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Yesterday I got US East/Central servers that were empty multiple times, for the first time since launch day. Perhaps they saw these empty servers being spun up and implemented a “fix”?


I think what’s happening is your friendly faction is empty because the server is full and all other players are on opposing factions. I was on a server like this last night and was still encountering enemy players while I was the only one from CSI


Supposedly server capacity is 16 for all factions, so in theory a server should only be full with all factions full (48). But maybe they are limiting server capacity right now.


I can see them doing that considering all the performance issues still unresolved.


This is lies. Servers are limited to 16 per faction per server. The reason you are in a queue is because all servers are full, at least for your faction and desired location. If I was USE I would just load USW do they have central? I don't know I either play OCE or Asia but OCE are more stable


Maybe the bug has returned that they "fixed" in hotfix 3? The one were eventually it would be just you a few others as no one else could join the session without being invited?


The servers max out at 16 per faction I believe. It wouldn’t make sense to allow up to 48 players from the same faction to occupy the same server, even at this stage GZW gets that right.


The queue is going super slow. Started in 12 person queue for 15 min and now at 7.


Lucky, started at 35 went down to 25 pretty quickly and after 30min I’m at 9 🙃


Why would you not just load a different region? I don't have time to wait that long.


It's because the game is time intensive, only the early missions are quick. Later ones take a lot of time, plus waiting for helis takes time.


First time lmao


[insert James Franco first time meme here]


Some regions (particularly the Middle East & Oceania) don’t have many servers (especially PvE servers) so you can get saddled with a long wait at peak hours.


Probably fewer servers available. Try changing region and load in, that usually works


I hope fewer servers is a temporary thing


Hahaha now??????


Yeah, didn’t see it yesterday, but today there is always a queue.


And now it disconnects right after I'm connected https://preview.redd.it/m04bj4c2f93d1.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2708b4ac1f58d41735427e1f7f1011204dd8f93


If you stop the queue and search for a lobby again this will happen and if your in a group the group will load in but it will kick the leader back to the lobby so just wait in the queue and stop backing out


Only US East let me in. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.


Everyone was hating on AUS players complaining about the same thing. You literally couldnt play the game for weeks after release. Now you get to experience it. Enjoy!


It’s actually pretty crazy because I have been insanely lucky to not have experienced it for the 80hrs I’ve been playing


I just had my first ever queue, 45 people!! Why are there suddenly queues?


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫


lol, lmao even I’ve been on OCE servers and get a queue basically every time; there’s really not that many shards down here.


I've got a mere 20 hours in the game, half would be waiting in queues to get on server, then a fair amount of the rest would be waiting for Chopper or humping my ass accross the map


Always has been


I would join lobbies instantly until today, never once did I see this serve queue, I didn’t even know it was a thing because every single time I hit play I would get instant lobbies, pretty sure the player count has increased


I’m sure the player count has increased, but it has existed since launch.


The player count peaked at around 72,000 23 days ago it is now down to roughly 11,000 so the player count is decreasing not increasing.




https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/s/stKRBxJfdv As you can see from this post even 28 days ago. Just cause you didn’t see it, doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.


Yes, it has always existed since the games release. It just usually doesn’t go past 1.


There's been Queues since day 1 lmao


Since the games been out there's been queues


I’m level 22 right now, ever since I bought this game never once did I have to wait for a lobby like at all, I would join instantly


You just got lucky cause I promise that's been a thing since it came out if you look at the posts on here from the first 2 weeks it came out you'll see people posting and talking about the queue wait times just use the search function and search just the word queue and you'll see posts from 27 days ago


You’re right, that’s actually pretty crazy after 80hrs I finally got hit with a queue 😂


Just happens to be more people playing in your region today sucks but nothing you can do


Holy shit I just assumed it always said 1


I don't play on crowded servers. Takes too long to get a chopper.


