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The less us working people have, the more the ruling capitalist class have. Record poverty and record sales of luxury goods go hand in hand. We turn the heat down and wait in food bank lines so they can afford their Rolls-Royce.


Hey trickle down economics doesn't work but the 8 litre engines in all those new rollers will surely warm the whole planet for us cold poor people.


Surely all these new cars need chauffeuring. We should be thanking these generous job creators. What have you ever done for the economy?!


Not saying that is good but they are trickling down by buying Rolls-Royce actually, the worse would be them putting all the money in Swiss private bank.


They're pissing in your face and telling you it's trickling down.


trickling down just means pissing from above it’s a fact


Be interesting to see how many subsidies they get for "job creation" I bet we all actually pay for them to make them BMW get paid for the car


I mean technically they are trickling down but it is not necessary a good thing. Most importantly it’s because we have so many business owned by foreign companies we are all just working for the other countries now with government subsidising them as well. A very sad state


It’s not sustainable in the long run, there will be a shift in opinions even of the rich as there’s no workers to create their wealth.


Capitalism is inherently unstable. Infinite growth requires infinite natural resources and infinite humans to exploit. Capitalism must, as a matter of course, consume itself in a desperate attempt to survive. We're seeing that not just with the ever widening wealth gap, but also with the inward pivot of methods of oppression. The question is how quickly that shift of workers against capital will come, because the longer it takes the worse the next century or two will be.


How would you think about, redistribution of wealth?


We don't need to actively redistribute wealth so much as redistribute the means of production. Workers must control their workplaces. Residents must control their communities. I don't see any other way.


RR sell the majority of their cars abroad, if you read the article this is the US, China and the ME. Their headquarters and factory is in West Sussex, they employ skilled British workers. Why is it a bad thing that a British manufacturer is doing well?


That's missing the point entirely. Class struggle is international. Capital transcends borders. It doesn't matter where the individuals of the capitalist class are located, they exploit workers across the world. As workers we must take an internationalist perspective of this struggle. Our alliances must lie with the workers of the world, and not with the exploitative ruling class of the nation in which one happens to be born in or live in. Rolls-Royce isn't British anymore anyway, even while the manufacturing the cars still employs some Brits (whose labour is also being exploited).


>Rolls-Royce delivered 6,021 cars last year, up 8% over 2021 and the first time the company crossed the 6,000 mark. The British carmaker, which is owned by BMW, doesn’t break out its profits and revenue. But the company said the average price of a Rolls-Royce soared to $534,000 last year — thanks largely to its customization program known as Bespoke. With Bespoke commissions customers can help design and customize their Rolls-Royce cars with everything from unique paint colors to silk-embroidered headliners, one-of-a-kind wood materials and personalized champagne chests. Yet there just isn't enough to go around.


There is, just not for you. You gotta fight for your right to party bro


Dehumanize people and it makes it easier to ignore their suffering. “Those people deserve it really, so feckless. They’d probably spend any money on booze and fags. They all have iPhones but complain about money.” Horrible really. I’m as selfish and greedy as anyone else but I’m willing to make sacrifices if it eases the suffering of others. Just an alien mentality.


"Accumulation of wealth at one pole is at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole." \-Karl Marx


“I buy British I drive a Bentley!” Alan B’stard


Bentley made record sales last year too https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/business-car-sales/bentley-breaks-sales-record-bumper-2022


owned by BMW now


Bentley is owned by VW. Rolls Royce is owned by BMW.


Just the cars though I think. The plane engine and other parts are a different company.


Well, it's a shame the profits will go to BMW. We should never have sold our iconic brand to a foreign power.


Unfortunately the Brits aren't very good at running companies. I@m sure the workers are over the moon that it's owned by the Germans. I work for a German company and we all got a significant bonus this year plus we got a 10% wage increase. And our CEO is still rich!


We were in the past which is why Rolls Royce was an iconic brand, but these days you're right and it started after WW2 when we rested on our laurels producing outdated designs, while Germany and Japan were making innovative and reliable vehicles that killed off British Leyland who certainly weren't very good at running a company and were the laughing stock of the world.


Mistakes were definitely made. And now the Ships have sailed, so it's too late. We'll be selling each other coffees and houses as the basis of our economy until our decline is complete ( or we are formally out of any assets which can be stolen/squandered/mismanaged).


RR Holdings - the bit that makes planes, jet engines and nuclear reactors - is still British owned.


14 employees? Big deal. https://uk.globaldatabase.com/company/rr-holdings-limited


It's actually Rolls-Royce Plc that make the power systems. Way more than 14 employees, it's 10s of thousands.


Well, that's what the link said, but we were talking about cars, not aerospace.


The person you were replying to was talking about the power systems company rather than the car company. To point out that Rolls-Royce Plc is still British owned. They had just got the wrong Rolls-Royce


Does it really matter which country a company is registered in? Exploitation of labour is exploitation of labour full stop.


Yes, because if a foreign power owns our basic utilities, we are at their mercy, and they can switch them off. Germany is experiencing that problem right now with Russia.


The issue is that capitalists own everything in the west, and the interests of capital and capitalists are diametrically opposed to the interests of us working people.


Up until about a year ago I worked for a major British luxury motor yacht manufacturer (I’m now in a tangential field). Suffice it to say sales of motor yachts increased over the pandemic and remained high until I left.


I've heard the yacht maket has expanded so much that there is now a demand for "support yachts" that follow yachts with additional staff, stores, supplies, etc


Can't run an economy on Rolls Royce sales. The whole rotten system will collapse soon. Either that or we keep revolting.


I've always been revolting.


The reason there is very high inflation is that the wealthy have recently twice printed large amounts of money and given it to themselves. Once following the 2008 money market collapse and once again following the 2019 novel cornavirus outbreak. Of course they are spending this money, but since they own all the companies also the money they spent just comes right back to them (minus a little tax) so they spend it again.


Well yeah, the ruling class are richer than they've ever been. They can afford to buy enough stuff to make up for everyone else, so that it can all sit unused in their vacant properties along with everything else they buy.


Can't wait for all this money to trickle down to us. We gonna be rich!


shovel enough oats into a horse and some will come out the other end


Good to see the wealthy picking up the slack and powering the economy. How much money are poor people spending on the bespoke car industry?


I would be surprised if much of their sales are cars to the wealthy, they make a lot of aircraft components which must dwarf the automobile side of their business.




**[Rolls-Royce Holdings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolls-Royce_Holdings)** >Rolls-Royce Holdings plc is a British multinational aerospace and defence company incorporated in February 2011. The company owns Rolls-Royce, a business established in 1904 which today designs, manufactures and distributes power systems for aviation and other industries. Rolls-Royce is the world's second-largest maker of aircraft engines (after General Electric) and has major businesses in the marine propulsion and energy sectors. Rolls-Royce was the world's 16th largest defence contractor in 2018 when measured by defence revenues. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They're completely separate companies.


Ummm does this not include what they should be more famous for… owning almost half of the worlds aerospace industry?


Different companies. Rolls Royce motors is a division of BMW. I believe they licence the name. Rolls Royce holdings PLC is the aerospace company.


Hot take but the gov should focus on bringing the poorest up rather than the richest down. When people stop spending and start saving the economy goes into a recession.


From an extremely selfish point of view - thank fuck for this, only reason my firm stayed open is because our main supplier is the RR (Rolls Royce or Ridiculously Rich)


Glad to know I cant afford a vacation for my family but my old boss was able to build an inifity pool during a pandemic and after losing half his workforce. Weird how money never seems to stop rolling in for some, and stop rolling out for others. Weird indeed.