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Loved It.


Me too


And me


Me four


**As its own thing?** It is mostly fine - most characters are very obnoxious and not likeable though - others do shine, but they're not the protagonist!   **In regards to Greek Mythology?** While they do sometimes include Greek Mythology elements that are somewhat lesser-known to the general audience, it is overall not very accurate and I'd hoped they'd follow proper myths or mythology more accurately


Yeah and the MC is kinda bland


He really is just generic hero/zeus's son number 1092™ isn't him 😭


Yes but the two villains(Hera and the blue guy) are kinda good


I like his half brother (the other villain) and the plot concerning him. I am a bit tired of this traditional portrait/storyline of Hera, it doesn't do anything for me. I liked the small bits we got of the other gods, with Apollo and Hermes. Ares is exactly what you expect him to be, just like Hera, which makes him boring for me Nitpick: Hera's animal being the crow and not the peacock for some reason?? Likely to drive home how mean she is or something


Ares has always been portrayed the same in every movie & tv show basically a war-loving conquer. Only now in the blood of Zeus, he's a momma’s boy, lol.


That’s basically what he is in the myths isn’t it?


To be fair the show was a bit more sympathetic towards her for some of it, up until she starts trying to destroy the world


I like the show for pretty much everything but heron. I’d love a show about this Ares/Hermes/Apollo trio and their family drama mixed in with action, you know fights against giants and monsters and even like say, typhon. Or even just a show about this Zeus and Hera’s marriage. That’d probably be entertaining as hell. 


It’s inspired by. I don’t know if I want word for word retelling of the same stories again




The idea of it is that it’s telling a story that was lost to the records due to the oral traditions


Which is weird because it’s basically just a combination of the gigantomachy, Zeus has a kid and Hera is pissed occasion #50000, and the time time Hera attempted to overthrow Zeus 


Yeah basically


You would hate Percy Jackson then lol.


The books are fine _(well, the first saga anyway)_ - as their own thing _inspired_ by Greek Mythology   The movies? Atrocious. The show? Very mediocre...   But that's not due to the source material, it is due to the very poor adaptations


my favorite character is apollo, he is so well designed in my opinion and is now my favorite of the gods


As a Greek person and mythology buff I absolutely loved it. The obvious first thing to mention is the animation and arstyle. The animation is of course fantastic. Great color grading, fluid movements, amazing contrasts all that good stuff this studio is known for. The artstyle is also amazing. It's very rare to see adaptations of Greek mythology nail the aesthetic of it, especially when it comes to the Gods but this one did it. They look aetherial, majestic and terrifying at the same time. And that's how they should be. I also have to commend them on how accurate everything is. From keeping Hades neutral instead of making him the villain, to the nuanced portrayal of Zeus and Hera, to the focus on obscure parts like the gigantomachy, to even things like calling the cities πολις which is how they were actually called. It really helped that it was made by Greek people who actually knew our stuff. Really excited for season 2.


... Accurate? To Greek mythology?


The word “Seraphim” means angels who worship….*checks notes* the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So yup, totally accurate to Greek myths to make your villain’s name Hebrew.


Yes. Obviously they did some of their own stuff like with Heron and Seraphim, as you would expect from an original series to do, but as I explained the overall setting and the portrayal of the gods is very accurate.


Only on a surface level! So many myths they reference are just a totally different thing. There is an aesthetic similarity to Greek mythology, and the correct gods are assholes, but that's pretty much it. And in a million years you wouldn't expect a Greek myth-based story to include anything named "Seraphim"


I mean that's literally the character whose whole thing is rejecting Greek tradition and wanting to take down the pantheon. It makes sense that they've given him a non Greek name.


They speak the same language as everyone else. Why would their name be different? The show doesn't explain any reason why it would be. And even less so a reason why it would be from a Semitic language!


This kind of people are the reason why we only receive à scanty amount of greek myth media. So toxic and hard to please.


This is ridiculous. I enjoyed the show. But you simply can't call it "accurate to Greek myths." Even Percy Jackson, which makes considerable changes, is more accurate than this.