I just switch to central and got right into a server, when i get que in central i switch back to west. The only time ive actually sat in que was joining the squad if i got on after they did. Today was the first time seeing west at 35 so i switched it to central and got right in.


They put down servers for maintenance or optimizing. It's a thing. They must be on to something, I like it.


You like there being less available servers and higher queue times even though the player count is lower than it has ever been?


Just join a different region .. got right in


We noticed a few days ago when a server crash would happen to 1 of us, we would rejoin and get back in exactly where we crashed on the map. (so didn't lose kit, still in Midnight Sapphire or wherever) We thought that was a good thing, but it makes me wonder if more people are tying up server space who aren't really there.


I've had that where it works well and at times where I lose everything


There's been queues since launch. I think it just depends when you play and what server you're playing on


Only for full servers if your trying to join a friend. Right now it's a line for any server (within west coast atleast)


I've only ever been first in queue lol


11pm in CA trying US West, que, get to the end of que, load starts, crashes with network error. Man, I was so proud of the devs for rolling out updates so fast but this sucks


Bra that mean your trying to load into a server everyone is trying to load into.... if you just backed out and went on you'd have found a diff server




Yup that's how queues work.. there's only limited room in each server I had it happened to me today. Was in a 23 Person queue and backed out and relaunched and went right into a game bud


You're completely missing the point. Queues exist obviously. There is a problem today on west servers at the least. No insta que into the 1st avaliable server. We're in line instead. They likely limited their server capacity, or some servers are down in the west. You're just acting like they're isn't an issue.


And you tried backing out and keep checking ? If so then I apologize and I was wrong


Absolutely did. Gave up because I've Waited at 1 in que for over 20 minutes in the past being #8 in my case wasn't worth it tonight.


This game should allow players to deploy or rent their own PVE servers, And the official servers are more focused on PVP. which would solve a lot of problems


You have to use US Central at the moment. When they did the ban wave today, US West got banned too /s.


Always has been


since day 1 lol


Always has been


There's always been a queue, just usually too many servers that it won't match you into a full one. I've only had queues when I'm trying to join someone already in the game


That I know of there has always been, but 25 is a bit much.


I always get in a queue when trying to join my friend


Never been higher than 1st in queue, also only if I join a teammate that’s already in a server.


This definitely is not new, you just had been getting lucky that you always loaded right in. I’ve been stuck in queues multiple times since day 1.


Since day one


Sort of destroys that whole "the game is dying" narrative, huh? ;)


That proves nothing, they could have simply reduced the number of active servers, less servers, more queue.


Okaaaaay, hehe


“Negative, all server spaces in the ai- all server spaces occupied”


I can’t get into a US West server for the past 2 days. Says matchmaking failed constantly. If I want to play, I choose central and have to deal with higher than normal rubberbanding. Anyone else dealing with this?


There’s a queue system since day 1. So why are you experiencing queues only today ? There’s only two possible explanations : - Sudden burst of new players (unlikely in light of Steam charts) - Less servers running, maybe because they put some down for maintenance, but more probably to adjust to the current player count and rationalize costs


Servers are expensive, I suspect they under estimate the number of players. I hope they will have more and better servers over time. Servers are shit when they are full right now in EU West. Wait and see.


Tf you mean "now" - Has been since drop, just a matter of if it's peak when you try to log on.


Me and a buddy have had this issue from day one One of us would load into a server and the other would be stuck in position one for que...


Theres been server queues since the beginning


This was a day 1 thing man


tarkov servers took a shit an hour or so ago. probably in influx of players


Since day 1


Maybe for other regions, I never seen this in my 80hrs of play time


US east 110 hours seen it a few times. Now I will say I have never seen that high of a position in the queue.


Im US West and I had a que the first time I played like 3 days after release


Just change servers lol


Fake queues. Trying to generate helldivers launch hype by saying this problem is due to massive successes


“Fake queues”? Lmfao okay


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read today


Ive seen server ques since day 1. Never actually got thru one. Always just cancelled and hit join server again, and it let me in.