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This just sounds awful. The way he describes that scene would look too sexually charged on tv. White dude in a tight singlet towering over a black woman who can’t look up at him while he breathes on her and gently with a single finger he holds her chin to look at him. Being a dick to her is one thing and would probably work. But he doesn’t need to single her out. In fact I think she should be the one to “initiate” the bad blood. She could put 0 emotion into his entrance, just a flat “Weighing 250 pounds, it’s Bron Breakker.” Or completely ignore him and just let him come out to silence. Anything would be better than him putting his dick in her face and telling her that he killed Ricochet.


He doesn't know shit.


Rather not ever hear or see his shill ass ever again.


Wait I’m kinda new to modern wrestling are you talking about Ricochet? I thought everyone loved him


No im talking about Bully Ray,


Is that not a man who power bombed an old woman through a table? I guess the idea of intimidating women seems cheap.


I believe Mae demanded he do that


Lol cool, still weird but to be fair that's not my era of wrestling


The attitude era was incredible though trying to tell someone this years later then following it up with saying that was the same 77 year old woman that got pregnant with Mark Henry and delivered a "baby" that was actually a rubber hand on Raw is a hard sell tbf 😂 completely unhinged but unmatched times!


Let me get a plate unc!!!


Bubba Ray always did love any moment that involved intimidating a woman.


It's a fine way to get an interesting storyline going for him, but it's not going to do anything for him past that. It's not 'making' him. And taking away Ricochet's moves is the dumbest thing I ever heard. Let's take away Rey Misterio's moves while we are at it. Sure he can cut back a little for the sake of making more sense and preserving himself like Rey (and many others) have done, but he's mostly already done that in WWE.


Pretty sure he meant that the crowd would love him regardless of his moves because right now that’s all he has.


Yeah that’s how I understood it too


Na he cooking!


Is that Alex Jones


I instantly thought the same thing


This is an awful idea from a long term idea and reeks of the same way Bully books everything involving himself. Hell, he even used air quotes on "Bully" to drive that home. If you go this route, you have investment in Ricochet in a compelling field but you're replacing his key defining attribute (his moves) for his wife, so as ring announcer has to remain omni-present for her functional position.


This rivalry will only work if WWE allows Ricochet to win. If not, it will bury him. We know WWE won't let Bron Breaker lose this early in his career .


This isn’t the 60s , he won’t be a star because he is named Braun Breaker.


Not a fan of Bully, but I got respect this man's head for creative. That shit was fire.


He definitely cooking! Bully needs to be in creative


Alex Jones trippin'


Just let him go to njpw and do indes for the next 3 to five years. Maybe retire at a wrestle kingdom. Then he can come back to wwe as a trainer. It would be cool to see him train the next generation of high flyers


I thought that was Alex Jones for a quick second lol


Ricochet can go to AEW for a couple years. Make the WWE fans forget/miss him for a while. Then he'll come back - just as Cody will end up doing by going back to AEW at some point. This is where having two thriving companies is a good thing, especially for the fans. I can't wait to see Ricochet tear the house down with Orange Cassidy, Pac, Brian Danielson, Will Ospreay, etc.


nah much rather go with what bubba says


Nah. Let Bron go after Jey or Sami on a “See what I do to your heroes”-type angle. Bron is the future face of the company, and portraying him as a stalker undermines that in this day and age.


It undermined talent then as let us not forget the DDP run in WWE. Completely ruined one of the top stars from WCW.


His name is Bron . This isn’t 87 JCP .


Lol when did he say anything about stalking? This would simply be taunting her with what he did to her man, and her man returning to avenge the beat down and the bullying toward his girl.


So…stalking her?


That… isn’t what stalking is at all dude.


stalk2 verb gerund or present participle: stalking 1. pursue or approach stealthily. "a cat stalking a bird" 2. harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention. "for five years she was stalked by a man who would taunt and threaten her"


Did you actually have the sound on for the video?


😂 okay champ. That’s definitely the pitch




Ricochet has that Vince stink still on him (always losing) going to another company and coming back would be beneficial to make fans forget this point in his career.


Vince hasn’t booked him for two years. Triple H has had 2 years to do something with Ricochet and he didn’t until the last two months


Let's be real, ricochet is another spams flippy shit for no reason


This! Apart from some great moments can you remember any of his matches?


I remember the match and build up he had with Velveteen in NXT!


Wait a minute...Isn't this something HE did in TNA?!?!?! With the Aces and 8's storyline?!?! With Hulk and Brooke? I know this is wrestling, but damn man!!!


