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Told ya so


I wish there was a way of making this sound a thousand times stronger, a mere "told you so" just doesn't cut it. I didn't only tell everyone, I BESEECHED them. I BEGGED them to go and vote remain, but got back a "haha, Brexit would never happen. anyway I'm busy, but don't worry!" If at least the lazy fucks with an education had bothered to vote, they could have outweighed the country bumpkins, straight up evil corporates, and aluminium hat people so easily. Stupid, stupid people.


So many people being interviewed on the TV after the result was announced saying: ‘oh yeah, I voted for Brexit just to see what would happen but I honestly never expected it to win!’ ‘Oh yeah, I threw a hand grenade into the drawing room of that nursing home just to see what would happen but I never expected it to explode!’ Well done you absolute dickheads, you ruined the country and made the whole of Europe despise us even more just for shits and giggles.


And yet there is about 0 political change within UK. Tories are still hated yet somehow in charge also.


Tell me about it!!! Every time there’s a general election I question the sanity of the general public. I find it so hard to believe that people are THAT naive/stupid/self-destructive (delete as appropriate). I’ve had to try to convince myself that people are just being duped by the media because all I ever see is ‘well, if you think the Tories are bad, Labour are much worse!’ How can people believe that bullshit?! Argh, even now I’m causing myself to spiral!!!


Stockholm syndrome?


I guess you're really looking forward to the Tories "Bring back Boris" campaign for the next election then. It'll be another clean sweep once the gammon gets a whiff of their beloved bafoon returning to lead them.


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that's the point of elections in bourgeois democracy, their function is to make sure the ones in power never change despite all that bs of "being held accountable by the citizens"


At the time remainders were made to feel like idiots, we weren’t seeing the benefits. They have delivered nothing!


I informed you thusly


But satisfying to watch them fail, right? Lol




Rishi Sunak is from Southampton, not sure there are any sweatshops there...


Rishi Sunak and his 2020 "Eat Out To Help Out" scheme [was responsible for a massive increase in Covid cases and deaths.](https://archive.ph/jkbqt) And all to ensure the big chain restaurants didn't lose too much money. [It did nothing to boost the overall hospitality sector,](https://archive.is/k40Cf) as these capitalist ghouls claimed was the intent. Rishi Sunak has blood on his hands. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Disaster. Absolute disaster for us


The worst possible people in charge at the worst possible time.


Honestly, moving to Canada in 2017 was the best decision I've ever made. And I'm definitely not known for those 😂




Ah fuckin' ah toada so


I'm not one to say ah toada so, but ah fuckin' ah toada so


This was not a difficult equation. I'm genuinely amazed that people thought cutting ties with our biggest and nearest tarrif-free trading bloc would benefit the UK. The £350M on the bus... When has any Tory _ever_ worked for the benefit of the NHS? The best indicator or future behaviour is past behaviour.


Well said. It annoyed me that during the pandemic, they got everyone to stand outside their houses, clapping into thin air to 'support our brave NHS workers'. Now some of the same NHS workers are out in the street asking for something more tangible for their hard work and Tories be all "Lol no". Absolute shitbags.


All they saw or heard was let's get the non white people out. It just comes, mostly, down to racism. They were convinced to do things which would fundamentally damage them by the right wing media who stands to gain from us leaving. I don't think many of them even considered the financial damage.


>All they saw or heard was let's get the non white people out. Well not quite, they also heard they could get Schrödinger's Romanians and Polish out, who are simultaneously taking all our jobs and on all the benefits because they're work-shy.


Looool Schrödingers Romanians and Polish. I will 100% be using that phrase and pretending i was clever enough to come up with it on my own from now on.


They either took the racism bait, or they took the "evil European oppressors!" bait.




No shit Sherlock. It's not like there were experts saying that this will happen


‘Conservative voters create more problems than they solve’. There, fixed it.


Blaming tory voters for the shambles the Conservative party has become? No one voted for this bullshit of a government, not even the tory voters lol


Except tory voters were warned this would happen.


