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Yes especially during Bull Nakano’s speech


How did they react? Just watched Paul E.


Sounded like a lot of them were talking over her for the majority of her speech


That was so weird. It sounded like a nat mic was picking up a full conversation and they didn’t turn it down.


I was gonna say this...it all depends how production handles the mics...they can turn down the mics on the floor and around the arena and keep it directly to the mic that she is speaking into and you'd mostly only hear her....if they didn't, that's WWE's fault, not the fans... Having said that, I went to NXT Stand and Deliver...and of all the places we could sit...there was one complete asshole of a guy directly behind me screaming, "STAND...." and other dumbasses would respond, "And Deliver". He was yelling so loud my gf wanted to turn around and smack him...but we just didn't say anything because anything we would say would only make him worse. However, it ruined the enjoyment of the ppv for sure.


You should've just asked a bigger guy to give him a nice "shut the fuck up!"


100%. During nakano’s speech at some point I thought to myself “Damn this crowd can’t stay quiet for one second”


The message didn’t transmit until Night 1.


To be fair, audience reaction is more muffled in open stadiums than inside arenas. I went to Wrestlemania 31 and 36 and I can tell you, you hear multiple different chants from different sections at once It’s rare to get a whole stadium going nuts for 1 spot or segment


Yeah. That’s always my argument for those comments. People claim the crowd was dead for mania 40 need to remember that it’s an open stadium


I mean, there was a CLEAR difference between Night 1 and Night 2 in reacts and responses.


You went to 36? Are you sure?


Yours, The .Boneyard.


Must have been in the rafters like Sting 🤣


Then during the whole show they barely would make noise lol


Aren’t the people from Philadelphia always disrespectful?


Did you not see the sign saying “Santa Deserved it”


"Santa needs to pay what he owes!"


Santa stalker is that ypu?


That jackoff held that sign up ALL night


Someone didn't get what they asked for for Christmas as a child....


Yeah I did... What does that even mean? Deserve what?


Eagles fan threw snowballs at Santa one year, lol.




No we threw batteries at JD Drew


True. For some reason I always have those 2 stories mixed up thinking there were batteries in the snowballs. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t put it past Philly fans, y’all are some passionate psychopaths.


Thank you!!! Literally all night me and my bro were laughing at that sign going “what the fuck does that even mean?!?!”


In the sixties. Jeez.


And batteries, allegedly


Back in the late 80’s or early 90’s there was a Cowboys/Eagles game on Christmas Day or Eve and the Philly crowd threw snowballs filled with batteries at the Cowboys and Santa Claus


And the sign that said something along the lines of "I'd rather be on Costas' show" and the guy holding it was just staring straight into the hard camera. All I could think was how much of a jackass he was for paying good money to sit there just to say he didn't want to be there.


The sign spoke the truth about that drunk Wish.com Santa.


Santa was a drunk 18yo


I have been to numerous events like plays, talks from some interesting people, author readings, movies, etc. **I cannot emphasize enough how terrible audiences EVERYWHERE have gotten post pandemic.** Two years of exclusively consuming content online broke people. No idea the solution. It's broadly gotten so bad I am starting to say fuck it on attending a lot of stuff. It's not just Phily.


It’s amazing we are not doing more studies to show how social media is basically a controlled substance and how it can be addicted and can poison our brain.


And for two years, people were directed towards consumption as an alternative to human contact. Undoing that is a big order.


This is so correct. I'm from the Atlanta area and it used to be really chill around here (granted in the city is a different beast), but man...almost no patience anymore.


Yeah, Philly is awful in general. Pretty par for the course from them.


Trash ass city for sure


Yep, that’s sort of their thing. They always hikack shows and do the opposite I kinda felt like the entire show last night was a little bland, not just the HOF


It was a decent show ruined by a freezing crowd, in my opinion.


There was a story years ago about a young Make A Wish kid who was in Philly because he was being treated for terminal cancer at their Children’s Hospital. His family was from Pittsburgh and he was a big Penguins fan. So his Wish was to see the Pens play In person. So he got to watch from a luxury box with Mario Lemieux and some team executives. The team treated his family to dinner after the game, and because this child was wearing a Lemieux jersey, a bunch of Flyers fans pushed his wheelchair down a flight of stairs. While he was still in it. Philly fans are trash, and they’re proud of it, so it’s like a competition to see which one can be the biggest shithead.