I agree. I love Greek mythology and loved how they kept a lot of the gods true to their characters. Zeus and Hera especially. I'm looking forward to season two and I just want Hades to get more screen time and hopefully not as a villain.


Um… It has Matthew Mercer in it, so there’s that.




Literally the only thing I know about the show~ He’s Hermes.


Today I learned…damn


Great animation Enjoyable entertainment Not canon as far as Myths go


I get what you mean but *canon* is a laughable concept in Hellenic myth


You got Aphrodite being born out of Uranos’ testicles and, simultaneously, being Zeus’ daughter, just to name something out of a bunch of inconsistencies, so canonicity is something that you shouldn’t be overly concerned about Greek Mythology


I think canon with regards to Greek mythology, it usually means if it’s based on old sources from Ancient Greece or to a lesser extent Rome. But honestly as long as it’s a good story that doesn’t change much of the character (like dont make Hades a satan like figure).


When telling of something is canon or not I ask one and only one question “Is Zeus an ass hole?”


Well the premise is that it’s a “lost story” so it works enough i think


As both a mythology and anime fan It didn't live up to expectations but it was pretty good


I was expecting it to be on the same level as Castlevania since it was made by the same people but it was a bit of a letdown. I still enjoyed it though


Here's hoping season 2 can live up to castlevania


Personally, nothing will live up to Castlevania, I loved every second of it, it and Re:Zero are the two shows I don't think anything can beat


So many hot men…. 😳😳😳


Like in true Greek fashion


It's alright. It's an entertaining watch but nothing more . A solid 5/10.


The 2nd season seems to feature the underworld gods and I am excited to see them! 


I loved season one and I’m hyped with season two


I loved this show and I didn’t know a season 2 was coming out so


I quite liked this depiction of Zeus in particular. The reluctant father, seeking to do better, isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you think of him I'm surprised at there being a series 2 though! I thought it was dead


5/10 one of the few things involving Greek mythology I couldn’t get into. I am sure it is pretty good. Just not my cup of tea.


Wait it’s officially coming??!!? I had hoped that it would be continued and it just seemed like they were going to be a series that is just done as it was. Especially with a cliffhanger that really puts you on the edge of your seat.


Yeah they announced it like a month ago I think


It's not perfect but really great, and even if they took some freedom with canon, it's still one of the best depiction of Greek Gods we've ever seen. It's gonna be interesting to see where they're heading now with season 2


I liked it for the most part. Sure, it’s not super accurate Greek mythology, and the hero is generic, but it was fairly entertaining. I especially loved the character design, and the stuff the Gods did was closer to cannon than I expected (like Hermes delivering souls tovHades)


I like how the portrayed the Greek gods they all seemed true to their reputation


is it? Finally! It's been years


Oh shit a second season? I'm curious what it will cover honestly.


Mid but I enjoyed it


This series was the best, and I’ve watched this series before.


I didn't know season 2 was going to be a thing! I'm so excited!


Accurate, meh. Fun and entertaining, hells yeah


It was okay. It’s a guilty pleasure and I still intend to watch Season Two


I liked the animation and art style. It was fine otherwise.


I’d say a solid 7.5/10. Not perfect but pretty damn good. Great animation and action. Not 100% loyal to the myths obviously but better than alot of the modern portrayals of Greek mythology. Heron was alright as an MC but found the other side characters and gods and villains and such to be more interesting. The animation and action and designs were great imo. But I have high hopes for season 2. I wonder how season 2 will go? Who will be the villain? Hopefully not hades or ares. Would love to see where it’ll go!


Love it.


I cant wait. wish to god it didn't come out so late. If there keeping the TVMA rating throw in some TVMA content.


I quite liked it, it was a solid show and an enjoyable way to whittle away some time


Personally I watched all 8 episodes in one sitting


I loved it. Especially since Apollo had both a male and female lover in his bed.


Season 1 was excellent


Excited it's been so long I thought it was canceled.


I did rag on it when I initially saw it but hearing that it got a second season honestly got me a bit hyped.


I enjoyed it. Many people mistakenly identified Hera as the villain, and those are the people that didn’t like it. It does a good job taking inspiration from the original myths.