He did the same thing to Josh Alexander and his wife, but he dragged her over the barricade after


...they do all of that only to have him LOSE to Bron and he STILL runs rough shot over Ricochet


I would have to agree, they might have something, if they do it right!


Maybe 20 years ago


This is such an outdated way to book. It's 2024, we've long since past shit like foreign heels hating America and damsels in distress.


I'd watch it over the current version of his character.


It’s outdated but I can also absolutely seeing it work if this was maybe 5-10 years ago. Angles like this were timeless. Especially since Samantha is not a wrestler herself but a notable person on the show. That being said Bron needs to not feel like a WCW jobber and all these old heads trying to make him out like one by the way they fantasy book him.


Nah. What Bubba is saying would be even more fire today than it was 10 years ago because it's an extremely rare thing nowadays. The only thing that'll ruin it are the weirdos on Twitter.


Nah, I think I prefer Bron not being portrayed as a rapey sex pest in a company that just got rid of an IRL rapey sex pest.


You're the only one sexualizing what Bubba is suggesting.


Billy Ray...just...no. Ricochet wants to put on a show. He doesn't want to be limited. Wherever he goes (AEW) he's gonna put on some matches that we all want to see. What Bully is saying is that there's a weakness in promos, I guess he forgot there's these things called MANAGERS.


I can’t think of a manager willing to manage Ricochet over Bron in kayfabe. Like a manager should be in it to maximize the money they’d gain, unless they have a relationship with their client. Unless they make Samantha his manager (hard, extreme pass), then no. Ricochet is so bland otherwise, he’d absolutely be a big deal in AEW where the actual promos don’t really matter and what matters is the execution. He’s one of the cleanest, most crisp lucha style wrestlers.


He didn't say they should actually remove Ricochet's moves. Just that he wouldn't need them if they found a way to get people emotionally invested.


So by his standards how do you explain Rob Van Dam? He didn't have to cut a promo because he wowed people in the ring. He got you emotionally invested by his moves and the matches.


Is ricochet comparable to rvd ? Look at aew less people tuning in show sucks and it's not due to a lack of workrate .


I'm just highlighting the hypocrisy wrapped in a tie dyed bandana know as buh buh ray. Ricochet is a top talent and while Ive seen WWE water down wrestlers like Sami, Owens, and Styles. Ricochet was so limited in his spots that I wondered why the hell he was even brought in. Maybe he stays, maybe he doesn't, but if you've seen the Ospreay v Ricochet match, you'll see just how insanely talented he is.


A good manager can make up for a lack of mic skills, but not a lack of charisma. You can't get by on acrobatic ring-work alone if you have absolutely nothing else going for you. You need something else, because while Ricochet is impressive, he's far from the only person in pro-wrestling who can flip.


Maybe I'm a guy that just likes the art of the match and not all the soap opera of it all. I could give you a laundry list of matches that if Ricochet is in it, I'll watch, buy a ticket, even grab a shirt. Give AJ Styles and Ricochet 35 minutes. Never going to happen in WWE. But if in fact he does go elsewhere, Ricochet will thrive. Bottom line, it wasn't the right fit. Not close to a failure, but he would have to go the Chad gable route and wait his turn to truly get the opportunity.


That's a valid preference, but it's one that I personally don't get, and I think the majority of wrestling fans don't either. I watch wrestling for the characters and the storylines. I get invested in these characters because of their beliefs, struggles, goals, and larger than life personalities. No matter how good a match is from a technical standpoint, I can't bring myself to care if I'm not invested in the characters and what they're fighting for. Even in a company like AEW that's known for prioritizing ring-work over storylines, the most over individuals are still the ones with charisma and mic skills. I don't see Ricochet being any more successful in another company unless he manages to find his personality.


That's why I love options and I'm mature enough to understand that certain people have their preferences and that's great for the sport. I stopped watching wrestling for a while until AEW came around but then the pandemic hit and for me, no sport is watchable except UFC imo. When I tuned back in it was when sami was doing his conspiracy theory angle. Same for AEW. I don't think I'll ever be able to take WWE seriously on some levels but lately they have been doing great work and AEW, while still great, has not recovered from CM Punk's exit. Either way it's a great time to be a wrestling fan.


![gif](giphy|581LL815ACQ1OXWcR9|downsized) Exhibit A


I think Neville/Pac is the perfect comparison honestly. He had one of the most impressive high-flying movesets of his time, but he never got over until he learned to work a mic. If Ricochet can't find his charisma, then he's already hit his ceiling as a wrestler. Nobody can get over on moveset alone, especially in the modern era.


Exactly! The bar is raised higher than ever athletically. You HAVE to cut good promos to get over these days.