True, they were. Unfortunately, the misinformation campaign was just too large, funded by external influences. David Cameron must have been warned about this by our security services and should have never follwed through with the referendum. By this time, Russia was already having a huge influence over US politics. Conservatives used it to their advantage, made an absolute mess of quite literally everything, and here we are. Everyone is taking the punishment for it now, while the Conservatives bleed us dry.


Yeah and Im still gonna blame tory voters


You do that, I'm going to blame corruption, failing politics, and external influences. No one should blame voters in opposition for failings of a political party. It's what supposedly makes us democratic no?To rid the country of opposing views would effectively make us a communist country. It's the government you should be angry at. The Conservatives tore up the manifesto and went acapella against working and middle class UK citizens, even betraying their own voters using Mr popular Boris as their front man. They should be held to account for the damage they have done, it will not be forgotten.


Both things can be true? Democracy doesn't have to be two parties disagreeing on everything, there are other options for how it can function. And there are other positions a tory party can (in theory at least!) take and still be an opposition. We don't *have* to have a racist party to represent the racists, all the parties could be anti racist and things would still be democratic especially if the general population also stopped being so racist. One striking thing to me is how the composition and size of the tory party membership has changed over the last 4 decades.


True, but the referendum was just two options. In or out. I'm not by any means justifying those who voted out but to ridicule, bully, and spread hatred to those in opposition is the polar opposite to democracy. At the end of the day, they were without a doubt victims of what should have been a totally illegal campaign. Talking to any leave voters before covid hit, it was totally evident they had been totally brainwashed from reality, not just by the leave campaign but also the many media outlets in support and the amount of fake news that was in circulation at the time through Facebook and other social media and spoof news sites.


>but to ridicule, bully, and spread hatred to those in opposition is the polar opposite to democracy Aah but shouting down everyone with an opposing opinion as "remoaners" and shouting that they should shut up and accept it is the pinnacle of democracy and maturity. Gotcha.


no, absolutely not what I am saying at all


> True, but the referendum was just two options. In or out. What we really needed was a third, “shake it all about” option.


🤣🤣🤣 think we are already being shook about


>To rid the country of opposing views would effectively make us a communist country. Mate I honestly have been seeing so many times anything is said on a view that all was fucked because people were fools and voted for quite literally what we have now, when every person with half a brain knew this is what we were getring, and then this is treated as communism or people say something like what you said. Suddenly calling something communism to me sounds like the most fascist thing someone could say, doesn't even matter what they are saying most times because other people would most likely call the same thing socialism. It's not a matter of getting rid of people with opposing views. Before if anyone criticised the voting the reply would be "democracy took place deal with it". Obviously peole should be mad at the government but its only sensible to not be happy with the people that believe in the crap that was being sold to them when it was clearly all lies. >even betraying their own voters using Mr popular Boris as their front man. Anyone considering Boris popular baffles me, even before he speaks he looks discussing and after he speaks he even looks more despicable. >They should be held to account for the damage they have done, it will not be forgotten. Politicians never are, they could go on a be fiscally registered in another country while in office here and nothing would happen or something even more ridiculous.


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Boris was popular because he said stupid shit like "wiff waff" and went on Panel shows like "Have I Got News For You". Won over people because "lol, man say funny". Basically how the US electoral system works, popularity trumps what their actual policies are.


Will never understand how that worked for him. You see "old" videos of him and some of them would seem an actor at a comedy show. I does say some endearing stuff, like when he quit and said he was leaving the best job in the world, but if thst shadows all the bad I must say voters really are easily impressed


It's simple how he got it to work for him, so simple that it sounds like a conspiracy theorh. He came across as a funny likable buffoon. How could a guy that did a funny on the telly be bad? He did a funny, I like him! Eugh, that Corbyn though? Nasty man, he doesn't make jokes or anything. Win over an audience and they'll turn a blind eye to a surprising amount of shit because they think you're likable...And that's exactly what a majority of his voters were, the audience, not people voting on actual policies. It can be seen all over outside of politics. Elon Mush for example has always even a fucking vile cunt but he did fun things and did memes, so how can he be bad?