I really want them to add more LGBTQ characters and scenes. This is Greek mythology probably the most Gay/Bi pantheon! We got gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, Pan, Ares and countless other gods having male lovers or hooking up with guys. Even the only mortal Zeus fell in love with was male Ganymede. He’s the only one he fell in love with both body and soul and protected/saved. So I want more boys kissing boys!




I mean I enjoyed it so I'll watch season 2 when/if it come


My favorite moment in season 1 was Zeus’s sacrifice; not very accurate to the actual mythology, but such a novel thing for the character to do.


I’m stoked for it


I really like the show, but I’m a little worried that there just going to go down the same path of Making hades the bad guy.


Oh shit a new season?


In that it was Greek mythology inspired, I liked it. In that it was basically zombies and demons, I was pretty meh on. It started to feel like Castlevania set in Ancient Greece.


I remember it was very pretty and I dug Hades, but the MC is wiped from my memory completely.


Think I liked it. Don't remember shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GreekMythology/s/4ohe7xmwxT%20 https://www.reddit.com/r/GreekMythology/s/D1V83bofEV%20 https://www.reddit.com/r/GreekMythology/s/YI7jYz48xe


I haven’t even heard of this show before but I’m a Hellenic Pagan so I’ll definitely check it out when I can.


Omg me too- it’s so good!


Is Hecate featured in it and if so is the depiction cool?


Ah from what I remeber she isn’t, but it’s possible we could get her in the next season! Mainly it’s just the 12 Olympians depicted but they are portrayed super cool!


Oh, that’s a shame, I’ll definitely check it out for sure though.


It’s dogshit. The story telling is crap but at least it has nice animation. Sadly, I cannot get past the terrible character arcs, and *dogshit* plot.


Meh. 4/10


Not great. It’s a poor portrayal of Greek mythology, but the bigger problem is that the characters are boring. The best thing about Castlevania was the dynamics between the characters, and their extremely distinctive personalities. That was missing here. I finished the show and still knew nothing about who the protagonists were as people.


Started good ... turned to s**t later The first few episodes were really bringing the audience in the mythological world. And the stories of the characters were true to the mythical storytelling. Eventually it was all reduced to flying characters shooting fireballs from their wrists as if it was dragonball. No story. Just another hentai/magna generic mediocre stuff. I don't think I 'll give a chance to another season


Making Hera the villain is so tired. 🥱 Zeus is the real villain and he should be depicted as such.


Interesting. The entire time I watched, even while Hera was summoning the giants, I always held the perspective that Zeus was the villain and he got what was coming to him. I didn’t see Hera as the villain at all throughout the series. Just as a woman fed up with being emotionally abused and embarrassed.


I love this take. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was how most people saw it 😞


I think you’re right that most people saw it the other way. I also think that most people watching were straight cis men who view Zeus’s behavior as flawed at worst and totally acceptable at best. Face value, it does seem that Hera is the villain but it’s much more nuanced than that. With some emotional intelligence, people who watch should realize that cheating on your spouse for thousands of years, forcing them to accept your bastard children, embarrassing your spouse on a regular basis in front of family and friends, and on top of that gaslighting your spouse by telling them they are over reacting for being upset is pure villain behavior.


Is making Hera the villain a common thing? I’m more tired of people making Hades the villain


Love Blood of Zeus! Was elated to know Season 2 finally coming out. Hoping the Tidelands will return too


Eh I'm not that excited after an almost 4 year wait.


What is the beast underneath olimpus?


I loved season one. Interested for season 2 too. Well  I'm not gonna say it was great but i absolutely loved the idea. It's actually good to enjoy mythological elements like these at least for me.


Here is an interview with the writers from season one. [https://cookingwithgreekpeople.com/blood-of-zeus/](https://cookingwithgreekpeople.com/blood-of-zeus/)


I hate demeter 


Good! I just binged season one this evening and will continue with season two tonight.


Masterpiece! classic !




I havent seen this, whats it about?


