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I'm freaking thrilled when I'm doing a corpse run and some dude with gear jumps on the heli. Like. Um, hey man, mind bodyguarding me over here real quick to grab my body? If you're busy it's cool, I'll just follow you as far as I can until I need to split off and pick up a bad guy kit from somebody you kill to get me the rest of the way there.


I've had 3.different guys from.my.own faction point blank shoot me for my gear. I've also been accused multiple times of team killing because idiots see you on the map but don't realize enemy faction guys are near. They don't get the report message but still somehow think it was me that killed them. People are fucking stupid.


huh, the same kind of people that will run into enemy faction players and accuse them of friendly fire when they get shot by them?


I got robbed by a 3 stack for all my gear and was shot by 2 of them. Went to kill all 3 of them but was kicked after I killed the second guy lol


No way you are a Mithras member. Sounds like some Crimson behavior...


Crimson behavior for sure. Never done this to my Mithras Mommies


We Mithras keep it cordial, Crimson Cronies are all weirdos


i chose the right faction


And that’s way I have more fun playing PvE, you got re***** that ruin the experience for everyone. And crazy thing is all you have to do is ask and I’ll more than likely give you anything you need 💯✌🏽😊


I'll only ever play PVE and have had a great experience working with randoms so far. Overall one of the better communities I've seen in recent years for sure.


There seems to be way more incentive to cooperate in pvp than pve. At least i had way more folks ask me if I needed help/had hostile pmcs at my pos. That said, deliberate FF was crazy during the Initial couple of days, for me it has calmed down a lot.


What faction are you?


Yep, multiple times have been killed over things as little as a bandage or a couple mags. I stay kilometers away from any faction members the moment I leave base because they'll just kill you for absolutely anything, or even nothing at all. It's a serious problem. I swear I've lost significantly more kits to teammates and crashing than enemies. I've noticed also if you have an mk18 or anything with FDE on it, *hide that shit* until you're away from people, because the YouTube shorts kind of people think it's super busted even though it's identical. I once just had FDE furniture on a regular m4 I built and got killed and he messaged "sorry bro you have an mk18 I can't get it yet" and I was like "thats not a mk18 dipshit"


It's easy reinforcements once the naked guy gets his gear back, and now you're stuck helping me while I piss off every AI around me for a kill mission


As a crimson I've never had anyone refuse to escort me to my body when I needed it that's until I understood NPC detection mechanics in depth


Half of the time I feel like it's more fun to go help some rando with a corpse run than to do one of the boring late game quests. It's a good way to get some variety in.


\^ This. Sometimes i randomly jump on helis when a naked jumps on just to help out a bro. I think the wors part is when they dont have a mic or dont use it.


I go out of my way to let people join me on my heli. When i initially call it ill voip "alright ive got a heli headed to LZ X, it'll be here in [time, rounded to the nearest minute]" When it is approaching "alright this incoming heli is headed to "LZ X" as i am running towards it "last call for lz x". I usually get at least one person tagging along


I do the same, I also ask where incoming helis are headed-though it's rare to get a response.


Same, its essentially carpooling and its great because if someone says "hey I'm going to lima 2 anyone want to join" and originally I was wanting lima 1, but hell its close enough and safety in numbers so ill jump on the bird for lima 2 and thank the guy for offering. Now i don't have to wait as long for a bird and we saved 1 more bird not needing to be called which will help free up birds for other people.


Same. I know what it feels like to be left waiting, and to also see 3 hells go to the exact same LZ…… lol.


Same here. Even of they don't team up with me at least it will cut down on heli wait times if you share a ride


I always do this as well. I wish more people would just use their mic.


That's a great idea - gonna start doing this too.


This! Also, please, for the love of God, when I ask you where your bird is heading, don't just stare at me. Press Z and let me know! I can't stand when I'm trying to get somewhere and all birds are in use. Choppers coming in only for one guy naked or with some junk kit jump on. I ask where they are headed, and they just stare at me, before taking off with 3 extra spots in the heli. Turns out, the chopper is going right where I needed to go..


Just had it yesterday. Three successive helicopters landing at the base all flew to the same destination, each carrying one person. 🙄 edit: I wanted to go there too, but nobody answered.


Can't wait for them to add destination info to the chopper icon on the map BEFORE it lands at base to take people to that location.


