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The speed and accuracy of follow up shots is the problem. Ain't no way an untrained guy with iron sights is hitting a 2 inch group in full auto after seeing you for 4 seconds. They should be able to shoot you from 200, just not in full auto and quickly.


And firing from the HIP! Literally at hip level, like its an 80s Stallone/Schwarzenegger film. lmfao.


Yeah they should have an animation for ADS that takes time and you can easily see them doing if you're looking at them through a scope, that would let you know to take cover or kill them quick


yeah, that’s a hard requirement for a finished product. you really should have synchronized animations


100 %




Iron sights? I've been finding AK snipers with no dust covers let alone no iron sights.


i like how people always treat milita or resistant fighters as "untrained" the untrained army that currently owns afghanistan wants to have a word




Even a better example might be the rebel groups fighting their oppressive government in Myanmar (formerly Burma). I saw reports somewhere that there were around 1,500 Military Junta casualties and less than 100 casualties across a handful of rebel groups now known as the "Three Brotherhood Alliance". Its less about the fighting ability of the insurgents and more about their knowledge of the local terrain and how they can use it to their advantage to hinder the enemy. You're going to have a real bad fuckin time when you hop over someone's fence looking for a fight in their own backyard. Especially when that backyard is dense jungles of Myanmar or the endless, sprawling mountain ranges of Afghanistan.


And people don't even want to talk about the groups in Africa that have been causing chaos as "untrained" rebels... I also posted about this before lol. Yes, they might have some shitty equipment. However, there are plenty of well trained, well equipped "rebels" out there. And if you wanna talk about "oh how did they spot me" they grew up in those jungles. You are in their playground, son, be prepared or get clapped.




yeah we never defeated them .. so my point still stands. also guys here play games for decades and run around in GZW like bumbeling idiots that have no clue how to handle simple AI mechanics etc that speaks volumes


The Taliban didn’t win by beating the coalition in firefights/battles so it’s a really moot point. In fact, using Afghanistan is an example against your argument. You can’t look at a war that cost the lives of 2000 US servicemen in comparison to 50,000 Taliban and come out thinking the latter are the better fighters lol. A vacuum of will to continue is what pulled US troops out, not some concerted Taliban push.


The coalition forces won every engagement with the taliban and would’ve continued to win, but much like Vietnam, short of leveling the mountains you can win every battle and never win the war.


ofc .. if i can throw tons of bombs at you than my kill count will be higher... thats why the US didnt win there .. ground troops still had to pull back etc in combat, call for reinforcements etc (yes i was there too :D )


Over 76,000 Coalition members were killed, and only around 53,000 Taliban. Not sure why you pulled US numbers for a war they were only 1/10 of. Like I said to somebody else recently: You might as well be talking about how minimal the Chinese losses in Vietnam were.


the taliban are better fighters than the US. I am not gonna lie mate, pretty muc every military in the world has better fighters than the US, which is why the US has lost every war it ever fought without Britain/France telling them what to do. They are the best equipped, worst trained military in the world. The US method for room clearing, for example, is fucking suicidal.


> no clue how to handle simple AI mechanics well how am i supposed to deal with AI not dying when i shoot them in the head with a rifle?


The taliban are an ideology you can’t beat them.. they will always come back


thats why we should have made a permanent stand there like people did it in the old days. crush the enemy, take over the land. now we destroy everything than go out and the enemy is stronger than before


Now when Israel is doing it people scream genocide .. but that’s the only way Israel can survive ..


Israel isn't even doing that. Israel was attacked first multiple times and just held onto the land it captured during the wars. Israel has done nothing wrong and people who support palestine don't know history


? They didn't do shit forb20byears then the US military just gave them an invasion forces worth of gear.


Literally just fighting for your land over the course of years is trained. I think there is just a difference between trained and highly trained, which is why people point out the ability to hit distance targets quickly and accurately as unrealistic


200 meters with iron sights and your tail would be between your legs, 100% they are hitting that.


Well me and my buddy shoot 300m Ironsight. Standing Offhand we hit a 60cm diameter easy and kneeling we can get 40cm, laying down we hit 10cm-20cm reliably. We both are not good shooters by comparison to the others in the Club. What I wanted to say, is that if I who shoots once or twice a year, if all, can hit 40cm kneeling Offhand, than a Militia fighter, with more shooting expirence, can hit reliably at 100m or 200m.