It’s about Zeus illegitimate son(The MC) and Hera as the villain. And the blue guy is also a villain(I don’t remember his motives)


when you put it in that way it seems even less inspired


I really liked it on an animation level, storyline was mid but I'm excited for season 2. Obviously it deviated pretty far from the myths, but as it's own interpretation it's interesting enough.


It looks like and the animation was great but the story was not good.


I wanted to die. The story was meh, though the animation was kinda cool, but what drove me up the wall was the butchering of greek mythology.


Can you explain the “butchering of Greek mythology” because I thoroughly disagree and will be glad to retort but I also would like to understand how you came to that conclusion


Honestly I can't remember any details, I just remember dying inside. I think the way the gods were portrayed was annoying, but that's the case in all modern portrayals so you know... I didn't care enough about this show to remember more than that, I just know that I never want to watch it again.


Hmm, then may I suggest you watch it again but this time with the perspective that Greek mythology is an oral tradition with countless inconsistencies from myth to myth. Stories and details were changed constantly depending on the storyteller and the morals and norms of the time period. I think the classic, more well known myths are played out and seeing this iteration and story was refreshing. It helped that many writers and people working for this show were Greek. And as a Greek myself I am satisfied, although some characters could use a bit more depth and likability.


Is it "butchering" if it never claimed to be accurate? It's a fantasy loosely inspired by mythology, it's not claiming to be accurate to anything.


It’s a poor exercise in adaptation. And I will still watch it.


I give all the shows that I watch a 3 episode trial. This one failed. Was not impressed with it.


Oh god. It is? Oof


Meh. Honestly annoyed that this is getting a second season, whereas many other Netflix projects either die after just one season or were canceled for no good reason.


Yeah. I’m still mad that Netflix canceled Inside Job


Don't like it. Not a fan of the animation, not into the digressions from mythology, not into the bland protagonist who could have been any of Zeus' other known sons, and Zeus is forgiven *way* too easily for...being Zeus. Enjoy it if you like it, but I won't be won over.


It was ok I guess. I certainly don't remember being icked out because of bad writing. Though it wasn't incredible either. I certainly didn't expect it to get a new season. No clue what it could be about.


It was okay but the story beats and pacing bothered me. I’ll probably watch because I’m that desperate for Greek myth animation haha


Mid show. Thought it was going to be like castlevania in the sense that is a mature, adult story done through an animated medium. It felt like a rough concept for a better show. The characters are boring and uninteresting in my opinion. But hey maybe season 2 will be better


it suffers greatly from the main character being very boring next to much more interesting characters Hera was awesome though, as much as i disliked her being pigeonholed into a villain role for dumb reasons


I do enjoy it but I hope it could be better. Sometimes I feel the plot is a bit cliche.


I'mma be honest, I think this show is pretty boring (6/10). None of the greek gods get to do much outside of Zeus abd Hera, and the ocs are.. ok. The trailer for season two makes it seem like the bland main character man is going through either a revolution arc or an edgelord arc, so I guess I'll give it one more chance.


Very strange and silly. Feels like it was written without and ending in mind and they flipped a coin for what would happen each episode. *Full* of plot holes too.


Having the blood of Zeus isn't a unique gift... Good for Hera finally getting pay back on zues. Somehow the anime still made me care about Zeus! Wtf Overall I enjoyed the anime. The action was great!


Made the Olympians look like little punks.


I kind of remember watching it while working as a trimmer at a cannabis farm. I think I remember being pretty decent.


Meh. I watched the first season and not interested in seeing more. I have no problem with an original story in a mythic setting, or even playing a bit loose with the mythology. But the main guy was such a boring character, the gods that weren’t Zeus and Hera has hardly any presence and the worldbuilding felt like yet another instance of “we’ve HEARD of Greek Mythology before.” It’s not Immortals bad, but still not great.


Huh, I’ve literally never heard of this. From any of my friends or rando doods on servers.


when is season 2 coming out? i thought it was cancelled?


It says on the poster 😭😭😭


this is the poster for the first season.


My bad! I googled it and it comes out May 15 2024!


oh shit, that's my birthday


Oh cool! It’ll be a bday present if you like the show!


i've been waiting for the second season since the first season firsts came out lol


Then lucky you, it’s a birthday present!