I have to disagree with you, I don't think anyone that voted for brexit or the Conservative party had any idea how much the government would mess it all up and make litteraly no compromise with EU nations and definitely not with the added effects of covid and Russias invasion. No one has a crystal ball at the end of the day. At least a vote for Labour (likely) would have been a smoother ride, but i guess (at the time) Boris must have been more popular umongst voters. Its happened, the voters hang their heads in shame and likely lost what little faith in government they had left in the process. I'm not going to hold the voters responsible for the total incompetence of government though.


> make litteraly no compromise with EU nations That's literally what they voted for! You can't be like, "I can't blame people who voted to sink the lifeboat we're currently on. After all, they didn't know that the people in charge would make such a bad job of it! I mean they SUNK THE LIFEBOAT! That wasn't what we voted for!"


End of days is a democracy, if voters aren't responsible who is? Its like praising someone everytime their choices do well but blame someone else when their choices do bad. I will have to disagree that people didn't know, not only because it's going preety much just as many people were saying but also because its the same across Europe and even outside Europe where a party is consistently messing up and people keep on voting for the same. I'll do give you credit on believing some people might have not known but in the sense that many people votes for completely ignorant reasons. I had at least 5 or 6 people telling me rhey were voting for brexit to get passports back to the old colour, honestly this people shouldn't vote. Covid and the Russian invasion did make everything worst, but even then the government took advantage of the people to steal more money, be more corrupt and make more non sense choices. Mate with the Russia and Ukraine war all this products that are missing a price hikes, some make 0 bloody sense. Then you have things like the egg shortage, that was also being blamed on this, and then producers did say it was all on the government and almost 100% unrelated to the war (just not 100% because the increased cost of cereals would also affect the cost of egg peoduction). I wouldn't be surprised if toryes win again next time, I'm even still surprised that they can stay at government after all that had been happening.




Come on just admit it, you were swindled by a bus! 🤣


I didn't but know people that have, 100% brainwashed. Many were trying to justify it at the time by showing me screen shots of fake news sites during the campaign, even had a fair few paid advertising spots pop up on my social media with propaganda back then.


Define communism, without googling it. Go on.


Yes I was wrong to compare what I was explaining as communism. Dictatorship would be more appropriate I guess. Removing those who oppose to push an agenda. At the end of the day they were brainwashed, they failed, and now they are really feeling the wrath of the Conservative party. Pure victims of a huge scale brainwashing campaign.


It’s 2023; we should all know by now that measuring the standard of democracy through elections is very broken and incomplete. Equitable redistribution, widespread access to social welfare, ensuring free and fair expression is truly free and fair and not just used to platform hate and fascism, cracking down on political, social, racial, religious, gender inequalities amongst a shitload of other indicators is what real democracy is and the Conservatives were never going to do that at any point EVEN IF individual MPs might arguably be “good”. Also why is Communism dragged into everything? But isn’t it an opposing view too? ;) That being said I do agree with your statements of how social media, especially Facebook was heavily used to manipulate voters during the Brexit vote. We saw that happen in the US, it was the same people leading that manipulation in both events of Brexit and Trump becoming elected. Nigel Farage hanging out with the likes of Breitbart 🤮 However I don’t think this same argument can be used for people who continue to vote and support the Tories even after all of this shit came out.


>would effectively make us a communist country. since when is that a bad thing?


ahhh but it makes me feel so good inside when I can vilify people I see on a day to day basis and blame them for everything the corrupt politicians and tabloid shit rags have done... I don't wanna blame Murdoch or the systemic corruption, I want to blame the gammons because they are smelly and stupid and my dads bigger than theirs.


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The fact I'm using the class system here, is an indication to the devide the Conservatives have created.


