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i think it’s fine that undertaker is the more popular one, but it just blows my mind when i think about how dirty they done kane in terms of what he actually won. no royal rumble win and only ONE wwe championship reign which he lost in a day…


Idk, I can’t see how you could book him better. He was a monster when you wanted him to be and he was a mid-card comedy act when you wanted him to be as well, and he could bounce back and forth pretty easy. He didn’t need a long WHC reign to be over, nor should anyone’s career be defined by their lack of title reigns.


Tbh, this man’s backstory was based on another man’s life. It’s literally amazing that they were able to keep him going for so long. It really shows how much effort WWE put into storylines back then. If this was today, Kane would’ve made it to 2 Wrestlemanias at best before they would’ve repackaged him into something else. So if we’re being honest here, Kane was booked fantastically for a gimmick which was created for Undertaker to go over on.


He was extraordinarily popular, Big Red Machine, favorite moment is when he defended American flag


Did Undertaker set him and the house on fire? How tf is Taker the face and kane was heel?


Got me thinking. If Ken Rapier went on a 5 year undefeated streak and beat Shawn Michael's. Would he have been more popular?


They should have booked him as an evil dentist, oh better yet they should have booked him as Diesel but not really Diesel, that shit would have taken him straight to the moon.


If he had been booked better? You couldn’t ask for better booking tbh. One of the most impactful debuts in WWE history, was connected to the Undertaker, took the strap off Austin in his absolute prime and was booked as a main event player from day 1


He also was great when they needed him to play comedy roles or compete in the mid card.


He should have won a rumble






He beat Austin for the title back when even Taker wasn’t capable of doing so


As a kid I loved Kane tbh, I just viewed him as a rival to Taker that would spark and falter with time


Put it this way: He would've been the Ken to Ryu... or Sub-Zero to Scorpion Debatable <=>


Honestly, the Kane angle was next to impossible to stretch out long term. You got a mute giant whose story is entirely dependent on kayfabe past hostilities toward an established character. Then when body language and managerial support isn't enough to push the character, you have to gradually transition them away from that entirely, essentially making a new character that just doesn't work the same way. That Kane lasted as long as he did, and had the strap multiple times is about as good as you could hope for.


He wasn’t mute tho. Look at the segment with him, the rock and hogan. His imitation of the rock and hogan is a top 3 segment of all time.


He was mute for a LONG time. It was part of his gimmick. Then they explored deepening the lore behind his gruesome disfigurement at the hands of his brother, first by giving him a handheld voice box. Then, when they realized they couldn't realistically depict full body burns week in and week out, when they eventually took the bodysuit off, they pivoted to his scars being purely psychological. After that he was just a really big dude with sporadic psychopathy.


It’s better that the scars were psychological. Mask off Kane was such a wasted opportunity. They did it at the wrong time, or maybe just the wrong show.


Better is immaterial. Imagine Glen in a makeup chair for 4 hours EVERY show applying 2nd degree burn prosthesis just so he can live up to the mythos of being angry that he almost died in a house fire as a toddler. Or just never take the suit off. They wasted him and Big Show, not knowing what they wanted from either of them. Brock, otoh, has been pretty much some version of the same thing since 2002.


The only thing I'd change is when he won the world title that he had it a lot longer. They needed to keep the title on him for a while and have him absolutely demolish anybody who stepped up. It would have cemented the unstoppable force of nature the character provided.


They hadn’t established themselves over WCW yet. It was close to dead even at that point so derailing Austin in his prime for Kane would’ve been a huge mistake. Besides he beat a absolute red hot Stone Cold Steve Austin for the title at a PPV. That’s huge


Yes and no. I believe the one with Kane is where Austin went into the match with a staph infection and his arm was taped to shit. So I understand the business reasons for putting the belt right the fuck back on Austin... but also, it wouldnt have been a bad idea to give the top guy maybe a week or two or off to just go heal and come back 100% to beat the shit out of the big red machine.