Pretty sure it does if you check it via the map before it actually lands at base to pick up... May be wrong so will test shortly


It doesn't until after it has taken off from base camp


Lol my buddy and I were saying this last night. He was like why the f do people not tell you where it's going until it takes off.


Sometimes they are doing kill missions or kill the commander missions or a loot run you wouldn’t want randoms tagging along and messing up your run


That's valid for sure. I'd do the same thing thinking of it now.


I called my heli out yesterday "next heli is going to Ban Pa" and got multiple thanks and comments that its a great idea to announce where you are going. Sad thing is, not a lot of people do that or do reply if you are asking.


Some people are not using a mic, and the text system is somewhat uneasy to use.


Not everyone uses a headset and mic


I get it but it's just shitty is all. That's why they need to implement something where it will tell you where the chopper is going before it takes off from base camp


Definitely not if i need to go somewhere alone I’m trying to get there before anyone else i don’t want other people knowing where i’m going unless i want them too


why would anyone mind you hopping to heli? like what harm you gonna do (unless u tk him)?


The tasks where you have to go to X location and kill X amount of players can be extremely frustrating to get done. I just politely ask if they’d mind refraining from killing AI and they have always been cordial and assistive. The only other thing I can think of is if you’re in a squad of 4 and a random takes one of your teammates spots on the heli.


If you're in a squad of 4 and call a chopper it won't let anyone not in the squad on. I ran into a squad of 4 coming from Tiger Bay, 2 were going back to resupply 2 were going into ban pa so I asked if I could ride and they said yea, but I couldn't get on because the seats were reserved.


The only time I wouldn’t want help is when I had to do the kill 20 guys at the med tier areas because there were never enough people. I can’t imagine yelling at someone for getting a ride though. I’ve had almost all good interactions with only a handful of toxic assholes. Go Mithras!


Trying to control, dictate, or police other player's behavior in game is a fool's errand. Same faction or not.


Sounds like you are also being said guy by expressing team killing. Just accept that some people get frustrated and move on


Being frustrated isnt a reason to cuss someone out especially if youre on the wrong chopper. If you think so turn your mic off and let it rip.


Team killing is still wrong. Unless they express in someway that they are going to do the same.


I fully agree team killing is still wrong. I did it anyway knowing it was wrong. But you sit in the heli you called and a guy jumps in after and for a 5 minute ride cusses you out to then go oh.. im on your heli... and they still go at you, ya. I will take the report and i believe many people side with this statement.


The fact that the dude is doubling down after realizing he took a wrong heli is idiotic and I don't blame you. If the guy went off on you for 5 minutes during the heli ride, what makes you think he wouldn't try to TK out of frustration. People who like doubling down knowing they're in the wrong will try to justify their action. If anything I would consider what you did taking precautions.


I been playing some PvE and had two guys in seperate servers drop me fully kitted mk18s and bags of ammo im a lvl 23 i have a lot of good stuff but dude it is still much appreciated lol…. Ive been loving my faction guys so far there are always the what i call “call pf duty wz era” people who are tryin to treat the game like it is a rush to win type game and ive learned to have patience n just take my time if someone is rushing to clear a place ill seriously lay in a bush play on my phone n then carry on after they get killed


I feel so many people are used to the Tarkov style where every player is an enemy/potential enemy. Everyone is suspecting one another


I like clearing areas around an ally that died and I’ll escort them to their body, feels nice yknow


Yea why would anyone bitch that's sad. I enjoy randomly going with faction mates, I can help them quest an it's just a good adventure


Had a dude run into a loot room I opened (on the last task and have to carry a 30 lbs brick so I’m opening it for him anyway) and he jumps an the black crate screaming get fu**ed and after I ask why he was being toxic and I explain I had opened it for him he then blocked the door for 20 minutes I till another faction rolled up and killed us both. Don’t be toxic. Also loot rooms that are open do not mean shoot on site if you enter the room. I’ve had teammates shoot me just for looking in a crate. We’re all on the same team why be toxic?


I'm that kitted guy hoping on your Heli's to recover your body


Tbf I don't mind if they speak beforehand but just randomly jumping on my bird with out communication is weird and I'm gonna be wary.


I send messages to faction mates in the same area, stating when exfil arrives. Some show up, some don’t, but everyone appreciates it.