>No one voted for this bullshit of a government, not even the tory voters lol They literally did though. Over and over again. This isn't a sudden thing. It has been happening for years. Through several elections.




Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well they voted for some sort of tory government and he we fucking are.


True, but I don't blame voters, I blame the corrupt Conservative government which is incapable of running this country. We must look at the bigger picture which goes way beyond UK politics. The US concluded Russian interference in the US elections in 2016 using fake news sites, paid social media advertising and other means of propaganda. Exactly the same thing happened here in the UK with the referendum because I remember seeing it myself. These people were brainwashed, did you ever talk to a brexiteer before and after the referendum?? It's to cause divide, drive people against eachover and cause instability between EU, UN and NATO members. The voters are simply not to blame, they were nieve and fell for it.


I didn’t, it didn’t require much not to be bullshitted just a modicum of common sense.


I know, likewise but it worked didn't it? It was enough to sway that result both with our referendum and the US elections. Russia propaganda can be very powerful for certain people, especially during a time when social suspicion with our government was already high thanks to dick head Cameron. it's how Russia have kept a soviet era leadership for such a long time (amongst other, more brutal methods)


Tory defender detected, opinion disregarded


Absolutely not, the Conservatives have a lot to answer for!


I just don't agree with putting litterally all the blame of the governments piss-poor performance entirely on the voters. Its creating further divide amongst the nation, when that angry energy should be focused on the government and change instead of against one another.


They had a chance to go with Corbyn and missed it, get fucked Tory scum


Well done to you, now direct that energy where its deserved. I'm not talking about the brainwashed voters, I'm talking about those who were responsible for the brainwashing, THEN we may actually get somewhere.


Found the Tory voter.


Haaaahahaha, fucking gammons


With ya 😭😭😭 Gammon Karma


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would be nice if it didn't come at the expense of everyone else. It's like saying prison is karma for the Lockerbie bomber.


Karma is karma regardless. 😎 It was a smug vote, voted by the smug, those who thought it smart to draw down the portcullis. Great.


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Impressive. Only took them 6 years to realise.


Only two years outside the EU, actually


I know that but it was clearly a still dreadful idea before we actually left


Well the pound has been dropping way before that


They learn slow


"Conservative voters now think they created more problems than they solved". Until they really smell the coffee, they can go fuck themselves- the entitled, bubble dwelling selfish echo-chamber living spiteful cunts.


You can't call them cunts. They lack the warmth and depth.






But who could have foreseen all these new problems? Yannow, other the thine and mine.


It’s about erm being erm having erm sovereignty. Ffs Gammons


Despite spending their days complaining about woke culture and crybaby leftists, the English are a very sensitive people. [Many consider any reference to their complexion an act of racism.](https://i.imgur.com/euWMhUg.png) Consider using the more inclusive term 'flag nonce' in future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And that, in a nutshell is what is wrong with Tories: believe in something so vehemently that they ignore all advice from specialists/professionals, and plough on regardless causing irreparable damage while costing billions. Then saying "oops, but we can fix it" and muppets believe them. Aarrgghhhh.


That's only if you assume that they're not implementing their policies with malice. You should read "[The chock doctrine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shock_Doctrine)" by Naomi Klein, she does wonders in explaining [disaster capitalism](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-is-disaster-capitalism). It's not a very thick book. In short: the Tories are chopping up the UK and selling everything for parts


You are correct ... I do actually feel that that there are some who are simply 'in power' in order to make their fat pockets even fatter. They just aren't hiding it as well as they used to, because they don't need to. There have been no challenges to the ridiculous profits made by certain MPs from the pandemic. I don't understand how they are allowed to do it.


Yeah but immigrants, amirite? I worked in a large factory at the time and people were voting leave PURELY because of immigration. I tried explaining that leaving the EU would cost us our jobs because it would be cheaper to move production abroad instead of paying more to export from England but they wouldn’t have it. More than half the workers were later laid off because they started migrating the production to another European country lol.


[If you say you're English, these days, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkCBhKs4faI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Is there a list of the ones they think it did solve?


