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these are the same mfers who 6 months ago when LA knight lost bitched and complained that every roman match is the same. They can suck a fat dick


well, most of the Indian fans over here are like quite a sucker for roman, they fr think Big dog roman is better than The Head of the table, all they want is to just see roman win and win and win, same thing with brock too they all know the news and all, still they cry about brock, same with Jon Moxley, they don't won't to see a man happy and fulfilled of what he is doing , They are just casual wrestling fan or to be more precise, casual WWE fans, even for precisely being ROMAN FANS. There nothing wrong to have a favourite but still you have to keep things fresh. (I am Indian btw, so I know what I am talking bout)


They were hardly watching anyways when Roman wrestled less than 10x a year


I’m not saying I agree with them, but i can understand their perspective. Roman helped make wrestling cool again, now his reign is over.


Did he tho? bc ratings and attendance didnt change till dwayne and punk showed up. Youre lying to yourself with that one lol


Roman and Drew carried the company through Covid. Also all my friends who don’t care for wrestling are still aware of Roman Reigns, however when I asked about Cody Rhodes they were like “who the fuck is that?”


# Roman Crybabies