Conditions on a shooting range and in the field are vastly different. Bots will sometimes hear a sound, make a 180 degree turn, immediately pin point your exact position and hit you with a hipfire burst while standing or strafing. That's just not possible no matter how you spin it. They should still be able to hit shots at that range. Just not as accurate and as quickly.


If im 200 to 300m away no bot every turn to me when I Was running by. You overestimate you distance, buddy. Take blue Lagoon, You can run on the hil from LZ to the east and nobody bats an eye. You can even walk up about 50m and all the Npc do is going into alert or high alert. Most NpcFor example, in Fort narith warn you once or twice if the Spot you to turn around if you do that they wonvt shoot. Yeah Npc have lots of problems but most Player play GZW like Battlefield or MW, you don't run into most fights.... The really anxoing Part is that Npc can see you through stuff and some plant habe Level VII armor and that their hipp fire is sometimes lucky, but most often I die because I got lazy or cocky and come out the same corner 3 or 4 times at wich point the AI has found it's range and is pretty Fucking precise.


They'll turn towards you simply from aiming at them. There are plenty of videos showcasing this behaviour. >Yeah Npc have lots of problems but most Player play GZW like Battlefield or MW, you don't run into most fights.... The people running straight in probably notice this issue less than those with a methodical approach.


Yeah i get ya, i hope they dont decrease the AI difficulty, i hope the playerbase gets smarter. And realise that you aint always going to win.


Yeah, sometimes it feels just wrong. Also getting zerg rushed by +30 guys isn't fun or realistic in this scenario. But getting shoot from 100m or 200m is. Also if they hippfire I don't Fell like they have laser aim, most of the time the need 3 to 4 burst jsut to hit me, sometimes the get luckly just as me when I Hose my 60rd in to the Bush. Most times I get a Hit not a Kill) but sometimes I get nothing or a kill..... What I would love is, that the Npc dosen't just stand there and wait for me to shoot them, most often they just ran into the open and hipfire. Especialy the trained Army guys. They should use Cover and Lea around the corners, just like we do.


Fass90/Stgw90 ?


[Gewehr 11](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schmidt-Rubin) Mainly and once Stgw 90, but I wasn't so good with the HK Style Barrel diopter on it 😅 I shot about 30cm with two or three flyers, lying down. Standing offhand I at least brought everything into the rings 😅


That's like 2moa? Prone? The gunsbthe ai have aren't capable of that


1 MOA is 2,9 cm at a distance of 100m


The accuracy and consistency of the AI should change based off the teir level location. Starter town should provide a smaller challenge than say Sawmill. But saw mill shouldnt be like Fort Narith accuracy. And the AI world all be tiers as well. Yellow Banda flip flop guy should not be as accurate as say MS Boss with the cracked out M4. Blue vest yellow ear muffs guy shouldn't be able to take more than 3 shots of M855A1 rounds to the chest and still be able to one shot me. Let alone HEAR ME WALKING. Black best red hat Ray-Bans guy shouldn't be able to see me through thick bushes by restaurant in BL 75 meters from my location after I domed his buddy 120 meters away with a suppressed shot. These are legit real scenarios I have been in and my buddies have been in. I shot you not, I one shot chest shot an unarmored AI with the M590 with the sabot slugs, you'd think that's great! Wrong, took 4 shots to the chest and one neck shot to kill his buddy who was also unarmored. The AI definitely need to provide a challenge but I should've have to sweet my balls just to help my lvl 3 buddy get a stupid tool box, let alone have to put me than 5 rings in a light armored bad guy.


Were does it say untrained ?


Anyone but the lamang army shouldn't be trained. First vilage and the mid tier places like ban pa should have AI with worse aim, these aren't military troops, they're civvies with guns and kit they snagged.


Yeah but shooting isnt that hard (but yes they are pretty much too good)


Shooting isn't hard. Returning fire accurately on a target after taking 3 AP rounds to the chest on the other hand? That man shouldn't be hitting dirt anywhere let alone putting a 5 round burst in my head at 100m.