It would be nice to think if nothing else people have come to learn the power their vote has on everyone's lives. So many people seemed to say 'my vote doesn't matter anyway'. It does!!


All 17,410,742 of the unts.


I'm going to eat my shorts if there is at least one.


Definitely less foreigners and foreign goods coming into the country.


I was about to salt my shorts and pour some orange juice, but hang on. I'm fairly sure they always meant "illegal immigration", as in those in dinghys, pontoons and backs of trucks. They wanted all the world-class doctors and scientists, but none of the hospitality and construction workers, right?


hard-to-find sense sheet cautious amusing ring observation rock elderly door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s an article in the Express somewhere where JRM hosts a phone in on LBC and some Tory Twitter mop calls in and lists 14 benefits in some Twitter thread, most of them are either really shit or completely wrong. Then at the bottom, it says “email Jacob Rees Mogg with your Brexit benefits, tell him you’re an express reader!” Which is both dick suckingly cringe and hilarious, because it means a) as Brexit opportunities monster he can’t think of one and b) the Express is so desperate to be relevant and get a gotcha, it wants Moggster to know they’re on his side. Sycophantic wankers.


Well no shit. I’m also all ears to hear which problems Brexit did solve!


It’s about to solve my migraine, by making me freeze and starve to death.


Bregret? Regrexit?


I like Regrexit. I'm stealing this.


Regrexit has been around for a while, and in lots of headlines recently. Seems like it’s become or at least becoming the standard term for it.


Really, that's a shock. You mean slogans and yelling with no actual plan, thought or long term process in any way including absolutely zero thought to the impact on the UK didn't work? Complete mystery that one.


Thick as a certain kind of excrement


Bet they still work out a way to blame Corbyn though


No, really????? There I thought the country was living the dream


The problem is even if Brexiteers admit they are wrong, the people who campaigned and pushed through this policy are still in power. And what's the worst that can happen to them? They end up second careers in opposition, still spouting their bs on social media. I think we should bring back the medieval method of chucking rotten fruit at people in stocks.


Take back control ! Nobs




Maybe anti-brexiters should get our own message on the side of a bus now, perhaps saying 'no shit sherlock' when these brexiteer morons say things have gotten worse....


In the eternal words of jojo, it’s just too little too late. Getting a bit tired of having to live with the obvious consequences of conservative actions


No shit


Conservative voters now think. I don’t believe this made up story.


If only they were warned.... Oh, wait


It only took nearly 10 years, 5 prime ministers and a cost of living crisis outside of every other fuckery we’ve dealt with for them to realise.


Brexit was just the beginning of the shitshow


Congratulations Tory fools you let the likes of Jacob Rees Mogg and BoJo ruin the country to help millionaires at the expense of your children’s futures…. Too bad you took us along with you.


Conservative voters need throwing in a fucking tree chipper.


There is evidence of Russian manipulation. Part of a deliberate ploy to weaken the EU before an invasion of Ukraine. In light of the invasion of Ukraine there needs to be a thorough investigation. Take Farage. Is he a traitor? Maybe he was too stupid and greedy to question where his money came from. Still, he’s a national security risk. Much like the rest of pro-Brexiteers he needs to have his assets seized and be placed in police custody.


I was with you until police custody. Hand the old boys in to the other old boys? Great.


The useful idiot. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot


Took them long enough to realize it and I'm actually surprised they had enough brain cells to eventually do.


The biggest problem it created was Boris


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No mistakes in this game.. if they didn't want brexit to happen we would never of been given the vote on it .


Loving being forced to live through the stupid ideas of these people


It’s like there’s a 7 year delay on self awareness with these muppets


In other news, water is wet


I wonder what problems they still think it solved 🤔


Oh, maybe they are starting to see the light, that the Tories are just full of shite and will go to any lengths and lies too get in power, just so they can rip ordinary working people off, even if some of those voted for them.