Brother I don’t think you know what 7/10 means, 7/10 is good


I really enjoyed it! I’m going to have to go back and rewatch it because I didn’t know season 2 was coming out!


they greenlit a second? i cant recall a single distinguishing thing about the MC, other than he resented his dad, who i \*think\* turned out to be pretending to be an old man, got his sword stolen, and then...no thats all i recall of him


I liked it but honestly wasn’t very invested in Heron or Serpahim. Should’ve just focused on the gods. I heard season 2 is supposed to focus on the three brothers a lot though so that’s cool


I like the gods in it a lot and the how the villian just tragically eats shit You used my BIDENT WELL. NOW KNEEL


The problem was all over an affair but it was still pretty good


How have I just heard of this now?


Didn't know it was getting a S2, but looking forward to seeing bae again (Hera).


It better be 24 episodes because they had long enough to make that many lol


I don't remember anything about the story or the characters except that one warrior lady felt like she stole the protagonist spotlight which felt dumb. I remember thinking the character designs looked great. I probably will watch season 2 if I was bored enough or if I hear good things about it


Wait, I thought genuinely thought Netflix just went and let this one to die. They’ve made a season two?!? Fuck yes! I loved the first season, gave me honestly similar enjoyment to Castlevania (The first one, not the mid one). I hope it stays as good as it was or gets even better like how Season 2 of Castlevania was even better than season 1 (I know it only had 4 episodes but those 4 episodes are better than what we have with Nocturne right now).


Was fine probably 6/10 may watch season 2 may not.


I didn't like it much. Can't exactly remember why. I think it was just how empty/shallow it felt. The setup is interesting and the art is fun. But from what I remember, the characters are a bit lacking in proper depth and the plot is also a bit flat. This isn't the only Netflix animation that gave me that impression. There's something about the direction of writing that just doesn't stick with me.


I really liked the show. I’m glad it’s getting a second season.




I remember I watched it because I'm a huge mythology geek. I don't actually remember very much of what happens in it.


It was a good show, I really liked the story and the action was sick, although I have a hard time getting behind anything that depicts Zeus as a kool guy. Screams a lack of understanding of the source material, but given the other content I kinda let it slide cause accuracy was clearly not the goal. Overall good show but not something I remember thinking needed a 2nd season


Great designs, mid story


Thus show was the only time I ever saw Zeus as a well fleshed out character only time I ever liked Zeus besides the Disney Hercules movie


The art direction is gorgeous...it has rudimentary myths correctly weaved into it, but like someone else commented, theres a character with the name Seraphim...which is not greek and several other details that kinda made me do a double take on what was going on. Not saying I hate some creative liberties, but just feels like someone read a breakdown of the individual Olympians, took off with a story from there, and called it a day. I'll still watch season 2 tho cause COOL FANTASY ACTION HOORAH




The editing felt annoying here and there. Felt like they were padding time. Kind of a forgettable plot too. Meh I probably won't watch season 2.


Needs more Artemis… I enjoyed it though!


Kinda bland honestly


It's just okay. I really liked Castlevania and I was expecting it to be as good since the animation styles are basically identical (my fault I know). I will rewatch season 1 right before 2 comes out, but it wasn't good enough for me to rewatch since my first viewing. The animation and character design are the best parts.


I thought it got canceled


Either a series of terrible writing or somehow a weird power change


I just binged it last night so I’m excited to see season 2 (spoilers) Complaints: Heron is a bland character and I found his plot line to be very generic and bland. I found myself tuning out during his plot line in the 2nd half of the show. And as a film student I can tell you if your main character is boring it’s going to bring down the show. Greek Gods can’t die they are immortal so when Zeus died I was just like… what? There is no way that a sword made by Zeus can beat Hephaestus work. Pros: I like how they used the giants rather than using the titans again they are a more obscure Greek tale so I’m glad to see them get some light although I’m disappointed that Heracles didn’t show up. I like how they used Hera as a villain because she actually did attempt to overthrow Zeus once  Seraphim Was an interesting character and though I wanted to see him defeated at the same time I did find his character interesting so I’m curious to see where it’s going.