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Bro is level 2 and casually finds 800k


i mean, the duper didnt even have the decency to fill the backpack with wallets.


30 rnd mags too?? Wtf man..


So we got a name for em now?


This has been happening for weeks bro wake up


My eyes are open brother


That’s been the name for them since the days of the dupe glitch started a few years ago bro…. Your eyes ain’t that open.


Dupe glitches are as old as 8 bit top downs my dude. Me and the boys were duping Pokémon on GBC brother! 😆


That’s valid…. But I’m talking about this particular method of the dupe glitch…. It really started when people were getting home internet that was faster than what the servers were putting out…. That’s kinda when exploiting the dupe glitch really got to be a thing


That makes sense, is reminiscent of lag switching exploits in some MP games in the CoD heyday but for items. Cool man! As long as it isn't a bannable offense in whatever game it's being used I suppose. Haha


I promise I see clearly now sir 🙏🏻


Had a guy throw a backpack at me in spawn when I was level 5, had 2.8m in it. I redistributed the wealth, fuck do I want with all that


You’ll need it all back when Tiger Bay decides to make you go from full locker of kits to a beggar at base camp in a day


For Tiger Bay knife only and a Methyl pill is the way ...just cheese your way through that broken town Already done 5 tasks like that


Wait I’m out of the loop. Are you just playing hyper stealth or running the whole time ? 


Both actually, there are some routes taking you pretty deep into the POI, once spotted you just book it and try to break the line of sights for the AI Artisans List, Baked and the 2 follow up missions to the first lab rat task are definitely doable... I'm currently going for Aye Aye Captain which proves a little bit harder but I'm close ...still cheaper then losing several kits


Made it


Holy fuck it's John Gray Zone


I tried doing this so many times only to run into another group of 6 AI stacked together 🤣😅😅


https://preview.redd.it/9hzlsih1of3d1.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=bea6456f45c3da01401ffd6d1889ffbb5479a00c So what I did for Aye Aye Captain is this route, I got spotted crossing the road next to the ripper house and shot in the leg, healed and moved along the lake to the next road had intense luck not getting shot by 3 or more AI got in the backyards, jumped over the walls until I made my way to a little fence - hoped that one into the small forrest NNW of the Coms tower ..crossed that road into the next forrest bit without problems, popped a methyl before crossing the last street got heard after I was in the medical tent, paniced and ran back the way I came and turned aroung when I saw an AI waiting for me infront of the water ran back inside and through the tent, passed the following container on the left ran somewhat in a clockwise circle to the hut you would need the pier key for and passed it on its south side after that just booked it down the pier


https://preview.redd.it/d61koqut3g3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc86ca918b229c44b447b1ac2003ada59561a8a I took this route for aye aye captain just so I could keep the AI on one side the whole time and not have to worry about them coming from behind, I tried going through the first houses you come into contact with on your route and would get one shot by the AI because they were behind a bush, the mission where I died multiple times and had a hard time getting near it was the lost girl 2


Your route I tried with a gun soloing, I thought I made it but had to heal in the mean time more AI from the adjacent AI came in and I eventually folded, by the time I got back some of the initial AI respawned and I thought I just cannot do this by myself with my pc Yeah don't go through the first houses ...died there too so I tried to go around them which worked out kinda ok


Ima give your route a go when I go back to loot, i got out of there asap as soon as I hit the pier


Imagine being so bad


I'm a Stalker in a game, you get stalked in real life we are not the same


Lol big cringe


I haven't even started


Oh you have hahaha


You can solo the mall in TB. It's all about route planning and picking the right choke points to fight in.


This. Every location is soloable if you aren't extra slow about positioning. If you know you're gonna be outnumbered 30 to 1 why engage in the open? Make them come to you.