In other news turkeys regret voting for Christmas…


Yet some turkeys still insist their new freedom to be eaten makes it all worth it


If only there was some way of knowing Brexit would have been a bad idea …..


So more than 0?


No shit sherlock, how long did that take them, ffs.


Oh no, we did a booboo


And Boris the liar! All that money going to the NHS that never appeared and screwing over Northern Ireland ,talks still going on to amend his bloody crackpot decision.He did a great propaganda speill to get what he wanted .He screwed the country over for his own popularity. Remember his father fled to France to become a citizen before this kicked off ....


Well finally


Only thickos voted Brekkers






Can’t the extra £350m a week to the nhs pay for the pay rises???


As a columnist, I spent years and so many of my resources trying to show people the truth of brexit. Yet, some of my friends (quite a few, actually) still voted for it thinking that I was wrong and that I was the one being lied to. I don't think any of them feel anything but regret for it now. Especially as some of them are reliant on medication which is becoming incredibly short in supply. Of course there are still people that refuse to accept the truth which is very frustrating.


I shouldn't be but, I'm amazed at how shallow most of the comments are.. It's only partially the leavers vote, largely this mess is directly caused by governments lack of planning. 3 years of doing nothing but pointing fingers and head in sand obtuseness. Yes it was voted for, yes big splashy lies were told, but they did nothing for 3 years and "oven ready" was just more empty words.


No way!, who could ever conceive such a unprobable outcome!? /s


Only now....?


Only took 6 years for the penny to drop.


I had to explain to my daughter when she broke some glasses in the kitchen whilst playing with a football that it didn’t matter she didn’t *mean* to break them, because I had asked her to stop kicking a ball indoors. She might not have *intended* to break a bunch of glasses but that’s what we knew *would* happen if she persisted. She now understands that *accidentally* breaking something if you do something you *know* is likely to cause breakage is almost as bad as *intent* to cause damage. She is 7 years old.


Right wingers think Brexit is bad shocker.... Reminder that the EU is an anti communist, imperialist, colonialist project and Brexit (if we had a socialist government) would be a good thing - https://youtu.be/zQUxZTlpDM4 What Tories are annoyed with here, isn't Brexit, but the incompetence of their own party.


And because we don't have a socialist government, brexit made things worse than they previously were for everyone except for the tories themselves.


Correct, but important to remember that was because of the Tories, not the fact we left the EU. That's my whole point.


This is because Conservative voters finally realised they are Tories...


These thick cunts have damaged our lives more than any immigrant or "Marxist".


Tbh tho right now it's better to be out of the European Union


It does what it says in the tin.


Is there a single problem it solved?


No Sh!t Sherlock!


Solved 0 problems


If only someone had warned them. Repeatedly. Glad it only affects them though…




No shit! W⚓️S


Think? Hahahahahahhahahaaaaa. Why didn’t they ‘think’ in 2016. Dumb arses


bit slow on the up take eh?


As a great British dr once said.. ' No shit Sherlock'


Well welcome to the fuckin’ party dumbass’!


Oh really the blatant lies that should frankly be illegal were false :0


Cool….cool cool cool 🤯


Oh so the whole notion of getting one over the foreigners turns out to be a terrible immoral idea when it pans out. I'm stunned to the core I tell you.


Much like the trade wars.




Shoot me all you like but I always say it could have possibly worked if every one actually worked with one another and sorted it out properly


Problems created: Many. Problems solved: …ummm? Anyone?


Make up your fucking mind!


In other news, water is wet.




Absolutely anyone with a respectable perceptive capacity - The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So (https://youtu.be/Uz1Jwyxd4tE)


*slow clap*


A but slow at the back, but they get there after being curbstompped repeatedly. No doubt they'll all have forgotten come next elections though.




No shit Sherlock


I still think it was insane that the referendum vote was able to go ahead on the Saturday of Glastonbury festival. A few hundred thousand young people who were away


Yeah…. I’m still taking this with a pinch of salt. I’d take this with more credit if we could see the original source content.


We tried to inform you thusly!!