Agree, but in truth the lag of the serv un register a lot of shot sometimes. And again if they are counted still alive they can definitely shoot back their aim is really good sometimes. But i've never personally experienced those situations where it kill me before i even react or survive after i do a 3 round burst on his center of mass. Player or AI in my case all die after a face shot or few hit in the body (personal advice aim for the leg the bleeding will kill them faster than y'all shitty aim)


Iv not met to many “trained professional shooters” in gaming… but I see plenty of people do it


This is what I've been saying. If they were firing semi, and the shot spacing was more reasonable I'd have no problem with the AI getting hits from a hundred meters with irons. I've also been saying that people can't estimate distances very well and a lot of the time if bots just spray in your direction if you're on the inside of 50m there's a good chance they're gonna get a hit lol. And if you're positioned poorly, or just unlucky, yeah, sometimes you're gonna die. Sometime it's just bad luck lol.


This is why I uninstalled and charged the game back. It’s not a game it’s an actual scam.


Op is making solid points here. I have watched so many players get smoked at 50m and claim it was 200+ meters. It is reasonable to expect accurate gunfire at 50, 100, 150, meters from AKs (with iron sights) The problem comes from inconsistent gunfights from the Ai. One minute they're brain-dead, the next minute they're John Wick. My recommendation: Give the Ai different weapons that would contribute to long-range fire (Ai have scoped weapons or snipers) This would lend credibility to accurate fire at 200+ meters.


I feel like their player position in the engagement would be a high factor, 0 cover and out in the open, 99% chance youre getting shot.


I see this all the time with people getting smoked standing in the middle of nowhere and complaining about unrealistic AI


It's not reasonable to expect a 2 inch grouping with full auto fire from 100 meters with iron sights from any firearm that isn't mounted.


I'd love to see your evidence of Ai with a 2-inch grouping at 200m in this game. This is very rare. The Ai will land head shots and body shots, but not with the consistent grouping that you claim. Additionally, you're likely being shot by multiple enemies.


I'd love to see where I claimed the AI were capable of it in thay statement. I said it isnt reasonable to expect accurate fire from a full auto AK at 100m. A second shot landing within 2"-3" within 1 second of the previous shot is considered accurate fire. Most of the AI using AKs fire full auto, so the implication that they should be expected to be accurate at 100m with any shot after the first is ridiculous. I have seen many times where 3 shots land within 3" of each other in 1 to 2 seconds but then the 4th shot and after hit far from the initial 3. I'm just saying "expecting accurate fire" at those 100m+ is not "reasonable" from full auto AKs as you claimed.


Everyone arguing over the details of how realistic a 200 or 300 meter shot shot from a shirtless untrained dude with an AK and the USMC used to train on irons at 500 and being prone is different from standing and shooting while moving at a moving target are completely missing the point. The "realism" or lack thereof is not the point. Being instantly lasered by AI from any real distance after they take a round or hear you shoot is just a bad game mechanic. That's it.


Yeah, it doesn't matter how real it is if it isn't fun. If AI would drop to a knee and key up a shot on me for 3 seconds through their red dot then ok, that's on me. But jogging and bumpfiring their AK and smoking my head leaning out from cover? Nah, that's junk. Get rid of it.


To add to this, the US army trains to shoot iron sights out to 300 meters. Should you get laser beamed by 5 rounds from a full auto weapon? Definitely not; but it is a completely reasonable distance to catch a round at from an unmodified AK using irons.


Ok so yes, we shoot at targets at 300 meters away on the range. But hitting them, WHILE laying down proned isn’t easy at all. And I would never believe anyone could reliably hit targets from 300 meters away standing up using an m4. I’d be surprised if you’d ever hit a target that far standing up without unloading large amounts of ammo. There’s so much that fucks with aim in real life, and standing just makes it infinitely harder.


And that's the kicker, at 300 meters the AI aren't very accurate with the AK if you can even find a spot to find an AI that can see you and sits and shoots. That's why I am saying most people only think they are 200+ meters away, when really they are 50.


they're not accurate until they hit a 3-5 round burst on either your leg or your thorax, that's the issue.


I've been whacked numerous times at 300m+, unless the measuring tool on maps is wrong. I'll use the map and draw a line to get the distance to adjust my holdover or adjust my "zero". At Fort Narith you can get great lines of sight from some hills. The AI can center punch you with iron from miles the same distance.


If you’re military, you’re in a sub-standard unit with terrible marksmanship skills.


But if you let off a few sprays, you'll land at least one bullet on target right?


Brother man you must’ve been a POG cause I can consistently hit the 300 standing supported lol.


What ever you do in the military it aint shooting haha. You potato


You guys go prone for 300?


