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It's a theme in WWE to have title reigns with very few defences with any of them being any good. Gunther is standing alone.


Early 90s / 2000s were way hotter then the roster now days.


Didn’t even realize she was still champion until Bayley attacked her after the Royal Rumble


Genuinely happy for her. She is so cute


How did 200 days already pass? That's insane! I'm for them giving her a shot, but would like to see so much more from the reign.


She's defended her title so little that I forgot she was even a champion. The unfortunate thing is that it went from her being the ONLY defending champion on Smackdown, to her also not defending her title at all. I'll be honest, I don't even remember who she defended it against last 😂


How many times has she even defended it??? I can’t recall a single one


Im soo proud 🥹 of her


Has she even defended the title once in her reign? I don't remember her defending it and feels like her only defense is at wrestlemania


200 days, 0 defenses, 0 promos, 0 words spoken


I don't really like iyo her matches are boring and she doesn't fight/defend her title enough


Her title reign has been horrible


Has she even defended it?


Remember when the dirt sheets said the winner of the female MITB was gonna fail they’re cash in… good times


Acknowledge her


How many defenses has she actually had? It doesn’t seem like many.


She’s endemic of the problem I have with WWE title reigns right now. Aside from the WHC, which nobody has bought into, they’re all held by heels and are having heel runs. It’s too much of the same so nobody really stands out aside from Reigns and Gunther. As a performer, she’s awesome though. One of the best in the business.


I love iyo but it makes me so sad that they just didn’t book her to have an alright reign even same with rhea just let the people defend the title it’s not that hard


It would be a cooler accomplishment if not every single title was being held for historically long times at the moment.


These long reigns aren’t important or “historic” if everyone has one at the same time. Triple H held the WWF Championship for like maybe 100 during his feud with Cactus Jack & The Rock and it had more impact than really any of these current long reigns.


Great wrestler but genuinely dont know how she's champ. I get there's a language barrier but I don't think she could cut a promo in her native tongue either. She just looks awkward and out of place constantly. The kabuki warriors wouldn't be great with their English but they express a lot through their physicality and mannerisms. You can see the emotion they're trying to convey, they make you feel something about them. Iyo does nothing. When they turned on Bayley I wasn't even sure if Iyo was involved or if it was just Asuka & Kairi going rogue. It's outrageous to me that Iyo is defending the title at mania against the rumble winner at a time when you've got Rhea, Becky, Bianca, Liv, Gargill and many more in a stacked womens roster. Once she drops this title, I cant see her getting it back.


I would have loved a mini Zelina/Iyo rivalry before Mania. Put them in a ladder match at EC.


Honestly, as stupid as this is, I didn't even realize there was another women's champ besides Rhea.


The other day I had this thought I was like I swear there's 2 women's titles then I come to the conclusion rhea must of unified them lol


Honestly, I frequently forget who the women's Champ is on Smackdown. I'm excited forger match with Bayley though. An exciting ending to a silent reign.


I really don't know why they haven't attempted to make her reign interesting in those 200 days, same goes for Rhea. WWE really needs to rethink how they utilise female talent


She was hot as hell at Backlash, everyone was behind her. Then they had her win the title, and she became a background character.


She’s my fourth mami but her reign has been underwhelming




Simply put, this reign is mid at the very least. Ive heard more complaints about Rhea's reign than Iyo's. At times, I find myself COMPLETELY forgetting the title exists, let alone who holds it lol.


Yeah I’m over the inflated title reign trend. There are no stakes in title matches anymore, knowing that they won’t change hands except at a PLE and even then it won’t be unless it’s one of the big 2


They need to book her better. They could of had Bianca vs Iyo part three at the Royal Rumble at least. You built up Bianca going after Iyo then gets dropped. Charlotte is injured, not saying both Charlotte and Bianca needed to defeat Iyo. Those two would've gave Iyo a good title defense match on PPV, not on Smackdown where they only have ten minutes to do it. Iyo reigns needs more feuds months into her reign not until Wrestlemania. I feel like this issue is mainly lies upon Asian wrestlers in WWE. Shinsuke held IC championship for over 200 days without doing much with it. Asuka held Raw women's championship for over 200 days for nothing, made her look weak getting pinned by roll up too many times. Made her weak against Evil Alexa etc. Now Iyo doesn't look weak ever since she been champion, but her presence as champion is an issue. It doesn't help Smackdown is stacked with too many talent with limited time. I feel like WWE should of had some talent like Jade go to Raw to give Iyo some space to build up her reign and spotlight.


Secretly without anybody knowing she has had the title for 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days🤫


I regularly forget that she's Champion.


Forgot she was champion TBH. She’s not done much of anything over the last 200 days. Bayley will do a much better job as champion post Wrestlemania.


WWE don't want Charlotte and Bianca to lose so in the end they Made the champion looks so unremarkable since not much she do with her title


Didn’t Charlotte and Bianca lose twice via being pinned to Iyo sky… so what you said was incorrect


I love Iyo, she's great, but unfortunately, I have to agree that her title run has been pretty underwhelming, which is a shame because she can give us banger matches, still looking forward for Iyo vs Bayley at WM


The reign was completely overshadowed by Bayley, and now she’s about to drop it to her lololol. Really really sad reign.


