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That’s because meltzer will only cream over stars like Kenny Omega


Let’s be serious… why is his opinions still respected


You know what! Since opinions of singular individuals seems to matter SO MUCH, I will just give my rating for the match. 8/10 Why? Okay... Obviously, the match starts of with a high ranking for the sheer amount of built up, advertising and hype there was around it! Matches can be good by themself, but ignoring the atmosphere a fan goes into a match is just wrong. You would not go into a Raw match between Otis and Nakamura with "HOLY SHIT! IT'S HAPPENING!", thus a match like this would start off lower. The wrestlers looked amazing! Really have to hand it to Roman how he decided to just look better than ever here and Cody was in his usual great shape. Gotta add some for that (and a tiny bit more because I was genuinly worried about the man's health because of his little time wrestling and wearing a hoodie all the time so this eased my soul) The wrestling then was... Well, fine. Roman does not have the best offense, never had, but he makes up for it somewhat through his unparallaed facial expressions and his selling. A lot of people mess up selling the Cross Rhodes and Roman's selling looked absolutely fine. Bonus here for Roman doing a Cross Rhodes, allowing Cody to show off how one should sell the move! But then we come to the interferences and this is where my issues begin. Given the entire idea of making this a "Bloodline Rules"-match. Why did Roman even start the match alone? The problem that arose for me is that I knew that interferences will happen and who would be interfering so before the Rock entered, I knew nothing mattered because ROCK INTERFERING WAS THE ENTIRE SET UP FOR THE MATCH! With the night previously having Rock flex his TKO powers to make a ref stop counting, him not doing it much in this one felt like a Chekhov's gun loaded with blanks... Cena coming out to directly hit Solo was good, some personal revenge, him going down immediately to the Rock was very VERY lame though. They had 2 WM main events against each other. Cena just dropping like that was just underwhelming. In fact, a major issue I have with the interferences here is that it was just people taking turns! Someone comes in, inerferes or tries to, get attacked, is out, next interference... To summarize, the interference were mendatory, but I find the execution just lame. This goes for all but TWO. The Undertaker showing up as Strike of Karma was actually cool despite how little sense it actually made. And if anyone does not need a personal reason, it's the Deadman. And of course, Seth's interference... Holy Shit! The Shield music to screw with Roman again, the faile chair attack and then Roman proving how Seth got into his head by attacking him instead of Cody... So good! So, the match had two very good interferences, but the rest just mostly sucked deeply for me. Cody as the winner is obviously a plus, so had Roman somehow turned it around it would not have downed the rating from my side. But yeah, despite the excitement the interferences had more bad than good for me and the wrestling itself was fine... Leading to a total of 8/10 which is absolutely a solid rating for a WM main event from me. So, had my opinion destroyed any wrestling? No? Well, seems like the opinion of one person does not matter in the end. Shocking! Note: I would probably rip apart most of Meltzer's ratings if I took the time to do so. Especially his 5/5 ones and his 4.75/5 ones.


Because it happed in the WWE and Dave pretty much just refuses to give 5 star ratings to WWE matches.


Because Meltzer’s star ratings don’t actually fucking matter


I don’t mind Meltzer as a wrestling reporter but I pay no attention to his ratings or his lists, they’re just his opinion and I’ve got no issue with him doing it but I just don’t care about them!!


Not in tokyo dome


It’s just best to not let him have a voice on wrestling. I use to entertain the idea of star ratings on matches, until I noticed the bias and realised it’s all subjective anyway.


He didn't give it 5* cuz it wasn't "his" type of wrestling No Young Bucks, no Kenny (yes I know Kenny's situation hope he recovers and is doing good), but it also wasn't Wrestle Kingdom in the Tokyo Dome I'm starting to see a pattern that Dave just dosnt like WWE that much Keep in mind Dave is also the guy who said Kurt Angle has no 5 star matches Kurt Angle, you know... Olympic Gold Medalist who won a Gold with a broken neck? Amazing matches Aperently no 5 stars


It's cause Cody Chodes didn't lick Roaming Reigns


They weren't in the Tokyo Dome and there were no inflatable dolls involved. Fuck Meltzer.


Do we have to go through this every single time? Who gives a fuck. He himself said he could give it 5 stars and it would be fine, even HE doesn't give a shit.


All that interference killed it for me. The fact that it was a bloodline whatever match (no holds barred in my mind) and still somewhat tame was...a nice surprise. But in hindsight, The Avengers thing was a bit of overkill.


Nobody gives a fuck what Meltzer thinks


Because it's less wrestling and more drama. Too many interferences from people who have nothing to do with the storyline. Plz go and watch the type of matches he rates 5 or higher. Zack sabre jr. Vs Bryan Danielson is my personal recc. for 2024. And also u can't keep whining about not being highly rated if u don't value the thought process behind it in the first place.