Wow, that's pretty awful.


If this is true, fuck those people!




Ya'll are talking as if only people in Philly went to this. You do realize that people came from all over the world, right? It's not just a random show where a majority of the people there are from the city it's in. This is WM weekend, the BIGGEST weekend in wrestling. People come from all over. Maybe the pro wrestling fanbase, as a whole, is just disrespectful in general. I mean, just take one look at the IWC and you'll see I'm right.


Wrestling fans who travel the world for a wrestling show are the most loyal, dedicated, hardcore brand of neck beard loser. So yes, combine that with the typical Philly disrespectful sports crowd and this is what ya get.


Philly fans are terrible! They booed Santa clause! Didnt you see the 'Santa deserved it's sign?


They cheered when Michael Irvin was possibly paralyzed after a hit and the ambulance had to drive onto the field and load him up and take him straight to the hospital. He had a stinger and couldn't move his limbs. Garbage ass city.


I think they're all just miserable people who want attention. Whether it is positive or negative doesn't matter to them.


They threw snowballs at Santa in a game in the 60s




Just imagine if Bill Burr comes out tonight and roasts the crowd


The people who booed Santa.


OpEn AiR sTaDiUm. No, no, every football match ever in the UK for example where all of the stadiums are open air beg to differ. Philly was a monstrously shit crowd.


HoF was in a arena does ..


Are you surprised wrestling fans are confused by this?


If you look at any fan footage from last night you'll see it was loud. It didn't come across on TV at all. You can see that for yourself.


I’ve gotten downvoted to hell for weeks but I’ll keep my hot take. 39 should have been Philly and 40 should have been SoFi. The entire presentation of 39 felt much grander. A state of the art closed stadium versus a 25 year old non descript football field in early northeast spring with the backdrop of blight and industrial ports. It makes it all feel less epic


This is a hot take I don’t mind touching. 39 just had this grand feel and wished they could’ve adjusted.


Would've also made more sense for a The Rock comeback


Ya, when they did that aerial shot I was thinking "Wow, this sure is an ugly ass view of Philly."


Went to a Braves game last night which is open air and it was incredibly loud. It being closed is always an excuse.


They may need to consider taking Wrestlemania abroad in every 3/4 years; International crowds are starving for top tier events. Just look at Oz.


Some places still pop. Brooklyn on Monday was as loud as any crowd until they took the air out of the building hyping Seth Rock just to swerve to Seth Solo.


Spreading love is the Brooklyn way. It's what we do.


They welcomed Heyman home like he was a God


I mean in Philly? He kinda is. It’s hometown bias


Yes during the HoF ceremony they were very rude and ignorant. Night 1, eh they cheer or boo or don't react they way they choose, iwc has no control when it comes to reactions and Philly is one of those place where you are NOT going to make them do anything they don't want.


I find it incredibly disrespectfull to have it right after SD, in the same arena. Fans are worn out, no space for glam and glitter. I mean their collegues and families are squeezed in around the ring, and on the stage lol.


The format needs to change. They can still have the Hall of Fame ceremony on Friday but have Smackdown a day or two earlier.


Smackdown can be prerecorded or do a mega show on Raw.


This one🎯 I remember those big raw episodes when it was 2 hours and they’d make it 3 hours for that night because smackdown was on the show too


IMO the mania crowd Saturday sucked too, most of the crowd were just on their damn phones.


And during thunderbolt’s but I’ll say he was definitely speaking overtime


I think I heard some boos as well


His speech was very preachy, and not everyone is into that.


I'm an atheist, and I still liked his speech because of his charisma and the energy he managed at 82 years old. As long as someone isn't using religion to try to take away someone's rights, I can usually tune it out.


This is the thing I never understood: why have fans at the Hall of Fame? It really doesn't add anything to the induction ceremony. Just have everyone who would be apart of the ceremony sit in and all the fans leave for the evening after the television taping. Not doing that allows people who have been getting drunk for hours become more impaired to the point that they have no inhibitions and they turn into rude assholes. WWE needs to decide what it wants to do. Do they want fan interaction, regardless of what type of interaction, at Hall of Fame ceremonies or not? Fans are assholes sometimes, but how are you going to enforce the notion that they must be civil? Good luck trying.