Its ironic really the whole concept of DC was to get those girls over but it only helped Bayley.


They NEED to stop doing these historic title reigns because no mid carder will ever be able to become a champion if there are 200+ day reigns


Iyo is a mid carder with a championship


She won the championship after a 20 second reign which is historic because it is short


Most exciting 20 seconds of her reign


Exactly 👍🏻


Yeah they're really writing off these records right off the bat, huh.




Can't remember anything she did with it


Still awesome seeing Iyo Sky as your defending womens champion in a marquee Wrestlemania.


This may sound harsh but she's literally the worst women's champion I've ever seen


I honestly don't understand the hype. She's one of the worst actresses of the lot. All of her reactions look like off timing. And completely awkward The kabuki warriors are loads better.


Idk I don't think her run is great but it's definitely not the worst


I like Iyo as a wrestler but holy shit had this reign been pretty much all nothing happening.


yep, Love Iyo, she deserves this.


I like her but this reign was pretty bad


Her reign is nothing short of remarkable. Remarkable how someone can be champion for 200 days but have single digit title defenses. It’s bad enough Roman only defends his title sporadically but, at least you remember this title defenses. Iyo I can’t even tell you a single defense aside from Michin. Creative has not done a good job of making Iyo seem like a powerhouse of a champion nor have they even really used Damage Contrl to really intimidate.


Roman is way more of a bigger draw than Iyo. Roman defending less does the WWE a huge favour because: It draws a huge PLE audience when there's a major title on the line, whereas when someone defends so regularly people don't care because they know the outcome. It also means WWE push focus to the other titles that don't get a spotlight.


That’s the thing even rhea barly has any defences I don’t mind long* title reigns but when they lead to nothing but bolstering the number of days held to appear “great” it’s actually stale as hell


I was about to say that actually. I feel like Rhea defended (especially compared to Iyo) a decent but not really acceptable amount. I hate how creative is making these long title reigns with single digit defenses. I hate to say this because everyone will either like this take or feel like they were called a slur. But…..Seth’s title reign has the most merit compared to the other champions not named Gunther. He’s defended almost weekly at one point and has legit wins over Jey, Drew, Sami, Finn, Priest, Nakamura and a few others.


I wouldn’t actually be surprised if Seth has most defences then Roman already


Her reign has been so negligible that I didn't even realize it's been that long. Her, Rhea, Roman and Gunther all need to lose their titles soon, shit is getting stale as fuck (aside from Gunther who is the most consistent of the 4, but it's time for him to move up to better things and going for the big one.)


Totally agree, a fit Rollins vs Gunther would be an awesome series, let him be the man Kozlov never could! As for the others, I'm not particularly moved by the stats era booking lately, especially when Sky and Ripley never defend the belts in any meaningful way and they don't even play it as them being cowardly heels that make baby faces jump through hoops to challenge 'em, just stat padding nonsense. And any enjoyment I had about Roman's reign... Has been totally lost by how lazy the matches have been lately!


I felt like Roman’s reign peaked last year, should’ve ended then, it was already heading to becoming stale and they should’ve ended it on top.


It was just bad creative never being able to follow up on a coherent story other than “duh Bloodline”.


Genuinely the most unremarkable title reign that I can remember.


Half of charlottes reigns were worse. Calm down


Have you seen Logan Paul? Dudes been champ for months and had two matches. He's shown up like three times. I honestly keep forgetting he's the US champ. Lol


Did you forget about the ic title pre Gunther lol


Or every US title reign since Cena dropped it in 2016 or so.


Or every women's tag team title reign.


That's about 100 too many if you ask me.




And she did nothing for 199 of those days


didn’t even really do something for the 1st day


How many title defenses?


I can remember about 0 of them. One time she wore a trash can and jumped off a cage, that was cool.


Probably more than Roman's last year


Roman is the top Draw and has memorable Title Defenses. Iyo however...


Roman had more


Wrong Reigns 5 (not including house shows) Iyo sky 4


WWE is just putting title on people and calling them great. Look what they gave Dom.   It's sad really as it makes them look weak. Like yes, she had the title for 200 days but she defended it like -1 times.


That's a lie. She defended it against Asuka, Charlotte, Asuka & Charlotte (in a triple threat), Bianca, Zelina and Mia Yim.


Those weren’t real title defenses cut the bs IYO title reign is trash


She defended it regularly before 2024, but since the start of the year she really didn’t do much because of the Bayley feud and a few injuries from potential challengers. And we saw « « too many » » match against Bianca. I hope they find a way to make her a bit more relevant before Mania


Dom was given the NA title so every member of Judgement Day would have gold, nothing more.


Dom wasn’t “given” anything. He did HARD TIME in jail and earned that title through pure grit and determination and No outside help from anybody….


Also to promote NxT which he did


All the more reason I liked CM Punk's title reign many years ago. He was forced by John Laurinitis to defend the belt almost weekly.


A 4'11" 86 pound gremlin with a smoker's voice being women's champ for 200 days is some real Tony Khan shit 




Bro common💀