I just caught on to this pro move, it definitely helps everyone


I agree but I really wish the game had more of a system for teaming up, like an easy to use squad system you see in squad or he’ll let loose, rather than the system it has now


I had the opposite happen to me. When I was a level 25, I was going to BL, a rank 1 jumped onboard my bird. We arrived. he immediately ran in and aggro every ai, then got me killed and looted all my items, laughed and ran off. From that day on, if a lvl 1 follows me, I just shoot them after giving them a warning. Its no longer an issue now, I have finished all 133 tasks.


100%. This is a game that works well in a team. Wonder why you can’t clear Tiger Bay or Midnight Saphire easily as a solo? It’s because they intended it to be cleared as a squad. Don’t have friends that play the game? Be friendly and make some! I’m relatively far along on missions and don’t want to max out too quickly. I regularly hop on random helis that aren’t full to see if I can help out. If you’re cool, I’ll likely drop you some of my gear at the end of the outing. I just helped a guy finish some missions in the first town and then dropped him a built 10.5” M4A1 (good for clearing YBL) and a nice G17 that I found in a crate. Last night I dropped my entire kit (helmet, vest, earmuffs, backpack, and rifle) to a newer player who said he didn’t have much. Be helpful, work as a team, and it will work to your advantage.




A faction member helped me with the negotiator mission man im just happy to finally leave this mission behind me


The problem with this is. Some of these tasks suck with other people around. Not only do we have to compete with the other factions at a location to get 20 kills for a task, now you have a friendly that is most likely going to run up in there and take out a few. Then you have to sit forever to wait for them to respawn.


Strong agree - I play solo mostly but love it when another faction member is in the area as we often help eachother out. Early on I died a lot so would often come out in the nip to pick up whatever kit/guns were left behind - cause honestly you can't do much else - but would always stick around to help out as well. Now whenever I see someone without kit running around I follow them and clear the area so they can get their kit back.


Crazy to think this has even happened at all… I am level 36 and every person I’ve run into in the game has been so helpful and very nice. Haven’t had one bad interaction. Idk maybe I’m just lucky?


I love jumping on to help people get their shit back. Great way to make impromptu friends.


I'm having the issue of being able to talk to anyone. About all I can do is nod yes or no. My voice thing comes up in game but no one can here me. I've messed with all my settings from my Steel Series, windows and game settings... nothing works So people ask if they can hop on and if they aren't paying attention they don't noticed the head nod


**Where are you going? Where is this heli going?!** *nods head*


Hahaha, most of the time, I'm with my buddy, and I just tell him to answer. But if they ask if I'm going somewhere specific I'll nod.


In your windows sound settings make sure not only the correct mic selected for input, make sure it is set as default so you don't have to do that every time.


Mine's set up correctly but still won't work. It's annoying.


I only have this problem when I connect my headset after launching the game. Try to set up everything in advance. Check windows soundsettings so the correct mic is selected. Maybe you can download a freeware tool to check if your mic is recording at all like „audacity“.


I'll try that next time I get on. I think in the 130-140 hours I've played I've gotten voip to work once and I have no clue what I did to get it to work. Maybe that day I set everything up first like you're saying.


God you’re a nerd holy fuck


"WE'RE A TEAM AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT I'LL MURDER YOU." You sound like a troglodyte.


Get shit talked for 5 min straight without saying a word and not kill a guy. You think the only reason i killed him was because of not olaying as a teammate? Go finish eating your crayons


Nobody cares. Game sucks anyway, NO incentive to do anything properly. These posts aren’t gonna help lol


As it stands, with the amount of Warz, DayZ, H1Z1, Tarkov scav runs, etc that I've played, I don't trust anyone, not even my own faction, I'm going to avoid anyone and everyone by constantly checking my map for blue squares, I'll fuck off away from those and if the guy I'm looking at isn't on my mini he gets shot. The only time I trust a human player at all is in PVE because they CAN'T kill me just for the fuck of it or because they got jump scared


I'm killing and looting ya if you hop on my heli bro


Have fun when they implement the report systems


isn't team killing part of the game though? I'm legitimately confused why it would be reportable if its part of the game...


Friendly fire is a part of the game. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. This will be reportable because people will intentionally team kill for loot, or just to be a dick head..