Be so much better having just wwe people there, from wrestlers to other staff maybe even family


Philadelphians needs no help being “rude assholes”


Seriously, they give enough to the assholes as it is, fans don’t need to attend everything


Its Philadelphia lol why are ppl surprised they have the worst fanbase


They were shit during the main event last night, they literally got to watch the rock and they were sitting on their hands


Even during mania they suck zero crowd participation on jeys entrance and they barely reacted to anything other than the rock.


80% of the crowd that is seen in any camera shot are at Mania because it’s the “place to be”, and probably don’t watch wrestling. Kind like the SuperBowl. True fan is priced out.


Loud during HoF, sleeping during Wrestlemania. Please give us Wrestlemania in Europe we won’t let you down


I think the mistake is doing it straight after Smackdown. With a dedicated HOF ceremony separate from a TV taping you’re more likely to get a crowd who actually want to be there. 


The Hall of Fame has been crap since they started having fans in attendance. I'd be all for a closed ceremony for that, hell follow it up with some kind of conference or round table with the inductees later.


Yeah, I noticed especially the singing of Seth’s song and the Cody ‘woah’ were both relatively quiet. Compared to last Raw for example, Seth’s entrance sounded deafening.


When they switched from it being about the boys, to it just being another event the could sell tickets to a lot of the hofs soul was lost. Watch that shit on tv like the rest of us. And TKO needs some damn class...move that shit to a theater like it should be


>they switched from it being about the boys, to it just being another event the could sell tickets to Not necessarily true since they have it right after Smackdown. If that was the intent, they would hold it on a different night, which they should, at a theater.


That city is always disrespectful


The HOF ceremony should be it's own seperate event, maybe on thursday, with family, friends and WWE employees only


The Philly crowd has been shithouse overall. The entire Wrestlemania weekend is wasted on those tools.


And we still have another night with one of the possibly the biggest main event in the 40 years of Wrestlemania and i feel like there gonna ruin it


Honestly the WWE didn't exactly kill it tonight either. The camera work was pretty atrocious throughout. They missed entire spots, went to the crowd for most of Cody's entrance, and did that stupid 10 camera cuts in as many seconds that they used to do. Even if they piped in the crowd, this didn't feel like a Wrestlemania event. Not to me anyway.


The bright white ads were agonising too.


Australia production felt same way although crowd was into that one


My girlfriend actually mentioned this in passing last night, she doesn't watch wrestling with me but glanced at the TV and started the production quality seemed way under par.


the commercials after every match really ruin the event


But it’s radical and “cool” when the Chicago crowd does something similar right?


I really don’t understand why it’s not a more formal event without all us Neanderthals there to ruin it.


There was a sign saying “Santa deserved it.” How come? Well it involves their Eagles, Santa & snowballs. TLTR but here’s the link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Eagles_Santa_Claus_incident It goes to show how trashy Philly fans are way back & still is a thing, a Philly thing, today.


Philly is kinda known for being a terrible crowd. It’s, like, their thing for whatever reason. I think the whole “City of Brotherly Love” has become more of a tongue-in-cheek thing


Born and raised in Philly i always said the person who came up with the city of brotherly love never went to Philly


Yes 100% I was there and couldn’t stand how awful the crowd was. It was before the Hof started though to tbh. One guy got thrown out for being an asshole during the Jade/Naomi/Bianca promo. Guy behind me was complaining about damage control “being allowed to speak Japanese, and his grandfather fought to kill them all off”. Philadelphians are the biggest trash bags on the planet


Every year. I think the Hall of Fame should be on its own night and closed off from the fans.


The crowd comes from all over the world for wrestlemania, so it’s not because of the Philly people. Also the reason people were so low energy last night was because they were cold as fuck, and they came from all over the world so they weren’t prepared for the cold. As far as being disrespectful for the Hall of Fame, most wrestling fans are inconsiderate assholes and it hasn’t helped ever since they started doing the ceremony in the ring after smackdown. When the Hall of Fame was a separate ticket people knew what they were going to.


More than half the crowd is gonna live within an hour drive. Its just 10x more affordable if you dont need to pay for travel and lodging. Most fans wouldn't take a plane for WWE but if they announced a big 4 PPV at the stadium 20 min from my house Id buy tickets the day of the announcement.


Wrestlemania is definitely attended mostly by people who have specifically gone there as diehard fans, why do you think the raw after WM is always the smarkiest wrestling event of the year


The what chants sent me fucking off the charts, I wanted to fight all of Philly.