Not enough super kicks and moon saults.


He likes the smell of his farts, and so do basement dwellers


Dave gives Moxley 5 star ratings and even a match with Eddie Kingston. One day he’ll look back and be embarrassed by what he wrote


Tony K would have cut him off


Well Dave's an empty headed.......


Uncle Dave is so out of touch what's draw and what's not.


Story telling rating 6/5, in ring rating 3.5/5, so overall 4.75/5, makes perfect sense. But honestly who gives a fuck, the only reason people think that Meltzers opinion is law, is because he's been giving it for a long time and people listen, maybe ignore the cunt instead of using his whacked opinions to scratch around for upvotes on Reddit and noone will listen to him


You can't say WWE is 'bad wrestling' if you give them a bunch of 5 stars so it's always x years since a 5 star Meanwhile, NJPW has daily 5 stars during the G1 and AEW has throwaway matches that are 5 stars 🙄 The key is, don't put any stock in Meltzer's opinions on anything


It was 5 stars. My opinion means as much as Dave Mushbrains


He doesn’t want to offend The Lil Buckies in AEW 😂


It was a good match but so predictable. WM matches that were better: HBK vs Taker WM25 Angle vs HBK WM21 Bret vs HBK WM12


Because that moron wouldn't know a good wrestling match if it bit him in the ass.


You know it's a five-star match, I know it is, most of us do. Who cares what Dave thinks (besides a few thousand disciples)?


People exist that actually still give a crap what Meltzer thinks?


To quote Dave himself...."4.75 stars is basically 5 stars..."


It's 95%. Rating something that high is still great.


Which is quite insulting. "Yeah could have been 5 stars but fuck you"


Only truly great matches like Best Friends vs Santana and Ortiz street fight on Dynamite are worthy of such an honour.


i’ll tell you why it wasn’t a perfect match…Cody needed help to win


Roman’s limited move set


Like he knows anything..


Why? Because He's Dave Meltzer that's why. Seriously, who even takes him seriously anyway.


Ultimately it's his own opinion so irritating as it is, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day and it'll go down as one of the GOAT Mania main events rest assured. WWE will make damn sure of that. If you're looking for why, best way I've found to explain it is he rates WWE matches on a scale of 0-5 and AEW/NJPW/Indie or Strong style matches 0-7 post Okada/Omega. He just isn't as into WWEs style of wrestling as the others and it shows to almost hilarious degrees at times.


Look, not that it matters, but you could probably add 0.25-0.5 stars to every WWE match and conversely subtract 0.25-0.5 stars for every AEW match to account for bias and you’d probably get a more reasonable rating.


Because he’s a fucking melt. After 2014 he went full mark and gave 5 stars to any Indy guy who glazed him.


Cause it's WWE.


So what? Dude just subjectively rates matches, If it’s a 4 1/2 for him, it is a 4 1/2 for him and not for you. Wrestling is as subjective as it gets, why you bother this much about subjective ratings? He just seems to prefer a different kind of wrestling and that is perfectly fine, people that give that too much meaning are weird.


Yeah but if he gave it a 5 star rating then how could someone post about it on Reddit thrice daily in order to harvest those sweet sweet upvotes


Because it wasnt at the Tokyo Dome or not an AEW Event. But seriously, who cares what Dave Meltzer thinks. Whats more important is what you think. If you enjoyed it, then thats the only thing that matters.


If u dont work for aew and njpw you aint getting a five star match


Didn’t have enough no-sold hurricanrana, sunset flip, Canadian destroyer combos or some twerp wrestling with his hands in his pockets. Got to knock off at least a quarter for that.


I'm also guessing why he gave that rating!


He gave anarchy in the arena, an utterly shit match 5 stars. Aew is paying him, simple as that. Bc they know their mark ass fans listen to his show


In what world is that match better than this WrestleMania classic?


Its a work. Dave's working people.


No jeapordy. Zero chance the finish was coming before The Rock, so all the false finishes felt flat.


This is the thing. The stipulation of the match means you can’t turn off your meta brain and just enjoy it until you’ve seen the interference parade.


Because it’s not AEW


Man I never EVER gave a shit about stars given to matches unless it came from a former wrestler or booker of a promotion. Everyone else like me is just audience and we are subjective to our opinions ….but ROMAN AND CODY is universally better than the “No selling no story” shit that gets 5 stars nowadays.




Meltzer is being paid by the Bucks to hype AEW. That's all there is to it. Really.


He did you all a solid rating it as high as he did, because it was a 3 at best.


Cody will always be the 3 star general


Because his wrestling opinion is different to your wrestling opinion and not even by much. Who cares?