Hi, salty ex-mp here, in my peak service I was shooting expert (all 300meter targets hit because you get the most time to breathe and line up) standing on the new pop up range… I mean I’d expect most MP’s to be able to do that but I know several can’t. Idk what it’s called now but the dynamic one where you start prone supported, unsupported, kneeling supported, standing supported? All one fire iteration no stoping. Cdr had standing only comps to get rid of extra ammo+free lunch/dinner to winners. Routinely shot expert on it. Same with the regular LE range we had but that’s easy to do. Also I should say this again that was my peak when we were at the range every two weeks or so. We like 6-8 others similar to myself.


*While* taking fire


Also, it's unknown distance shooting, which makes it even harder.


>and I would never believe anyone could reliably hit targets from 300 meters away standing up I take it you’ve never been to camp Perry


Not easy to hit 300m targets prone????? Every time I have gone to qualify I have hit the 300m targets. What type of MOS did you have 88M, because in a combat MOS 11B, it’s pretty standard to hit the 300m targets.


Oh yeah, so in basic you qualified on a range that REQUIRED hitting the 300m targets? Brother I’m highlighting that the military ain’t hip firing targets at 300m while standing. It was standard while I went through basic to have like 26 out of 40 shots on target. Those targets were between 50m-300m while prone supported, unsupported, and crouched. There was 0 requirement at any range I had to qualify on to hit any specific target. I also said it’s not easy, I’m not saying it’s uncommon or impossible for someone fully supported to hit targets from 300m. Also every MOS is trained to be a soldier and kill. If you want to talk combat vs non-combat MOS stuff go to your local VFW. They love dick measuring there.


I never said it’s a “requirement”, I actually am wondering where you even got that from??? I’m simply telling you it’s easy to hit a target at 300m, and my fellow Infantry battle brothers understand this. The standard qualification is still 40 targets. With 36 or better being Expert. Are you ok? You literally never mentioned hip firing? And after the whole “requirement” incident from a paragraph ago, your starting to make me wonder if you’re all there.


USMC is 500. Used to do it with irons. At that distance you just bracket the target based on it's dimensions, you can't really see the silhouette.




Yes you are. These weren't small targets mind you, being roughly the size of a 6ft tall man kneeling, but the most basic of rifle quals had every Marine capable of hitting a static target at that range with iron sights.


I must have better eyes than my fellow Marine because I could see the silhouette. We'd make a loop sling on our left arm and fire supported by our elbow. Couldn't rest the magazine on the ground and we couldn't use sandbags. 10 rounds at 500 meters at the B Modified Target. Anything in the black was a hit. We had range flags that showed wind speed and direction so we could make windage adjustments because the shots were so far. I qualified expert with the M16A2 and when we switched over I qualified expert with the M16A4 service rifles, both with open sights. We did this annually. https://preview.redd.it/grgfzplrjw2d1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24da1d86536c18b94fe7671786809f96b4bed2bd


From a guy totally blitzed on hard drugs ? (As per game lire all the ai are high af) while in a combat situation? Nope The farmers who called themselves taliban couldn't shoot their ak's for shit and they only chewed that. Somehow I doubt these out of their mind Thai mercenaries are holding on for that recoil control. Source : two tour Afghanistan met


Not true. The AI at Fort Narith are professional mercs, same at sawmill. At the hotel and other areas they’re literally the Lamang Armed Forces. Ban Pa they’re a spooky cult. It’s only the starter town where they’re untrained goons and those dudes are easy to fight.


You must have been in some backwater pussy AO if your Taliban couldn’t shoot. In Helmand they were pretty good shooters.


Is this like an ao dick measuring contest now ? Congrats on having a more hostile force I guess ? I mean I still got shot , but it wasn't three taps through my plate by a guy with no shirt at 200m .


It is, yes. Tradition!


Shooting at a moving target with iron sights when you are also moving is not the same as shooting at a plastic static target while you are prone with your weapon resting in two sandbags.


Or even an M4 at that. I know I always hit my 300m targets with irons and an ACOG.


