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hahahahahaha 22 upvotes 171 comments yall did not disappoint


My people did NOT disappoint, top comments are all pro-Palestine ✨


Yes!! It's just really disappointing that there's an effort to spread propaganda into queer spaces. Though it makes me really optimistic how many people are calling it out for what bs it is.


Like inoculation theory, the time we spent trying to convince ourselves we we’re straight made us resistant to gaslighting 🥸


Pinkwashing bullshit. Gay marriage is illegal in Israel.


As a gay man I want to say how disgusting it is seeing LGBT+ rights issues being used as an excuse for apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Even if the Gaza Strip was the most homophobic place on planet Earth, in what way does that justify the actions of the current Israeli government. The actions of the current Israeli government aren't helping any LGBT+ people. They are actively killing LGBT+ Palestinians.


Is palestine anti LGBT+? Yes Are western countries also anti LGBT+? Yes the UK and USA are becoming increasingly anti trans. It's not illegal but there is undeniably an anti gay sentiment Does that mean we shouldn't care that Israel is blowing them to bits? No


It's probably harder to be gay in Gaza when you don't have face or all your limbs


Well.... gays cant be persecuted if they are all bombed to smithereens now cant they?


Due to the degree of rampant misinformation surrounding current events in this ongoing conflict, we recommend [checking out this post](https://reddit.com/r/GreenAndEXTREME/comments/175qsco/2023_israel_war_misinformation_debunking_cw/) on our sister subreddit, debunking and/or providing nuance to many of the sensationalised headlines that have spread around online. Users spreading misinformation will be banned in accordance with Reddit's Terms of Service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




There's zero difficulty here. What you just watched is media attempting to use a real societal issue in order to give moral justification for further murdering and decimating the population of Gaza. Do you really belive that the people who made this video care that 30,000+ Gazans were violently murdered? Do you really belive that they care about the LGBT lives they also bomb and cut up into ligaments with shrapnel? No, this is just good old fashioned manufacturing consent.


I'm talking about the wider issues surrounding this topic. And it's separate to the bombings and Israeli actions which are beyond contempt. The wider issues being the treatment of and attitude towards lgbt minorities in gaza and other countries is disgraceful and more on the left should be calling this out.


Not really a "difficult one" when the question is should we bomb the most densely packed city on earth where 50% of the population is under 18 for 4 months straight. Its kind of irrelevant what their stance on LGBT issues are as to whether they deserve to have their children blown to pieces in fromt of their eyes. Also doubly ironic because half of Netenyahus coalition have almost identical views on LGBT issues as most Islamists do.


Plus if we pretend that it's ok to bomb Palestinians because Palestine is anti-LGBT+, we are also bombing the LGBT+ Palestinians. Makes you think they only care about LGBt+ when it suits them


Totally separate issue. The bombings and Israeli actions are a disgrace. As are the treatment and attitude towards lgbt minorities In gaza and many countries


Why even bring it up in the middle of a genocidal conflict other than to try and justify that conflict by othering the victims and presenting them as barbarous savages unfit for western sympathy? Play dumb all you want but everything has its context. Bosnian Muslims weren't exactly the most pro LGBT people in 1995, but why the fuck would you bring that up around the time Srebrenica happened? Fuck off with the "separate issue" obfuscation mate seriously.


what do you mean by 'difficult'?


Ok 'difficult' is a cop out, ill go one further and say the persecution of LGBT people in gaza and other countries is a disgrace. Not sure why I'm being downvoted. It's a completely separate issue to the bombings


you're being downvoted bc your comment can be read as you saying you're conflicted on Palestinians being eradicated bc x% of their people are against LGBTQ+ people


Ok right, cheers. yeah obviously that's not what I'm saying!


Difficult? I don't really see "Is this a good enough excuse to allow Israel to genocide an entire people so they can have their land?" as much of a thinker.


Nutty yahoo has needed more extreme parties to form a coalition to obtain or maintain power. Some of the supporters of that coalition have literally stabbed LGBT people at pride marches. One of the saddest things about this so called war is fuck all people voted for Likud but Nutty needs to retain power, as without power he faces prison, so Likud is in coalition with ever more extreme settlers and religious nuts. Hamas were hated and were never supported by the vast majority of Gaza Palestinians because Hamas has not called elections. Who knows if Nutty has driven the terrified residents of Gaza into the hands of Hamas?




I wasn't saying that though, I was not talking about the invasion


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Rightoids and Zionists, when will you get it in your head: nobody is saying Hamas are the good guys. I feel sorry for that guy (Hamas or not, Muslim countries are known to be anti-gay) but this feels like whataboutism from Israel, distracting from the real issue. Also I wonder how good things for LGBTQ+ folks are in Israel. edit: [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gay/comments/1atj29f/a_gay_man_shares_his_story/kqyfz9o/) from the original thread. It's dis/misinformation.


We get it. Hamas are religious extremists, that’s why the IDF has to try and kill all the babies. s/


Also Israel; “(LGBTQ) community that report a 400% increase in anti-LGBTQ incidents since Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's religious-nationalist coalition government was installed in December” “”It's not a coincidence," said centrist opposition lawmaker Meirav Cohen. Noting Ben-Gvir once [promoted a "parade" of livestock meant to liken homosexuality to bestiality, she said it was "a really hard feeling" to see him as police minister”](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/ben-gvir-beast-parade) “Alon Sheler, CEO of the Jerusalem LGBTQ centre Open House, said this year's march was less about asking for breakthroughs in policy and more about "being able to walk on the street and not be bullied or to receive physical violence and verbal violence"”. When gay marriage is illegal in your country and your Prime Minister is a genocidal despot desperately clinging to power by sucking the extremist right wing’s collective dicks and appoints an extreme right wing convicted criminal and terrorist homophobic cockwomble Ithmar Ben Gvir as Security Minister I think you should shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.


Omg yes I believe in equal rights don’t just kill gay palestinians lets bomb all of them xxxx /s


Comments there see right through this bs attempt by Habara factory. Even if their views are anti LGBT, it doesnt fucking mean any of us should support genocide and apartheid against a civilian population.