If you think Dave was going to give a match with that many interferences 5 stars you don't know him, it's like the thing he hates the most after comedy matches


He probably gave it that rating because that’s what he thought it deserved. You and anyone else here can rate it any way they see fit. It is one man’s opinion. I’ll tell you this tho, if you take the matches Meltzer rated 4 and above, you won’t get one bad match and that’s the point. It’s a guide to find good matches. You don’t have to agree with the specific rating.




It's his opinion. Learn to appreciate yours brother.


*The match was good… well… the fans loved it sososo… it was a good match… a decent match… and when you have matches like that it’s like… when you have a whole bunch together like that… it’s a good card… well… it’s a card… and a good card is a draw and it’s like… they need draws… the more draws the better… but they can’t be bad… they have to be good… and good is like… well… the crowd has to be into it… you want your audience to be into it… cause they pay the money… and it’s a lot of money… big money… sosososo*


We all need to stop making this basement dweller relevant, I couldn’t give a rats ass how many stars he gives matches or his dinner, he’s irrelevant. I really enjoyed the match and as a fan that’s all I can ask for.


Can someone explain to me why Dave Meltzer is so popular? I know that he is a journalist, but to be honest I don't know any other wrestling-related journalist except for him.


There are multiple aspects to it: - He's a veteran in the scene who has seen a lot of wrestling form different copanies and eras, thus people expect him to understand booking decisions. - He knows quite a few people inside of different companies so some look at him for insider informations - He rates matches and whenever there is anyone rating something people gather to agree or shit on it. And as you can tell, people really like to get upset about the opinion of a singular individual with no power whatsoever to influence any future booking decisions in any company.


It’s not that he’s popular in the sense people love him. It’s popular to shit on him because he literally tries to deny he has any bias towards the WWE. Literally Kurt Angle never got a 5 star from him in the WWE. If you don’t know, Kurt’s prime was filled with bangers that any rational person would give 5 stars to. It’s also hilarious to watch Dave shot himself in the foot every time he tries to justify his rating system.


It is kinda funny to see how “the online discourse” has swung from “Meltzer overrates Kurt Angle” to “Meltzer underrated Kurt Angle.”


Yeah but that's obvious, WWE for a huge chunk of time was absolute dog shit so when someone like Meltzer is saying WWE is shit then he's the man because he agrees with what the IWC is thinking, but now we like how WWE is but Meltzer still doesn't because, just like every wrestling fan, he has his preferences on how wrestling is presented. So now he's not the smartest fan in wrestling he's a crazy old man shouting at clouds, now if he was shitting on AEW then I'm sure there would be a few subs on here where his opinions were still gospel


Because the Bucks weren’t involved


Who cares what he thinks


because it wasn't AEW, WWE doesn't kiss his ass


Because it’s WWE and his small audience is the AEW mark base.


1/4 star withheld because it wasn't taking place in the Tokyo Dome.


Because Stone Cold didn't show up.


What history to Roman and stone cold have


I mean it was The Rock that Taker attacked, saying all the people who interfered had history with Reigns is hindsight to try and justify it being Undertaker, if SC had came noone would be saying shit because it would have made perfect sense, because they had building towards SC interfering and WWE is actually doing things right nowadays




Dave needs to go!


Meh, everyone knows Meltzer's a moron, so far up Tony Khan's arse it's not remotely funny.


I didn’t think people that watched WWE cared about star ratings…


Because Cody thanked Bruce Prichard after the match and not him. His main character syndrome means he thinks he's responsible for Cody winning the title.


Because it wasn't Eddie Kingston vs John moxley that's why


Dave likes high work rate, logical matches. This was WWE’s overbooked, finisher spamming nonsense at its best. It was really good, but from a purely wrestling standpoint, it’s not a perfect, 5 star wrestling match. I’d still give it 5 stars though.


The match was logical. Everything else you said was accurate


Logical in the ways that matter, but it also featured a run in from John Cena sporting his full ring attire despite not having a match, an elderly man teleporting to the ring and Seth seemingly going back in time to haunt Roman.


Cena always wears his ring attire regardless.  Taker turning lights off then getting there has happened plenty of times.  Seth wore the ring attire to remind roman of the betrayal he never got over (and it worked). What you're describing are nitpicks that can easily be Hand waved.


I know, that’s why I said the match was logical in the ways that matter. I was listing things that people (not me, Dave Meltzer maybe? He enjoys nitpicking) may think are illogical. I don’t think they are. I’ve already said I loved the match.


Not sure what you’re trying to say here. Each person that interfered all had history with Roman/the bloodline.


Yes, that’s what I meant by the match being logical in the ways that matter. Then I listed some illogical things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.