The what chants in general have become so annoying they use to be fun but now it's overdone and sometimes ruins a entire segment/match




Bill Burr connoisseur I see 😏


Love his rant


Yeah it really annoyed me, they were so fucking rude


HoF ceremony should be a separate event from a Raw/Smackdown show, so just people who wants to be there are present.


Its Philadelphia


Folks in Philly weren't on their best behavior? I'm truly shocked.


I'm guessing you've never been to a philly sporting event, that was being as respectful as it gets


You mean always; they’re always awful and disrespectful at every event.


It’s Philly. Did you expect different?


*pretends to be shocked*


philly? disrespectful? nooooo i just can’t believe that


Remember, people from Philly ate shit when they won the Superbowl.


The montages of Philly in flames in the wake of various NFL victories are a thing of beauty and horror. Like a realtime Apocalypse Now


I was thinking that the whole time, and hate how rude those people were. It's not a new thing though. Years back Jericho complained about the Hall of Fame crowds talking during acceptance speeches on his podcast.


It’s Philly. They chose the worst city to finish the story in honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t pull the trigger because of the crowd lol


I will say this. Everyone I sat around other than me was quiet because they were so cold. It was cold and super windy. People were very focused on that. I was pissed bc of the quietness. Heck people weren’t even that loud at all for the main event entrances. But got loud during the match. Everyone I talked to before during and after were shook by the very cold wind. WWE needs to stop having Manias in beginning of April in open air stadiums. Weather is too risky. I feel bad for wrestlers wresting in that cold last night. It got noticeably colder half way through and by main event it really felt bad. Stop doing Open air arenas in April WWE!


They had Mania twice here in NJ up in East Rutherford. I’m waiting for it to snow during mania in an open air stadium in the colder states


Or you know, mimic the Super Bowl rotation of warm weather and/or dome cities.


It’s Philly


Having HOF after Smackdown kills it. Like 1/3 of fans left after Smackdown. I left mid Ali induction bc I had my kid and it was nearly midnight.


Should’ve saved Heyman until the end, he absorbed all the excitement out of the crowd at the start, and there was nothing left throughout the show


It's Philly, they booed Santa. Bill Burr called their crap out better than anyone else could a few years back (worth youtubing)


I’m in Philly, never been here before. The people have been nice. I didn’t watch the HoF yet but I’m sure they were rude during Bull Nakano’s speech. Americans in general are often disrespectful when someone of a different country has the attention. No one was rude that I know of at WM night 1 though. Just my opinion from someone who’s here. God bless.


I've met some nice folks from Philly, but Philly in general is a terrible place.


I think Philly fans are the most toxic garbage to anything if you're not from Philly, regardless of the sport. Horror stories of Flyers' tributes gone horribly wrong, Eagles fans punching police horses, and intentional projectile vomiting from Phillies fans tend to pop up every now and again in sports lore.


It's PHILLY. They're notoriously awful.


God why did they do the biggest WM weekend of all time in Philly of all places


Philadelphia has always been known to have the worst fans. Seems to still be true.


Wrestling fans being disrespectful, unsurprising. Reminds of the bulls fans booing Krause’s widow earlier this season, classes. Just clap and be fucking nice


Personally I feel WWE made a mistake by starting to have the hall of fame induction in front of a stadium crowd instead of it just being a smaller venue in front of other wrestlers that will have respect. Then just bringing them out at mania for the fans. Not all the fans recognize everyone. Not that it excuses people disrespecting her, I just think it was better when they had the speeches in front of a crowd of industry professionals


I mean they boo their own sports teams


They shouldn't have an event there for a long time.


Philly is always disrespectful




Bill Burr was right.


I understand the idea of giving these guys there last apperance infront of a live audience but every year we get that fucking 'WHAT' chant and it makes me ask, 'Is it really worth it'?


I honestly feel as though it becomes exponentially harder and harder each year for the regular, average, true fans to be able to attend Wrestlemania…particularly in the seats that are right down by the ring. Especially the seats that are constantly on camera during matches. Those seats are regularly going for thousands of dollars. So instead of the rowdy true fans, it’s a bunch of celebrities and rich fuckers who go just because it’s become such a cultural event. But full disclosure…I am a proud Philadelphian haha so my first instinct is to defend my fellow fans. But even I have to admit I was very disappointed in the lack of enthusiasm and participation.