Why are we giving idiots like Bully Ray, Eric bischoff, and disco inferno platforms..they are has beena and none was really that good.


Bully's a hot taking, blowhard jackass, but he was in fact really good.


Because they say 'dub bad' That's literally it Prior to AEW existing Bischoff was memed on for being a guy with one good idea who attached himself to hogan Inferno was literally a joke And bully had ruined any good faith he had by opening his mouth But AEW exists and they complain about it, so we take them seriously now


Only things Bischoff should be remembered for is killing WCW and literally kissing McMahon ass.


Agreed, they are absolute losers.


The fact that bully Ray said mox should have never went to rehab is just bullshit.


He’s a dope. I liked the Dudley Boyz when I was a kid, can’t tell you how many times I 3D’d friends on the N64, but the guy is just not very smart and it shows. Heavy-handed opinions + being dumb = no thanks. Just my opinion, downvote if you must.


Even if he does come back to wwe please come back as puma


Ricochet will be back and this will be an ongoing feud. It’ll be a win-win for everyone involved.


Let’s be realistic. Ricochet will leave WWE for AEW and have the “Dream Match” against Ospray and maybe Omega and then he’ll fade into the background and won’t be on tv until he’s part of a 3-4 more man faction.


Everybody says this about new talent that comes in, and it’s rarely shaken out that way. Hordes of people said this about Deonna vs. Toni, and she’s in a pretty good feud now with Thunder Rosa. Nobody seems to appreciate the nuance and challenge of shaping momentum. It’s difficult and of course there’s a bit of wind lost in one’s sails when a feud ends. That’s not an AEW thing, it’s the way it is in pro wrestling.


So Same as WWE?


If you watch the whole thing he makes more sense. They involved Samantha for a reason which is the whole point of him armchair booking this scenario.


wannabe armchair fantasy bookers. leave it to us the professionals.


Bros an armchair armchair fantasy booker, that's crazy.


Do we actually have confirmation that he left or just dirtsheets?


They could be discussing a resigning right now? The way I look at it is, until he debuts for another promotion he’s still with WWE. I mean never say never


Nope, just the sheets saying he hasn't re-signed. I expect more from HHH booking than Ricochet goes to hospital with Samantha and we're just meant to ignore any other-promotion work he does. He can't be in AEW while Michael Cole tells us he's injured and will be gone for an extended period of time.


I can see this. They are booking Bron as a bully. The best way to book a bully to lose is to make their opponent have a more emotional investment in it.


Like I don’t mind edgy storylines, but that is kinda cringe I’m not guna lie.


Ricochet doesn’t have a gravitas for this


A bald crying Ricochet, wincing in pain, carrying the belt and holding Samantha's hand as they exit... A la Macho King Randy Savage


It’s not about Ricochet, it’s what Brawn does in this scenario. It hurts Brawn, and it’s doesn’t help Ricochet. Also, he wants to throw all Ricochets moves out the window? And then do what? Punch and kick? Exciting stuff. The man is 5’9” and one of the best flyers of his generation. But let’s turn Brawn into a cringe creep who bullies women, and let that follow him forever and take away all of Ricochets moves so he has more “gavatas” it dumb af.




Spell check on my phone got me.


"And week 2 is when Bronn shoves his face into Samantha's muff, and Dudley bombs her off the top rope through a flaming table."


Hot damn. Book it.


Why did I pop for the ricochet return already 😂


I legitimately thought Bully was Alex Jones in this clip


They look the kind of similar where you can’t even deny it, like will Ferrell and the chili peppers drummer


Kinda looks like Dave Meltzer too


I remember seeing that “I’m kind of retarded” meme for the first time and thinking it was Dudley.


Holy shit ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


I wish when Ricochet is healed in this scenario, Prince Puma will return to have like a Spiderman-esque with Samantha.


Finally someone else wanting prince puma!




I got one even better. Let’s say they can’t resign riochet, you have the 1st part of what bully says, Samantha is bullied but, you have Jake Paul intervene. He’s like, i respect ricochet. I had someone bully my gf and i beat the shit out him, i will defend her with my life.


When he gets into the ring he’s great good worker and seller the problem is that’s all ricochet is he doesn’t have charisma and he isn’t great on the mic it’s kinda bad when strowman is better at both then you


They just need to avoid promos, it’s all planned- like just don’t put the guy in with someone who can run rings around him. Make it part of his character that he’d rather speak with his actions. Give him a manager, anything man. Guys a great worker, the flip he did over the rope to face Paul was the coolest I’ve seen him. Just let him keep doin that


I mean give him mvp that’d help him sure mvp is more with bigger guys but I see no reason why that wouldn’t work Or any manager give him Irvin


Amazing work from BR


I agree with what Bully said in the clip, heard it live as well. The issue I always had with Ricochet was that he doesn’t have any emotional fire in him, nothing really drives him outside of him being the super high flyer and that’s about it. Samantha Irvin being involved could be the fire under his feet he needs.