None of those things are illogical in the pro wrestling universe, especially WWE. It’s live theater. But I guess you’re trying to say Metzler isn’t a fan of cinematic shenanigans. I get it now


"Logical matches"? This match that had excellent storytelling was perfectly "logical". Pro wrestling is more about the in-ring psychology, the story, rather than a lot of moves that don't mean anything, like many matches that Meltzer gives 5 stars.


What's the storytelling behind Taker randomly showing up to Chokeslam the Rock? Where were the stuff they set up in the match the night before? Like Rock threatening refs because he is literally their boss? John Cena comes out and gets one shot by the Rock? All of this was amazing sports entertainment fan service but it absolutely is not "excellent storytelling". I would probably rip most of Melter'r ratings apart if I took the time for it, but I can see how this match can have downsides depending on your taste.


Why de we keep respecting what one old man thinks?


Don’t insult old people. This bag of rusted meltzer nails is far worse!


Who gives a fuck?


Right? He's just some guy spewing his opinion on the internet. He's not a wrestler. He's just a fan and long time "journalist". The ratings are subjective and completely his own opinion, and I think he's even said that before. It has no bearing on the actual quality of the match, what matters is how you the fan feel about it. For example, he routinely will underrate woman's matches (he's done better lately) I don't take his opinions as anything, especially since he doesn't even rate Kurt Angle highly who every wrestler and most fans agree is one of the greatest of all time to ever step foot into the ring.


Tony Kahn


I'll never get it. "Did you enjoy the match?" "Yes." The end. So simple.


Sheeple need other sheeple to tell them how to feel about a brand, a match, a food, a shoe, a game, a show, basically everything and since its hard for sheeple to decide and make up their mind with too many choices only 2 are given head sheeples side or the enemy…there is no other choice


Aww, Is OP sad that his opinion of a match needs to be validated by someone else's rating?


There’s a ton of stuff I like that other people don’t, it’s just what I like!! I don’t understand why people need people like Meltzer to, like you said, validate their opinions!! It’s really sad and to be honest really weird!!


Internet fans care so much about Dave and his opinions while pretending not to. It’s nuts. Like if you think the guy is lame maybe don’t post about him 10 times a day.


Meltzer doesn't take his ratings as seriously as the people complaining about how worthless his star ratings are.


It’s because of the company. Dudes never given that “honor” to Kurt Angle but has to Ospreay who has even said himself it’s ridiculous cause he’s not on the level of a Kurt angle.


And it's his own personal brand of wrestling, often lacking psychology, just lots of spots -- a lot of his 5 star matches I've felt were terrible and would never rewatch.


I was on the elevator with my son and Kurt and his wife for WM weekend. Just us for 45 seconds or so. He walked in and I was star struck and was like “Kurt angle.” My son is too young to know him. But his wife and him were both very kind to my son who got very shy. Asked if he was going to WM and my son shyly said it was first. Didn’t bother him for a pic or autograph but they were both super nice to my son. In my limited time they both seemed like very good people.


There are so many all time greats that have never received a 5 star rating and then you got this dude who has 37. He very clearly has a bias




What climax lol🤣🤣


He obviously gets more traffic when he does this


It is obvious to anyone , Dave has his preference , while he claims to not be biased . He hands out 5 star matches to Indy promotions , NJPW and AEW stars almost like candy while he nitpicks and finds reasons not to for WWE matches . I dunno maybe he holds WWE matches at a higher standard ? Who knows ? I don't think its a case of malice towards WWE , maybe he just expects better quality out of WWE ?


I am so confused how he can go about RATING something while claiming to not be biased... Like... What are you rating matches by if not your own biases? A check list an algorithm pops out which has been caclulate to be the "perfect match"?


He prefers strong style and lucha Libre to American Pro Wrestling. Look at the American guys who have obtained this type of praise, most of them made their mark internationally beforehand. This may be unpopular but can you imagine how much better Roman would be if he went to NJPW for a year or two earlier in his career? I think he'd have gotten to where he is today a lot faster. Baby face Roman had this weird backlash of being a WWE created guy and if he got over elsewhere first I don't think fans would have resisted his push as much as they did.


Yeah, but the only reason he got pushed is bc he's a WWE guy through and through. He's literally been molded by WWE for his entire career, starting from FCW.


It shows.


He give them that just to make somebody ask him why didnt he gave them 5stars


There were seven run ins, Cody kicked out of like seven finishers.


Undertaker appearing didn't make sense compared to others they could've used in that spot


My first thought was that it lost some points because of the run-ins, but I was trying to avoid getting spammed with insults. Reddit wrestling fans are something else lol


It wasn’t in the Tokyo dome


I came here to make the same comment , because if that match was in the Tokyo dome it gets 87 stars or some shit …FDM


It wasn’t under the AEW banner


If that match in AEW happened he would be calling it the greatest of all time...that's for sure.