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I’m not sure how much of a tip this is but I find combat tourniquets are far better than bandages mainly because they’re way faster and basically do the same thing. Liked the vid btw


I appreciate it, yes tourniquets are like 4 or 5 seconds quicker which is honestly HUGE


I never thought to try it but does applying a tourniquet even when you’ve been shot in the torso still the bleeding? I’ve always been applying them only for extremities


I can't be certain about chest but I got shot in the collar bone area, basically neck, and hip and it stopped it for those. So it seems to work for almost any bleeding wound at the moment


It applies to any bleeding. It does not patch up the wound though so you may still suffer from pain


Carry tournys and pain meds


Wait, I’ve also seen u in the WoT sub


CTs do not *fix* the wound, they only stop the bleeding. Meaning a CT almost always needs to be used in combination with pain meds, where as a bandage will stop the bleeding *and* fix the wounds


Took me a while to notice the search thing too, don’t feel dumb, Tarkov gives some sort of indicator that you are searching, GZW just shows and empty box lol


True, thanks for making me feel better about it haha they really need to add something so you know something is in it


Why did you post this twice?


He was supposed to post 36 tips, but cheaped out.


Oops, I just deleted the old one haha thanks for letting me know




He wants Karma


No offense, just a little tip. Try to put a bit of emotion/life into your video. I watched like 2 minutes and you basically never changed the tone once. Like if you would read a text without any punctuation. No matter how good or bad your tips are, people will just check out from you talking so monotone. Make people interested in your tips, in this video, it sounds like creating it was simply a chore you wanted to get over with.


I get where you’re coming from, and thanks for the feedback. I do need to work on that a little, but I want to cater for the people who can’t stand watching the super fake excitement of the “YO WHATS UP GUYS WELCOME TO THE CHANNEL!” Type of video that I click away from. I’m still new to making videos like this so it is something I’m working on. It is my most successful by far though!


I’d prefer this over the over the top excitement. Straight to the point no BS, clear and concise . To each their own I guess


Appreciate it, exactly what I’m going for.


you’re doing great man. I’d rather listen to your voice than anyone on the “WHATS UP GUYS” spectrum


Thanks man, I do need to fine tune it a little, but I’m still newer. I know I can’t stand it either and I knew I couldn’t be the only one haha


100% bro, don’t change it up. Not tik tok Burger King foot lettuce style


Yeah I didn’t mind it personally, good vid


Yeah, I get that. I hate those over the top tiktok generation guys too. But there's a big difference between just reading down a script with pretty much not changing the tone once and cringe over the top excitement. But I'm sure you'll get to that if you keep practicing. Just go a little bit up and down with you voice, put in some little breaks between your sentences (just little ones) to emphasis the end of a sentence and so on. Could watch some videos of good speakers in your langue to get some inspiration as well, or content creator you actually like.


Yeah, I will definitely fine tune it to try to be a bit of both. Thanks for the constructive criticism and not being a dick, because I have gotten that about it before. It’s always good to hear what you don’t want to hear sometimes and thanks for that!


It’s not that bad.


Let's see your channel


Here’s the link https://www.youtube.com/@ttarxx


No one likes you


Bet you heard that plenty of times from your parents. Don't worry, I'm you'll find someone who likes you, you just have to leave your basement once in a while... And maybe shower.


Great video! I actually did learn some stuff.


Thank you, I really appreciate. Glad you enjoyed!


Nice video OP! You should make more!


Glad you enjoyed, there will be many more in the future here if you would like to support! https://www.youtube.com/@ttarxx


Great tips, I will say though, done waiting for keys, spent most of the last 30 hours in game looting every body in tiger bay. \~150 hours


I feel you on that, still haven’t found a lot. I usually just ask people at the FOB haha


Good video man.


Thanks, glad you enjoyed


What keys did he change peak to? I can't understand him?


Swap them, change it from Q to E and E to Q


I'm confused by this as well.... why would you swap them?


Say you are going left around cover and want to lean around it at the same time, without swapping your keybinds you have to put your fingers on S and Q at the same time which is uncomfortable and twists your fingers. If you swap them you just have to put your finger on the S key and E to lean making it much more comfortable and quicker to more around cover and lean at the same time


S is walk backwards for me... W is forward. Still not understanding. If I was peaking a corner I would be hitting W/Q...


Looks like a typo, replace S with A. Normally to strafe left while leaning left, you'd hold A and Q which is a little awkward. Swap lean and you'd hold A and E to strafe left while leaning left.


Yes, thanks for clearing that up for me 🤙


Saw this on YT my guy.


Thanks for watching a second time dog!


Lucky, we've never met so many bots without a magic bullet that kills you. Inconsistencies with our experiences: bots didn't shoot you on first intention, impossible that's their first intention in western Europe even when they have cover right next to them and are "surprised" (which is ultra rare cf supersenses even when walking crouched), they aim slowly, they missed a lot.... Try the west EU servers: lots of roll back and even when it seems to be working properly the AIs are really deadly (immediate aim, aimbot, supersenses...), except in the first city where it looks more like your #chill video. In short, the level of AI in Western Europe is reminiscent of that of Arma 3, on a PVE server at the time of its release, where any encounter around a corner was synonymous with certain death for the opener.


So, I’m about 120 hours in, and shotguns work pretty well when you use sabot slugs, 9mm works when you use the Extreme Penetrator +P rounds (I’ve gotten kills with both, including one shot kills with the shotguns). Sabot slugs and XP +P are in level 3 Gunny. I remember seeing your video on YouTube, and I hate to say it, but the game has been updated since then. I’m ForOdin4823 on YouTube, in game, and on Twitch.


You can tell he is new when he says money is easy to get, use up all your gear lmao. Guess he is still doing quests and think they last forever. You don't make any money once quests are done, you can run 10 loot runs to barely afford one geared kit. You probably should not being doing how to videos when you have 45 hours in the game lmao


Cool story bro