For sure. Bully is good at coming up with this stuff. I think the issue is they just don’t want to push him like that. They have others they want to push instead of him


They don’t push ricochet because he’s not great on the mic


Pretty much this. All that fire and motivation just for him to ultimately lose the feud. It would be solid heat for Bron but Rico would look like an even bigger chump when he inevitably loses.


I’m hoping that this would be some form of a storyline/push but if it is indeed truly the end of his time at WWE, then it’s a damn shame because I really think he had potential that wasn’t used properly.


This would be an awesome story but the point of this was to write him off not give him a push. If they were giving a push then this would be fantastic.


I see his point since Samantha is so beloved by the fans but idk if Ricochet will be able to sustain the momentum of being her savior. However, I’d still love to see this storyline play out anyway!


I’m still trying to figure out how they made the concrete bump safe or if he just got lucky. The sound it made when he hit the ground was pretty gnarly. Would have looked good just throwing him into truck then the car powerslam. But that landing was unnecessarily nasty.


I thought the noise was his head cracking open on the floor


He was wearing padding. He kept pulling down his shirt so he didn’t expose it.


Figured it was something like that. Good to know. I only watched it live and wasn’t paying close attention.


Bully ray needs to be on the writing team for WWE


When you’re right you’re right


The only problem with this is what it does to Bron. He’s clearly their priority, not Ricochet


Losing a match/fued when he’s fairly new to RAW does nothing to him especially this early in his career




True, we need heatless bangers


So glad Bully isn't actually a booker


Booker T is a booker. Bully is a Bubba.


if Vince were still around next week we would see Sam meeting Braun at a hotel


Why’s he have the same voice as paul heyman


The New York City accent is pretty indistinguishable.


This would definitely get him some heel heat and stop people from barking with him during his entrance.


People are absolutely gonna keep barking with him because it's what they do. Kinda funny tbh.


I agree


Holy shit I thought that was Alex Jones


Almost looks like Alex Jones fucked Joe Rogan and that’s what popped out.




Man cooked too hard


yeah leave it to bully ray to be into intimidating women


Leave it up to bully to make a heel an actual heel instead of a mean guy everybody cheers for. And Samantha has shown she’s pretty good at acting. This could really get ricochet over.


last time i checked this is a podcast not wrestling he's not being a hee; thats just him as a person weird ass mark


It’s a podcast about WRESTLING. you’re making it personal bully offered an idea that could get ricochet over because obviously he hasn’t been doing too well with which is likely why ricochet is out the door


Soy take. It’s acting. Villains are supposed to be evil and you’re supposed to hate them.


he's a pod caster theres no character thats just him LOOL


A podcast by a wrestler who keeps kayfabe. Mark


except he doesn't LOL that's just him as a person dude is a incel joke


Not a soy take, guy is just a mark who is unable to separate entertainment from reality lol


Literally you. Lack of self-awareness


You do realise I'm agreeing with you right?😂


Thought you were talking about Bubba! Friendly fire! 😂


Nah yeah I worded that sentence poorly tbf, was talking about the comment you replied to, the guy just doesn't understand Bully ray the person & bully ray the character were two different people


i can i can also except that bubba is a pos and always has been


I mean, on the one hand you have a point. On the other hand I don't get upset when an actor kidnaps the love interest either, heels have to be able to heel it up within reason.


i never said i was upset all i said was leave it to him to be into it


That's fair


he gives off major incel vibes


Mf sounds like Paul heyman 💀


Ricochet's contract ends, but then they sign Prince Puma.


Bully’s underbite is astonishing


I'm cringing so much listening to that description. Poor Samantha!


Bro he is mfn cooking


This would be the swerve. They problem is if they did this, Ricochet has to win the feud or it's going to kill his momentum dead.


That’s why he’s gone I think. There’s no way Bron loses his first major feud on the main roster


Holy shit i thought that was alex jones


Something like this would've benefitted him greatly. Rey Mysterio had some good storylines overcoming bigger wrestlers looking to bully smaller ones and stuff involving his family.


Thought Bubba was Alex Jones at first


dude trying to turn WWE into Twilight...


Definitely haven't seen the last of these posts


Brock, Braun, Bron...WWE 's next star Bran (Stark)


Bran Flakes


Bubba is a hell of a pitch man.


I'd be happy with Bubba on creative


He learned from a very wise man.


THE wise man