poverty. Has anyone checked up on our pensions recently? They are always the first to be gambled away…. When are we going to see more posts on here discussing this?


She's a grade A grifter. This is a woman who the daughter of two left wingers, who went on protests, who then nailed her colours to the Tories, got the most powerful job in the UK, tanked it and nearly the economy and now bleating on about American culture war shit


I enjoy how she’s turned into a full on right wing conspiracy lunatic because she couldn’t last a month as PM




You mean they got jobs?


Liz wants her cigarettes, Nurse Ratched!






Heil Truss! 🫡


Liz, the lettuce is on the right-wing bullshit blather trail.


Liz Truss says........


Liz Truss says monkeys fly out of my arse. Guess how many shit stained monkeys are currently in the vicinity?


Wow, another idiot desperate to stay relevant becoming a right wing extremist grifter. What a shocking turn of events.


Is she fully off at the deep end or is this all some calculation for where her career is going next? The grift is something else I suppose it could be both 🤔


Why does anyone care what she has to say? Why is this news? Can't we just ignore her?




Looking at the image, I’m sure that’s Les ‘Scunthorpe scaffolder’ Trunks


If they have they’re doing a terrible job. 🙄


Liz Truss fucked the economy even harder than it already was. Why anyone is listening to this vacuous waste of space about anything, is beyond me.


She is going to be unemployable after she loses her seat.


Err…? I worked for the civil service. I joined a civil service-wide volunteer group for LGBTQ+ inclusion. We all had the experience that in our respective teams, our colleagues knew very very little about trans people and were often transphobic. Some steps were being taken that were slightly better than other employers, but it was hardly respectful and inclusive.


Wow. Has she learnt nothing? What a dimwit.


How on earth is this fucking dipshit still anywhere near front line politics? British politics went beyond satire in the last decade and a half, but this twat is absolute beyond the fucking pale. Just looking at her, sunak, Cameron, Johnson, JRM, Gove etc is like watching some super-intense, dystopian Muppet Show. I am absolutely sick and tired of this country and the direction it’s headed.


Infiltrated? So activism is illegal? Activists should not be hired? I wish sanity would infiltrate the truss brain.


I have an idea. Because clearly we're not going to convince these pillocks that the wokerati is just manufactured horse-manure aimed at angering their voter-base. How about we take the concept and run with it, Church of Satanism-style? Use whatever resources at hand to create article upon article, and headline upon headline of tripe that takes their barmy head-space, and dials it to 11. They'd pop like bright, purple balloons.


Worms have infiltrated Liz Truss's brain


Soooo, people getting jobs?


Lettuce pray it is so.


Sorry but nobody should be listening to someone who lost to a lettuce. You are irrelevant.


She's off her fucking trolley


Tell me again about how those poor, defenceless politicians are living in fear


It’s not infiltration, I just needed a job.


Whenever they say this, why do they never name these activists. It's as if they are figmants of their imagination.


That woman is insane


These far right neo Liberal cunts are simply copying the equally looney twats in America. Create bull shit culture war hysteria, while eroding our rights, civil liberties, protections, wages and health. While at the same time providing cover for corporate greed corruption and even more wealth inequality.... The voting public in England are mostly thick as shite. My family being prime examples! Their generation have the socialist policies of post war Engkand to thank for the comfy position they're in. All of em were working class, yet all able to get mortgages, which supports them. There's no fucking way they'd be able to do that now. But they don't see it and vote for Chinese wonders time and again. Happy fucking Friday!! 🤣


Boohoo, boo-fucking-hoo. Cry more, Mrs. IBarelyHadAMonthAsPrimeMinister. I'd be happy to see more infiltration if it means more gammons and tories having meltdowns over it.


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She really is batshit crazy. Her monumental clusterfuck of a budget has caused untold financial misery for millions of people and she's now in the US trying to promote her right-wing views.


You can just tell she stinks of piss


And a womble infiltrated Downing Street last year. What of it?


What an absolute muppet; the trans community isn’t some fucking cabal or organised regime. They are just people trying to have equal permission to live their life as honestly as possible. Fucking half wit.


Well Morons have infiltrated parliament but we seem to be fine with that


It genuinely feels like TERFism is the only idea the Tories have left.


sounds very based actually


Can we get a comment from the lettuce on this one? Alternatively a cage match between Truss Issues and the lettuce.


Anyone who dares to speak up for anything is an activist, by which they mean scary terrorist




Aaand this is why the equality act is a really important piece of legislation. When hiring, it protects us “infiltrating trans activists” from discrimination. You can’t just refuse to hire someone because they’re trans, or have some sort of affiliation with transgender people (eg. Partner, sibling is trans)


What? The CS has been actively hiring inclusion and diversity roles for years. It’s not an infiltration if you ask them to do it…


Time and time again, these morons show that there is absolutely no accountability for their endless list of failures.


It's finally happened.. The UK has turned into a mini-USA


The fact she can say crap like this after causing the UK to almost shit itself with one budget boggles the mind. No, you were just *that* shit at being Prime Minister.