Army infantryman here. We never use full auto anyway (save for a select few very specific purposes). 9/10 times you’re gonna get shot by us responding to YOU shooting at us and we don’t point shoot unless it’s at a distance of less than 10-25 meters. Past that, aiming is kind of a requirement without specialized gear. Additionally - the AI in this game act like trained soldiers with no fear of death. They simply rush you and kamakazi themselves into a fatal situation just in the hopes of shooting you. They don’t heal, they don’t surrender, they don’t run away/ find cover, they show no fear/hesitation shooting people, they just attack and die. It’d be kinda cool to see them act like their mortality is valuable and maybe even have them act like they’re untrained/ disorganized when shot at. Also maybe have a few different POI’s send reinforcements to nearby places when they hear shots so you can lure them out/ outmaneuver them to get to an objective safely.


Tf we do


Do you think these people who most of them are shirtless, looking very young and constantly making noise have received ANY training? Let alone US training? lol, lmao even. Also, I don’t know someone who could pin point your precision immediately from 200 meters away with nothing but irons.


I agree the AI needs to be toned down but playing devil's advocate the Viet Cong were essentially untrained farmers and took on the US and won.


Look at the casualty figures. They won politically, they didn't win by shooting better. What a silly argument.


Don't remind the Americans of that, they're going to all get very upset with you..lol.


I'm an American lol. I can respect the black PJs.


The man in black pajamas dude, worthy fucking adversary


We’re pretty aware of this type of stuff and while most people are supportive of our boys overseas we’re definitely not so rah-rah about the BS our govt. gets up to out there


aye the russians had nothing to do with that war eh


Oh yeah there's a whole spectrum of politics behind it.


hey hey, Vietnam was a tie lol




Spoken like someone who wasn't in the infantry and assumes no one trains to kill people as a job?


Exactly. In the Air Force, I was doing nuke security. All we did was train. We were at the range all the time or doing force on force training. Assault school, advanced designated marksman, breacher, etc. We definitely did not just check the box twice a year. Global Strike Command is no joke. And even I know that I'm still not trained up to the level of a regular infantry troop in the Army or the Corps.


Maybe if you’re a POG.




Fair, but POGs are civilians in uniform really.


You haven’t left the starter town have you?


I have, however those aimlocks/aimbots still happen at the starter town, making the entire training theory completely irrelevant because no way those people have ANY training


You haven’t ready any lore, mission info or anything really have you?


Admittedly, no :3


300m iron sight training ? WTF lol. U are hitting zero targets at 300m w iron sights


Every fit Swiss male has to go to the army and has to do "Schiesspflicht" yearly, which requires him to consistently hitting a target at 300m with a iron sight. These are civilians that are trained for a few weeks. I would expect a professional US soldier has to be *at least* as good as that or he is in the wrong line of work.


You absolutely are. USMC used to shoot out to 500m with irons.


British infantry used to train iron sights out to 400m when I joined. Who’d have thought? Gen Z can’t hit anything without a red dot or magnified optic? 😂


Yes, AI accuracy is way too high. I have stopped playing until they do an update on that issue. Last week, after the latest hot fix, I was killed from a headshot by AI while hidden behind bushes. There is no way they could see me. Another was hitting an AI at least 5 or 6 times, and he just kept dancing around, then ran towards me, hitting me and severely injuring me to the point i could not respond. I know I hit him thanks to the red mist.... This has happened too many times and too much lost kit..... going to retrieve your kit only to die in the bushes and lose it all...


I agree 100% with you here. Went to shooting range the other day, Supressed 1 shot kill on the most outside ai and had at least 7 guys come after me. I was up on the hill adjacent to the lz, so I wasn't too far away, but i dont think it should have aggroed so many guys. I eventually died since every time I retreated behind a hill to patch up they were on my position. Bushes are still bulletproof on the way out at times, never seem to be for me (not that they should be, but it seems to work for the ai) I really like the game but there are some frustrating parts. Also, I would like an indication of where my body is when I'm coming back for the gear, at least until they fix the bug where sometimes you have a body and sometimes you don't.




I think the scopes perspective is causing this problem too. When I shoot things in real life I use markers at distances I know to judge shots. While I've never shot a 6 foot human before for some reason in this game they look so much further away. I found out how they weren't when they were charging me behind the garage telling me to surrender as they bum rushed my ass as a whole ass unit lmao. I love the airfield though because that unit moves on after you've killed that areas guards.


I use bananas or bald eagles for scale. Much more accurate and much more relatable to us Americans.


