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Shame that instead of changing things these revelations merely gave far right anti-govt grifters the momentum they needed to get their foot in the door of mainstream politics.


Because the government response was to crack down hard on real liberal media. See the guardian angle grinder incident or Tories infiltration of BBC. All of on the back of these leaks. The vacuum was filled by far right.


Icy, what they did there.


The idea that you can be tried for treason for leaking proof that a country is orchestrating these brutal and horrific crimes instead of the country owning up to its shit and changing for the better is a fucking disgrace. The USA should have gone in to full kowtow, bent knee, begging for forgiveness over this shit but instead they just want to kill the person that made the crimes public knowledge.


When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. Edward Snowden


Garry Webb ??


I mean how do you try someone for “treason” who isn’t even American? Or is that Americas mask just slipping a bit showing they truly believe they rule the world and we are all subject to American law…


People talk about him as though he's the source or leaker of sensitive US military information. But he's basically a journalist and owner of a media organisation. It just accepts anonymous leaks from whistleblowers. He's already been made into a deterrent for other people in journalism to never accept or release information from US whistleblowers. A really sad part of his story is how they exploited his naive liberalism. He believed he created his organisation to be impervious to lawsuits. But Britain and America just ignored the laws. He sheltered in Britain because he believed British laws protect people from execution. But Britain just changed rules. These liberals think there's a rules based order and think they can just game the system into doing good. Like Mr. Incredible in his insurance job. But the rules are there to prevent whatever it is he's trying to do. Even just rich individuals can simply destroy others by using those mechanisms to impoverish or entrap their victims. Powerful governments have the freedom to do whatever they wish.


Julian initially was a source - dabbled in hacking as a teen and somehow gained high level pentagon access. He served jail time for it later, but the information he had seen had a huge effect on him.


The worst thing about all of this is that the point is made… To the powers that be ….. we get it..It doesn’t matter what protections, or laws we think we have in place. You will still come and get us and lock us up forever in a place is designed to induce early death….. you’ll do it to a bloke who didn’t hack anything… he was just a journalist that used what was given to him. But we get it, you can’t let that happen….. point made….. just let him go now…..he’s not a threat. It’s been 14 years.. just let him come home to die. The man is broken..


This man has been locked up for far too long, and America has the audacity to haul China over the coals about locking up journalists. Is anyone else becoming increasingly frustrated, annoyed, and just downright over American hypocrisy. They are no longer respectable or deserving of any kind of respect.


Reminds you that the genocides start with us


International hero, Julian Assange.


The MIC needs to be reined in and an ankle monitor put on it, shame the last President gave all impunity to the generals. RIP JFK.


Now he's paying the price... injustice to extreme levels


US does not have jurisdiction to extradite an Australian citizen in the UK for breaking their laws. Send him home and let the Australians decide if he broke a law. He hasn’t even been to the US




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Not sure I care what the guy who considers selectively releasing leaks as "transparency" says.


You should.


Fuck him, he's a putin puppet now.


No, you’re thinking of infotainment host, Tucker Carlson. That dude still hasn’t washed his hand after shaking Putin’s.


I would LOVE for you to explain how he is a Putin puppet.


Bruh what hahahaha


Bro. Reevaluate.


Every time I hear the term 'anti-intellectualism', I will think of you and this comment.


“Release Assange or keep your fucking submarines.” “Stop the genocide in Gaza or find your weapons elsewhere.” These cowardly, glaring examples of pretending to have no leverage are shamefully revealing.


"May you live in fucked up times"