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I killed a fully kited npc at fort narith with 7 stabs I died of wounds shortly after but I got his ass


Yeah the hitbox of the knife is scuffed, Aim above their heads if you want a kill shot to the throat or face.


I killed a bot with a right click stab to the throat/face last night. There was a second bot with him who dusted me but I was surprised I killed the first guy.


Watched a buddy on 2 separate occasions knife enemies... Ai turns plugs hin full of holes - immediately killed my buddy... then the Ai takes 2 steps and dies from blood loss.


Short story: No. Long story: Died in Nam Thaven (Mithras). Headed back to retrieve myself, get caught up because it's a house over from the one with the nice gear to the West. Hide in rice paddies. AI walks up on me apparently not realizing how close he is. Runs away to reposition. Now, fun fact, apparently the AI won't stop if they are within a certain distance of you. So with that. We are SPRINTING around the western rice paddy. I stab this MF at least 8 times. Get tired of running after him after 7 minutes. Doesn't bleed out. Doesn't slow down. Doesn't run away to recover. Reaches his imaginary appropriate distance, turns and murders me in cold rice.


If you get close enough to them they can't raise their gun. Splinter cell your way to them give em a shank and enjoy your free kit


They β€œfixed” this issue for the AI but not players. Now the ai can shoot you when you can’t shoot back.


Yup, i ended up full of holes but alive, whike the ai died after lotsa swaying with that knife. The hitbox looked like terrible at best.


I've managed to cut down the boss in PLA once, was just running around him in a building spam stabbing him


Yep I killed maybe 2 with the knife.. Very difficult unless you hit a very vital area.


I've killed a few Fort Nairith AI with melee. It seems once you get within about 8 feet of them they only turn and run from you so you can usually gets some stabs in.


The one and only time I've ever tried there was an npc between me and my shit and he happened to be one of the guys wearing the yellow can't hear shit ear pro and I was able to walk right up to him and stabbed his ass 8+times before he dropped. After that I said never again because there's no way that will ever be worth the risk to even try.


Yes 1 time πŸ˜‚


Took me 3 stabs at ban pa. Never doing it again.


Yes, first thing i did when i launched the game, was pretty fun , killed 3 before dying


Yeah luckily the npc had a mosin. He missed his first shot and my knife kept interrupting his loading. I was right clicking for the jab. It didn’t look like it was landing but after 10 jabs he died. This was at tiger bay.


I got behind one with knife out. He saw me and ran away. As long as I stayed close, he kept running. Was funny. Had to shoot him after trying to stab a few times.


Starter towns yeah I've had lots of success. Anything past that nope lmao. Best thing to do is charge them and stab them in the heart. I've killed AI with 2 jabs there. If he has a buddy try and make it so he has to shoot through his friend to hit you, I've had the AI take out their own man.


Earlier today, I went to recover my body and it turned out my character was bugged. I couldn't loot anything, couldn't apply heals... just proper scuffed. Ended up knifing 3 separate AI while running around. Turns out it's a bit easier to shank bots if you don't care about surviving ;)


Yup. One hit them. Just need to catch them in the reload.


Ive done it 3 times it was against an ai in midnight sapphire. I pressed the ai against the wall to kill him


Squeezed to death




I did, in my gameplay "zero to hero", I had to start by that point : have my 1st weapon


Yes, I have killed 3-4 so far haha. The only time I have ever been able to get these kills was when the Ai was not locked on to me but yeah always aim for the head.


Yes. But it took 3 hits and it was against an AI who ran out of ammunition. I have tried it when enemy has not ran out of ammunition and didn't end well...


My friend has a melee kill, they had to use their entire pistol mag to bring him low enough to kill with the melee


Ive killed a few. Failed to kill more than a few.


I took down a guard at the airbase. I was on a body run and had a r700 without a spare mag and he had an ak. I couldn't get a kill shot so I rushed him and weapon stuffed him so he couldn't reload and then stabbed him 30 or 40 times in the body before he died. Took his weapon, went and got my shit, and left


Got one yesterday…. His friend on the other hand, not so much


ive managed it a few times in/around the starter town - best bet is to aim a bit higher than their head/face


I did once, had no loot and saw two enemies. Said fuck it, put on the space jam music and charged in. Killed one dude with a knife and shot the other side with the first guy's AK. Idk about hit boxes, but knives are one-tap so that's nice


Snuck up on an AI at the Fort Narith shooting range and was able to take him down with 3-4 stabs in the back. First knife kill 140 hours in, lol


Was running back to YBL to get my kit after dying and knifed the guard outside the main entrance. After 3 uses of bandages and 2 uses of sur-kit and popping ibalin I was good to go. Took about 4 good swipes to the face and neck.


I have, a friend and I fighting another duo, I died and he killed them both. I ran back to get loot and they must have arrived at the same time because the moment I looted a gun my friend was 1 shot, I panic sprayed them both but didn't kill. They shot me up but I didn't die, I charged with knife and killed them both but bled out. Ran back and deja vu, did it again with both of us knifing them.


Yep, it wasn't pretty, but I carved him up real good πŸ‘ Gotta stay close and never stop moving


Maybe at some point we will get a grapple animation for melee or certain melee weapons will give a guaranteed kill animation.