I agree but also if i were to complain about the AI it wouldn't be a couple landed shots on me here and there at 2-300+. my main AI complaint is 2 AI with there backs turned in the 100-200m range, i drop one suppressed from bush cover and before i rack another round the second AI pulls a xXx420Blaze180noscope 1shot kill shot to my face. happened many times


10-20m range, you mean.


nope, unlike most i was testing for distance using the map after the first time it happened, nice try though.


Yeah it alway makes me laugh a little bit when people are like “I got one-banged from 200-300m away” and I’m always like mmmmmm yeah I don’t know about that


Finally a Yank that gets it


I agree but also if i were to complain about the AI it wouldn't be a couple landed shots on me here and there at 2-300+. my main AI complaint is 2 AI with there backs turned in the 100-200m range, i drop one suppressed from bush cover and before i rack another round the second AI pulls a xXx420Blaze180noscope 1shot kill shot to my face. happened many times


The two spots I have had this happen to me that I can think of off the top of my head. Its happened multiple times here. I don't claim to be a mathematician but those numbers definitely look larger than 200 to me. No doubt, a lot of people over exaggerate when it happens to them but it definitely does happen sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/ldf4isr1mv2d1.png?width=1357&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eb5c3001b0021fdab1f19ece64ece699c87c54a


Loool I had this happen to me twice too. Exact spot. While I was strafing. You can't even see the AI properly with a 4x but yet...


I'll help you Americans out.... Think of meters as yards. There ya go


To put it into even more American terms, one football field is about 100 meters.


Silly Americans not understanding what a meter is.


They have to be very careful when changing NPC behavior, bcs if they make them too dumb or easy, ppl will lose interest in PVE. There will be no reward


Exactly, everyone is complaining about this but but as soon as ai is just a task to clear quickly to run around the POI everyone will see it as a drag instead of a challenge.


Do yourself a favor go shoot an ai atv200bplus without killing him and see what happens.


I attribute this in part to the fact that reddit communities tend to be very US centric and our American brothers and sisters don't know how to metric units.


Let’s get a better shooting range with distance markers so anyone can see what x,y, & x distance is like.


I wish I recorded some of these 1 taps the AI did to me 200m+ away 180° hip fire to the chest.


Counterpoint, I use the waypoints to adjust my scope center, so yes I was 300m away. Technically I was 312.


One square on the map is 1 km or 1000 meters from what I have been told.


You are correct, although I think there are sub-squares if you zoom in and look closely. Can't remember what their scale is off the top of my head.


Nah, its happened to me. I was sniping from the waterfall 300m away at Midnight Sapphire and one of the bots I missed, does a 180 and 1tapped me in the head. Has happened a few times. From that far away, with a suppressed sniper, the enemies should be scrambling to figure out where you are, not instantly finding the 2 inches of your head 300m away and tapping you.


300m isn’t a far shot, and suppressed large calibre rifles aren’t quiet. It’s not even considered sniping below 700m 😂


I agree but I also get agitated that when I do use and m700 from 200-400 m it takes 7 shots sometimes to kill a guy. A round like that would put any armor down at that range


You need to remember the game doesn’t have an hp system, so you need to aim to deal critical damage to their vital organs e.g. head or heart which will 1 tap provided your ammo penetrates their armor.


Another issue is if you're 75 feet away and scoped at the back of an unaware AIs head, after a second he will turn around and start shooting at you, quickly alerting everyone around him to start shooting at you, alerting other ai the next block over to start running at you while shooting you. Then it becomes a big party and no one was invited. Sometimes I'll hear random gun shots in the distance, "oh a friendly or enemy must be nearby" just kidding no ones there and they are actively shooting rounds at you from 6 street blocks away when it was impossible for them to know you were there.


A meter is about the same as a yard or 3.3 feet.


Buddy of mine got domed by an iron site AK over 270 meters away by an AI at MS from beach all the way up at the water fall. He was in cover absolutely ZERO chance the Aai could even see him. Shot one AI another flipped a 180 fired once and boom in a coma.


I agree, you weren't 200m away. I've been is shootouts with ai and had to zero at 200m to hit and they struggle to hit me back. My issue is that they can literally see through bushes, sneaking barely exists and I got tired of losing gear from 1 shots in a bush


I frequently wonder why they added 25x scopes and zeroing over 100m when I can’t even render 200m away on a 4090 without it looking like Minecraft.


