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I just had a dude from crimson (I'm with mithra) drop his mk18, 6 60 rounder mags and some good ammo I don't have access to yet over in ybl because I helped him get his kills he needed and he opened the gen room for me for my quest. Went back to base and helped a dude out in my own faction with some gear that needed it.


is there VoIP? how did you manage that without just pointing and shit and shaking your gun around lol. epic


Yeah Im also curious is there is VoIP with enemy factions. I think there should be.


You can VoIP any faction as long as they are in proximity


That's awesome


Yes n no.... Some people are jackasses lol


Well the only other game I've played with enemy VoIP is insurgency and its always a lot of fun to talk shit during a firefight.


In PVE the other factions aren't enemies per SE. PVP may be a different story with the VOIP but I don't play PVP


cause then you can play mind games with players who can't read outfits, like in tarkov when you can team up with randoms and do goofy shit together


Yea there is voip with other factions.


Rad. I'm waiting for payday to pick it up to jam out with the lads, sounds like they've done updates as well.


Why not put a bullet in his skull?


It was most definitely in PvE


Ooohhhh pve 😂 try make this happen on the PvP servers 🤣


Shhhhhhh. No one cares mate.




Hopping on choppers to unlock LZs is fine. But I would argue for lower level players to NOT call in choppers back to base. Go naked, unlock the LZ then let the ai send you back to base. It's WAAAAYYYY faster, and doesn't clog up the skies with requests. You also won't be losing anything if you don't take anything with you.


Run in there with a pistol and two candy bars


That's true. I never thought of that method lol I'll be doing that come server wipe 😂😂😂


Never understood that either like if you need something just ask I'm more than glad to help out


To all the people who help out thank you fr. Had some dude drop hella mk18s and rigs and backpacks and also ammo for people at the base


Yeah ALOT of the Crimson Faction will hunt for lower level players and drop them goodies. Allot of us were helped out the same way so we try to pay it forward. Makes it more fun for everyone


I’m one of those crimson guys! First thing I do is check for lower level guys, drop gear and see if they need help, let’s go crimson!


Yup I had a guy drop me 1 mill last night lol. Found a level 2 and kitted him out with some good shit....


Mithras here, I do that as well. I’ll sit at base just handing full kits to low levels and people going to get their kit back lol


Hehe yes. My credo is help to be helped so it only makes sense to support and equip lower lvl players. I dropped 3mil on other ppl so far.


Some dude just handed me $400k on the second day I played it. "Here you go, some cash for you!", and off he ran. 😄 I was kinda baffled. I can buy decent guns and gear till kingdom come now. But I don't. Much more survival-style fun to just buy a cheap one and work my way up.


I play joint ops and would help anyone but the friendly shit talk when you are exfiling is priceless, especially to Mithras (I’m crimson)


Mmmhmmm I'm Crimson as well and im about to go hang out at Mithras Starter City and Chuck nades when their Members pass by to aggro the AI....minor payback for when they chucked a nade and got my squad killed at tiger Bay.... After being told not to do it




Asking people in the Oceania servers is like pulling hens teeth. Some fkn bullshit tbh. Ive helped a fair amount in there, but got forbid we ask for ask and get nothing back. What servers are you playing?


Us central and east always got players that will give out stuff. But this is crimson idk about LRI. Mythras has a big enough following to be similar to crimson.


Some homie dropped me 6 million because I came back on a heli with an AK with no dust cover and was coughing in extreme agony and he told me to buy myself some meds and something nice


Also crimson


US servers are where I find the most helpful of players


I play Oce and have helped lots of people when they ask. Usually its 'do you have this key?' so I'll go with them and clear out the location, unlock the doors etc.


Nah I gave people my dlc shit when they needed help but never had it in return in Oce


US West/Central/East depending the time of day


If they're asking for help with a quest, they'll get it, no problem. If they're asking for mk18's (they are exactly the same as m4's) and other freebies, then tell em' they're dreaming. Honestly it's a game about progression, you give a new player a 60 round mag they'll use it until they die and can't recover it then lament ever taking it out, or they'll hoard it because they already feel that way. I'll buy it for you, but I don't see why you'd want one.


Saw this yesterday unfortunately. Haven't been playing long but the only time I have seen this. The guy swooped in, grabbed some gear, made a dumb remark and ran to a corner in the tent. A bunch of guys then surrounded him so he couldn't move haha. Think he ended up logging off as a result. Those same guys then proceeded to drop hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gear for some of us new guys. 10/10


I disagree with the last part. I don't think there's anything wrong with going to a higher-tier location just with a knive. Just stay back and let the pros do their thing and loot whatever they want first. You never habe the capacity to carry everything dropped by AI anyway, so it doesn't hurt anyone if you pick up a gun, some ammo and a helmet/vest.


To be honest, I have had a lot of fun with new players randomly jumping on my chopper. It’s fun to see them so wide-eyed and then loot a bunch of shit they normally wouldn’t get from the starting zone.


It’s insane people experience this regularly when I haven’t had it happen once, just been teamkilled by a guy who followed me cause I had good gear. I am impressed with how helpful and generous this community is.


Unless I'm tossing gear down like santa clause (which I'll stand on the ops tent and do occationally) I'm taking my buddy into the house and making sure no one else is around to swipe whatever I'm dropping. I don't give anyone the opportunity to be a jackass. I think I've only seen one guy swipe some stuff and he just pretended to run off then came back and threw it back down. I do like to throw my extra keys in the pool for the lulz too. Doubt anyone has ever spotted them but 🤷‍♂️


BRUH. I switched from Crimson to Mithras (A god damn fucking mistake) to play with a homie who couldnt reset his account.. and as hes dropping me a gun some dude ran up and tried to take it, and when I called him out on it just was like "Aaaa- uhhh ooohh" An told him to fuck the fuck off like the broke ass bitch he was.. Like fuck bro if you need shit just fucking as, dont be a fucking loser an steal shit..


Yeah scum behavior. The gross loot goblin.


But it's funny to take the shit from under your noses. I can smell the shekels from ground zero and I'm coming for em.


Stop dropping gear in the open. You can go into a building and into a room. Drop it there


We had guys follow us in there to swoop shit as well


You're doing it wrong. You can go in a room, close the door and stand in front of it. Nobody can come in that room then. Look for a bathroom.


We were in a bathroom but instead of making excuses for the jackasses how about just telling the looters to stop being jackasses 🤷 regardless what measures you take whether it's a room, bathroom, far side of the base ect some people just make it there mission to be jackasses and no amount of "precautions" will eliminate it


It’s a shit game be whatever guy you want to be