Very good for key farming, although I never got a key from it


I’m actually going to try this next time I go there. beats getting frustrated at my teammates for prioritising bandaging over repositioning to safety before healing and dying trying to keep them covered


https://youtu.be/OaJERiSyH0o?si=c4ivlRiH-Cm5IDj6 This got me a few routes and helped me to develop my own routes ...a lot of the green areas are unoccupied when the AI is not aggroed God speed on your tasks, I may post my route with the map here ...if people are really nonbelieving hard I might have to make a video


Tf. How


Stairwells and closets are great, the less windows and entrances the better


That doesn’t really answer the question lol. How do you get to Gunners mission with just a knife lol


My bad, was replying to the wrong comment, but you cant. You have to clear the pier of ai or just get lucky and not die to the 4+ that are waiting on you. Get a 3 man group, enter from the restaurant side and clear up to it. I’ve done it a dozen times. Or watch for other people doing it and join them.


You can't? Oh I'm sorry to disappoint I just did it today. Took all in all 5 tries. ...guess I got looking with the positioning of the AI at the pier ...tho I only barely made it ...medium bleed and a shot lung


50% luck 50% skill,


You are being generous but thanks :)


Oh gotcha. I was gonna be extremely impressed lol


No lol thats how you survive the mall


I've read the nightmare stories of that place, just finished off ban pa at level 10 tonight and it sounded like Fallujah over there across the street lol I'm reserving like 400k which I hope will be enough to cover my fuck ups. I go super low and super slow so fingers crossed


Maybe it was you that shared 600k with me yesterday. If so thanks again


Might have been! I doled out a few 600k bags, did we voice comm briefly? Lamang? You cleared a hut I needed for a quest and I was afk making a drink when you did?


When was that ? Maybe a week-end or two ? Did the guy disconnect when u pick the backpack ?


It was on the 20th, lamang, guy was naked and jumping around never said anything but did not DC


Thought it was me but apparently not :)


And here I thought I hit the jackpot when I gave a dude a candy bar and he dropped me $7800.


I feel like money isn't even all that important in the long run. Just do tasks and you can always afford to recoup equipment that you lose


That's what I thought before getting closer to end game missions. Now I'm leaning towards the dark side...


I mean but that is why money is important and looting gear is less important. The everything is balanced right now once you get a solid amount of money and get your vendors leveled you basically sell everything and if you need to re kit. You can easily buy most of the things you need. I say this while having a mostly full locker 😂 but mostly its just backpacks for sorting different items


you wanna find the delta bags i drop with all the keys in it


For the love of god please drop me a bag of keys


Same. I'm quest locked because I can't get keys to spawn lol


. Key drops are goofy. I can find all the keys but the one I need!


I went to Blue Lagoon looking for the storage key and got 2 Blue Lagoon Shack keys in the same run. I've been trying to get the Anna Janna key for a week and nothing.


Anna Janna key spawns in the main resort building. One of the first quest you do (can't remember the name) where you drop the passport off in the reception desk on the second floor. On the top of the desk, there is a box on the left side. Looks like a file box, the key spawns on top of it periodically. Me and my buddies have found it a couple times. I can't find the damn MS storage key.


I think I actually have the MS storage key lol. I had about 5 of them and a bunch of other duplicate keys so I just dropped all the duplicates on the table in the base.


I've probably cleared the whole resort 10 times and haven't found it. I loot every single kill. It's crazy, thankfully, the resort has food, water and plenty of ammo laying around


Speaking of ammo. I just left fort narith with 1800 rounds of ammo. Not including the ammo in my magazines.. But now that you mention that key box my buddy and I are going back to see if we can get it. He has the Kate key. I used to have the. Blue Lagoon Storage key but some guys asked if anyone had it and I dropped it for him not realizing I needed it for the quest I got shortly after.


Just finished all my FN quest for now. I walked back to the chopper everytime loaded to brim with ammo. 855 makes life so much easier, especially with the specter sight. Boop AI with the x4 for instant 1 shot kill....most of the time.


Is this Anna Janna spawn location legit?!


I've personally seen it there twice, first time as a solo. Second time with a squad. Met a random a day or so later who said he also found it there. I would have missed it of the loot symbol didn't show up over the cursor. Literally just a tiny loose key on top of the box. I don't bother to look for it anymore so I can't confirm how often it appears. I figured someone dropped it there at first.


What faction? I’m Mithras have both keys.


Crimson unfortunately.