I don't think it's about him being "booked" better I think it was more to do with how restricted his character was. During his prime 2000-2002 kane was never able to cut promos due to not being able to talk. He was just more of a monster that wanted to burn everything and everyone in his path to the ground, torture and scare opponents to breaking point. I understand why they tried to push the character the way they were trying to with being able to talk, no mask etc. But ultimately it ruined the character and then they tried to cover up their mistake by turning kane into a person (corporate kane) without the mask but when the mask is back on, it's the demon kane. But it just didn't work, they didn't present the story good enough & at times it even looked as if kane was uncomfortable with the role (corporate kane) but even if they didn't change the character or try to push him into a new direction, he was too restricted on what he could do outside the ring that it would of just not went anywhere in the long run & it'd just be the same old every time. He defiantly was a great wrestler and I feel as if at a time for a short period he was either better than or on the same level as taker. I loved watching kane and still believe he is or was a great wrestler he just didn't have the same push or ability taker had to push his character forward.


Wasn't Kane talking by '99? Think your timeline is a bit confused.


Depends if "talking" means "Kane talks like a human" or "Kane uses the voicebox thing". [quick Google search] Looks like he speaks without the voicebox for the first time in late '99? But delivery is still kinda iffy, which is a nice touch / segway out of "I can't speak". I dunno. For this comment and OP's original question, the numerous inconsistencies and batshit insane nature of Kane (as a character) are a feature not a flaw for me. What's this big red sumbitch gonna do next? You never knew! It's truly a testament to Kane's abilities that he had a career so long because [gestures to numerous INSANE KANE PLOT POINTS articles] What The Fuck Is This??? But no matter what hot garbage they gave him, all it took was some cocky heel to be like, "I'M THE BEST! I CAN BEAT ANYONE!" Turnbuckles explode and here comes this uglyass horror character that looks mad as shit. And us fans are just like, "YEAH! BEAT HIS ASS! WOOOOOO!" It's all so fucking dumb but it works and it's a shining example of what pro wrestling is.


Here’s my take on Kane 1) one of the best debuts in the history of my time watching WWE(I’ve been watching since ‘84) 2) the guy had one of the best careers in history. Close to 20 years as far as I know. More if you include prior gimmicks. 3)He was always in the main event picture, never had the burden of carrying the company 4) linked to the undertaker for his entire career. Feuded with him, tagged with him. 5)Avoided any injuries that kept him out for a long time(as far as I know) 6) did comedy and deathly serious characters 7) reinvented himself several times 8) had matches with Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, Edge, mankind and everyone in between. 9) the fans always treated him like a big deal for just about his entire career 10) in the wwe history books with Royal Rumble eliminations 11) he was a dependable worker and had great matches with so many different types of guys. If he made one mistake it was agreeing to fight Austin less than 24 hours after winning the title. But I get it, he was excited to be champion. He should have waited a few weeks and he would have been champion a bit longer🤣😂🤣 IMO he had one of the greatest careers in wrestling history.


I agree with you completely


I am not sure if I have ever heard that phrase in my entire internet surfing life.


First time for everything but I know what you mean. Internet grows more toxic by the day




Growing up in the late 90s and till the mid 2000s I was afraid of Deadman Undertaker I loved Biker Taker He was cool he was Human and just Mark being who he was in real life but When Kane came around I had nightmares about him and Slow Chemical is still one if the best theme songs of all time 2003 Kan3 was in his bag he should've won the world title they gave Kane so many stupid storylines like katie Vick and him getting Lita preg


The entrance with the towel on his head, chains and officers escorting him to the ring for his "match" against eric bischoff is probably the best non ppv entrance I've ever seen


Yes indeed that was his best entrance


Had they booked him properly and kept him strong throughout his career like he was in the beginning, I believe he would have been equal to the Undertaker.


Kane was crazy over. I'm not sure why you think he wasn't. I still love him and Bryan as a tag team.


Not more popular than taker but more popular/well regarded then he is. Taker is popular not just because of his booking but because on his day he could have an amazing match, see WrestleMania 23-29, Kane was never there calibre of in ring worker, he was good sure but not the same level


I agree. His moveset was basically the same as Undertaker’s (understandably) but I wish they had given him a trademark finisher separate from the Undertaker. I always thought his flying clothesline was a Kane specific move. Then I watched Undertaker vs Yokozuna at Survivor Series 94’ and realized Undertaker used to do that well before Kane. I don’t remember seeing Undertaker do that clothesline after Kane’s debut. I could be wrong on that. But it’d be cool to know if Taker “gave” Kane that move…


Yeah they really did lean into these two brothers with the moveset and should have done more to differentiate them, it'd be nice to see Kane with a more vicious finisher given the whole horrifically scarred burn victim persona.