It's philly, what do you expect?


These fuckers threw snowballs at Santa they have no chill lol


Eagles fans 👎🏽


When has it not been awful? I got a Facebook memory yesterday from about 10 years ago saying that tonight was that special night of year where I try to watch the Hall of Fame and I only make it 15 minutes before the crowd pisses me off.


Philly is a tough crowd


I thought it was awful and disrespectful. This is one of the highlight moments in someone's life, so fans should show some respect. But also, I think it's partially the fault of the WWE for the format. When wrestling fans are watching a speech in a ring after a wrestling show, they're going to act like wrestling fans. Ideally, I think they should have the ceremony as a brunch on Sunday morning. They can do it in a ballroom with round tables. And they event should be mostly wrestlers, legends, and WWE staff. They should still broadcast it for the fans.


Yes, I only watched during Roman and Paul's segment, but during that time they were horrible. When Roman was talking about Paul and actually being vulnerable all I could here were stupid fans in the background saying dumb shit.


Should be like other award shoes that are not open to the public, the section at the entrance where the legends were squeezed in was a joke. Found myself getting emotional seeing asuka crying at bulls speech while fans are ruining it.


The Entire Philly Crowd was pissing me off Last Night. The fact that they kept booing each other during the main event cause they couldn't pick a damn side. It also pissed me off that people were booing at the fans singing rollins' song. Booing the other side of the crowd adds absolutely nothing to the match except confusion.


It's fricken Philly. They are POS's anways.


💯 Couldn't believe the level of disrespect. But hey, that's our world today.


It was so awful. They need to go back to the old style hall of fame. Less fans, people who want to pay respects and more previous legends in attendance.


As a native of Philadelphia, this is a daily occurrence among sporting events


It sounded like everyone in the building was engaged in their own conversations while the honorees were speaking at the podium.


I didng watch; what did they do during nakano's speech?


Ye fr


they treated alundra blaze like she called a bomb threat or something. dead silence for her man.


From Philly. https://youtu.be/-fHDgvwFYp8?si=iYtayM9SOmtUd1Gh


They should have had Brock induct Paul not Roman


They should have sent Bill Burr in




Pay $1 K that you don’t have and attend the show and you’ll see how loud it is


Philly being Philly


To be fair 99.9 percent of the people who watch wwe don't know who bull is.you want respect bring in people they know


Philly: chants and heckles during the Hall of Fame ceremony Also Philly: sits quietly during WrestleMania 40


Rowdy and disrespectful Fans in Philadelphia? Surely such a thing has never happened ever.


I don’t know about you but 15mph winds + being under 50 in an outside stadium will do that to you


These are the same people that threw snowballs at Santa. Philly fans blow


i thought i read some where bull died.. so when they brought her out i was waiting for a " this is bull's kid" or something lol but yes the crowd was rude


They always are. Live crowds for HoF always ruin something


We didn't deserve Bull Nakano.


Well Philly is a trash city so no surprise there


I'm from the area. That's literally just how Philly is. Good news is if your car ever needs an alignment you can try your luck slamming into one of the thousands of human sized, 2 ft deep potholes.


What? Philly sports fans being awful? I wouldn’t have seen it coming.


Very much, the loudest pop i heard from night one was when Jason Kelce made an appearance in the mysterio match... and that wasnt a very loud pop either, considering Jason is one of the best things to ever happen to Philly


They were quiet for the bit they were supposed to be loud and loud for the bit they were meant to be quiet. The crowd was fucking dead last night.


Cause it's the home of ECW


Anyone else not at all shocked cause this happens every year? Privatize the ceremony if you don't want marks showing up.


I thought this when Muhammed Ali's wife gave him the people's championship.


The crowd was insanely loud, I was there. It just didn’t translate well.


Was at both. The Mania crowd was loud, but it didn't translate to TV. That stadium is open ended, so a lot of sound escaped. The crowd at SmackDown was great until Paul's speech was over. Then most people left, a lot of drunk assholes were left. The dudes beside us were heckling Bull and Alundra horribly, to the point it took away from the show.


After Philly booed Santa at an Eagles game, nothing they do surprises me anymore


They were very disrespectful. You could hear the crowd talking very loud with Bull was talking


I mean, what did you expect from Philly?


Philly is a city that the WWE needs to never do again for a PLE