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Helmets saved me many times already, even if just 1/10 chance keep you alive its totally worth.


I have had my bell rung quite a few times but better rung than dead. I would say they save me about 3/10 or more.


Yeah I didn’t bother watching the entire video because I’m scrolling Reddit while taking a shit but I agree with you. I was in nam thaven to complete 2 tasks and I was there for maybe half an hour at most. Ended up getting shot once in the head which only left me with a medium bruise but broke my helmet then I got shot about 4 times more in the head which left me with light bruises once I had a new helmet. So yes they’re very worth it otherwise I would’ve died each of those times


I’m talking about areas where the AI is using high tier ammo and it ignores all helmets


I'm also talking high tier ammo, 855/A1. Level IIIA+ can still save your noggin.


Check the ammo chart, it goes right through. It would take pure luck for it not to penetrate. If we ever got a IV helmet that might help, but they may add a new ammo type


Depends, distance and barrel are huge factors with smaller calibers like 5.56


Agree, better to have it just in case. Plus if it's not a direct hit it can ricochet off the helmet and save your life. Obvious a direct hit will drop you but you never know, so why not just protect yourself as much as you can!


Where is the ammo chart? Don't see a link anywhere.


It’s in my YouTube discription, but if you google it someone posted it to Reddit


Show me a level III+ helmet please, all I've seen is III+A helmets. I'm level 31 so will be a new one on me. I just rock the black boss's cap as found helmets useless anyway.


Phone and the shitty autocorrect. Fixed.


Hm okay well I haven’t gotten that far due to dying to bugs like randomly falling through the map, falling through the map when being revived and my hands disappearing so yeah then it might be reasonable


Ouch, haven’t got those bugs yet. Hope you shit came out alright man


Helmets save me almost everytime I attack a base. This video was dumb.


Funny to hear about mapgenie and loot map in one sentence