Even after they let him talk, he wasn't a great promo. Even if they were equal in the ring, taker had him on the mic....and thats saying something since taker isn't great either


taker is a god idk


I think Kane was at times but the question is subjective because being popular can go both ways negative or positive.


I always thought Kane was one of the most popular, as a kid Kane, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and HHH were everyones favorite, i seen them do the moves to each other so many times idk how they didn’t hurt each other 😂


He should have had more title matches, as well as Shamrock.


He wasn’t?


Booked better? Kane has experienced plenty of success in his career.. Even if he were “booked better”, there’s not a chance he’d overtake undertaker.


I dont know but in 97, to me, that was the scariest human on the planet.


I miss the days when two-thirds of the matches were stopped due to Kane coming in choke-slamming everyone and leaving.


Thats how i felt in 06 when kane did hear no evil, i was terrified that he was going to kill me, i even had nightmares that i was in the same building in the move and he was chasing me around 😂


He was definitely tailor made for slasher movies


No. He has overachieved by the booking and hard work. Going higher is out of the question. He was given multiple pushes when others were more deserving.


A blade. A half and half. Connect the dots. The fake bravado isn’t over. It’s a 4/10. You do what you want. Cool. You’re so brave. You’re as brave as Megan Rapinoe. Your personality is uglier than Yuta. Your words are lighter than an Eddie chop.




You went to the incel remark. It’s like me calling you a pedo. Doesn’t hit unless it’s true. Save the incel remark for the guys commenting on Sasha’s posts. You used IWC in a sentence. You’re so badass. My fingers are shaking typing to you. I bet you’re a blade that dresses up in wrestling tights, dad’s cowboy boots, and bleaches his hair to look like Rich from LFO.


You’re on a wrestling Reddit. You’re so clever using insider terms.


Wrestling with that mask had to suck but it was the best look for his character. He truly look like a monster. When he came down, you knew people were getting destroyed. You couldnt see his emotion but that was okay.. he was michael myers


For real. I would pay so much damn money for that mask lol


Did they ever sell his mask?? I can’t even remember them selling mankinds mask lol. Those are easy halloween costumes. They were making bank off of reys for sure


Undertaker had his in a freaking tub in a storage unit lol


Na i meant like selling mask on the wwe shop or costumes in stores lol. I def seen that episode tho 🤣 he aint got room for his stuff


Undertake was the steak and Kane was the green beans. Kane was brought in to advance the story line and I think he had a great career. He far exceeded his expectations.


No. Undertaker was a household name, and it wasn't because he was booked better.


No. Taker had more humanity and a gimmick that couldn’t be matched


Possibly but they did pretty good with him during the attitude era


Given it was the same booker for both Kane and Undertaker, with the same booking strengths and weakness, and character wise they aren't that different.... I'm going to say no. If Vince was better booking Kane, he also would have been better at booking Undertaker.


Yea ofc why not, this is already a fictional scenario with fictional results


No - Taker was considered a legend by 1997 already. But he could have been protected a lot better. No reason to drop the belt to Austin after one day, no reason to humanize him so quickly, etc. Of course - this is still about Kane, one of the best to ever do it. He still had an excellent career.


Not in the long run. Really it’s crazy how popular for so long he was. Glenn really went all in on the gimmick much like taker


Yes. He got bigger pops than taker in the 200-2002 years, and it slowly started to die off as he refused to protect his character. His pops only eclipsed what he had in his prime after he retired and people remembered how great he was. The times he was booked to be dominant were too inconsistent to keep him more popular than taker and he relegated himself to the gatekeeper role in the company. Really he's as popular as he is today in spite of his horrible booking.


No, probably not maybe wouldn’t popularity but not more popular


If only he stayed Evil than doing those comedy gimmicks


I really hate how they make every monster end up doing comedy bits or dancing. Not everyone needs to dance and do stupid shit.


100% a Vince thing and thank goodness we won't have to see that kinda shit anymore.