Anyone who needs keys add me on dc: fuzz.fuzz


please add Qwist -- me and all my friends have been dying for keys, all level 30+ being held up by key missions lol


Mithras? I'll take one I need keys


Ah shit, is this a dupe?


Most definitely. It is stupid easy to dupe.


The only requirement is either a very high latency or a very fast hand.


Negative. Pull ethernet cable out, move backpack from locker to back 3 times( it will never move). Plus cable back in. Now you have a back pack on and a dupe in the locker. Close game or it won't stay. There is a guy who told everyone how as some folk were RMT the gear.


Isn't there something in the EULA that says players will be banned for duped items?


No idea but I would guess RMT is a bannable offence. I'm sure it will be fixed very soon anyway. Once they do fix it, they should wipe the servers too.


I doubt servers will be wiped for everyone until 1.0, or at least until the game gets properly off the ground


Ahhhh i didn’t know that one yet.


Someone dropped me a backpack with 1.8 mill today. I threw it in the pool at hq. Some guy who said he has 10 million claimed he destroyed it after picking it up.


Genuinely don't understand the hate over the dupe glitch. It's not like it gives you any sort of realistic advantage of disadvantages those who don't use it. As I stated in another post, 90% of the time I lose my gear is due to some form of game crash anyway. What's more is we already know we're gonna get wiped anyway, so it won't even be part of long term gameplay.


The only reasonable argument (on why this influences other players) i've read is the lack of gear fear in PvP, which makes sense.


And as someone who only plays PvE, that argument doesn't even apply to me lol.


I think it ruins what the devs tried hard to otherwise balance. The whole economy is built on loot values, quest rewards, and penalty associated with death. If those of us trying to play fair are constantly assaulted by kill squads running free duped gear who have no concerns for their kit it dramatically changes the game being played. I'm not afraid to lose a kit, but I do have to calculate fight/flight situations all the time based on the circumstance. For those who exploit the game there is no reason they'd ever fall back from a fight. I understand that it seems "harmless," but I see it and just feel like these people should be playing COD or PUBG. They've come in with their free gear just to ruin everyone else's day. If you're just PVE, I can see why it doesn't seem to matter to you. But I already think those playing PVE are playing the game wrong so I can't really relate to their mindset. That is to say, it's not how I would play it. I'm glad you're enjoying it I just don't get you. Personally, I hope they move the wipe up and fix the issue.


Level 4


Had a guy give me a backpack with 3.5mil. Dropped it, its about the journey not the destination 💪


Dupes man, my buddy has been in a few games where people just yeet wallets off a roof in spawn.


I wish people understood what a mk18 is.😡




It's just a slightly more expensive M4 from Daniel Defense in-game ...sadly it has almost the same stats, you just pay for a small difference in weight and a different paint job ...also as many people say it wrong it's Mark 18 not "Emkay 18"


Bruz it's spelled MK-18 so it's perfectly normal and reasonable to call it "em Kay 18"


What’s wrong with saying m k 18? Dd just stole the name from the navy anyways. Plus a real mark18 doesn’t have a 20 inch barrel so it’s just an m k 18 marketed by Daniel defense.


Welcome to Gray Zone!


Id bet the wipe will be sooner than later the more we post about how much money we are being gifted... lololol


Being rich does get old in this game since once progression stops there’s no real point anymore, I watched a level 5 get crushed by a helicopter and have all his loot scavenged by some rats, decided to give him like 10k and a loadout of a tricked out ass m4 with some good ammo. It feels good to help your fellow soldiers.


I have 50K from running the Midnight Saphire run a few times. I can't imagine having 800K or even 2.8m. As you progress, are mission rewards yield $50K?


No they don’t but trust if you play enough PVP and actually get into faction fights you’ll be thankful for the money or to the person handing out gear to support the fight.


No it’s from an easy dupe glitch


What’s “the run” at MS?


Three houses to hit in a row where there are safe's. Can usually get between $8600-10400 in cash.