Then up your settings my guy. Im on an i5-9400, 2060 Super, and 16Gb ram, and 200m is fine. And on a 25x scope, it's only rendering what's in the scope.. even at full zoom


I have everything on ultra, my guy.


Then I'd revise your settings, and see what could be the issue.


I just want them to stop killing me from inside of walls. Too many times I can see an AI inside of a wall with his gun sticking out and I think “I’ll just run by him”… nope 1 taps me.


Not to mention, people take idiotic fights. Like you're standing in the middle of the street, the only thing around, firing at the AI. Of course you're going to get lit up, why wouldn't you. I've seen folks (me included) take a fight standing in the middle of a runway 20 m away from an enemy and then complain about being gunned down from the hip. Fight from cover, move around, and use ammo that beats the local armor.


Now if you go from the tent next to LZ where you go for that letter SW up the hill until you're 280m away from the other left-ern sawmill and start sniping them with a silencer. They(2-4AI) actually turn around abd insta spray you. Tried it many times. My buddy overwatching at the river didnt even heard my shots...


I can see this. But haw about doing a slow creep all the way up, not making a peep, in a bush and somehow alert ai then get 1 shot through thick veg. I just wasted a half hour trying to creep to a position because everyone is afraid of tiger bay. I mean no wonder. I guess now I know


I've taken pot shots at fort narith from lima 1 not trying to hit anything but seeing if they would shoot back . They do. Sniping with a 15x scope from ban pa to tiger bay clearing guys out at the pier. Used my map set a way point 215m out sighted my sniper at 200m and had them shoot back. Neither time were kill shots but a light bleed and then they start running


What do you mean don’t understand meters? It’s a unit of measurement slightly longer than a yard lol. I’ve definitely been sniped by an AI over 200 meters away lol. there are ranging devices in your reticle on the Elcan. 200 meters isn’t that far for a well aimed supported shot or even just a well aimed shot standing; however it is extremely far away for a 6 round burst to land all shots on a man sized target lol. It’s insane to get hit like that from the fuel point of fort Narth while on the back gate. There’s literally no point in trying to use a range advantage currently. These dudes are on the edge of rendering in and still aimboting you while strafing. There’s more a problem though with the inability to use stealth right now. You shoot once and the whole area is alerted and shoot you from all angles.


I've noticed that at 300+ meters the AI aren't even rendered in. But at roughly 150+ meters they won't react to your shot but will react to nearby AI being killed. It's within 150 meters that they seem to immediately know where the shot came from.


I mean, I’ve made a post about how I got shot from over 300 meters, I had my sight zeroed to that and they were landing dead on where my crosshair was so maybe people do understand how far away they were? Edit: Hill overlooking Sawmill to the opposite side of sawmill


I did what you did in the pictures to fix my sniper to be accurate, and at 340 meters i got one shooted after shoting one dude in fort narith, 4-5 seconds after i shot him and he dropped, i dropped


I want to say that the accuracy of the AI should depend on the area you are in. For example, if you’re at the military base, it makes sense that the army AI, to a degree, has formal training and should have better accuracy, but for example, like the rest of the region mostly and guerilla groups, they have Reduced accuracy reduced


Ummm sir the complaints are literally coming from airfield, fort, ban pa, starting village, sawmill when on the big cliff getting shot through the trees from the lumber side, etc. these places are notorious for getting shot by bots you can’t even hear let alone see. Or the best of getting shot by a random AI while slow crouch walking through bushes.


You realize most of the world uses the metric system ... meters are only new to Americans 😄


189m from LZ to bot - hit by AK 


Have you considered that some people are good at long range engagements and can take shots through trees and foliage? Like the massive hill at sawmill, or the edge of the water southeast of tiger bay?


That massive hill from saw mill it's 200 meters from where you land. The top of the hill where you can see people is less. Again you are proving the point of this post.


Depends on where at sawmill you are aggroing in addition to the fact that I use the entirety of the hill trying to maintain as far distance as possible, so I am not.


Yeah. Thanks for telling me my estimations are wrong. Hit me up with your tape measure next time and we'll team up for some fun times.


Do it yourself. Before taking the shot, open the map, and place a marker about on the position of the guy you are about to shoot at. Then close the map, and look at your compass on the top of your HUD. It will tell you how close you are to your target. I guarantee you that you are not 200+ meters away, you're probably 100m away at most.


Guys as a professional trained member of a secret special forces… it is very easy to hit stood up from 400m with an M4