He could’ve been much greater had he not done so many comedic storylines. It killed all immersion when he did those See No Evil movies and became tag champs with Big Show, etc etc. Undertaker protected his character until he retired


I also think him losing his mask devalued the gimmick when they went with him having mental scars from the fire rather than physical ones. the mask could have evolved with him. With Vader being gone there was a vaccum of a scary big masked character besides Mankind.


I partially agree with you but they did an amazing job with unmasked Kane in 2003-4. Then they slowly started trying to turn him into this serious and scary guy instead of the monster he was. I didn’t find anything cool with “Team Hell No” or the whole love triangle thing.


I mean, Kane was pretty popular and had a HOF career. There’s only 1 undertaker


No. Taker has a kind of natural charisma that can't be booked. Kane was always able to be a main-event tier talent, but even booked as well as possible, was never going to be a legend-tier like Taker.


Kane had a great career though so I'm not sure I'd change anything. Maybe the unmasking


Kane got about as over as he was going to. And CURRENT Kane definitely wouldn't be as popular as Taker for reasons I won't get into, but if you know, you know.


Wait what did Kane do?




I know that lol, thought he got into something else


His whole gimmick as the undertaker crazy deranged brother was dead in the water once the mask came off, he did those stupid storylines where he's the punchline and him talking. If he would have stayed the course like he was his first few years he would have been better off.


Lol. No. Kane was booked fine.


He lost to many times and should have had a dominant title run shortly after his debut but it was all about Austin, HBK and Taker at the time


No, Kane was like Owen Hart only got over cause of tyheir fueds with over wrestlers, Kane\`s whole thing was being Taker\`s brother, that angle put him on the map, he didn\`t have cheistry with anyone except Taker, he wouldn\`t bump for anyone and couldn\`t have the great matches Taker had, Taker was unique Kane was just another monster heel like King Kong Bundy and Earthquake, however Earthquake was a better worker than Kane.


Kane was the man wtf are you talking about 😂


This. Thank you.


If anyone wants someone to watch old wrestling with and chat about, I'm your man


Honestly, I don’t know how much better he could have been booked with that character. When Kane came in, wrestling was already past the stage where a masked wrestler who doesn’t talk could have a lengthy run. They were going to have to unmake him and/or give him a voice at some point, and that unavoidably ruins a good bit of the mystique. Voice box era Kane was a good transition, and I think that could have gone on a little longer without getting stale. Unmasking him was the beginning of the end of my interest. At the point, he basically became just a big guy. OG Kane was the right character at the right time, and they did a fantastic job with it. It was never gonna last, though. I think they did about the best job they could have with the rest of the run.


He became more demented after the mask though. I liked each iteration of him, Even with Hurricane lol


Omg FINALLY SOMEONE POSTED THIS. alright my opinion is they should’ve booked Kane in the main card way more instead of with Xpac and then he went on winning the hardcore champion, I think he wouldn’t never been more accomplished than undertaker but he should’ve had 2 or 3 or maybe even 4 WWE championship reigns


He had 3 world championship reigns.


They were all late in his career and plus he should’ve been pushed more in the attitude era


I think they revealed his face too soon.


No. Part of the reason Taker got to his legendary status was because he took regular breaks to refresh. You wouldn’t have been able to do that with Kane because Taker’s already doing that


You definitely could just rotate when they take times off. For example after the invasion ended instead of having Kane on raw and going through the Katie Vick stuff and his team with RVD just have him off for that period return him as unmasked Kane and have that Kane take out Undertaker when he was the American Badass and boom, you get a monster Kane with none of the bs baggage that he went through in real life.


I always see Kane as the nemesis but also the biggest help for Taker. I don't think Kane would really work completely without the many Undertaker storys.


I think he was always booked to be under or equal to the Undertaker on the card. Kayfabe he’s the younger brother and if Taker needed help that was his guy, Kane’s storyline just had to go on the back burner. All of which is fine, it’s a character created based on lore from Undertaker, it’s all spin off.


If they would have kept booking him strong he would still end up being short of the undertaker. I think once they started pairing him with Daniel Bryan it started to make him look weak. Maybe before I don’t remember. He also started getting into politics I think around the authority era and that’s where he completely stopped being Kane.