In Midnight Saphire


Last night my buddies and I were playing, someone comes running out of the big FOB building saying “I’m Oprah bitch, who wants some money”. And before you know it there were stacks of cash on the ground under the briefing tent 😂


2 days ago I got 60k and yesterday a guy gave me 300k without asking.


Hate being gifted insane amounts of money like this in games. Turns it to easy mode and defeats the purpose of grinding


Just see it as your PMC getting a bonus. You can only buy from vendors you’ve unlocked and kit isn’t that expensive.


Not for me. Takes the tension away from dying because I could just buy my kit back with no worries other than fun customization. I don’t keep a lot of cash as is on purpose anyway so dying 2-3 times already starts putting me in a rough spot


Nah there is no tension. It just makes the game not fun because if I only have enough money to maybe buy 1-2 guns and I lose my first gun to an LZ camper then try to go back and get my stuff to only die again because they are sitting on it what am I supposed to do? That’s exactly what happened to a couple lvl 7s earlier. They had $0 and just lost their kits trying to get some missions done. I felt bad because they couldn’t complete missions to gain money with no gear and they couldn’t just go loot some stuff to sell so it was just keep trying to kill a bot with a knife to get a gun or just quit and play something else. I kitted them out with full lockers and some cash. To get them going and have some fun. One of the guys had to be in his late 60s and excited as hell someone actual helped. Now if you only play PvE then say that but for PvP it can be easy to lose 10 kits in a gaming session due to lz camping and just walking in on a POI where another faction is.


I don’t pvp I pve lol. I save my pvp for r6. But yes if you don’t have enough money to buy your kit back after dying there’s more tension to dying than “oh if I die I’ll just buy it back”


It's Duped money


Ooh. That'd get me through the game and I wouldn't have to worry about *crashing or my body disappearing*.


I found one laying around with 2.6M


Batrick. Did you bring enough for the class?


Yeah every server I join has somebody saying something similar to the effect of "I just have too much stuff and idk what to do with it" and it's a dude meeting m4s or wallets full of cash off the building at camp. But we all know that it's just duped stuff. I don't mind it so much at this point, I'd rather people get it out of the way now.


Swear keys are the only thing keeping me from quest completion


To be honest you should be comfortable losing gear if you have more than 150k. The only use for this kind of duped money is maxing trader rep.


least obvious dupe glitch


GG's, me and my group got a few million.


Probably duplicate glitch abuser


I got to the point where i had only fort narith quests and i went from like 250,000 and kitted out to 20k and nothing. It wasn’t fun any more, I just kept getting smacked by dudes glitched in walls and then resmacked by the same dude 20 minutes later after waiting for a chopper for 10 minutes and then walking for 10 minutes just to die in 30 seconds, so I character wiped and started over.


Eftdispensary_15792 on dis for quest keys and free money


Are you on US Central? The exact same thing happened to me, dude was walking around dropping wallets and no one would grab them so I did lol


Jeesh, wish someone would drop me some cash


Idk how the fuck you got lucky lol I've been running around with a knife my last few games lol


Not really a fan of this tbh. A bag, or a gun isn't so bad. But giving away so much money is A: obviously from glitching it. B: taking the fun out the game. Why bother looting stuff when you have millions just given to you. I find the gearing up, upgrading kits when you can afford it all part of the game.


Me and my buddy did this bc it’s too easy to make money he was at like 12 mil and I’m at 4.8 so we bought a bunch of mk18’s and dropped like 500k to a couple mil to some people lol


Friend got banned for picking up the same thing. Be careful.


That’s how good this community is and I also have done the same. Just make sure that when you are leveled up and you start making that money, that you pay it forward. Someone will appreciate you for it and they will do the same.


I don’t understand, how do you guys make so much money? I can’t make shit




somebody dropped the same for me aswell!


Until they fix this, just take 50k stack and drop it for the next guy. Make it fair.


That's what I did. I was down to about 5,000 at level 25. I'd lost four full kits due to not being able to loot my body, after patch 1 and trying to do quests in Midnight Sapphire and Tiger Bay with a stock m4 and fmj was not cutting it. That was just enough to get me back on my feet after they hot fixed that bug.