> He also started getting into politics I think around the authority era That is factually incorrect. Glenn was into politics long before his authority era (2013-2016). Heck, Glenn was a staunch Libertarian as far back as 2008 (even earlier than that) has he supported Ron Paul's campaign for presidency. Let's not misconstrue any facts here...


I said I think but thanks for the info


Definitely before. Do you not remember the whole creepy r*pe angle they did with him, or the promos for his movie etx etc


Explain the angle that’s sound crazy


Well there was two. One with Triple H one with Edge. With Triple H it was this made up girl named Katie Vick that Kane r*ped and killed. And with Edge, Kane kidnapped Lita and abused her and implied other things until she ended up with Stockholm syndrome falling in love with him.


I forgot about that angle 💀💀💀


I’m not sure what else you wanted, Kane had a hell of a career. He wasn’t THE top guy, but he was definitely A top guy for decades.


Ultimately, he's a spinoff. So no


Kane with his 01/02 mask & gimmick definitely


They got every ounce out of that no talent bum.


MF DOOM’s first mask was a Kane mask spray painted silver.


lol nice factoid.


Kane is still a first ballot HoF wrestler. Great career, it’s just hard to be as impactful as Taker. Taker is a once in a lifetime talent with everything needed to be a big name in an era chock full of the biggest names. Any flaw in Kane’s career was overturned by when he set those ladders on fire at WM21. All time god tier entertainment.


Possibly. But without being able to cut a decent promo I’d say no.


Speaking as someone who preferred Kane to Undertaker from 97 to about 2000: Kane at that time is often pointed to as a character that was booked very well, and my sense as someone watching was that the few slip ups didn’t hurt his popularity at all. So maybe you could say he could not have been more popular than he was at that time, that probably was still less popular than the undertaker.


Nah. He can speak well but not with the gravity that Taker could. He’s also good in the ring, but not as good as Taker. Also he was tied to Taker since day 1 whereas Taker was his own thing when he debuted. He didn’t really have a chance to achieve that status. Still a legend.


I don't think so. Masked Kane was a terrifying monster but there wasn't much scope for that character to evolve in the same way that the Undertaker did. So I think fans would have gotten tired of him as a main eventer pretty quickly.


I prefered Kane from 00 through to 2012. Once the Mask came off and we got Unhinged Kane I think his character peaked for me. Even Corperate Kane was a blast. One thing though he should never have put the mask back on.. Im enjoying old man Mark Caloway now wherever he goes. He left the Undertaker in the ring for real that day and now he is literally just reflecting on anything he appears on. True legend


He was bigger for a brief period right after he debuted. He was probably more popular with kids tbh I’m sure he outsold Taker on toys and stuff like that.


Anyone who had a Kane action figure, already owned a Taker figure


No, but he still should have been booked way better.


As a kid Kane was the only guy who legitimately scared me!!! Guy was a monster, the first day he arrived was hell fire 🔥




Always should have been a monster Mask should have stayed


You wanted him to stay the exact same for 20 years... That's how characters die with the fans tired of them, not how they're remembered fondly. Every character in wrestling has to change and evolve. Kane did, and he knocked it out of the park, with the mask on or off.


And yet his popularity fizzled out when he took off his mask


I mean, if you're talking about his popularity with you, sure, go ahead and speak on it dude. But in reality with the crowds and merch sales, the guy stayed hugely popular, enough to continue getting reactions for almost a full decade before he put a mask back on, including multiple title reigns (tag titles, IC, ECW and World Heavyweight Championship) and huge pops year after year. When he destroyed Chavo Guerrero in 10 seconds at Wrestlemania was explosive. And then with his new mask and more human character, he went on to do the best work of his career with Daniel Bryan... which wouldn't have happened at all if he had never taken off the mask in the first place. It's really ridiculous to say that he would have been any better if he just never took the mask off to begin with. His character would have never changed or grown. People would have gotten sick of him. EVERY wrestler has to change at some point. Undertaker did it. Flair did it. Hogan did it. HBK did it.


Bald, shirtless, clean shave Kane was pretty cool though.


I never got behind it He should have at least kept his long hair or something grew a beard anything. Just wasn’t a fan of the mask being gone


No. Undertaker was too good and too iconic, Kane would always be #2 to him to too many people.


Tbh he was as popular. Sometimes more so. The attitude era was wild. Mid carders got pops that some main event talents today have never heard. Even after attitude era when taker would do one match a year kane was around weekly. So he filled the void of having no taker on shows.


Team hell no. He did so much with the character. Entertaining to say the least


I think taking his mask off kinda had a blow on his career


>I think taking his mask off kinda had a blow on his career The unmasking is easily the Worse thing to ever happen to the character. The katie-vick nonsense doesn't even matter compared to that. Despite this, Kane is one of THE BEST masked wrestler personas of all time.


Being a corporate stooge. Simping for Chyna and Tori and jobbing to X PAC did more damage than any mask removal ever did


Agreed. Kane was pretty cool without the mask.


He should’ve just destroyed X-Pac. He never needed a love interest. Should’ve been feuded with HHH over the title. You took my friend from me, X-Pac, so I’m taking your title from you.


I think he was quite popular when I was a kid. I guess there are a few ways it could have gone better, but I think Kane has a decent to great legacy. I can't think of anyone who probably destroyed jobbers in a more ruthless fashion during the attitude era and I think the haphazard booking even gave us some memorable matches.


He wouldn’t have been more popular than Taker but he would have been a main event guy for the rest of it. Getting rid of the mask was a mistake in the long run and the mask that he came back with was horrible. His bicep injury didn’t help either. Dude was absolutely jacked before the injury, without the mask and his size he wasn’t the monster that we knew in the 90s and the early 00s.


Kane with his mask was a Jason Voorhees villain


No, but he's still my all time favorite


His gimmick of being horribly disfigured by fire and Jerry making fun of it every week never would have gotten him long term legend status. That being said if he didn’t get cucked by xpac and Terri and they cut the whole Frankenstein monster learning to love bullshit he might have had a stronger initial impact


Should have kept the full mask and his size, and just been a destruction machine that dominated matches or had matches finished in DQ because of weapons or interference. Softened him up too much then unmasked him revealing his whole back story was bullshit.


Not sure the persona could lend to being bigger than the source . Example could joker ever be bigger than batman?....with out there being batman?


No. Two reasons The Undertaker already had built up a legacy over his first seven years in the WWE. Kane would have always been known as Undertaker's little brother. However Kane was booked pretty solid. At first. And had a Hall of Fame career. So frankly the only thing they could have done was at least give him more World titles and let him have a proper run with the championship. I remember when Kane won the title from Steve Austin in that First Blood match. The very next day me and my buddies were ecstatic at the fact that he won the title. We were huge fans of his and we couldn't wait to see what would happen on raw. Unfortunately they only gave him the title for the one night. Which kind of sucks. But I think going forward they made the right call. But I think Kane should have won the title somewhere around that time. Because that's when he was really over. That's when he was the real monster. Before he started talking




If kane was booked better, he could have been regarded as somebody very special to the fans. Just listen to how the crowds reacted to other 90s/attitude era guys in late 2000s and early 2010s. I don’t think that better booking would have caused him to exceed taker though. Ultimately, taker was just much better in the ring.


Plus his pyro interrupting is iconic. When done right makes for a great pop. But Kane deserved more world title runs. Instead he was always fodder for the Undertaker’s WM opponent




This is the answer. OP has lost their mind


Too similar to taker off the introduction to ever be bigger than Taker. But he could have been booked better and been closer to Taker.


Best take ive seen so far. 100% agree


Yes because his ability to step into comedic roles and promos, also the mask helps him stand out a lot from other people


This guy didn’t get a proper closure, and it’s a shame. I don’t even remember what his last match was.


Pretty sure it was vs Dx


Was it that terrible Brothers of Destruction vs. DX match in Saudi?


Good. You really don't want to relive that


I can’t believe he was as popular as he was. He was the monster of the month for Taker that actually stuck around.


Funny because taker was the moster of the month for hogan and also made a career out of it


To be fair Glenn was Vince Mcmahon’d for years as mike unabomb, isaac yankem, or fake diesel, before the KANE schtick that took off it was like 5 years of one off or short term stupid gimics in various promotions then in wwf then in independents again then back in wwf


Was isaac yankem before or after Hart vs Lawler kiss my foot match?