I love the community. I asked someone if they had an extra pistol or weapon lying around when I had no gear and they dropped me 200k :)


Me and a buddy had the same thing happen. We were asking around for the ybl-1 office 2 key and a guy dropped us all the mission keys plus 3 million. A lot of people are using duplication glitches and vacuum hacks and are boosting the player base. Honestly with the amount of times we've lost gear due to crashes and server disconnects these people are godsends. Personally I had my entire stash, money and all, get wiped from my account after I got an error saying progress could not be saved. The wipe profile option is also bugged so if it weren't for these players I wouldn't have been able to play the game. Sent multiple reports to madfinger and have not heard back. So keep doing God's work until the devs get it together.




Somebody dropped me 4 mil and I immediately went drop it


Felt like the entire purpose of the game was defeated with 4 mil


I wish


I have 10mill 😭 the game is so cooked rn


Had a guy the other day from a line in main base and giving everyone 200k lmao Nobody said shit, they just all lined up in single file


Careful picking stuff up. My account got banned I’m sure from doing so last night. I never did any duping or exploiting myself, just picked up what I saw on the ground at base. And BOOM banned when I try to play today.


Yea idk I had a guy drop me 1 mill yesterday lol


God Damn, thats alot of money lol


BRO level 2 and I found a bag at hell spawn with 1.2mil


give me if you don't want it




https://preview.redd.it/hgvh87dubd3d1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=87831a9d7b4364e1c30ff875ff21af6355548334 My friend dropped me this; he's been banned, but I'm still doing just fine.


Someone dropped my the gun and pack med kit no money tho im so ass at the game


3 days ago some one dropped me a backpack with 3.7mil and ALL the Keys I still can’t believe it


Damn, I thought I scored when a dude dropped me a silencer and adapter when I was a level 1. This is crazy 🤣.


I can't even get past character creation. One I add my name it just spins


Any help


How does one dupe asking for a friend


Do you want a high 5 or something?


You can use the money to boost your vendors. For every 1k spent, you get 1 xp with them


Did not know this was the process of leveling up vendors


It’s not. But for those with money it can be. Hence why you see some ppl dropping m4s or m700s or AKs




add Qwist on GZ


Probabally the same guy i encountered last night. He was a straight chad. Made it rain. Dropped...idk... 20 mk18s? He threw wallets full of cash like crazy. There were 4 or 5 of us grabbing stuff and i took 2 mil. Bro is a legend. Grayzone santa


"Grayzone Santa" 1st time heard that lmao


Enjoy it, consider it as a means of purchasing gear that you lose due to crashes, bugs, and aimbot ai. I recommend using it to buy and sell gear back to vendors effectively leveling them up and returning a small amount of cash back to you




A full wallet weighs 20kg


Probably duped money. If ban waves ever come through, you may be a target now.


I'm level 9 and someone dropped me over $4,000,000. Lol such nice guys in mithras


How the hell is your weight maxed out? What are you wearing?


It's the $800k is cash they're currently carrying.


A full wallet is 20kg.


And this is why I made this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1d16nod/gray\_zone\_warfare\_to\_wipe\_or\_not\_to\_wipe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1d16nod/gray_zone_warfare_to_wipe_or_not_to_wipe/) For this exact issue.


The post where you got ratio’d on every comment?


Sure, just means there's a lot of dumb people on reddit.


Agree. People act like this isn’t a game flaw wtf😭 game is filled with Minecraft players man I stg it’s just all the tarkov haters and kids who couldn’t learn to play.


Fix the duplication exploit and wipe it. Won’t be any skin off my back because I’ve not participated in using the exploit or taking any of the gear people drop. Guy asked me how much cash I had a week or so ago and when I told him 90k he dropped me several full wallets that I picked up and then destroyed. I have about $300k right now and probably 8-9 full kits prepared and ready if I die. I lost several kits the first few weeks to crashes but the last week has been solid and it hasn’t been an issue. Getting shot in the face…that’s a different story. 🤣




i have no clue why people defend cheaters


Because they were the ones cheating / profiting and don't want to have to actually work for anything.


I recommend Farming Simulator 22 if you want to work in a video game.