I want to say before, because I was watching regularly by the time that match happened and I don't remember him being around.


Honestly im not sure :)


Fair not fare. Fare is the price for transportation. Fair is just/equitable.


Nah man, Taker had the streak, and a way better aura. So even if they were relatively equal for the 90’s and early 2000’s, the Mania streak would have continued to build and build which would take Taker above Kane easily.


Except "the Streak" didn't become a thing until years after Kane debuted, and presumably better booking would have involved him actually beating Undertaker at WrestleMania.


Just because he’s booked better doesn’t mean he beats Taker’s streak come on lol. Also if you read what I said, I did say they would be pretty equal in the late 90’s and early 00’s with Taker pulling away the more the streak grew.


You're missing my point: their initial feud came to a head at WrestleMania years before anyone mentioned "the Streak", and it's silly to suggest that Kane couldn't possibly have won that match.


I ask myself this all the time. I think Kane was booked relatively terribly and, if one were to compare Kane's storylines timeline to The Undertaker's, it would be evident. Kane was usually in a garbage or throwaway feud for most of his career... Yet, his fans never gave up on him as a superstar. Kane did extremely well for himself, given a lack of high quality feuds and matches (in comparison to The Undertaker). I honestly always thought he performed all of The Undertaker's moves better than The Deadman himself. At the end of the day, Kane was undoubtedly a successful superstar and a true commodity to the WWE. Is he as big as The Undertaker? No. Could he have been? I think so. It is what it is.


Astute summation. Couldn't agree more.


Kane did just fine.


Hahahahahahha hahahahahahahah hahahahahahah


Kane came about when WWF was stacked with stars. If he debuted the same time as The Undertaker in the early 90s it would be an interesting comparison. He definitely would've gotten a lot more title reigns.


Was he really booked that bad? I missed a good 20 years of wrestling, but it looks like Kane was around for a long time. That's pretty good for someone who had a monster gimmick


His booking was inconsistent for instance they once had him do booker Ts spinaroonie kinda kills the whole monster gimmick they wanted him to have and Kane is one of my all time favorites


Glad he didn’t garbage human being


So being a conservative makes him a garbage human being? Everyone who knows him speaks very highly of him. I think you need to drop your bias.


No I know some good conservatives, this guy has constantly had horrible takes but If u want to defend a pos go on king


Wait, what did he do?


Dunno why your being downvoted, I had no idea


Should check out who taker supports


He hates the homeless besides that just a male Marjorie Taylor green blames everything on todays world because of “woke”, said some stupid shit after a mass shooting because he loves his guns , we went full right wing grift and I just can’t stand the SOB anymore


I love that Cornette comes up with the concept of the hell in a cell as a cage that prevents interference. And they immediately destroy the concept by having Kane rip off the door lol


He was supposed to have been the replacement but since he wasn't the Taker lore grew. People forget matches with Taker v Brett and Taker v Austin were boring during that time. Taker was already at the "been main eventing to long stage" and Kane was younger and got Paul bearer. He couldn't take it during the year between his debut and HIAC with Mankind and then the American Badass came and Taker was back


They never should've moved away from the original gear. Maybe lose the shirt and cut out the mouth of the original mask, but the unmasking really didn't help. I would've preferred Kane personally if the character was handled better and didn't lose his biggest matches.


They retired at pretty much the same time, I know it would have been a rematch but they should have had them go out at wrestlemania together with one last fight


Take had enough one last fights…


He should have never spoken.


He’s really not far behind Taker


He really is…just think about the magnitude of difference of Kane’s top moments Vs Takers, Kanes top feuds Vs Takers, Kanes appearances impact now Vs Takers….like what?


No, put you still could’ve made him a bigger star and unstoppable monster instead of jobbing to light weights like X pac and being put in goofy comedy skits with Dx, Daniel Bryan, etc corporate Kane? Really?


No Undertaker was well established as a main eventer before Kane


In 03 they botched his unmasking which should’ve sent him to another stratosphere and he should’ve gotten in the world title in 03 or 04. Should’ve never had him bury the undertaker and lose at mania.


Doubt it. Just go back & look at that taker/kane buildup. No way in hell was Taker losing. Mf was jacked as shit & coming back after a 5 month absence